Commit 01f84708 authored by david Chavalarias's avatar david Chavalarias

parameter change in the sensibility for WeightedLogSim and WeightedLogJaccard...

parameter change in the sensibility for WeightedLogSim and WeightedLogJaccard similarity measures to have continuous function in 0
parent 1a051cf1
...@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ jaccard inter' union' = ((fromIntegral . length) $ inter') / ((fromIntegral . le ...@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ jaccard inter' union' = ((fromIntegral . length) $ inter') / ((fromIntegral . le
-- | Process the inverse sumLog -- | Process the inverse sumLog
sumInvLog' :: Double -> Double -> [Double] -> Double sumInvLog' :: Double -> Double -> [Double] -> Double
sumInvLog' s nb diago = foldl (\mem occ -> mem + (1 / (log (occ + s) / log (nb + s)))) 0 diago sumInvLog' s nb diago = foldl (\mem occ -> mem + (1 / (log (occ + 1/s) / log (nb + 1/s)))) 0 diago
-- | Process the sumLog -- | Process the sumLog
sumLog' :: Double -> Double -> [Double] -> Double sumLog' :: Double -> Double -> [Double] -> Double
sumLog' s nb diago = foldl (\mem occ -> mem + (log (occ + s) / log (nb + s))) 0 diago sumLog' s nb diago = foldl (\mem occ -> mem + (log (occ + 1/s) / log (nb + 1/s))) 0 diago
weightedLogJaccard' :: Double -> Double -> Map Int Double -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Double weightedLogJaccard' :: Double -> Double -> Map Int Double -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Double
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