Commit 134007c8 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev-comments' into dev

parents 90f7241e f81ecca6
......@@ -249,9 +249,11 @@ type GargAPI' =
:> QueryParam "order" OrderBy
:> SearchAPI
-- TODO move to NodeAPI?
:<|> "graph" :> Summary "Graph endpoint"
:> Capture "id" NodeId :> GraphAPI
-- TODO move to NodeAPI?
-- Tree endpoint
:<|> "tree" :> Summary "Tree endpoint"
:> Capture "id" NodeId :> TreeAPI
......@@ -285,15 +287,17 @@ serverGargAPI :: GargServer GargAPI
serverGargAPI -- orchestrator
= auth
:<|> roots
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAny)
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataCorpus)
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAnnuaire)
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAny) fakeUserId
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataCorpus) fakeUserId
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAnnuaire) fakeUserId
:<|> nodesAPI
:<|> count -- TODO: undefined
:<|> search
:<|> graphAPI -- TODO: mock
:<|> treeAPI
-- :<|> orchestrator
fakeUserId = 1 -- TODO
serverIndex :: Server (Get '[HTML] Html)
serverIndex = $(do (Just s) <- liftIO (fileTypeToFileTree (FileTypeFile "purescript-gargantext/dist/index.html"))
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix)
-- TODO-ACCESS: CanCount
-- TODO-EVENTS: No events as this is a read only query.
type CountAPI = Post '[JSON] Counts
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (TabType(..), TableNgramsApi, TableNgramsApiGet, ta
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node
import Gargantext.Database.Utils -- (Cmd, CmdM)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node ( getNodesWithParentId, getNode, deleteNode, deleteNodes, mk, JSONB, NodeError(..), HasNodeError(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node ( getNodesWithParentId, getNode, deleteNode, deleteNodes, mkNodeWithParent, JSONB, NodeError(..), HasNodeError(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Node.Children (getChildren)
import qualified Gargantext.Database.Node.Update as U (update, Update(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Facet (FacetDoc , runViewDocuments, OrderBy(..),FacetChart,runViewAuthorsDoc)
......@@ -75,7 +75,11 @@ import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
type GargServer api = forall env m. CmdM env ServantErr m => ServerT api m
-- | TODO : access by admin only
-- TODO-ACCESS: access by admin only.
-- At first let's just have an isAdmin check.
-- Later: check userId CanDeleteNodes Nothing
-- TODO-EVENTS: DeletedNodes [NodeId]
-- {"tag": "DeletedNodes", "nodes": [Int*]}
type NodesAPI = Delete '[JSON] Int
-- | Delete Nodes
......@@ -85,8 +89,13 @@ nodesAPI :: [NodeId] -> GargServer NodesAPI
nodesAPI ids = deleteNodes ids
-- | TODO: access by admin only
-- To manager the Users roots
-- | TODO-ACCESS: access by admin only.
-- At first let's just have an isAdmin check.
-- Later: CanAccessAnyNode or (CanGetAnyNode, CanPutAnyNode)
-- To manage the Users roots
-- PutNode ?
-- TODO needs design discussion.
type Roots = Get '[JSON] [NodeAny]
:<|> Put '[JSON] Int -- TODO
......@@ -97,10 +106,21 @@ roots = (liftIO (putStrLn ( "/user" :: Text)) >> getNodesWithParentId 0 Nothing)
-- | Node API Types management
-- TODO : access by users
-- TODO-ACCESS : access by users
-- No ownership check is needed if we strictly follow the capability model.
-- CanGetNode (Node, Children, TableApi, TableNgramsApiGet, PairingApi, ChartApi,
-- SearchAPI)
-- CanRenameNode (or part of CanEditNode?)
-- CanCreateChildren (PostNodeApi)
-- CanEditNode / CanPutNode TODO not implemented yet
-- CanDeleteNode
-- CanPatch (TableNgramsApi)
-- CanFavorite
-- CanMoveToTrash
type NodeAPI a = Get '[JSON] (Node a)
:<|> "rename" :> RenameApi
:<|> PostNodeApi
:<|> PostNodeApi -- TODO move to children POST
:<|> Put '[JSON] Int
:<|> Delete '[JSON] Int
:<|> "children" :> ChildrenApi a
......@@ -121,6 +141,8 @@ type NodeAPI a = Get '[JSON] (Node a)
:> QueryParam "order" OrderBy
:> SearchAPI
-- TODO-ACCESS: check userId CanRenameNode nodeId
-- TODO-EVENTS: NodeRenamed RenameNode or re-use some more general NodeEdited...
type RenameApi = Summary " Rename Node"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] RenameNode
:> Put '[JSON] [Int]
......@@ -136,10 +158,11 @@ type ChildrenApi a = Summary " Summary children"
:> Get '[JSON] [Node a]
-- TODO: make the NodeId type indexed by `a`, then we no longer need the proxy.
nodeAPI :: JSONB a => proxy a -> NodeId -> GargServer (NodeAPI a)
nodeAPI p id = getNode id p
nodeAPI :: JSONB a => proxy a -> UserId -> NodeId -> GargServer (NodeAPI a)
nodeAPI p uId id
= getNode id p
:<|> rename id
:<|> postNode id
:<|> postNode uId id
:<|> putNode id
:<|> deleteNode id
:<|> getChildren id p
......@@ -247,6 +270,8 @@ type ChartApi = Summary " Chart API"
-- :<|> "query" :> Capture "string" Text :> Get '[JSON] Text
-- TODO-ACCESS: CanGetNode
-- TODO-EVENTS: No events as this is a read only query.
type GraphAPI = Get '[JSON] Graph
graphAPI :: NodeId -> GargServer GraphAPI
......@@ -301,6 +326,8 @@ instance HasTreeError ServantErr where
mk TooManyRoots = err500 { errBody = e <> "Too many root nodes" }
type TreeAPI = Get '[JSON] (Tree NodeTree)
-- TODO-ACCESS: CanTree or CanGetNode
-- TODO-EVENTS: No events as this is a read only query.
treeAPI :: NodeId -> GargServer TreeAPI
treeAPI = treeDB
......@@ -330,8 +357,8 @@ getChart :: NodeId -> Maybe UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime
-> Cmd err [FacetChart]
getChart _ _ _ = undefined -- TODO
postNode :: NodeId -> PostNode -> Cmd err [NodeId]
postNode pId (PostNode name nt) = mk nt (Just pId) name
postNode :: HasNodeError err => UserId -> NodeId -> PostNode -> Cmd err [NodeId]
postNode uId pId (PostNode name nt) = mkNodeWithParent nt (Just pId) uId name
putNode :: NodeId -> Cmd err Int
putNode = undefined -- TODO
......@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ instance ToSchema SearchResults where
defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 4 fieldLabel}
-- TODO-ACCESS: CanSearch? or is it part of CanGetNode
-- TODO-EVENTS: No event, this is a read-only query.
type SearchAPI = Post '[JSON] SearchResults
......@@ -97,7 +97,13 @@ flowInsertAnnuaire name children = do
pure (ids, masterUserId, masterCorpusId, userId, userCorpusId)
-- check userId CanFillUserCorpus userCorpusId
-- check masterUserId CanFillMasterCorpus masterCorpusId
-- InsertedNgrams ?
-- InsertedNodeNgrams ?
flowCorpus' :: HasNodeError err
=> NodeType -> [HyperdataDocument]
-> ([ReturnId], UserId, CorpusId, UserId, CorpusId)
......@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (formatQuery)
data ToDbData = ToDbDocument HyperdataDocument | ToDbContact HyperdataContact
-- TODO-ACCESS: check uId CanInsertDoc pId && checkDocType nodeType
-- TODO-EVENTS: InsertedNodes
insertDocuments :: UserId -> ParentId -> NodeType -> [ToDbData] -> Cmd err [ReturnId]
insertDocuments uId pId nodeType =
runPGSQuery queryInsert . Only . Values fields . prepare uId pId nodeType
......@@ -193,9 +193,11 @@ indexNgramsTWith = fmap . indexNgramsWith
indexNgramsWith :: (NgramsTerms -> NgramsId) -> Ngrams -> NgramsIndexed
indexNgramsWith f n = NgramsIndexed n (f $ _ngramsTerms n)
-- TODO-ACCESS: access must not be checked here but when insertNgrams is called.
insertNgrams :: [Ngrams] -> Cmd err (Map NgramsTerms NgramsId)
insertNgrams ns = fromList <$> map (\(NgramIds i t) -> (t, i)) <$> (insertNgrams' ns)
-- TODO-ACCESS: access must not be checked here but when insertNgrams' is called.
insertNgrams' :: [Ngrams] -> Cmd err [NgramIds]
insertNgrams' ns = runPGSQuery queryInsertNgrams (PGS.Only $ Values fields ns)
......@@ -500,29 +500,20 @@ childWith uId pId (Node' NodeContact txt v []) = node2table uId (Just pId) (Nod
childWith _ _ (Node' _ _ _ _) = panic "This NodeType can not be a child"
-- | TODO Use right userId
mk :: NodeType -> Maybe ParentId -> Text -> Cmd err [NodeId]
mk nt pId name = mk' nt userId pId name
userId = 1
type Name = Text
mk' :: NodeType -> UserId -> Maybe ParentId -> Text -> Cmd err [NodeId]
mk' nt uId pId name = insertNodesWithParentR pId [node nt name hd pId uId]
mkNodeWithParent :: HasNodeError err => NodeType -> Maybe ParentId -> UserId -> Name -> Cmd err [NodeId]
mkNodeWithParent NodeUser (Just _) _ _ = nodeError UserNoParent
mkNodeWithParent _ Nothing _ _ = nodeError HasParent
mkNodeWithParent nt pId uId name =
insertNodesWithParentR pId [node nt name hd pId uId]
hd = HyperdataUser . Just . pack $ show EN
type Name = Text
mk'' :: HasNodeError err => NodeType -> Maybe ParentId -> UserId -> Name -> Cmd err [NodeId]
mk'' NodeUser Nothing uId name = mk' NodeUser uId Nothing name
mk'' NodeUser _ _ _ = nodeError UserNoParent
mk'' _ Nothing _ _ = nodeError HasParent
mk'' nt pId uId name = mk' nt uId pId name
mkRoot :: HasNodeError err => Username -> UserId -> Cmd err [RootId]
mkRoot uname uId = case uId > 0 of
False -> nodeError NegativeId
True -> mk'' NodeUser Nothing uId uname
True -> mkNodeWithParent NodeUser Nothing uId uname
mkCorpus :: Maybe Name -> Maybe HyperdataCorpus -> ParentId -> UserId -> Cmd err [CorpusId]
mkCorpus n h p u = insertNodesR [nodeCorpusW n h p u]
......@@ -288,6 +288,8 @@ data NodeNgramsUpdate = NodeNgramsUpdate
-- TODO wrap these updates in a transaction.
-- * check userId CanUpdateNgrams userListId
updateNodeNgrams :: NodeNgramsUpdate -> Cmd err ()
updateNodeNgrams nnu = do
updateNodeNgrams' userListId $ _nnu_lists_update nnu
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