Commit e1d48283 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Phylo] readings

parent 8113d268
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ postPhylo :: CorpusId -> UserId -> GargServer PostPhylo
postPhylo n userId _lId = do
-- TODO get Reader settings
-- s <- ask
-- let
-- _vrs = Just ("1" :: Text)
-- _sft = Just (Software "Gargantext" "4")
-- _prm = initPhyloParam vrs sft (Just q)
......@@ -136,64 +136,25 @@ putPhylo = undefined
-- | Instances
instance Arbitrary PhyloView
arbitrary = elements [phyloView]
-- | TODO add phyloGroup ex
instance Arbitrary PhyloGroup
arbitrary = elements []
instance Arbitrary Phylo
arbitrary = elements [phylo]
instance ToSchema Order
instance ToParamSchema Order
instance FromHttpApiData Order
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance ToParamSchema Metric
instance FromHttpApiData [Metric]
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData Metric
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance Arbitrary Phylo where arbitrary = elements [phylo]
instance Arbitrary PhyloGroup where arbitrary = elements []
instance Arbitrary PhyloView where arbitrary = elements [phyloView]
instance FromHttpApiData DisplayMode where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData ExportMode where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData Filiation where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData Metric where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData Order where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData Sort where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData Tagger where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData [Metric] where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData [Tagger] where parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance ToParamSchema DisplayMode
instance FromHttpApiData DisplayMode
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance ToParamSchema ExportMode
instance FromHttpApiData ExportMode
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData Sort
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance ToParamSchema Sort
instance FromHttpApiData [Tagger]
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData Tagger
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance ToParamSchema Tagger
instance FromHttpApiData Filiation
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance ToParamSchema Filiation
instance ToParamSchema Tagger
instance ToParamSchema Metric
instance ToParamSchema Order
instance ToParamSchema Sort
instance ToSchema Order
......@@ -196,8 +196,12 @@ toPhylo q c termList fis = toNthLevel (getNthLevel q) (getInterTemporalMatching
phyloBase :: Phylo
phyloBase = tracePhyloBase
$ toPhyloBase q (initPhyloParam (Just defaultPhyloVersion) (Just defaultSoftware) (Just q)) c termList fis
$ toPhyloBase q init c termList fis
init = initPhyloParam (Just defaultPhyloVersion)
(Just defaultSoftware )
(Just q )
-- | To incrementally add new Levels to a Phylo by making all the linking and aggregation tasks
......@@ -214,8 +218,7 @@ toNthLevel lvlMax prox clus p
$ transposeLinks (lvl + 1) Ascendant
$ tracePhyloN (lvl + 1)
$ setLevelLinks (lvl, lvl + 1)
$ addPhyloLevel (lvl + 1)
(clusters) p
$ addPhyloLevel (lvl + 1) (clusters) p
clusters :: Map (Date,Date) [PhyloCluster]
......@@ -35,12 +35,14 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams (NgramsType(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Context (TermList)
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Terms.WithList
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo hiding (Svg, Dot)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.LevelMaker
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.LevelMaker (toPhylo)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.Tools
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.View.Export
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.View.ViewMaker -- TODO Just Maker is fine
type MinSizeBranch = Int
flowPhylo :: FlowCmdM env err m
......@@ -65,10 +67,13 @@ flowPhylo cId = do
termsInText :: Patterns -> Text -> [Text]
termsInText pats txt = List.nub $ List.concat $ map (map Text.unwords) $ extractTermsWithList pats txt
termsInText pats txt = List.nub
$ List.concat
$ map (map Text.unwords)
$ extractTermsWithList pats txt
docs = map ( (\(y,t) -> Document y t) . filterTerms patterns) docs'
docs = map ((\(y,t) -> Document y t) . filterTerms patterns) docs'
--liftBase $ flowPhylo' (List.sortOn date docs) termList l m fp
pure $ buildPhylo (List.sortOn date docs) termList
......@@ -116,3 +121,7 @@ writePhylo fp phview = runGraphviz (viewToDot phview) Svg fp
viewPhylo2Svg :: PhyloView -> IO DB.ByteString
viewPhylo2Svg p = graphvizWithHandle Dot (viewToDot p) Svg DB.hGetContents
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