Commit 7649e70b authored by Karen Konou's avatar Karen Konou

[Graph api] Legend update endpoint

parent d6c03dc3
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ data GraphAPI mode = GraphAPI
, cloneGraphEp :: mode :- "clone" :> ReqBody '[JSON] HyperdataGraphAPI :> Post '[JSON] NodeId
, gexfEp :: mode :- "gexf" :> Get '[XML] (Headers '[Servant.Header "Content-Disposition" Text] Graph)
, graphVersionsAPI :: mode :- "versions" :> NamedRoutes GraphVersionsAPI
, updateGraphLegendEp :: mode :- "legend" :> ReqBody '[JSON] GraphLegendAPI :> Post '[JSON] NodeId
} deriving Generic
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ graphAPI authenticatedUser userId n = withNamedAccess authenticatedUser (PathNod
, cloneGraphEp = graphClone userId n
, gexfEp = getGraphGexf n
, graphVersionsAPI = graphVersionsAPI userId n
, updateGraphLegendEp = updateGraphLegend n
......@@ -297,3 +297,18 @@ getGraphGexf :: HasNodeStory env err m
getGraphGexf nId = do
HyperdataGraphAPI { _hyperdataAPIGraph = graph } <- getGraph nId
pure $ addHeader "attachment; filename=graph.gexf" graph
updateGraphLegend :: HasNodeError err
=> NodeId
-> GraphLegendAPI
-> DBCmd err NodeId
updateGraphLegend nId (GraphLegendAPI { _graphAPILegend = lg }) = do
nodeGraph <- getNodeWith nId (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataGraph)
let graph = nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataGraph
case graph of
Nothing -> pure nId
Just g -> do
let graph' = set (graph_metadata . _Just . gm_legend) lg g
_ <- updateHyperdata nId (HyperdataGraph (Just graph') (nodeGraph ^. node_hyperdata . hyperdataCamera))
pure nId
......@@ -241,6 +241,20 @@ instance FromField HyperdataGraphAPI
fromField = fromField'
data GraphLegendAPI = GraphLegendAPI { _graphAPILegend :: [LegendField] }
deriving (Show, Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_graphAPI") ''GraphLegendAPI)
instance ToSchema GraphLegendAPI where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_graphAPI")
makeLenses ''GraphLegendAPI
instance FromField GraphLegendAPI
fromField = fromField'
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