Commit ef7e8303 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[ILouvain] PathNodes + stepB

parent 4a63c422
......@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ module Data.Graph.Clustering.ILouvain
import Debug.SimpleReflect
import Data.Set (fromList)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, maybe)
import Data.List (zip, cycle)
import Data.List (zip, cycle, null)
import Protolude hiding (empty, (&))
import Data.Graph.Inductive
import qualified Data.Graph.Clustering.HLouvain as H
data NodePath = AllNodes | DfsNodes
-- HyperGraph Definition
type HyperGraph a b = Gr (Gr () a) b
......@@ -29,24 +31,34 @@ type HyperContext a b = Context (Gr () a) b
-- TODO Later (hypothesis still)
-- type StreamGraph a b = Gr a (Gr () b)
toNodes :: HyperGraph a a -> [[Node]]
toNodes g = map (hnodes g) (nodes g)
isFlat :: HyperGraph a b -> Bool
isFlat g = all (isEmpty . snd) (labNodes g)
iLouvain :: (Eq a, Show a)
=> Int -> HyperGraph a a -> HyperGraph a a
iLouvain 0 g = g
iLouvain 1 g = (iLouvain' g g)
iLouvain n g = iLouvain' g (iLouvain (n-1) g)
=> Int -> NodePath -> HyperGraph a a -> HyperGraph a a
iLouvain 0 p g = g
iLouvain n p g = iLouvain' p g (iLouvain (n-1) p g)
iLouvain' :: (Eq a, Show a)
=> HyperGraph a a
=> NodePath
-> HyperGraph a a
-> HyperGraph a a
iLouvain' g0 g = iLouvain'' g0 $ filter (\n -> elem n (nodes g)) ps
-> HyperGraph a a
iLouvain' p g g' = iLouvain'' g $ filter (\n -> elem n (nodes g)) ps
-- quick trick to filter path but path of HyperGraph can be different
ps = nodes g0
-- ps = path' g0
-- ps = nodes g0
ps = if isFlat g'
then case p of
AllNodes -> nodes g
DfsNodes -> path' g
else reverse $ sortOn (Down . length . hnodes g')
$ nodes g
iLouvain'' :: Show a
=> HyperGraph a a
......@@ -54,7 +66,7 @@ iLouvain'' :: Show a
-> HyperGraph a a
iLouvain'' g [ ] = g
iLouvain'' g [_] = g
iLouvain'' g ns = foldl' (\g1 n -> step' g g1 n
iLouvain'' g ns = foldl' (\g1 n -> step g g1 n
$ filter (\m -> elem m (nodes g1))
$ neighbors g n
) g ns
......@@ -62,37 +74,49 @@ iLouvain'' g ns = foldl' (\g1 n -> step' g g1 n
-- g1 has holes in network (case below):
-- iLouvain'' g ns = foldl' (\g1 n -> step' g g1 n $ neighbors g1 n) g ns
step' :: Show a
step :: Show a
=> HyperGraph a b
-> HyperGraph a a
-> Node
-> [Node]
-> HyperGraph a a
step' g g' n ns = -- trace ("step'" :: Text) $
step g g' n ns = -- trace ("step'" :: Text) $
foldl' (\g1 n' -> case match n g1 of
(Nothing, _) -> g1
(Just _, _ ) -> step g g1 n n'
(Just _, _ ) -> step' g g1 n n'
) g' ns
step :: Show a
step' :: Show a
=> HyperGraph a b
-> HyperGraph a a
-> Node
-> Node
-> HyperGraph a a
step g g' n1 n2 = -- trace ("step" :: Text) $
if s2 > 0 && s2 >= s1
-- if s2 >= s1
step' g g' n1 n2 = -- trace ("step" :: Text) $
-- if s2 > 0 && s2 >= s1
if s2 >= s1
then -- trace ("step:mv" :: Text) $
mv g' [n1] [n2]
else -- trace ("step:else" :: Text) $
s1 = -- trace ("mod1" :: Text) $
s1 = -- trace ("step:mod1" :: Text) $
imodularity g [n1]
s2 = -- trace ("mod2" :: Text) $
s2 = -- trace ("step:mod2" :: Text) $
imodularity g [n1,n2]
stepB :: Show a
=> HyperGraph a b
-> HyperGraph a a
-> Node
-> [Node]
-> HyperGraph a a
stepB g g' n ns = snd
$ maximumBy (\(n1,g1) (n2,g2) -> compare (imodularity g [n1]) (imodularity g [n2])) gs
gs = (n, g') : map (\m -> (m, mv g' [n] [m])) ns
hnodes :: HyperGraph a b -> Node -> [Node]
hnodes g n = case match n g of
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