Commit 171b927d authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[FLouvain] some fixes to the code

parent 23e00a61
......@@ -45,7 +45,14 @@ runIterations n gr = do
putStrLn "Initial modularity: "
putStrLn $ T.unpack $ show $ modularity fgr initCgr fgrWeight
foldM_ (runIteration fgr fgrWeight) initCgr [0..n]
lastCgr <- foldM (runIteration fgr fgrWeight) initCgr [0..n]
-- at the end, just pretty-print communities
let coms = filter (not . null . comNodes . llab) (labNodes lastCgr)
putStrLn "-------------"
putStrLn "Non-empty communities: "
mapM_ (putStrLn . T.pack . show) coms
runIteration fgr fgrWeight iterCgr i = do
......@@ -73,8 +80,7 @@ readPythonGraph src = do
Left err -> do
return $ Left err
Right edges -> do
let nodes = map (, ()) $ nub $ map (\(s, _, _) -> s) edges
return $ Right $ mkGraph nodes edges
return $ Right $ mkGraph' edges
lexer = PT.makeTokenParser haskellStyle
edgeParser :: P.GenParser Char st [(Node, Node, Double)]
......@@ -123,12 +123,21 @@ sumEdgeWeights :: Adj (FEdge b) -> Double
sumEdgeWeights es = sum $ map (fedgeWeight . fst) es
type FGraph a b = Gr a (FEdge b)
-- Used for k_i in formula (2)
-- | Used for k_i in formula (2)
-- (sum of the weights of the links incident to node i)
newtype NodeWeightSum = NodeWeightSum { unNodeWeightSum :: Double }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- Used for k_i,in in formula (2)
nodeWeightSum :: Context a (FEdge b) -> NodeWeightSum
nodeWeightSum (p, _, _, s) = NodeWeightSum $ sumEdgeWeights $ p <> s
-- |Used for k_i,in in formula (2)
-- (Sum of weights of links from a given 'Node' to nodes in a given 'Community')
newtype NodeComWeightSum = NodeComWeightSum { unNodeComWeightSum :: Double }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
nodeComWeightSum :: Community -> Context a (FEdge b) -> NodeComWeightSum
nodeComWeightSum com (p, _, _, s) =
NodeComWeightSum $ sumEdgeWeights $ filter (\(_, n) -> n `elem` comNodes com) $ p <> s
-- Probably this structure is better to reduce the number of computations
-- (precompute sum of node weights, which is the k_i variable in formula (2)).
-- type FNode a = (NodeWeightSum, a)
......@@ -168,7 +177,7 @@ type CGrEdge = (InWeightSum, TotWeightSum)
type CGr = Gr Community ()
graphWeight :: FGraph a b -> GraphWeightSum
graphWeight gr = GraphWeightSum $ ufold weight' 0 gr
graphWeight gr = GraphWeightSum $ 0.5 * ufold weight' 0 gr
weight' (p, _, _, s) acc = acc + (sumEdgeWeights $ p <> s)
......@@ -189,7 +198,8 @@ initialCGr gr = gmap singletonCom gr
edges = lneighbors gr v
-- no internal links
iws = InWeightSum 0.0
-- just sum over the edges coming into/out of node v
-- Just sum over the edges coming into/out of node v. This is because
-- there are no inner links, all other nodes are external.
tws = TotWeightSum $ sumEdgeWeights edges
......@@ -198,20 +208,21 @@ initialCGr gr = gmap singletonCom gr
-- We just fold over the communities (this is because of the delta(c_i, c_j)
-- param)
modularity :: FGraph a b -> CGr -> GraphWeightSum -> Modularity
modularity gr cgr m = Modularity $ 0.5 * ( ufold modularity' 0.0 cgr ) / (unGraphWeightSum m)
modularity gr cgr m = Modularity $ coeff * ( ufold modularity' 0.0 cgr )
-- sum over nodes in community
-- \Sum A_ij is just the InWeightSum
coeff = 0.5 / (unGraphWeightSum m)
-- Sum over nodes in community
-- \Sum A_ij is just the InWeightSum (in formula (1) it is sum of weights
-- between nodes i and j both in the same community, as enforced by the
-- \delta(c_i, c_j) symbol)
modularity' (_, _, com, _) acc = acc + component
component = (unInWeightSum $ comInWeightSum com) - weightsMul
weightsMul = 0.5 * ( sum $ map weightsMul' $ comNodes com ) / (unGraphWeightSum m)
weightsMul = coeff * ( sum $ map weightsMul' $ comNodes com )
weightsMul' n = (ki n) * (sum $ map ki $ comNodes com)
-- k_i variable in formula (1)
ki :: Node -> Double
ki n = sumEdgeWeights $ p <> s
(p, _, _, s) = context gr n
ki n = unNodeWeightSum $ nodeWeightSum $ context gr n
type Delta = Community -> NodeWeightSum -> NodeComWeightSum -> GraphWeightSum -> DeltaQ
-- | Delta Q function from Louvain paper (2).
......@@ -249,7 +260,7 @@ iteration gr cs = xdfsFoldWith suc' (\(_, v, _, _)
-- | Step for one node. We try re-assign it to a neighbouring community, where
-- the increase of modularity for graph will be the largest
step :: GraphWeightSum -> CFunFold a (FEdge b) CGr
step gw ctx@(p, v, l, s) cgr = newCgr
step gw ctx@(_, v, _, _) cgr = newCgr
newCgr = case mNc of
Nothing -> cgr
......@@ -278,11 +289,11 @@ step gw ctx@(p, v, l, s) cgr = newCgr
-- , map (makeMove Into) ncs )
makeMove :: Direction -> LNode Community -> LNode Community
makeMove direction (cn, c) = (cn, moveNodeWithNeighbours (p <> s) v direction c)
makeMove direction (cn, c) = (cn, moveNodeWithContext ctx direction c)
-- k_i variable in formula (2)
ki :: NodeWeightSum
ki = NodeWeightSum $ sumEdgeWeights $ p <> s
ki = nodeWeightSum ctx
deltas :: [(LNode Community, DeltaQ)]
deltas = map (\c -> (c, delta' c)) ncs
......@@ -303,10 +314,6 @@ step gw ctx@(p, v, l, s) cgr = newCgr
-- So the Delta function takes as parameters:
-- C, (edges from C in cgr), (edges from v in gr), (edges from v to C), (edges in gr)
nodeComWeightSum :: Community -> Context a (FEdge b) -> NodeComWeightSum
nodeComWeightSum com (_, _, _, s) =
NodeComWeightSum $ sumEdgeWeights $ filter (\(_, n) -> n `elem` comNodes com) s
-- | 'Direction' when moving node 'Into'/'OutOf' community
......@@ -335,15 +342,15 @@ nodeNeighbours n cgr =
-- Just (cn, _) -> lneighbors cgr cn
-- | Moves 'Node' in the 'Direction' of 'Community' and recomputes 'Community''s weights
moveNode :: FGraph a b -> Node -> Direction -> Community -> Community
moveNode gr n direction c = moveNodeWithNeighbours lnNeighbors n direction c
moveNode :: forall a b. FGraph a b -> Node -> Direction -> Community -> Community
moveNode gr n direction c = moveNodeWithContext ctx direction c
--lnNeighbors :: Adj (FEdge b)
lnNeighbors = lneighbors gr n
ctx :: Context a (FEdge b)
ctx = context gr n
-- | Same as 'moveNode' above but with only node neighbours, not whole graph
moveNodeWithNeighbours :: forall b. Adj (FEdge b) -> Node -> Direction -> Community -> Community
moveNodeWithNeighbours lnNeighbors n direction (Community (ns, inwsum, totwsum)) =
-- | Same as 'moveNode' above but with only node context, not whole graph
moveNodeWithContext :: forall a b. Context a (FEdge b) -> Direction -> Community -> Community
moveNodeWithContext ctx@(_, n, _, _) direction com@(Community (ns, inwsum, totwsum)) =
Community (newNs, InWeightSum newInWsum, TotWeightSum newTotWsum)
newNs = case direction of
......@@ -352,24 +359,20 @@ moveNodeWithNeighbours lnNeighbors n direction (Community (ns, inwsum, totwsum))
(newInWsum, newTotWsum) =
case direction of
Into -> (unInWeightSum inwsum + sumN, unTotWeightSum totwsum - sumNonCom)
OutOf -> (unInWeightSum inwsum - sumN, unTotWeightSum totwsum + sumNonCom)
Into -> (unInWeightSum inwsum + unNodeComWeightSum cws, unTotWeightSum totwsum - sumNonCom)
OutOf -> (unInWeightSum inwsum - unNodeComWeightSum cws, unTotWeightSum totwsum + sumNonCom)
-- Update InWeightSum with connections between node and the community
sumN :: Double
sumN = sumEdgeWeights comNeighbors
-- k_i
nws :: NodeWeightSum
nws = nodeWeightSum ctx
-- Update TotWeightSum, subtracting connections between node and community
-- and adding connections of node to non-community
sumNonCom :: Double
sumNonCom = sumEdgeWeights nonComNeighbors
-- sum of edge weights inside community
cws :: NodeComWeightSum
cws = nodeComWeightSum com ctx
-- Node Adj Context
comNeighbors :: Adj (FEdge b)
comNeighbors = filter (\ln -> snd ln `elem` ns) lnNeighbors
nonComNeighbors :: Adj (FEdge b)
nonComNeighbors = filter (\ln -> snd ln `notElem` ns) lnNeighbors
-- sum of weights of node outside of community
sumNonCom :: Double
sumNonCom = unNodeWeightSum nws - unNodeComWeightSum cws
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