Commit ad759fa0 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] ListType working now with history patch

parent 69c6ee20
......@@ -101,9 +101,18 @@ buildNgramsOthersList user uCid groupParams (nt, MapListSize mapListSize) = do
(List.cycle [mempty])
if nt == Authors
then printDebug "flowSocialList" socialLists
else printDebug "flowSocialList" ""
groupedWithList = toGroupedTree groupParams socialLists allTerms
if nt == Authors
then printDebug "groupedWithList" groupedWithList
else printDebug "groupedWithList" ""
(stopTerms, tailTerms) = Map.partition ((== Just StopTerm) . viewListType)
$ view flc_scores groupedWithList
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
groupWithScores' :: (Eq a, Ord a, Monoid a)
=> FlowCont Text FlowListScores
-> (Text -> a) -- Map Text (a)
-> FlowCont Text (GroupedTreeScores (a))
-> FlowCont Text (GroupedTreeScores a)
groupWithScores' flc scores = FlowCont groups orphans
-- parent/child relation is inherited from social lists
......@@ -44,11 +44,12 @@ groupWithScores' flc scores = FlowCont groups orphans
orphans = toGroupedTree
$ toMapMaybeParent scores
$ view flc_cont flc
toMapMaybeParent :: (Eq a, Ord a, Monoid a)
=> (Text -> a)
-> Map Text FlowListScores
-> Map (Maybe Parent) (Map Text (GroupedTreeScores (a)))
-> Map (Maybe Parent) (Map Text (GroupedTreeScores a))
toMapMaybeParent f = Map.fromListWith (<>)
. (map (fromScores'' f))
. Map.toList
......@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ toMapMaybeParent f = Map.fromListWith (<>)
fromScores'' :: (Eq a, Ord a, Monoid a)
=> (Text -> a)
-> (Text, FlowListScores)
-> (Maybe Parent, Map Text (GroupedTreeScores (a)))
-> (Maybe Parent, Map Text (GroupedTreeScores a))
fromScores'' f' (t, fs) = ( maybeParent
, Map.fromList [( t, set gts'_score (f' t)
$ set gts'_listType maybeList mempty
......@@ -66,17 +67,18 @@ fromScores'' f' (t, fs) = ( maybeParent
maybeParent = keyWithMaxValue $ view fls_parents fs
maybeList = keyWithMaxValue $ view fls_listType fs
toGroupedTree :: Eq a
=> Map (Maybe Parent) (Map Text (GroupedTreeScores (a)))
-> Map Parent (GroupedTreeScores (a))
=> Map (Maybe Parent) (Map Text (GroupedTreeScores a))
-> Map Parent (GroupedTreeScores a)
toGroupedTree m = case Map.lookup Nothing m of
Nothing -> mempty
Just m' -> toGroupedTree' m m'
toGroupedTree' :: Eq a => Map (Maybe Parent) (Map Text (GroupedTreeScores (a)))
-> (Map Text (GroupedTreeScores (a)))
-> Map Parent (GroupedTreeScores (a))
toGroupedTree' :: Eq a => Map (Maybe Parent) (Map Text (GroupedTreeScores a))
-> (Map Text (GroupedTreeScores a))
-> Map Parent (GroupedTreeScores a)
toGroupedTree' m notEmpty
| notEmpty == mempty = mempty
| otherwise = Map.mapWithKey (addGroup m) notEmpty
......@@ -89,9 +91,3 @@ toGroupedTree' m notEmpty
......@@ -86,39 +86,39 @@ flowSocialList flowPriority user nt flc =
-> FlowCont Text FlowListScores
-> [ListId]
-> m (FlowCont Text FlowListScores)
flowSocialListByModeWith nt'' flc'' ns =
mapM (\l -> getListNgrams [l] nt'') ns
flowSocialListByModeWith nt'' flc'' listes =
getHistoryScores History_User nt'' flc'' listes
mapM (\l -> getListNgrams [l] nt'') listes
>>= pure
. toFlowListScores (keepAllParents nt'') flc''
getHistory :: ( RepoCmdM env err m
getHistoryScores :: ( RepoCmdM env err m
, CmdM env err m
, HasNodeError err
, HasTreeError err
=> History
-> NgramsType
-> FlowCont Text FlowListScores
-> [ListId]
-> m (Map NgramsType (Map ListId [Map NgramsTerm NgramsPatch]))
getHistory hist nt listes =
history hist [nt] listes <$> getRepo
-> m (FlowCont Text FlowListScores)
getHistoryScores hist nt fl listes = do
hist' <- addScorePatches nt listes fl <$> getHistory hist nt listes
-- printDebug "hist" hist'
pure hist'
getHistoryScores :: ( RepoCmdM env err m
getHistory :: ( RepoCmdM env err m
, CmdM env err m
, HasNodeError err
, HasTreeError err
=> History
-> NgramsType
-> FlowCont Text FlowListScores
-> [ListId]
-> m (FlowCont Text FlowListScores)
getHistoryScores hist nt fl listes =
addScorePatches nt listes fl <$> getHistory hist nt listes
-> m (Map NgramsType (Map ListId [Map NgramsTerm NgramsPatch]))
getHistory hist nt listes =
history hist [nt] listes <$> getRepo
......@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ Children are not modified in this specific case.
-- | Old list get -1 score
-- New list get +1 score
-- Hence others lists lay around 0 score
-- TODO add children
addScorePatch fl (NgramsTerm t, (NgramsPatch children' (Patch.Replace old_list new_list))) =
-- | Adding New Children score
addScorePatch fl' (NgramsTerm t, NgramsPatch children' Patch.Keep)
......@@ -73,27 +72,30 @@ addScorePatch fl (NgramsTerm t, (NgramsPatch children' (Patch.Replace old_list n
-- | Adding New ListType score
fl' = fl & flc_scores . at t %~ (score fls_listType old_list (-1))
& flc_scores . at t %~ (score fls_listType new_list ( 1))
& flc_cont %~ (Map.delete t)
-- | Patching existing Ngrams with children
addScorePatch fl (NgramsTerm p, NgramsPatch children' Patch.Keep) =
foldl' add' fl $ patchMSet_toList children'
foldl' addChild fl $ patchMSet_toList children'
-- | Adding a child
add' fl' (NgramsTerm t, Patch.Replace Nothing (Just _)) = doLink ( 1) p t fl'
addChild fl' (NgramsTerm t, Patch.Replace Nothing (Just _)) = doLink ( 1) p t fl'
-- | Removing a child
add' fl' (NgramsTerm t, Patch.Replace (Just _) Nothing) = doLink (-1) p t fl'
addChild fl' (NgramsTerm t, Patch.Replace (Just _) Nothing) = doLink (-1) p t fl'
-- | This case should not happen: does Nothing
add' fl' _ = fl'
addChild fl' _ = fl'
-- | Inserting a new Ngrams
addScorePatch fl (NgramsTerm t, NgramsReplace Nothing (Just nre)) =
childrenScore 1 t (nre ^. nre_children)
$ fl & flc_scores . at t %~ (score fls_listType $ nre ^. nre_list) 1
& flc_cont %~ (Map.delete t)
addScorePatch fl (NgramsTerm t, NgramsReplace (Just old_nre) maybe_new_nre) =
let fl' = childrenScore (-1) t (old_nre ^. nre_children)
$ fl & flc_scores . at t %~ (score fls_listType $ old_nre ^. nre_list) (-1)
& flc_cont %~ (Map.delete t)
in case maybe_new_nre of
Nothing -> fl'
Just new_nre -> addScorePatch fl' (NgramsTerm t, NgramsReplace Nothing (Just new_nre))
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Metrics.Freq (getMaxFromMap)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main
import Gargantext.Prelude
import qualified Data.Map as Map
......@@ -96,9 +97,7 @@ parentUnionsExcl :: Ord a
-> Map a b
parentUnionsExcl = Map.unions
hasParent :: Text
-> Map Text (Map Parent Int)
-> Maybe Parent
......@@ -114,14 +113,21 @@ hasParent t m = case Map.lookup t m of
-- Just 'z'
-- >>> keyWithMaxValue $ DM.fromList $ zip (['a'..'z'] :: [Char]) ([-1,-2..]::[Int])
-- Nothing
keyWithMaxValue :: (Ord b, Num b) => Map a b -> Maybe a
keyWithMaxValue :: (Ord a, Ord b, Num b) => Map a b -> Maybe a
keyWithMaxValue m = do
(k,a) <- fst <$> Map.maxViewWithKey m
if a > 0
then Just k
k <- headMay $ getMaxFromMap m
maxValue <- Map.lookup k m
if maxValue > 0
then pure k
else Nothing
findMax :: (Ord b, Num b) => Map a b -> Maybe (a,b)
findMax m = case Map.null m of
True -> Nothing
False -> Just $ Map.findMax m
unPatchMap :: Ord a => PatchMap a b -> Map a b
unPatchMap = Map.fromList . PatchMap.toList
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