Commit 0dc3d444 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Graph Search] union of pairs.

parent cce2004f
......@@ -90,13 +90,6 @@ data Facet id date hyperdata score =
} deriving (Show, Generic)
type PairLabel = Text
instance ToJSON PairLabel
instance ToSchema PairLabel
instance Arbitrary PairLabel where
arbitrary = elements (["Label 1", "Label 2"] :: [PairLabel])
data Pair i l = Pair {_p_id :: i
,_p_label :: l
} deriving (Show, Generic)
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Gargantext.Database.TextSearch where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Map.Strict hiding (map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text (Text, words, unpack, intercalate)
......@@ -75,7 +77,12 @@ joinInCorpus = leftJoin queryNodeSearchTable queryNodeNodeTable cond
type AuthorName = Text
searchInCorpusWithContacts :: Connection -> CorpusId -> [Text] -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe OrderBy -> IO [FacetPaired Int UTCTime HyperdataDocument Int [Pair Int Text]]
searchInCorpusWithContacts = undefined
searchInCorpusWithContacts c cId q o l order = map (\((i,u,h,s), ps) -> FacetPaired i u h s (catMaybes ps)) <$> toList <$> fromListWith (<>) <$> map (\(FacetPaired i u h s p) -> ((i,u,h,s), [maybePair p])) <$> searchInCorpusWithContacts' c cId q o l order
maybePair (Pair Nothing Nothing) = Nothing
maybePair (Pair _ Nothing) = Nothing
maybePair (Pair Nothing _) = Nothing
maybePair (Pair (Just i) (Just l)) = Just $ Pair i l
searchInCorpusWithContacts' :: Connection -> CorpusId -> [Text] -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe OrderBy -> IO [(FacetPaired Int UTCTime HyperdataDocument Int (Pair (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text)))]
searchInCorpusWithContacts' c cId q o l order = runQuery c $ queryInCorpusWithContacts cId q' o l order
......@@ -131,6 +131,12 @@ data HyperdataDocument = HyperdataDocument { _hyperdataDocument_bdd
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_hyperdataDocument_") ''HyperdataDocument)
$(makeLenses ''HyperdataDocument)
instance Eq HyperdataDocument where
(==) h1 h2 = (==) (_hyperdataDocument_uniqId h1) (_hyperdataDocument_uniqId h2)
instance Ord HyperdataDocument where
compare h1 h2 = compare (_hyperdataDocument_uniqId h1) (_hyperdataDocument_uniqId h2)
instance Hyperdata HyperdataDocument
instance ToField HyperdataDocument where
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