[gargantext] # Main url serving the FrontEnd URL = http://localhost # The instance name BACKEND_NAME = localhost # Main API url serving the BackEnd URL_BACKEND_API = http://localhost:8008/api/v1.0 # Needed to instantiate the first users and first data MASTER_USER = gargantua # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = PASSWORD_TO_CHANGE # Data path to local files DATA_FILEPATH = FILEPATH_TO_CHANGE # Data path to local files (do not use quotes) REPO_FILEPATH = FILEPATH_TO_CHANGE PUBMED_API_KEY = ENTER_PUBMED_API_KEY # [external] # FRAMES (i.e. iframe sources used in various places on the frontend) #FRAME_WRITE_URL = http://write.frame.gargantext.org/ FRAME_WRITE_URL = URL_TO_CHANGE #FRAME_CALC_URL = http://calc.frame.gargantext.org/ FRAME_CALC_URL = URL_TO_CHANGE FRAME_VISIO_URL = URL_TO_CHANGE FRAME_SEARX_URL = URL_TO_CHANGE FRAME_ISTEX_URL = URL_TO_CHANGE MAX_DOCS_PARSERS = 1000000 MAX_DOCS_SCRAPERS = 10000 # Specific Services EPO_API_URL = # in seconds JS_JOB_TIMEOUT = 1800 JS_ID_TIMEOUT = 1800 [server] # Server config (TODO connect in ReaderMonad) ALLOWED_ORIGIN = http://localhost ALLOWED_ORIGIN_PORT = 8008 ALLOWED_HOST = localhost ALLOWED_HOST_PORT = 3000 JWT_SETTINGS = TODO [network] # Emails From address (sent by smtp) MAIL = username@gargantext.org HOST = localhost # if remote smtp host # HOST_USER = user # HOST_password = password [database] # PostgreSQL access DB_HOST = DB_PORT = 5432 DB_NAME = gargandbV5 DB_USER = gargantua DB_PASS = PASSWORD_TO_CHANGE [logs] LOG_FILE = /var/log/gargantext/backend.log LOG_LEVEL = LevelDebug LOG_FORMATTER = verbose [mail] MAIL_PORT = 25 MAIL_HOST = localhost MAIL_USER = gargantext MAIL_PASSWORD = MAIL_FROM = # NoAuth | Normal | SSL | TLS | STARTTLS MAIL_LOGIN_TYPE = Normal [nlp] # Possible choices (see Gargantext.Core.NLP): # - spacy:// (for http:// Spacy) # - spacys:// (for https:// Spacy) # - corenlp:// (for http:// CoreNLP) # - corenlps:// (for https:// CoreNLP) # - johnsnow:// (for http:// JohnSnow) # - johnsnows:// (for https:// JohnSnow) EN = corenlp://localhost:9000 FR = spacy://localhost:8001 All = corenlp://localhost:9000