Commit 8f285b42 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge branch 'dev-eleve' into dev

parents c9ce9c6f 842cbf68
...@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ References: ...@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ References:
, pages 383–387. [PDF]( , pages 383–387. [PDF](
Notes for current implementation: Notes for current implementation:
- TODO fix normalization
- TODO extract longer ngrams (see paper above, viterbi algo can be used) - TODO extract longer ngrams (see paper above, viterbi algo can be used)
- TODO AD TEST: prop (Node c _e f) = c == Map.size f - TODO AD TEST: prop (Node c _e f) = c == Map.size f
...@@ -32,62 +31,107 @@ Notes for current implementation: ...@@ -32,62 +31,107 @@ Notes for current implementation:
$ _hyperdataDocument_abstract docs $ _hyperdataDocument_abstract docs
-} -}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Gargantext.Text.Eleve where module Gargantext.Text.Eleve where
-- import Debug.Trace (trace) -- import Debug.Trace (trace)
-- import Debug.SimpleReflect -- import Debug.SimpleReflect
import Control.Lens (Lens', Getting, (^.), (^?), (%~), view, makeLenses, _Just) import Control.Lens hiding (levels, children)
import Control.Monad (foldM, mapM_, forM_) import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Ord (Ord) import Data.Ord (Ord)
import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Monoid import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (cs) import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (cs)
import qualified Data.Tree as Tree import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
import Data.Tree (Tree) import Data.Tree (Tree)
import qualified Prelude as P (putStrLn, logBase) import qualified Prelude as P (putStrLn, logBase, isNaN, RealFloat)
nan :: Floating e => e
nan = 0 / 0
noNaNs :: P.RealFloat e => [e] -> [e]
noNaNs = filter (not . P.isNaN)
updateIfDefined :: P.RealFloat e => e -> e -> e
updateIfDefined e0 e | P.isNaN e = e0
| otherwise = e
sim :: Entropy e => e -> e -> Bool
sim x y = x == y || (P.isNaN x && P.isNaN y)
subst :: Entropy e => (e, e) -> e -> e
subst (src, dst) x | sim src x = dst
| otherwise = x
type Entropy e =
( Fractional e
, Floating e
, P.RealFloat e
, Show e
-- ^ TODO: only used for debugging
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Example and tests for development -- | Example and tests for development
data I e = I data I e = I
{ _info_entropy :: e { _info_entropy :: e
, _info_norm_entropy :: e , _info_entropy_var :: e
, _info_norm_entropy' :: e , _info_autonomy :: e
} }
instance Show e => Show (I e) where instance Show e => Show (I e) where
show (I e n n') = show (e, n, n') show (I e ev a) = show (e, ev, a)
makeLenses ''I makeLenses ''I
type ModEntropy i o e = (e -> e) -> i -> o type ModEntropy i o e = (e -> e) -> i -> o
setNormEntropy :: ModEntropy e (I e) e set_autonomy :: Entropy e => ModEntropy (I e) (I e) e
setNormEntropy f e = I e (f e) e -- (panic "setNormEntropy") set_autonomy fe i = i & info_autonomy .~ fe (i ^. info_entropy_var)
set_entropy_var :: Entropy e => Setter e (I e) e e
set_entropy_var f e = (\ev -> I e ev nan) <$> f e
data StartStop = Start | Stop
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
data Token = NonTerminal Text data Token = NonTerminal Text
| Terminal | Terminal StartStop
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
toToken :: Int -> [Text] -> [Token] isTerminal :: Token -> Bool
toToken n xs = (NonTerminal <$> xs) <> L.take n (repeat Terminal) isTerminal (Terminal _) = True
isTerminal (NonTerminal _) = False
unToken :: [Token] -> [Text] nonTerminals :: [Token] -> [Text]
unToken = map f nonTerminals ts = [nt | NonTerminal nt <- ts]
f (NonTerminal x) = x parseToken :: Text -> Token
f Terminal = "" parseToken "<start>" = Terminal Start
parseToken "<stop>" = Terminal Stop
parseToken t = NonTerminal t
toToken :: [Text] -> [Token]
toToken xs = Terminal Start : (NonTerminal <$> xs) <> [Terminal Stop]
printToken :: Token -> Text
printToken = f
f (NonTerminal x) = x
f (Terminal Start) = "<start>"
f (Terminal Stop) = "<stop>"
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Trie k e data Trie k e
...@@ -100,9 +144,6 @@ data Trie k e ...@@ -100,9 +144,6 @@ data Trie k e
makeLenses ''Trie makeLenses ''Trie
insertTries :: Ord k => [[k]] -> Trie k ()
insertTries = L.foldr insertTrie emptyTrie
insertTrie :: Ord k => [k] -> Trie k () -> Trie k () insertTrie :: Ord k => [k] -> Trie k () -> Trie k ()
insertTrie [] n = n { _node_count = _node_count n +1} insertTrie [] n = n { _node_count = _node_count n +1}
insertTrie (x:xs) (Leaf c) = mkTrie (c+1) $ Map.singleton x $ insertTrie xs emptyTrie insertTrie (x:xs) (Leaf c) = mkTrie (c+1) $ Map.singleton x $ insertTrie xs emptyTrie
...@@ -121,7 +162,6 @@ mkTrie c children ...@@ -121,7 +162,6 @@ mkTrie c children
| otherwise = Node c mempty children | otherwise = Node c mempty children
----------------------------- -----------------------------
-- | Trie to Tree since Tree as nice print function -- | Trie to Tree since Tree as nice print function
toTree :: k -> Trie k e -> Tree (k,Int,Maybe e) toTree :: k -> Trie k e -> Tree (k,Int,Maybe e)
toTree k (Leaf c) = Tree.Node (k, c, Nothing) [] toTree k (Leaf c) = Tree.Node (k, c, Nothing) []
...@@ -129,55 +169,94 @@ toTree k (Node c e cs) = Tree.Node (k, c, Just e) (map (uncurry toTree) $ Map.t ...@@ -129,55 +169,94 @@ toTree k (Node c e cs) = Tree.Node (k, c, Just e) (map (uncurry toTree) $ Map.t
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
normalizeLevel :: Entropy e => e -> e -> e -> e
entropyTrie :: (Num e, Floating e) => (k -> Bool) -> Trie k () -> Trie k e
entropyTrie _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
entropyTrie pred (Node c _e children) = Node c e (map (entropyTrie pred) children)
e = sum $ map f $ Map.toList children
f (k, child) = if pred k then chc * P.logBase 2 (fromIntegral c)
else - chc * P.logBase 2 chc
chc = fromIntegral (_node_count child) / fromIntegral c
normalizeEntropy :: (Fractional e, Floating e, Show e)
=> Getting e i e -> ModEntropy i o e -> Trie k i -> Trie k o
normalizeEntropy inE modE = go $ modE identity
go _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
go f (Node c i children)
| Map.null children =
panic "normalizeEntropy: impossible"
| otherwise =
-- trace (show $ L.length es) $
Node c (f i) $ go (modE $ normalizeLevel m v) <$> children
es = [ i' ^. inE | Node _ i' _ <- Map.elems children ]
m = mean es
v = deviation es
normalizeLevel :: (Fractional e, Floating e, Show e)
=> e -> e -> e -> e
normalizeLevel m v e = (e - m) / v normalizeLevel m v e = (e - m) / v
buildTrie :: (Floating e, Show e) => [[Token]] -> Trie Token e {- Unused
buildTrie = entropyTrie (== Terminal) . insertTries
nodeEntropy :: Trie k e -> Maybe e
nodeEntropy (Node _ e _) = Just e
nodeEntropy (Leaf _) = Nothing
nodeChildren :: Trie k e -> Map k (Trie k e) nodeChildren :: Trie k e -> Map k (Trie k e)
nodeChildren (Node _ _ cs) = cs nodeChildren (Node _ _ cs) = cs
nodeChildren (Leaf _) = Map.empty nodeChildren (Leaf _) = Map.empty
nodeChild :: Ord k => k -> Trie k e -> Maybe (Trie k e) -}
nodeChild k (Node _ _ cs) = Map.lookup k cs
nodeChild _ (Leaf _) = Nothing chunkAlongEleve :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunkAlongEleve n xs = L.take n <$> L.tails xs
data Direction = Backward | Forward
findTrie :: Ord k => [k] -> Trie k e -> Maybe (Trie k e) buildTrie :: Direction -> Int -> [[Token]] -> Trie Token ()
findTrie ks t = foldM (flip nodeChild) t ks buildTrie d n sentences
= L.foldr insertTrie emptyTrie
. L.concat
$ ( filter (/= [Terminal (term d)])
. chunkAlongEleve (n + 1)
. order d
<$> sentences
order Forward = identity
order Backward = reverse
term Forward = Stop
term Backward = Start
class IsTrie trie where
entropyTrie :: Entropy e => (k -> Bool) -> trie k () -> trie k e
nodeEntropy :: Entropy e => Getting e i e -> trie k i -> e
nodeChild :: Ord k => k -> trie k e -> trie k e
findTrie :: Ord k => [k] -> trie k e -> trie k e
printTrie :: (Show i, Entropy e) => Getting e i e -> trie Token i -> IO ()
evTrie :: Entropy e => Getting e i e -> Setter i o e e -> trie k i -> trie k o
normalizeEntropy :: Entropy e
=> Getting e i e -> ModEntropy i o e
-> trie k i -> trie k o
instance IsTrie Trie where
entropyTrie _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
entropyTrie pred (Node c () children) = Node c e (map (entropyTrie pred) children)
children' = Map.toList children
sum_count = sum $ _node_count . snd <$> children'
e | sum_count == 0 = nan
| otherwise = sum $ f <$> children'
f (k, child) = if pred k then chc * P.logBase 2 (fromIntegral c)
else - chc * P.logBase 2 chc
chc = fromIntegral (_node_count child) / fromIntegral c
nodeEntropy inE (Node _ e _) = e ^. inE
nodeEntropy _ (Leaf _) = nan
nodeChild k (Node _ _ cs) = fromMaybe emptyTrie (Map.lookup k cs)
nodeChild _ (Leaf _) = emptyTrie
findTrie ks t = L.foldl (flip nodeChild) t ks
printTrie inE t = do
P.putStrLn . Tree.drawTree
. fmap show
$ toTree (NonTerminal "") t
P.putStrLn " Levels:"
forM_ (normalizationLevels inE t) $ \level ->
P.putStrLn $ " " <> show level
evTrie inE setEV = go nan
go _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
go e0 (Node c i children) = Node c (i & setEV .~ ev e0 e1) $ go e1 <$> children
where e1 = i ^. inE
ev 0 0 = nan
ev i0 i1 = i1 - i0
normalizeEntropy inE modE t = go (modE identity) (normalizationLevels inE t) t
go _ _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
go _ [] _ = panic "normalizeEntropy' empty levels"
go f ((m, v, _) : ess) (Node c i children)
= Node c (f i) $ go (modE $ normalizeLevel m v) ess <$> children
levels :: Trie k e -> [[Trie k e]] levels :: Trie k e -> [[Trie k e]]
levels = L.takeWhile (not . L.null) . L.iterate (L.concatMap subForest) . pure levels = L.takeWhile (not . L.null) . L.iterate (L.concatMap subForest) . pure
...@@ -186,96 +265,173 @@ levels = L.takeWhile (not . L.null) . L.iterate (L.concatMap subForest) . pure ...@@ -186,96 +265,173 @@ levels = L.takeWhile (not . L.null) . L.iterate (L.concatMap subForest) . pure
subForest (Leaf _) = [] subForest (Leaf _) = []
subForest (Node _ _ children) = Map.elems children subForest (Node _ _ children) = Map.elems children
entropyLevels :: Getting e i e -> Trie k i -> [[e]] entropyLevels :: Entropy e => Getting e i e -> Trie k i -> [[e]]
entropyLevels inE = fmap (fmap (view inE) . catMaybes . fmap nodeEntropy) . levels entropyLevels inE = fmap (noNaNs . map (nodeEntropy inE)) . L.tail . levels
--fwd :: Getting a s a -> ASetter s t u3 a -> s -> t
--fwd inE outE s = s & outE .~ (s ^. inE)
normalizeEntropy' :: (Fractional e, Floating e, Show e) normalizationLevels :: Entropy e => Getting e i e -> Trie k i -> [(e, e, Int)]
=> Getting e i e -> ModEntropy i o e -> Trie k i -> Trie k o normalizationLevels inE = fmap f . entropyLevels inE
normalizeEntropy' inE modE t = go (modE identity) (entropyLevels inE t) t
where where
go _ [] _ = panic "normalizeEntropy' empty levels" f es = (mean es, deviation es, length es)
go _ _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
go _ ([] : _) _ = panic "normalizeEntropy': empty level"
go f (es : ess) (Node c i children) =
Node c (f i) $ go (modE $ normalizeLevel m v) ess <$> children
m = mean es
v = deviation es
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Tries k e = Tries
{ _fwd :: Trie k e
, _bwd :: Trie k e
makeLenses ''Tries
buildTries :: Int -> [[Token]] -> Tries Token ()
buildTries n sentences = Tries
{ _fwd = buildTrie Forward n sentences
, _bwd = buildTrie Backward n sentences
instance IsTrie Tries where
nodeEntropy inE (Tries f b) = mean [nodeEntropy inE f, nodeEntropy inE b]
findTrie ks (Tries f b) = Tries (findTrie ks f) (findTrie (reverse ks) b)
nodeChild = onTries . nodeChild
entropyTrie = onTries . entropyTrie
evTrie inE setEV = onTries $ evTrie inE setEV
normalizeEntropy inE = onTries . normalizeEntropy inE
printTrie inE (Tries f b) = do
P.putStrLn "Forward:"
printTrie inE f
P.putStrLn ""
P.putStrLn "Backward:"
printTrie inE b
onTries :: (Trie k i -> Trie k o) -> Tries k i -> Tries k o
onTries h (Tries f b) = Tries (h f) (h b)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
split :: (Num e, Ord e, Show e) => Lens' i e -> Trie Token i -> [Token] -> [[Token]] mayCons :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
split inE t0 = go t0 [] mayCons [] xss = xss
mayCons xs xss = xs : xss
split :: (IsTrie trie, Entropy e) => Lens' i e -> trie Token i -> [Token] -> [[Token]]
split _ _ [] = []
split inE t (Terminal Start:xs) = split inE t xs
split inE t (x0:xs0) = go [x0] xs0
where where
consRev [] xss = xss go pref [] = [pref]
consRev xs xss = reverse xs : xss go pref (Terminal Stop:_) = [pref]
go _ (Terminal Start:_) = panic "split impossible"
go _ pref [] = [reverse pref] go pref (x:xs) =
go _ pref (Terminal:_) = [reverse pref] -- trace (show (if acc then "ACC" else "CUT", (prefx, epxt), if acc then ">" else "<=", ((pref, ept), "+", ([x], ext)))) $
go t pref (x:xs) = case nodeChild x t of if acc
Nothing -> consRev pref $ go t0 [x] xs then go prefx xs
Just xt -> case nodeChild x t0 of else mayCons pref $ go [x] xs
Nothing -> panic $ "TODO" where
Just xt0 -> prefx = pref <> [x]
let et = ne (panic "t") t pt = findTrie pref t
-- ^ entropy of the current prefix pxt = findTrie prefx t
ext0 = ne (panic "xt0") xt0 xt = findTrie [x] t
-- ^ entropy of [x] ept = ne pt
ext = ne 0 xt -- ^ entropy of the current prefix
-- ^ entropy of the current prefix plus x ext = ne xt
in -- ^ entropy of [x]
-- trace (show ((reverse pref, et, ext0), (reverse (x : pref), ext))) $ epxt = ne pxt
if ext + ext0 > et -- ^ entropy of the current prefix plus x
then go xt (x:pref) xs acc = P.isNaN ept || P.isNaN ext || not (P.isNaN epxt) -- && (epxt > mean [ept, ext])
else consRev pref $ go xt0 [x] xs
-- aut(["in","this","paper"]) > aut(["in","this"]) + aut(["paper"])
ne d t = fromMaybe d (nodeEntropy t ^? _Just . inE)
ne = nodeEntropy inE
split :: Entropy e => Int -> Lens' i e -> Tries Token i -> [Token] -> [[Text]]
split _ _ _ [] = []
split _ _ _ [t] = pure <$> nonTerminals [t]
split n inE t ts = nonTerminals pref `mayCons` split n inE t (drop (length pref) ts)
pref = maximumWith (\ks -> nodeEntropy inE $ findTrie ks t)
(L.tail . L.inits . take n $ ts)
split :: Entropy e => Lens' i e -> Tries Token i -> [Token] -> [[Token]]
split inE t0 ts =
maximumWith (sum . map $ nodeAutonomy inE t0) (all the splits of ts)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
mainEleve :: Int -> [[Text]] -> [[[Text]]] mainEleve :: Int -> [[Text]] -> [[[Text]]]
mainEleve n input = map unToken . split identity (t :: Trie Token Double) <$> inp mainEleve n input = split n info_autonomy (t :: Tries Token (I Double)) <$> inp
where where
inp = toToken (n - 1) <$> input inp = toToken <$> input
t = buildTrie $ L.concat $ chunkAlong n 1 <$> inp t = normalizeEntropy info_entropy_var set_autonomy
-- NP: here we use the entropy to split . evTrie identity set_entropy_var
-- instead we should use either: . entropyTrie isTerminal
-- info_norm_entropy or info_norm_entropy' $ buildTries n inp
-- However they should first be fixed.
testEleve :: Bool -> Int -> [Text] -> IO Bool ---------------------------------------------
testEleve debug n output = do
type Checks e = [(Text, Int, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e)]
testEleve :: e ~ Double => Bool -> Int -> [Text] -> Checks e -> IO Bool
testEleve debug n output checks = do
let let
out = T.words <$> output res = split n info_autonomy nt <$> inp
expected = fmap (T.splitOn "-") <$> out
input = (T.splitOn "-" =<<) <$> out
inp = toToken (n - 1) <$> input
t = buildTrie $ L.concat $ chunkAlong n 1 <$> inp
nt = normalizeEntropy identity setNormEntropy (t :: Trie Token Double)
nt' = normalizeEntropy' info_entropy (\f -> info_norm_entropy' %~ f) nt
pss = [ (ps, findTrie ps t ^? _Just . node_entropy) -- . info_entropy)
| ps <- L.nub $ [ c
| m <- [1..n]
, cs <- chunkAlong m 1 <$> inp
, c <- cs
res = map unToken . split identity t <$> inp
when debug $ do when debug $ do
P.putStrLn (show input) P.putStrLn $ show input
mapM_ (P.putStrLn . show) pss P.putStrLn ""
P.putStrLn $ Tree.drawTree printTrie info_entropy nt
$ fmap show P.putStrLn ""
$ toTree (NonTerminal "") nt' P.putStrLn "Splitting:"
P.putStrLn $ show res P.putStrLn $ show res
forM_ checks checker
pure $ expected == res pure $ expected == res
out = T.words <$> output
expected = fmap (T.splitOn "-") <$> out
input = (T.splitOn "-" =<<) <$> out
inp = toToken <$> input
nt :: Tries Token (I Double)
nt = normalizeEntropy info_entropy_var set_autonomy
. evTrie identity set_entropy_var
. entropyTrie isTerminal
$ buildTries n inp
check f msg ref my =
if f ref my
then P.putStrLn $ " \ESC[32mPASS\ESC[m " <> msg <> " " <> show ref
else P.putStrLn $ " \ESC[31mFAIL\ESC[m " <> msg <> " ref=" <> show ref <> " my=" <> show my
checker (ngram, count, entropy, ev, autonomy, fwd_entropy, fwd_ev, fwd_autonomy, bwd_entropy, bwd_ev, bwd_autonomy) = do
let ns = parseToken <$> T.words ngram
nt' = findTrie ns nt
P.putStrLn $ " " <> T.unpack ngram <> ":"
check (==) "count" count (_node_count (_fwd nt'))
check sim "entropy" entropy (nodeEntropy info_entropy nt' )
check sim "ev" ev (nodeEntropy info_entropy_var nt' )
check sim "autonomy" autonomy (nodeEntropy info_autonomy nt' )
check sim "fwd_entropy" fwd_entropy (nodeEntropy info_entropy (_fwd nt'))
check sim "fwd_ev" fwd_ev (nodeEntropy info_entropy_var (_fwd nt'))
check sim "fwd_autonomy" fwd_autonomy (nodeEntropy info_autonomy (_fwd nt'))
check sim "bwd_entropy" bwd_entropy (nodeEntropy info_entropy (_bwd nt'))
check sim "bwd_ev" bwd_ev (nodeEntropy info_entropy_var (_bwd nt'))
check sim "bwd_autonomy" bwd_autonomy (nodeEntropy info_autonomy (_bwd nt'))
-- | TODO real data is a list of tokenized sentences -- | TODO real data is a list of tokenized sentences
example0, example1, example2, example3, example4, example5 :: [Text] example0, example1, example2, example3, example4, example5, example6 :: [Text]
example0 = ["New-York is New-York and New-York"] example0 = ["New-York is New-York and New-York"]
example1 = ["to-be or not to-be"] example1 = ["to-be or not to-be"]
example2 = ["to-be-or not to-be-or NOT to-be and"] example2 = ["to-be-or not to-be-or NOT to-be and"]
...@@ -283,18 +439,65 @@ example3 = example0 <> example0 ...@@ -283,18 +439,65 @@ example3 = example0 <> example0
-- > TEST: Should not have York New in the trie -- > TEST: Should not have York New in the trie
example4 = ["a-b-c-d e a-b-c-d f"] example4 = ["a-b-c-d e a-b-c-d f"]
example5 = ["a-b-c-d-e f a-b-c-d-e g a-b-c-d-e"] example5 = ["a-b-c-d-e f a-b-c-d-e g a-b-c-d-e"]
example6 = ["le-petit chat"
,"le-petit chien"
,"le-petit rat"
,"le gros rat"
checks0, checks2 :: Checks Double
checks0 =
-- [(token, count, entropy, ev, autonomy, fwd_entropy, fwd_ev, fwd_autonomy, bwd_entropy, bwd_ev, bwd_autonomy)]
[ ("<start>", 1, nan, nan, nan, 0.0, -2.113283334294875, -0.5000000000000002, nan, nan, nan)
, ("New", 3, 0.792481250360578, -1.3208020839342969, 0.7499999999999999, 0.0, -2.113283334294875, -0.5000000000000002, 1.584962500721156, -0.5283208335737188, 2.0)
, ("York", 3, 0.792481250360578, -1.3208020839342969, 0.7499999999999999, 1.584962500721156, -0.5283208335737188, 2.0, 0.0, -2.113283334294875, -0.5000000000000002)
, ("is", 1, 0, -2.113283334294875, -0.5000000000000002, 0.0, -2.113283334294875, -0.5000000000000002, 0.0, -2.113283334294875, -0.5000000000000002)
, ("and", 1, 0, -2.113283334294875, -0.5000000000000002, 0.0, -2.113283334294875, -0.5000000000000002, 0.0, -2.113283334294875, -0.5000000000000002)
, ("<stop>", 0, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 0.0, -2.113283334294875, -0.5000000000000002)
, ("<start> New", 1, nan, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan)
, ("New York", 3, 1.584962500721156, 1.584962500721156, 1.414213562373095, 1.584962500721156, 1.584962500721156, 1.4142135623730947, 1.584962500721156, 1.584962500721156, 1.4142135623730951)
, ("York is", 1, 0, nan, nan, 0.0, -1.584962500721156, -0.7071067811865476, 0.0, nan, nan)
, ("is New", 1, 0, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan, 0.0, -1.584962500721156, -0.7071067811865474)
, ("York and", 1, 0, nan, nan, 0.0, -1.584962500721156, -0.7071067811865476, 0.0, nan, nan)
, ("and New", 1, 0, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan, 0.0, -1.584962500721156, -0.7071067811865474)
, ("York <stop>", 1, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan)
, ("<start> New York", 1, nan, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan)
, ("New York is", 1, 0, nan, nan, 0.0, -1.584962500721156, nan, 0.0, nan, nan)
, ("York is New", 1, 0, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan)
, ("is New York", 1, 0, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan, 0.0, -1.584962500721156, nan)
, ("New York and", 1, 0, nan, nan, 0.0, -1.584962500721156, nan, 0.0, nan, nan)
, ("York and New", 1, 0, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan)
, ("and New York", 1, 0, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan, 0.0, -1.584962500721156, nan)
, ("New York <stop>", 1, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 0.0, nan, nan)
checks2 = []
[("to be", 3, 1.2516291673878228, 1.2516291673878228, 1.5535694744293167, nan, 0.9182958340544896)
,("be or", 2, 0.5, nan, nan, nan, 1.0)
,("or not", 1, 0.0, nan, nan, nan, 0.0)
,("not to", 1, 0.0, nan, nan, nan, 0.0)
,("or NOT", 1, 0.0, nan, nan, nan, 0.0)
,("NOT to", 1, 0.0, nan, nan, nan, 0.0)
,("be and", 1, 0.0, nan, nan, nan, 0.0)
runTests :: IO () runTests :: IO ()
runTests = runTests =
forM_ forM_
[("example0", 2, example0) [("example0", 3, example0, checks0)
,("example1", 2, example1) ,("example0", 2, example0, [])
,("example2", 3, example2) ,("example1", 2, example1, [])
,("example3", 2, example3) ,("example2", 3, example2, checks2)
,("example4", 4, example4) ,("example3", 2, example3, [])
,("example5", 5, example5) ,("example4", 4, example4, [])
,("example5", 5, example5, [])
,("example6", 2, example6, [])
] ]
(\(name, n, ex) -> do (\(name, n, ex, checks) -> do
b <- testEleve False n ex P.putStrLn $ name <> " " <> show n
P.putStrLn $ name <> " " <> show n <> " " <> if b then "PASS" else "FAIL" b <- testEleve False n ex checks
P.putStrLn $ " splitting: " <> if b then "PASS" else "FAIL"
) )
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