Commit adf9405c authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

Merge branch 'dev' into dev-node-board-add-text-cells

parents e61be930 b05ab4f9
......@@ -95,10 +95,12 @@ type GargPrivateAPI' =
:> Capture "node_id" NodeId
:> NodeAPI HyperdataAny
-- Corpus endpoints
:<|> "corpus" :> Summary "Corpus endpoint"
:> Capture "corpus_id" CorpusId
:> NodeAPI HyperdataCorpus
:<|> "corpus" :> Summary "Corpus endpoint"
:> Capture "node1_id" NodeId
......@@ -110,6 +112,12 @@ type GargPrivateAPI' =
:> Export.API
-- Annuaire endpoint
:<|> "contact" :> Summary "Contact endpoint"
:> Capture "contact_id" ContactId
:> NodeAPI HyperdataContact
:<|> "annuaire" :> Summary "Annuaire endpoint"
:> Capture "annuaire_id" AnnuaireId
:> NodeAPI HyperdataAnnuaire
......@@ -117,7 +125,6 @@ type GargPrivateAPI' =
:<|> "annuaire" :> Summary "Contact endpoint"
:> Capture "annuaire_id" NodeId
:> Contact.API
-- Document endpoint
:<|> "document" :> Summary "Document endpoint"
:> Capture "doc_id" DocId
......@@ -158,11 +165,11 @@ type GargPrivateAPI' =
:<|> "lists" :> Summary "List export API"
:> Capture "listId" ListId
:> List.API
:<|> "wait" :> Summary "Wait test"
:> Capture "x" Int
:> WaitAPI -- Get '[JSON] Int
-- /mv/<id>/<id>
-- /merge/<id>/<id>
-- /rename/<id>
......@@ -207,6 +214,7 @@ serverPrivateGargAPI' (AuthenticatedUser (NodeId uid))
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataCorpus) uid
:<|> nodeNodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAny) uid
:<|> Export.getCorpus -- uid
-- :<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataContact) uid
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAnnuaire) uid
:<|> Contact.api uid
......@@ -232,7 +240,7 @@ serverPrivateGargAPI' (AuthenticatedUser (NodeId uid))
-- :<|> New.api uid -- TODO-SECURITY
-- :<|> uid -- TODO-SECURITY
:<|> List.api
:<|> waitAPI
-- :<|> waitAPI
......@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ Portability : POSIX
Count API part of Gargantext.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
......@@ -27,15 +25,17 @@ import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargServer)
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefixSwagger, unCapitalize, dropPrefix)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Facet
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Search
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow.Pairing (isPairedWith)
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Search
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata (HyperdataContact(..), HyperdataDocument(..), ContactWho(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.Contact (_cw_organization)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Facet
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Servant
import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- TODO-ACCESS: CanSearch? or is it part of CanGetNode
......@@ -47,16 +47,25 @@ type API results = Summary "Search endpoint"
:> QueryParam "order" OrderBy
:> Post '[JSON] results
-- | Api search function
api :: NodeId -> GargServer (API SearchResult)
api nId (SearchQuery q SearchDoc) o l order =
SearchResult <$> SearchResultDoc <$> map toRow <$> searchInCorpus nId False q o l order
SearchResult <$> SearchResultDoc
<$> map (toRow nId)
<$> searchInCorpus nId False q o l order
api nId (SearchQuery q SearchContact) o l order = do
printDebug "isPairedWith" nId
aIds <- isPairedWith nId NodeAnnuaire
-- TODO if paired with several corpus
case head aIds of
Nothing -> pure $ SearchResult $ SearchNoResult "[G.A.Search] pair corpus with an Annuaire"
Just aId -> SearchResult <$> SearchResultContact <$> map toRow <$> searchInCorpusWithContacts nId aId q o l order
Nothing -> pure $ SearchResult
$ SearchNoResult "[G.A.Search] pair corpus with an Annuaire"
Just aId -> SearchResult
<$> SearchResultContact
<$> map (toRow aId)
<$> searchInCorpusWithContacts nId aId q o l order
api _ _ _ _ _ = undefined
......@@ -105,8 +114,7 @@ instance Arbitrary SearchQuery where
-- arbitrary = elements [SearchQuery "electrodes" 1 ] --SearchDoc]
data SearchResult =
SearchResult { result :: !SearchResultTypes
SearchResult { result :: !SearchResultTypes}
| SearchResultErr !Text
deriving (Generic)
......@@ -167,6 +175,7 @@ data Row =
, c_created :: !UTCTime
, c_hyperdata :: !HyperdataRow
, c_score :: !Int
, c_annuaireId :: !NodeId
deriving (Generic)
......@@ -188,16 +197,17 @@ instance ToSchema Row where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "")
class ToRow a where
toRow :: a -> Row
toRow :: NodeId -> a -> Row
instance ToRow FacetDoc where
toRow (FacetDoc nId utc t h mc _md sc) = Document nId utc t (toHyperdataRow h) (fromMaybe 0 mc) (round $ fromMaybe 0 sc)
toRow _ (FacetDoc nId utc t h mc _md sc) =
Document nId utc t (toHyperdataRow h) (fromMaybe 0 mc) (round $ fromMaybe 0 sc)
-- | TODO rename FacetPaired
type FacetContact = FacetPaired Int UTCTime HyperdataContact Int
instance ToRow FacetContact where
toRow (FacetPaired nId utc h s) = Contact nId utc (toHyperdataRow h) s
toRow annuaireId (FacetPaired nId utc h s) = Contact nId utc (toHyperdataRow h) s annuaireId
......@@ -281,5 +291,9 @@ instance ToHyperdataRow HyperdataDocument where
(fromMaybe "EN" l)
instance ToHyperdataRow HyperdataContact where
toHyperdataRow (HyperdataContact _ (Just (ContactWho _ fn ln _ _)) _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = HyperdataRowContact (fromMaybe "FN" fn) (fromMaybe "LN" ln) "Labs"
toHyperdataRow (HyperdataContact _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = HyperdataRowContact "FirstName" "LastName" "Labs"
toHyperdataRow (HyperdataContact _ (Just (ContactWho _ fn ln _ _)) ou _ _ _ _ _ ) =
HyperdataRowContact (fromMaybe "FirstName" fn) (fromMaybe "LastName" ln) ou'
ou' = maybe "CNRS" (Text.intercalate " " . _cw_organization) (head ou)
toHyperdataRow (HyperdataContact _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) =
HyperdataRowContact "FirstName" "LastName" "Labs"
......@@ -13,72 +13,138 @@ Here is writtent a common interface.
module Gargantext.Core.Ext.IMTUser (deserialiseImtUsersFromFile)
module Gargantext.Core.Ext.IMTUser -- (deserialiseImtUsersFromFile)
import Codec.Serialise
import Data.Csv
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Corpus.Parsers.CSV
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.Contact
import Gargantext.Prelude
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeExtension)
import System.IO (FilePath)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
readFile_Annuaire :: FilePath -> IO [HyperdataContact]
readFile_Annuaire fp = case takeExtension fp of
".csv" -> readCSVFile_Annuaire fp
".data" -> deserialiseImtUsersFromFile fp
_ -> panic "[G.C.E.I.readFile_Annuaire] extension unknown"
instance Serialise IMTUser
deserialiseImtUsersFromFile :: FilePath -> IO [HyperdataContact]
deserialiseImtUsersFromFile filepath = map imtUser2gargContact <$> deserialiseFromFile' filepath
deserialiseFromFile' :: FilePath -> IO [IMTUser]
deserialiseFromFile' filepath = deserialise <$> BSL.readFile filepath
data IMTUser = IMTUser
{ id :: Text
{ id :: Maybe Text
, entite :: Maybe Text
, mail :: Maybe Text
, nom :: Maybe Text
, prenom :: Maybe Text
, fonction :: Maybe Text
, fonction2 :: Maybe Text
, tel :: Maybe Text
, fax :: Maybe Text
, service :: Maybe Text
, groupe :: Maybe Text
, entite2 :: Maybe Text
, service2 :: Maybe Text
, groupe2 :: Maybe Text
, bureau :: Maybe Text
, url :: Maybe Text
, pservice :: Maybe Text
, pfonction :: Maybe Text
, afonction :: Maybe Text
, afonction2 :: Maybe Text
, grprech :: Maybe Text
, appellation :: Maybe Text
, lieu :: Maybe Text
, aprecision :: Maybe Text
, atel :: Maybe Text
, sexe :: Maybe Text
, statut :: Maybe Text
, idutilentite :: Maybe Text
, entite2 :: Maybe Text
, service2 :: Maybe Text
, groupe2 :: Maybe Text
, actif :: Maybe Text
, idutilsiecoles :: Maybe Text
, date_modification :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
-- | CSV instance
instance FromNamedRecord IMTUser where
parseNamedRecord r = IMTUser <$> r .: "id"
<*> r .: "entite"
<*> r .: "mail"
<*> r .: "nom"
<*> r .: "prenom"
<*> r .: "fonction"
<*> r .: "fonction2"
<*> r .: "tel"
<*> r .: "fax"
<*> r .: "service"
<*> r .: "groupe"
<*> r .: "entite2"
<*> r .: "service2"
<*> r .: "groupe2"
<*> r .: "bureau"
<*> r .: "url"
<*> r .: "pservice"
<*> r .: "pfonction"
<*> r .: "afonction"
<*> r .: "afonction2"
<*> r .: "grprech"
<*> r .: "appellation"
<*> r .: "lieu"
<*> r .: "aprecision"
<*> r .: "atel"
<*> r .: "sexe"
<*> r .: "statut"
<*> r .: "idutilentite"
<*> r .: "actif"
<*> r .: "idutilsiecoles"
<*> r .: "date_modification"
headerCSVannuaire :: Header
headerCSVannuaire =
header ["id","entite","mail","nom","prenom","fonction","fonction2","tel","fax","service","groupe","entite2","service2","groupe2","bureau","url","pservice","pfonction","afonction","afonction2","grprech","appellation","lieu","aprecision","atel","sexe","statut","idutilentite","actif","idutilsiecoles","date_modification"]
readCSVFile_Annuaire :: FilePath -> IO [HyperdataContact]
readCSVFile_Annuaire fp = do
users <- snd <$> readCSVFile_Annuaire' fp
pure $ map imtUser2gargContact $ Vector.toList users
readCSVFile_Annuaire' :: FilePath -> IO (Header, Vector IMTUser)
readCSVFile_Annuaire' = fmap readCsvHalLazyBS' . BL.readFile
readCsvHalLazyBS' :: BL.ByteString -> (Header, Vector IMTUser)
readCsvHalLazyBS' bs = case decodeByNameWith csvDecodeOptions bs of
Left e -> panic (cs e)
Right rows -> rows
-- | Serialization for optimization
instance Serialise IMTUser
deserialiseImtUsersFromFile :: FilePath -> IO [HyperdataContact]
deserialiseImtUsersFromFile filepath = map imtUser2gargContact <$> deserialiseFromFile' filepath
deserialiseFromFile' :: FilePath -> IO [IMTUser]
deserialiseFromFile' filepath = deserialise <$> BL.readFile filepath
imtUser2gargContact :: IMTUser -> HyperdataContact
imtUser2gargContact (IMTUser id' entite' mail' nom' prenom' fonction' tel' _fax'
service' _groupe' bureau' url' _pservice' _pfonction' _afonction'
_grprech' lieu' _aprecision' _atel' _sexe' _statut' _idutilentite'
_entite2' _service2' _group2' _actif' _idutilsiecoles' date_modification')
imtUser2gargContact (IMTUser id' entite' mail' nom' prenom' fonction' _fonction2' tel' _fax'
service' _groupe' _entite2 _service2 _group2 bureau' url' _pservice' _pfonction' _afonction' _afonction2'
_grprech' _appellation' lieu' _aprecision' _atel' _sexe' _statut' _idutilentite'
_actif' _idutilsiecoles' date_modification')
= HyperdataContact (Just "IMT Annuaire") (Just qui) [ou] ((<>) <$> (fmap (\p -> p <> " ") prenom') <*> nom') entite' date_modification' Nothing Nothing
qui = ContactWho (Just id') prenom' nom' (catMaybes [service']) []
qui = ContactWho id' prenom' nom' (catMaybes [service']) []
ou = ContactWhere (toList entite') (toList service') fonction' bureau' (Just "France") lieu' contact Nothing Nothing
contact = Just $ ContactTouch mail' tel' url'
-- meta = ContactMetaData (Just "IMT annuaire") date_modification'
toList Nothing = []
toList (Just x) = [x]
......@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Text.Context
headerCsvGargV3 :: Header
headerCsvGargV3 = header [ "title"
headerCsvGargV3 =
header [ "title"
, "source"
, "publication_year"
, "publication_month"
......@@ -226,7 +227,6 @@ readCsvLazyBS bs = case decodeByNameWith csvDecodeOptions bs of
Right csvDocs -> csvDocs
-- | TODO use readFileLazy
readCsvHal :: FilePath -> IO (Header, Vector CsvHal)
readCsvHal = fmap readCsvHalLazyBS . BL.readFile
......@@ -389,7 +389,6 @@ parseHal' :: BL.ByteString -> [HyperdataDocument]
parseHal' = V.toList . csvHal2doc . snd . readCsvHalLazyBS
parseCsv :: FilePath -> IO [HyperdataDocument]
parseCsv fp = V.toList <$> csv2doc <$> snd <$> readFile fp
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Gargantext.Core (Lang(..), PosTagAlgo(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Ext.IMT (toSchoolName)
import Gargantext.Core.Ext.IMTUser (deserialiseImtUsersFromFile)
import Gargantext.Core.Ext.IMTUser (readFile_Annuaire)
import Gargantext.Core.Flow.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Text
import Gargantext.Core.Text.List.Group.WithStem ({-StopSize(..),-} GroupParams(..))
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ flowAnnuaire :: (FlowCmdM env err m)
-> FilePath
-> m AnnuaireId
flowAnnuaire u n l filePath = do
docs <- liftBase $ (( splitEvery 500 <$> deserialiseImtUsersFromFile filePath) :: IO [[HyperdataContact]])
docs <- liftBase $ (( splitEvery 500 <$> readFile_Annuaire filePath) :: IO [[HyperdataContact]])
flow (Nothing :: Maybe HyperdataAnnuaire) u n l docs
......@@ -232,13 +232,23 @@ instance Arbitrary OrderBy
runViewAuthorsDoc :: HasDBid NodeType => ContactId -> IsTrash -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe OrderBy -> Cmd err [FacetDoc]
runViewAuthorsDoc :: HasDBid NodeType
=> ContactId
-> IsTrash
-> Maybe Offset
-> Maybe Limit
-> Maybe OrderBy
-> Cmd err [FacetDoc]
runViewAuthorsDoc cId t o l order = runOpaQuery $ filterWith o l order $ viewAuthorsDoc cId t ntId
ntId = NodeDocument
-- TODO add delete ?
viewAuthorsDoc :: HasDBid NodeType => ContactId -> IsTrash -> NodeType -> Query FacetDocRead
viewAuthorsDoc :: HasDBid NodeType
=> ContactId
-> IsTrash
-> NodeType
-> Query FacetDocRead
viewAuthorsDoc cId _ nt = proc () -> do
(doc,(_,(_,(_,contact')))) <- queryAuthorsDoc -< ()
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