diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b5355967a8286201efdc260674f332a77f8c21a9..198ac1c658a823906190a9502b4b75071b076440 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
-# majorityJudgment
+# Majority Judgment Haskell Implementation
diff --git a/app/Main.hs b/app/Main.hs
index de1c1ab35c4ad21e14ec824121b9710418b75c39..9d74405d6f4e4abefdc4d72d7119257607295cf0 100644
--- a/app/Main.hs
+++ b/app/Main.hs
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ module Main where
 import Lib
 main :: IO ()
-main = someFunc
+main = undefined
diff --git a/package.yaml b/package.yaml
index 2f66314b1a54f6ca4b1cd76a5ec456256eaf318b..8e6774cd2d5c972968db1b630e6ef9737bb9b608 100644
--- a/package.yaml
+++ b/package.yaml
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ dependencies:
 - containers
 - text
 - safe
+- extra
   source-dirs: src
diff --git a/src/Lib.hs b/src/Lib.hs
index 9f655bca51b5922a3815a5c06ad2be11794d30b0..18fb14cb57baf29796842b0623485d1bc9b4d10f 100644
--- a/src/Lib.hs
+++ b/src/Lib.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+Module      : Majority Vote
+Description : Majority vote
+Copyright   : (c) CNRS, 2018-Present
+License     : AGPL + CECILL v3
+Maintainer  : alexandre+dev@delanoe.org
+Stability   : experimental
+Portability : POSIX
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 module Lib where
 import Safe (headMay)
@@ -8,32 +21,61 @@ import Data.Map (Map)
 import qualified Data.Map as DM
 import Prelude
-someFunc :: IO ()
-someFunc = putStrLn "someFunc"
 -- | Majority Judgment suppose a list of choices and a Ballot for each choice.
 -- List should be a Set
 type MajorityJudgment = [Ballot]
 -- | Definition of a ballot
 data Ballot = Ballot { label :: Text
                      , votes :: [Vote]
-} deriving (Show)
-data Vote = Poor | Fair | Good | Excellent
-  deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Bounded)
-example :: MajorityJudgment
-example = undefined
+instance Show Ballot where
+  show (Ballot l vs) = show (l, score vs)
--- | Number of vote per Ballot must be equal ?
+data Vote = Poor | Fair | Good | Excellent
+  deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
+-- | Example application
+-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majority_judgment
+ballots :: MajorityJudgment
+ballots = [ Ballot "Memphis"     (ratedAs [(42, Excellent),(26, Poor)     , (15, Poor)     , (17, Poor)])
+          , Ballot "Nashville"   (ratedAs [(42, Fair     ),(26, Excellent), (15, Fair)     , (17, Fair)])
+          , Ballot "Chattanooga" (ratedAs [(42, Poor     ),(26, Fair)     , (15, Excellent), (17, Good)])
+          , Ballot "Knoxville"   (ratedAs [(42, Poor     ),(26, Fair)     , (15, Good)     , (17, Excellent)])
+          ]
+-- | Ballots2 test
+-- If voters were more strategic, those from Knoxville and Chattanooga
+-- might rate Nashville as "Poor" and Chattanooga as "Excellent", in
+-- an attempt to make their preferred candidate Chattanooga win. Also,
+-- Nashville voters might rate Knoxville as "poor" to distinguish it from
+-- Chattanooga. In spite of these attempts at strategy, the winner would
+-- still be Nashville
+ballots2 :: MajorityJudgment
+ballots2 = [ Ballot "Memphis"     (ratedAs [(42, Excellent),(26, Poor)     , (15, Poor)     , (17, Poor)])
+           , Ballot "Nashville"   (ratedAs [(42, Fair     ),(26, Excellent), (15, Poor)     , (17, Poor)])
+           , Ballot "Chattanooga" (ratedAs [(42, Poor     ),(26, Poor)     , (15, Excellent), (17, Good)])
+           , Ballot "Knoxville"   (ratedAs [(42, Poor     ),(26, Poor)     , (15, Excellent), (17, Excellent)])
+           ]
+ratedAs = concat . map (\(n,v) -> (take n . repeat) v)
+-- | Asserts is the Election with Majority Judgment is Fair
+-- e.g. methodology of vote is respected to collect the ballots
+-- Number of vote per Ballot must be equal
+-- add an axiom: must not be Poor at least by one voter ?
+-- TODO
 isFair :: MajorityJudgment -> Bool
 isFair = undefined -- all . map (length . votes)
--- | TODO: sortBy and intersect according to Result
+-- | Select the Winner
+-- TODO: sortBy and intersect according to Result
+-- sort then take While equality
 winnerIs :: MajorityJudgment -> Maybe Ballot
 winnerIs = headMay . reverse . sort
@@ -43,12 +85,39 @@ instance Eq Ballot where
 instance Ord Ballot where
   (compare) (Ballot _ v1) (Ballot _ v2) = case (==) (score v1) (score v2) of
       False -> compare (score v1) (score v2)
-      True  -> compare (score $ (\\) v1 (intersect v1 v2))
-                       (score $ (\\) v2 (intersect v1 v2))
+      True  -> compare (score v1') (score v2')
+            where
+              (v1', v2') = diff (v1, v2)
 score :: [Vote] -> Maybe Rational
 score = median . map voteToRational
+diff :: Ord a => ([a],[a]) -> ([a],[a])
+diff (m1,m2) = (fromMap m1', fromMap m2')
+  where
+    (m1', m2') = diffMap (toMap m1, toMap m2)
+diffMap :: Ord a => (Map a Int, Map a Int) -> (Map a Int, Map a Int)
+diffMap (m1,m2) = (m1',m2')
+  where
+    m1' = DM.unionWith outer m1 m13
+    m2' = DM.unionWith outer m2 m23
+    m13 = DM.intersectionWith (-) m1 m2
+    m23 = DM.intersectionWith (-) m2 m1
+    outer a b = if b > 0 then b else 0
+toMap :: Ord a => [a] -> Map a Int
+toMap = foldl' (\m a -> DM.insertWith (+) a 1 m) DM.empty
+fromMap :: Map a Int -> [a]
+fromMap = concat . map (\(k,n) -> (take n . repeat) k) . DM.toList
 -- Make instance ScoreVote
 voteToRational :: (Ord k, Bounded k, Enum k) => k -> Rational
 voteToRational v = fromJust $ DM.lookup v $ DM.fromList $ zip vs  [minimum + 1 .. minimum + (toRational . length) vs]