<div align="center"><img height="180" src="https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/main/raw/master/images/logo.png"></div>

# Gargantext with Haskell (Backend instance)


#### Table of Contents
1. [About the project](#about)
2. [Installation and development](#install)
3. [Uses cases](#use-cases)
4. [GraphQL](#graphql)
5. [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)

## About the project <a name="about"></a>

GarganText is a collaborative web-decentralized-based macro-service platform for the exploration of unstructured texts. It combines tools from natural language processing, text-data-mining bricks, complex networks analysis algorithms and interactive data visualization tools to pave the way toward new kinds of interactions with your textual and digital corpora.

This software is free (as "Libre" in French) software, developed by the CNRS Complex Systems Institute of Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) and its partners.

GarganText Project: this repo builds the backend for the frontend server built by [backend](https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-gargantext).

## Installation and development <a name="install"></a>

Disclaimer: since this project is still in development, this document remains in progress. Please report and improve this documentation if you encounter any issues.

### Prerequisites

You must have the following installed:

- [Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)
- [Curl](https://everything.curl.dev/index.html)
- [Nix](https://nixos.org/download/)
- [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)

### Building

#### Clone the projects

Clone both the backend (`haskell-gargantext`), and the frontend (`purescript-gargantext`) at the root of the backend.
$ git clone https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-gargantext.git
$ cd haskell-gargantext
$ git clone https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/purescript-gargantext.git
$ cd ..

#### The Nix shell

In what follows, many commands need to be executed from within the Nix shell. To make that clear, those will be prefixed with `n$`, *but you must not actually type `n$` before the commands*.
To enter a Nix shell, run the following (this will take a moment the first time you run it, be patient):
$ nix-shell
Once you are in a Nix shell, you can run commands like you would in any other shell.

At any point, you can exit a Nix shell and go back to your regular shell by running `exit`.

If for some reason you do not want to enter a Nix shell, you can still run a command from outside: running the following in a non-Nix shell
$ nix-shell --run "my command"
is equivalent to running `my command` from within a Nix shell.

#### (Optional) Disable optimization flags

If you are developing Gargantext, you might be interested in disabling compiler optimizations.
This speeds up compilation, but the compiled program itself will be less efficient.

To disable compiler optimizations, copy the file `cabal.project.local_toCopy` (which contains the flags that disable optimizations) into `cabal.project.local` (which will be read by Cabal):
$ cp cabal.project.local_toCopy cabal.project.local

#### Build the frontend

$ cd purescript-gargantext/
$ ./bin/install
$ cd ..

#### Build the backend

*Note: This project can be built with either stack or cabal. We keep the `cabal.project` up-to-date, which allows us to build with cabal by default but we support stack thanks to thanks to `cabal2stack`, which allows us to generate a valid `stack.yaml` from a `cabal.project`. Due to the fact gargantext requires a particular set of system dependencies (C++ libraries, toolchains, etc) we use nix to setup an environment with all the required system dependencies, in a sandboxed and isolated fashion.*

*This documentation shows how to build with cabal. For information related to stack, see `docs/using_stack.md`.*

Depending on your situation, there are several ways to build the project:

1. **Simple build**

*This will build the project and install the executables `gargantext-cli` and `gargantext-server` somewhere on your system.
Depending on your Cabal configuration, this is probably `~/.local/bin/` or `~/.cabal/bin/`.*

From within the Nix shell, run:
n$ cabal update
n$ cabal install

2. **Full build**

*Same as "simple build" above, but also runs tests and builds documentation.*

Just run the `install` script:

$ ./bin/install

3. **Build and run**

*Builds and runs the Gargantext server. This has the advantage of letting you run Gargantext without having to know where on your machine the executable is.*

*Since you will be running Gargantext,* **you need to have gone through initialization first;** *see "Initializing and running" below.*

From inside a Nix shell:
n$ cabal run gargantext-server -- --ini gargantext.ini --run Prod

### Initializing and running

#### Start containers for database and NLP software bricks

$ cd devops/docker
$ docker compose up

The initialization schema should be loaded automatically from `devops/postgres/schema.sql`.

#### Create configuration file

$ cp gargantext.ini_toModify gargantext.ini

> `.gitignore` excludes this file, so you don't need to worry about committing it by mistake, and you can change the passwords in `gargantext.ini` safely.

#### Create master user

From within the Nix shell:
n$ gargantext-cli init --ini-path gargantext.ini

The master user's name is automatically set to `gargantua`, but you will be prompted for their password and email address.

#### Running

Make sure you know where `gargantext-server` is (probably in `~/.local/bin/` or `.cabal/bin/`). If the location is in your `$PATH`, just run:
$ gargantext-server -- --ini gargantext.ini --run Prod
(If the location is not in your `$PATH`, just prefix `gargantext-server` with the path to it.)

You might want to use the `./start` script: it rebuilds the backend, starts the docker containers, and launches the Gargantext server at once.

### Running tests

From nix shell:

n$ cabal v2-test --test-show-details=streaming

Or, from "outside":
$ nix-shell --run "cabal v2-test --test-show-details=streaming"
### Working on libraries

When a devlopment is needed on libraries (for instance, the HAL crawler in https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/crawlers):

1. Ongoing devlopment (on local repo):
   1. In `cabal.project`:
      - add `../hal` to `packages:`
      - turn off (temporarily) the `hal` in `source-repository-package` 
   2. When changes work and tests are OK, commit in repo `hal`
2. When changes are commited / merged:
   1. Get the hash id, and edit `cabal.project` with the **new commit id**
   2. run `./bin/update-project-dependencies`
      - get an error that sha256 don't match, so update the `./bin/update-project-dependencies` with new sha256 hash
      - run again `./bin/update-project-dependencies` (to make sure it's a fixed point now)

> Note: without `stack.yaml` we would have to only fix `cabal.project` -> `source-repository-package` commit id. Sha256 is there to make sure CI reruns the tests.

### Tooling info

Once you get Gargantext to compile and run on your machine, you will likely want
the following:
- Language support (intellisense) in your editor; see `docs/editor_setup.md`
- Being able to send commands to the Gargantext server from GHCI; see `docs/running_commands.md`

## Use Cases <a name="use-cases"></a>

### Multi-User with Graphical User Interface (Server Mode)

``` shell
$ ~/.local/bin/stack --docker exec gargantext-server -- --ini "gargantext.ini" --run Prod

Then you can log in with `user1` / `1resu`

### Command Line Mode tools

#### Simple cooccurrences computation and indexation from a list of Ngrams

``` shell
$ stack --docker exec gargantext-cli -- CorpusFromGarg.csv ListFromGarg.csv Ouput.json

### Analyzing the ngrams table repo

We store the repository in directory `repos` in the [CBOR](https://cbor.io/) file format. To decode it to JSON and analyze, say, using [jq](https://shapeshed.com/jq-json/), use the following command:

``` shell
$ cat repos/repo.cbor.v5 | stack exec gargantext-cbor2json | jq .
### Documentation

To build documentation, run:

$ stack build --haddock --no-haddock-deps --fast

(in `.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-nix/Cabal-`).

## GraphQL <a name="graphql"></a>

Some introspection information.

Playground is located at http://localhost:8008/gql

### List all GraphQL types in the Playground

  __schema {
    types {

### List details about a type in GraphQL

  __type(name:"User") {
  	fields {
      type {
## PostgreSQL <a name="pgsql"></a>

### Upgrading using Docker


To upgrade PostgreSQL in Docker containers, for example from 11.x to 14.x, simply run:
$ docker exec -it <container-id> pg_dumpall -U gargantua > 11-db.dump

Then, shut down the container, replace `image` section in `devops/docker/docker-compose.yaml` with `postgres:14`. Also, it is a good practice to create a new volume, say `garg-pgdata14` and bind the new container to it. If you want to keep the same volume, remember about removing it like so:
$ docker-compose rm postgres
$ docker volume rm docker_garg-pgdata

Now, start the container and execute:
$ # need to drop the empty DB first, since schema will be created when restoring the dump
$ docker exec -i <new-container-id> dropdb -U gargantua gargandbV5
$ # recreate the db, but empty with no schema
$ docker exec -i <new-container-id> createdb -U gargantua gargandbV5
$ # now we can restore the dump
$ docker exec -i <new-container-id> psql -U gargantua -d gargandbV5 < 11-db.dump

### Upgrading using 

There is a solution using pgupgrade_cluster but you need to manage the clusters version 14 and 13. Hence here is a simple solution to upgrade.

First save your data:
$ sudo su postgres
$ pg_dumpall > gargandb.dump

Upgrade postgresql:
$ sudo apt install postgresql-server-14 postgresql-client-14
$ sudo apt remove --purge postgresql-13
Restore your data:
$ sudo su postgres
$ psql < gargandb.dump

Maybe you need to restore the gargantua password
$ ALTER ROLE gargantua PASSWORD 'yourPasswordIn_gargantext.ini'
Maybe you need to change the port to 5433 for database connection in your gargantext.ini file.