Commit 871b48ee authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] refactor nodeApi.

parent 58cdb74f
......@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ type GargAPI' =
-- Corpus endpoint
:<|> "corpus":> Summary "Corpus endpoint"
:> Capture "id" Int :> NodeAPI HyperdataCorpus
-- Corpus endpoint
:<|> "nodes" :> Summary "Nodes endpoint"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] [Int] :> NodesAPI
......@@ -69,17 +69,75 @@ import Gargantext.Text.Terms (TermType(..))
import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
-- | Node API Types management
-- | TODO : access by admin only
type NodesAPI = Delete '[JSON] Int
-- | Delete Nodes
-- Be careful: really delete nodes
-- Access by admin only
nodesAPI :: Connection -> [NodeId] -> Server NodesAPI
nodesAPI conn ids = deleteNodes' conn ids
-- | TODO: access by admin only
-- To manager the Users roots
type Roots = Get '[JSON] [Node Value]
:<|> Post '[JSON] Int -- TODO
:<|> Put '[JSON] Int -- TODO
:<|> Delete '[JSON] Int -- TODO
type NodesAPI = Delete '[JSON] Int
-- | TODO: access by admin only
roots :: Connection -> Server Roots
roots conn = liftIO (putStrLn ( "/user" :: Text) >> getNodesWithParentId 0 Nothing conn)
:<|> pure (panic "not implemented yet") -- TODO
:<|> pure (panic "not implemented yet") -- TODO
:<|> pure (panic "not implemented yet") -- TODO
-- | Node API Types management
-- TODO : access by users
type NodeAPI a = Get '[JSON] (Node a)
:<|> "rename" :> RenameApi
:<|> PostNodeApi
:<|> Put '[JSON] Int
:<|> Delete '[JSON] Int
:<|> "children" :> ChildrenApi a
:<|> "table" :> TableApi
:<|> "chart" :> ChartApi
:<|> "favorites" :> FavApi
:<|> "documents" :> DocsApi
type RenameApi = Summary " RenameNode Node"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] RenameNode
:> Put '[JSON] [Int]
type PostNodeApi = Summary " PostNode Node with ParentId as {id}"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] PostNode
:> Post '[JSON] [Int]
type ChildrenApi a = Summary " Summary children"
:> QueryParam "type" NodeType
:> QueryParam "offset" Int
:> QueryParam "limit" Int
:> Get '[JSON] [Node a]
-- TODO: make the NodeId type indexed by `a`, then we no longer need the proxy.
nodeAPI :: JSONB a => Connection -> proxy a -> NodeId -> Server (NodeAPI a)
nodeAPI conn p id
= liftIO (getNode conn id p)
:<|> rename conn id
:<|> postNode conn id
:<|> putNode conn id
:<|> deleteNode' conn id
:<|> getNodesWith' conn id p
:<|> getTable conn id
:<|> getChart conn id
:<|> favApi conn id
:<|> delDocs conn id
-- :<|> upload
-- :<|> query
data RenameNode = RenameNode { r_name :: Text }
deriving (Generic)
......@@ -89,7 +147,6 @@ instance ToJSON RenameNode
instance ToSchema RenameNode
instance Arbitrary RenameNode where
arbitrary = elements [RenameNode "test"]
data PostNode = PostNode { pn_name :: Text
......@@ -103,7 +160,7 @@ instance Arbitrary PostNode where
arbitrary = elements [PostNode "Node test" NodeCorpus]
type DocsApi = Summary "Move to trash"
type DocsApi = Summary "Docs : Move to trash"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] Documents
:> Delete '[JSON] [Int]
......@@ -119,10 +176,10 @@ delDocs c cId ds = liftIO $ nodesToTrash c
$ map (\n -> (cId, n, True)) $ documents ds
type FavApi = Summary "Label as Favorites"
type FavApi = Summary " Favorites label"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] Favorites
:> Put '[JSON] [Int]
:<|> Summary "Unlabel as Favorites"
:<|> Summary " Favorites unlabel"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] Favorites
:> Delete '[JSON] [Int]
......@@ -146,81 +203,40 @@ favApi :: Connection -> CorpusId -> (Favorites -> Handler [Int])
favApi c cId = putFav c cId :<|> delFav c cId
type NodeAPI a = Get '[JSON] (Node a)
:<|> "rename" :> Summary " RenameNode Node"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] RenameNode
:> Put '[JSON] [Int]
:<|> Summary " PostNode Node with ParentId as {id}"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] PostNode
:> Post '[JSON] [Int]
:<|> Put '[JSON] Int
:<|> Delete '[JSON] Int
:<|> "children" :> Summary " Summary children"
:> QueryParam "type" NodeType
:> QueryParam "offset" Int
:> QueryParam "limit" Int
:> Get '[JSON] [Node a]
:<|> Summary " Tabs" :> FacetDocAPI
-- How TODO ?
:<|> "favorites" :> Summary " Favorites" :> FavApi
:<|> "documents" :> Summary " Documents" :> DocsApi
-- TODO: make the NodeId type indexed by `a`, then we no longer need the proxy.
nodeAPI :: JSONB a => Connection -> proxy a -> NodeId -> Server (NodeAPI a)
nodeAPI conn p id
= liftIO (getNode conn id p)
:<|> rename conn id
:<|> postNode conn id
:<|> putNode conn id
:<|> deleteNode' conn id
:<|> getNodesWith' conn id p
:<|> getTable conn id
:<|> getChart conn id
:<|> favApi conn id
:<|> delDocs conn id
-- :<|> upload
-- :<|> query
--data FacetFormat = Table | Chart
data FacetType = Docs | Terms | Sources | Authors | Trash
data TabType = Docs | Terms | Sources | Authors | Trash
deriving (Generic, Enum, Bounded)
instance FromHttpApiData FacetType
instance FromHttpApiData TabType
parseUrlPiece "Docs" = pure Docs
parseUrlPiece "Terms" = pure Terms
parseUrlPiece "Sources" = pure Sources
parseUrlPiece "Authors" = pure Authors
parseUrlPiece "Trash" = pure Trash
parseUrlPiece _ = Left "Unexpected value of FacetType"
parseUrlPiece _ = Left "Unexpected value of TabType"
instance ToParamSchema FacetType
instance ToJSON FacetType
instance FromJSON FacetType
instance ToSchema FacetType
instance Arbitrary FacetType
instance ToParamSchema TabType
instance ToJSON TabType
instance FromJSON TabType
instance ToSchema TabType
instance Arbitrary TabType
arbitrary = elements [minBound .. maxBound]
type FacetDocAPI = "table"
:> Summary " Table data"
:> QueryParam "view" FacetType
type TableApi = Summary " Table API"
:> QueryParam "view" TabType
:> QueryParam "offset" Int
:> QueryParam "limit" Int
:> QueryParam "order" OrderBy
:> Get '[JSON] [FacetDoc]
:<|> "chart"
:> Summary " Chart data"
type ChartApi = Summary " Chart API"
:> QueryParam "from" UTCTime
:> QueryParam "to" UTCTime
:> Get '[JSON] [FacetChart]
-- :<|> "favorites" :> Summary " Favorites" :> FavApi
-- :<|> "documents" :> Summary " Documents" :> DocsApi
-- Depending on the Type of the Node, we could post
-- New documents for a corpus
......@@ -231,13 +247,6 @@ type FacetDocAPI = "table"
-- :<|> "query" :> Capture "string" Text :> Get '[JSON] Text
-- | Node API functions
roots :: Connection -> Server Roots
roots conn = liftIO (putStrLn ( "/user" :: Text) >> getNodesWithParentId 0 Nothing conn)
:<|> pure (panic "not implemented yet") -- TODO
:<|> pure (panic "not implemented yet") -- TODO
:<|> pure (panic "not implemented yet") -- TODO
type GraphAPI = Get '[JSON] Graph
graphAPI :: Connection -> NodeId -> Server GraphAPI
......@@ -258,14 +267,10 @@ treeAPI = treeDB
-- | Check if the name is less than 255 char
--rename :: Connection -> NodeId -> Rename -> Server NodeAPI
rename :: Connection -> NodeId -> RenameNode -> Handler [Int]
rename c nId (RenameNode name) = liftIO $ U.update (U.Rename nId name) c
nodesAPI :: Connection -> [NodeId] -> Server NodesAPI
nodesAPI conn ids = deleteNodes' conn ids
getTable :: Connection -> NodeId -> Maybe FacetType
getTable :: Connection -> NodeId -> Maybe TabType
-> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit
-> Maybe OrderBy -> Handler [FacetDoc]
getTable c cId ft o l order = liftIO $ case ft of
......@@ -294,7 +299,6 @@ getNodesWith' :: JSONB a => Connection -> NodeId -> proxy a -> Maybe NodeType
getNodesWith' conn id p nodeType offset limit = liftIO (getNodesWith conn id p nodeType offset limit)
query :: Text -> Handler Text
query s = pure s
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