Commit 2113c746 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] insertOn conflict do Nothing.

parent 9a81c0df
Pipeline #57 failed with stage
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ else
echo " or : adduser $(whoami) docker"
sudo echo "#!/bin/sh
exec sudo -E /usr/bin/docker \"\$@\"" > /usr/local/bin/docker
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker
curl -sSL | sh
stack update
stack upgrade
......@@ -103,9 +103,13 @@ insertNodeNgrams = insertNodeNgramW
insertNodeNgramW :: [NodeNgramWrite] -> Cmd Int
insertNodeNgramW nns =
mkCmd $ \c -> fromIntegral
<$> runInsertMany c nodeNgramTable nns
-- <$> runInsertManyOnConflictDoNothing c nodeNgramTable nns
mkCmd $ \c -> fromIntegral <$> runInsert_ c insertNothing
insertNothing = (Insert { iTable = nodeNgramTable
, iRows = nns
, iReturning = rCount
, iOnConflict = Nothing
type NgramsText = Text
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