#!/bin/bash FOLDER="logs" FILE=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M.log) LOGFILE=$FOLDER"/"$FILE mkdir -p $FOLDER echo "GarganText: Starting project..." echo "GarganText: First, compiling code..." bin/install echo "GarganText: code compiled [OK]" echo "GarganText: docker for postgresql database..." cd devops/docker docker compose up -d echo "GarganText: docker for postgresql database [OK]" cd ../../ echo "GarganText: gargantext-server with Nix and Cabal..." nix-shell --run "cabal run gargantext-server -- --ini gargantext.ini --run Prod +RTS > $LOGFILE 2>&1 & tail -F $LOGFILE" echo "GarganText: gargantext-server with Nix and Cabal [OK]" echo "GarganText: project stopped."