Commit bb91161a authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Serve a custom /config to correctly setup websocket for proxies

This commit extends the reverse proxy for the microservices so that it
would serve a custom `/config` file which would contain the correct
baseUrl to initialise the websocket connection correctly.
parent d2d35f97
......@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ fi
# with the `sha256sum` result calculated on the `cabal.project` and
# `cabal.project.freeze`. This ensures the files stay deterministic so that CI
# cache can kick in.
cabal --store-dir=$STORE_DIR v2-build --dry-run
cabal2stack --system-ghc --allow-newer --resolver lts-21.17 --resolver-file devops/stack/lts-21.17.yaml -o stack.yaml
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
tag: e746dfbe557ce131af1090e1c413fee16675c8e0
tag: c90b7bc55b0e628d0b71ccee4e222833a19792f8
allow-older: *
allow-newer: *
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ constraints: any.Cabal ==,
http-conduit +aeson,
any.http-date ==0.0.11,
any.http-media ==,
any.http-reverse-proxy ==,
any.http-reverse-proxy ==,
any.http-types ==0.12.3,
any.http2 ==4.1.4,
http2 -devel -h2spec,
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ allowed-origins = [
, ""
, ""
, "http://localhost:8008"
, "http://localhost:8009"
use-origins-for-hosts = true
......@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ library
, http-conduit ^>= 2.3.8
, http-media ^>=
, http-types ^>= 0.12.3
, http-reverse-proxy
, http-reverse-proxy >=
, hxt ^>=
, ihaskell >=
-- necessary for ihaskell to build
......@@ -617,6 +617,7 @@ library
, quickcheck-instances ^>=
, rake ^>= 0.0.1
, random ^>= 1.2.1
, raw-strings-qq
, rdf4h ^>= 3.1.1
, recover-rtti >= 0.4 && < 0.5
, regex
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ mkNodeWithParent_ConfigureHyperdata _ _ _ _ = nodeError NotImplYet
internalNotesProxy :: MicroServicesSettings -> T.Text
internalNotesProxy MicroServicesSettings{..} =
"http://localhost:" <> T.pack (show _msProxyPort)
"http://localhost:" <> T.pack (show _msProxyPort) <> "/notes"
-- | Function not exposed
mkNodeWithParent_ConfigureHyperdata' :: (HasNodeError err, HasDBid NodeType, HasSettings env)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Gargantext.MicroServices.ReverseProxy (
-- * Internals
, removeFromReferer
) where
import Prelude
......@@ -20,52 +25,98 @@ import GHC.Generics
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings.MicroServices
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types
import Gargantext.API.Types (HTML)
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (hasConfig)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Prelude.Config (gc_frame_write_url)
import Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy
import Network.HTTP.Types (hCacheControl, RequestHeaders, hReferer, ResponseHeaders)
import Network.HTTP.Types (hCacheControl, RequestHeaders, hReferer, ResponseHeaders, Header)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (hHost)
import Network.URI as URI
import Network.Wai (Request, rawPathInfo, requestHeaders)
import Servant
import Servant hiding (Header)
import Servant.Auth.Swagger ()
import Servant.Client.Core.BaseUrl
import Servant.Server.Generic
import Text.RE.TDFA.ByteString
import Text.RE.Replace hiding (Capture)
import Text.RE.TDFA.ByteString
import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
-- Types
data ProxyDestination =
{ fwdProto :: C8.ByteString
, fwdHost :: C8.ByteString
, fwdPort :: PortNumber
newtype FrameId = FrameId { _FrameId :: T.Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | The service type that our microservices proxy will handle. At the moment
-- we support only the \"notes\" one.
data ServiceType
= ST_notes
deriving Generic
-- | Renders a 'ServiceType' into a string.
renderServiceType :: ServiceType -> String
renderServiceType ST_notes = "notes"
serviceTypeToProxyPath :: ServiceType -> String
serviceTypeToProxyPath ST_notes = "/notes"
instance FromHttpApiData ServiceType where
parseUrlPiece "notes" = Right ST_notes
parseUrlPiece x = Left x
instance FromHttpApiData FrameId where
parseUrlPiece txt
| T.all isHexDigit txt = Right (FrameId txt)
| otherwise = Left "Invalid FrameId: must be a hexadecimal string"
newtype ProxyDestination =
ProxyDestination { _ProxyDestination :: BaseUrl }
renderProxyDestination :: ProxyDestination -> C8.ByteString
renderProxyDestination ProxyDestination{..}
= fwdProto <> "//" <> fwdHost <> ":" <> C8.pack ( fwdPort)
fwdHost :: ProxyDestination -> C8.ByteString
fwdHost = C8.pack . baseUrlHost . _ProxyDestination
fwdPort :: ProxyDestination -> Int
fwdPort = baseUrlPort . _ProxyDestination
-- The API
data ReverseProxyAPI mode = ReverseProxyAPI
{ notesProxy :: mode :- NamedRoutes NotesProxy
, notesSocketIo :: mode :- "" :> NamedRoutes SocketIOProxy
, meEndpoint :: mode :- "me" :> Raw
{ -- | The proxy routes for the \"notes\" microservice (e.g. \"\").
notesServiceProxy :: mode :- "notes" :> NamedRoutes NotesProxy
-- | proxy everything else. CAREFUL! This has to be the last route, as it will always match.
, proxyPassAll :: mode :- Raw
} deriving Generic
data NotesProxy mode = NotesProxy
{ noteProxyEp :: mode :- Capture "frameId" T.Text :> Raw
, slideEp :: mode :- Capture "frameId" T.Text :> "slide" :> Raw
{ -- | Turn the notes into slides
slideEp :: mode :- Capture "frameId" FrameId :> "slide" :> Raw
, publishEp :: mode :- Capture "frameId" FrameId :> "publish" :> Raw
-- | The config file which contains the server settings for the websocket connection
-- that we have to overwrite with our settings.
, configFile :: mode :- "config" :> Get '[HTML] T.Text
-- | Once the connection has been established, this is the websocket endpoint to
-- poll edits.
, notesSocket :: mode :- "" :> NamedRoutes SocketIOProxy
-- | Called during the websocket connection
, meEndpoint :: mode :- "me" :> Raw
-- | The initial endpoint which will be hit the first time we want to access the /notes endpoint.
, notesEp :: mode :- Capture "frameId" FrameId :> Raw
-- | The generic routes serving the assets.
, notesStaticAssets :: mode :- Raw
} deriving Generic
data SocketIOProxy mode = SocketIOProxy
{ socketIoEp :: mode :- QueryParam "noteId" T.Text :> Raw
{ socketIoEp :: mode :- QueryParam' '[Required] "noteId" FrameId :> Raw
} deriving Generic
......@@ -77,92 +128,139 @@ microServicesProxyApp env = genericServe (server env)
server :: Env -> ReverseProxyAPI AsServer
server env = ReverseProxyAPI {
notesProxy = notesProxyImplementation env
, notesSocketIo = socketIOProxyImplementation env
, meEndpoint = proxyPassServer env
notesServiceProxy = notesProxyImplementation env
, proxyPassAll = proxyPassServer ST_notes env
-- | A customised configuration file that the \"notes\" service would otherwise send us, that
-- overrides the 'urlpath' to contain the proper service path, so that the websocket connection
-- can be started correctly. If we do not override the 'urlpath', due to the way things work
-- internally, the Javascript of CodiMD would otherwise take the first slice of the URL path
-- (something like `/notes/<frameId>`) and use /that/ as the <frameId>, which would be wrong
-- as it would try to establish a connection to `noteId=notes`.
configJS :: ServiceType -> T.Text
configJS st = T.pack $ [r|
window.domain = ''
window.urlpath = '|] <> renderServiceType st <> [r|'
window.debug = false
window.version = '1.2.0'
window.allowedUploadMimeTypes = ["image/jpeg","image/png","image/jpg","image/gif","image/svg+xml"]
window.DROPBOX_APP_KEY = ''
notesProxyImplementation :: Env -> NotesProxy AsServer
notesProxyImplementation env = NotesProxy {
noteProxyEp = \_frameId -> notesProxyServer env
, slideEp = \frameId -> slideProxyServer env frameId
slideEp = \frameId -> slideProxyServer env frameId
, publishEp = \frameId -> publishProxyServer env frameId
, configFile = pure $ configJS sty
, notesSocket = socketIOProxyImplementation sty env
, meEndpoint = proxyPassServer sty env
, notesEp = \_frameId -> defaultForwardServer sty id env
, notesStaticAssets = proxyPassServer sty env
sty :: ServiceType
sty = ST_notes
socketIOProxyImplementation :: Env -> SocketIOProxy AsServer
socketIOProxyImplementation env = SocketIOProxy {
socketIoEp = \_noteId -> proxyPassServer env
socketIOProxyImplementation :: ServiceType -> Env -> SocketIOProxy AsServer
socketIOProxyImplementation sty env = SocketIOProxy {
socketIoEp = \_noteId -> defaultForwardServer sty id env
notesProxyServer :: Env -> ServerT Raw m
notesProxyServer env = defaultForwardServer id env
removeServiceFromPath :: ServiceType -> Request -> Request
removeServiceFromPath sty = removeProxyPath (T.pack $ serviceTypeToProxyPath sty)
removeProxyPath :: T.Text -> Request -> Request
removeProxyPath pth originalRequest =
originalRequest { rawPathInfo = removePath pth (rawPathInfo originalRequest) }
slideProxyServer :: Env -> T.Text -> ServerT Raw m
slideProxyServer env frameId =
defaultForwardServer (\rq -> rq { rawPathInfo = changePath (rawPathInfo rq) }) env
slideProxyServer :: Env -> FrameId -> ServerT Raw m
slideProxyServer env (FrameId frameId) =
defaultForwardServer ST_notes (\rq -> rq { rawPathInfo = changePath (rawPathInfo rq) }) env
changePath :: ByteString -> ByteString
changePath _ = TE.encodeUtf8 $ "/p/" <> frameId <> "#/"
-- Generic server forwarder
proxyPassServer :: Env -> ServerT Raw m
proxyPassServer env = defaultForwardServer id env
publishProxyServer :: Env -> FrameId -> ServerT Raw m
publishProxyServer env (FrameId frameId) =
defaultForwardServer ST_notes (\rq -> rq { rawPathInfo = changePath (rawPathInfo rq) }) env
changePath :: ByteString -> ByteString
changePath _ = TE.encodeUtf8 $ "/s/" <> frameId
-- Generic server forwarder
proxyPassServer :: ServiceType -> Env -> ServerT Raw m
proxyPassServer sty env = defaultForwardServer sty id env
mkProxyDestination :: Env -> ProxyDestination
mkProxyDestination env = fromMaybe (panicTrace "Invalid URI found in the proxied Request.") $ do
URI{..} <- URI.parseURI (T.unpack $ env ^. hasConfig . gc_frame_write_url)
uriAut <- uriAuthority
port <- case uriPort uriAut of
"" -> pure 80
xs -> readMaybe (dropWhile (==':') xs)
pure $ ProxyDestination (C8.pack uriScheme) (C8.pack $ uriRegName uriAut) port
baseUrl <- parseBaseUrl (T.unpack $ env ^. hasConfig . gc_frame_write_url)
pure $ ProxyDestination baseUrl
-- Combinators over the input Request
removeProxyPath :: T.Text -> Request -> Request
removeProxyPath pth originalRequest =
originalRequest { rawPathInfo = removePath (rawPathInfo originalRequest) }
removeFromReferer :: T.Text -> Request -> Request
removeFromReferer pth originalRequest =
originalRequest { requestHeaders = ( tweakReferer (requestHeaders originalRequest))
removePath :: ByteString -> ByteString
removePath = TE.encodeUtf8 . T.replace pth "" . TE.decodeUtf8
tweakReferer :: Header -> Header
tweakReferer (k,v)
| k == hReferer
= (hReferer, removePath pth v)
| otherwise
= (k,v)
defaultForwardServer :: (Request -> Request) -> Env -> ServerT Raw m
defaultForwardServer presendModifyRequest env =
Tagged $ waiProxyToSettings forwardRequest (proxySettings $ mkProxyDestination env) (env ^. env_manager)
defaultForwardServer :: ServiceType
-> (Request -> Request)
-> Env
-> ServerT Raw m
defaultForwardServer sty presendModifyRequest env =
Tagged $ waiProxyToSettings forwardRequest (proxySettings) (env ^. env_manager)
proxyDestination :: ProxyDestination
proxyDestination = mkProxyDestination env
proxyUrl :: BaseUrl
proxyUrl = fromMaybe (panicTrace "Couldn't parse proxy settings") $ do
url <- parseBaseUrl ("http://localhost:" <> proxyListeningPort) -- FIXME(adn)
pure url
proxyUrlStr :: String
proxyUrlStr = showBaseUrl proxyUrl
microSrvSettings :: MicroServicesSettings
microSrvSettings = env ^. env_settings . microservicesSettings
proxyListeningPort :: Int
proxyListeningPort = microSrvSettings ^. msProxyPort
proxySettings :: ProxyDestination -> WaiProxySettings
proxySettings proxyDestination =
proxySettings :: WaiProxySettings
proxySettings =
defaultWaiProxySettings {
wpsProcessBody = \_req _res -> Just $ replaceRelativeLinks ("http://localhost:8009")
wpsProcessBody = \_req _res -> Just $ replaceRelativeLinks (C8.pack $ proxyUrlStr <> serviceTypeToProxyPath sty)
, wpsModifyResponseHeaders = \_req _res -> tweakResponseHeaders
, wpsRedirectCounts = 2
newHost :: ProxyDestination -> RequestHeaders -> RequestHeaders
newHost hst hdrs = (hHost, renderProxyDestination hst) : filter ((/=) hHost . fst) hdrs
setHost :: ProxyDestination -> RequestHeaders -> RequestHeaders
setHost hst hdrs = (hHost, fwdHost hst) : filter ((/=) hHost . fst) hdrs
newReferer :: RequestHeaders -> RequestHeaders
newReferer hdrs =
(hReferer, fromString $ "http://localhost:" <> proxyListeningPort) :
filter ((/=) hHost . fst) hdrs
setReferer :: RequestHeaders -> RequestHeaders
setReferer hdrs =
let hd = (hReferer, C8.pack (proxyUrlStr <> serviceTypeToProxyPath sty))
in hd : filter ((/=) hReferer . fst) hdrs
-- | Forwards the request by substituting back the proxied address into the actual one.
forwardRequest :: Request -> IO WaiProxyResponse
forwardRequest originalRequest = do
let proxiedReq = presendModifyRequest $ originalRequest {
requestHeaders = (newReferer . newHost proxyDestination . noCache $ (requestHeaders originalRequest))
let proxiedReq = presendModifyRequest . removeServiceFromPath sty $ originalRequest {
requestHeaders = (setReferer $ setHost proxyDestination $ noCache $ (requestHeaders originalRequest))
pure $ WPRModifiedRequest proxiedReq (ProxyDest (fwdHost proxyDestination) (fwdPort proxyDestination))
......@@ -202,3 +300,6 @@ replaceRelativeLinks assetPath = flushReplace
"src=\"/config" -> Just $ "src=\"" <> assetPath <> "/config"
"src=\"/js/" -> Just $ "src=\"" <> assetPath <> "/js/"
_ -> Just $ assetPath <> capturedText cap
removePath :: T.Text -> ByteString -> ByteString
removePath pth = TE.encodeUtf8 . T.replace pth "" . TE.decodeUtf8
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
git: ""
- .
- commit: e746dfbe557ce131af1090e1c413fee16675c8e0
- commit: c90b7bc55b0e628d0b71ccee4e222833a19792f8
git: ""
- .
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