Commit 258f6aec authored by qlobbe's avatar qlobbe


parent 8faf7d6d
Pipeline #3432 failed with stage
in 73 minutes and 22 seconds
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ seaToLabel config = case (seaElevation config) of
sensToLabel :: PhyloConfig -> [Char]
sensToLabel config = case (phyloProximity config) of
sensToLabel config = case (similarity config) of
Hamming _ _ -> undefined
WeightedLogJaccard s _ -> ("WeightedLogJaccard_" <> show s)
WeightedLogSim s _ -> ( "WeightedLogSim-sens_" <> show s)
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ data SeaElevation =
instance ToSchema SeaElevation
data Proximity =
data Similarity =
{ _wlj_sensibility :: Double
, _wlj_minSharedNgrams :: Int }
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ data Proximity =
deriving (Show,Generic,Eq)
instance ToSchema Proximity where
instance ToSchema Similarity where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "")
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ data PhyloConfig =
, listParser :: ListParser
, phyloName :: Text
, phyloScale :: Int
, phyloProximity :: Proximity
, similarity :: Similarity
, seaElevation :: SeaElevation
, findAncestors :: Bool
, phyloSynchrony :: Synchrony
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ data PhyloSubConfig =
subConfig2config :: PhyloSubConfig -> PhyloConfig
subConfig2config subConfig = defaultConfig { phyloProximity = WeightedLogJaccard (_sc_phyloProximity subConfig) 1
subConfig2config subConfig = defaultConfig { similarity = WeightedLogJaccard (_sc_phyloProximity subConfig) 1
, phyloSynchrony = ByProximityThreshold (_sc_phyloSynchrony subConfig) 0 AllBranches MergeAllGroups
, phyloQuality = Quality (_sc_phyloQuality subConfig) 1
, timeUnit = _sc_timeUnit subConfig
......@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ defaultConfig =
, listParser = V4
, phyloName = pack "Phylo Name"
, phyloScale = 2
, phyloProximity = WeightedLogJaccard 0.5 1
, similarity = WeightedLogJaccard 0.5 1
, seaElevation = Constante 0.1 0.1
, findAncestors = False
, phyloSynchrony = ByProximityThreshold 0.5 0 AllBranches MergeAllGroups
......@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ instance ToJSON CorpusParser
instance FromJSON ListParser
instance ToJSON ListParser
instance FromJSON Proximity
instance ToJSON Proximity
instance FromJSON Similarity
instance ToJSON Similarity
instance FromJSON SeaElevation
instance ToJSON SeaElevation
......@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ instance ToSchema PhyloExport where
makeLenses ''PhyloConfig
makeLenses ''PhyloSubConfig
makeLenses ''Proximity
makeLenses ''Similarity
makeLenses ''SeaElevation
makeLenses ''Quality
makeLenses ''Cluster
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloTools
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.TemporalMatching (filterDocs, filterDiago, reduceDiagos, toProximity, getNextPeriods)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.TemporalMatching (filterDocs, filterDiago, reduceDiagos, toSimilarity, getNextPeriods)
import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (scale)
import Prelude (writeFile)
import System.FilePath
......@@ -288,9 +288,9 @@ exportToDot phylo export =
{- 8) create the edges between the branches
-- _ <- mapM (\(bId,bId') ->
-- toDotEdge (branchIdToDotId bId) (branchIdToDotId bId')
-- (Text.pack $ show(branchIdsToProximity bId bId'
-- (getThresholdInit $ phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo)
-- (getThresholdStep $ phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo))) BranchToBranch
-- (Text.pack $ show(branchIdsToSimilarity bId bId'
-- (getThresholdInit $ phyloSimilarity $ getConfig phylo)
-- (getThresholdStep $ phyloSimilarity $ getConfig phylo))) BranchToBranch
-- ) $ nubBy (\combi combi' -> fst combi == fst combi') $ listToCombi' $ map _branch_id $ export ^. export_branches
......@@ -595,23 +595,23 @@ getGroupThr step g =
breaks = (g ^. phylo_groupMeta) ! "breaks"
in (last' "export" (take (round $ (last' "export" breaks) + 1) seaLvl)) - step
toAncestor :: Double -> Map Int Double -> Proximity -> Double -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup
toAncestor nbDocs diago proximity step candidates ego =
toAncestor :: Double -> Map Int Double -> Similarity -> Double -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup
toAncestor nbDocs diago similarity step candidates ego =
let curr = ego ^. phylo_groupAncestors
in ego & phylo_groupAncestors .~ (curr ++ (map (\(g,w) -> (getGroupId g,w))
$ filter (\(g,w) -> (w > 0) && (w >= (min (getGroupThr step ego) (getGroupThr step g))))
$ map (\g -> (g, toProximity nbDocs diago proximity (ego ^. phylo_groupNgrams) (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)))
$ map (\g -> (g, toSimilarity nbDocs diago similarity (ego ^. phylo_groupNgrams) (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)))
$ filter (\g -> g ^. phylo_groupBranchId /= ego ^. phylo_groupBranchId ) candidates))
headsToAncestors :: Double -> Map Int Double -> Proximity -> Double -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
headsToAncestors nbDocs diago proximity step heads acc =
headsToAncestors :: Double -> Map Int Double -> Similarity -> Double -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
headsToAncestors nbDocs diago similarity step heads acc =
if (null heads)
then acc
let ego = head' "headsToAncestors" heads
heads' = tail' "headsToAncestors" heads
in headsToAncestors nbDocs diago proximity step heads' (acc ++ [toAncestor nbDocs diago proximity step heads' ego])
in headsToAncestors nbDocs diago similarity step heads' (acc ++ [toAncestor nbDocs diago similarity step heads' ego])
toHorizon :: Phylo -> Phylo
......@@ -645,13 +645,13 @@ toHorizon phylo =
noHeads = groups \\ heads
nbDocs = sum $ elems $ filterDocs (phylo ^. phylo_timeDocs) [prd]
diago = reduceDiagos $ filterDiago (phylo ^. phylo_timeCooc) [prd]
proximity = (phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo)
sim = (similarity $ getConfig phylo)
step = case getSeaElevation phylo of
Constante _ s -> s
Adaptative _ -> 0
-- in headsToAncestors nbDocs diago proximity heads groups []
in map (\ego -> toAncestor nbDocs diago proximity step noHeads ego)
$ headsToAncestors nbDocs diago proximity step heads []
-- in headsToAncestors nbDocs diago Similarity heads groups []
in map (\ego -> toAncestor nbDocs diago sim step noHeads ego)
$ headsToAncestors nbDocs diago sim step heads []
) periods
-- | 3) process this task concurrently
newGroups :: [[PhyloGroup]]
......@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloExport (toHorizon)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloTools
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.SynchronicClustering (synchronicClustering)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.TemporalMatching (temporalMatching, getNextPeriods, filterDocs, filterDiago, reduceDiagos, toProximity)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.TemporalMatching (temporalMatching, getNextPeriods, filterDocs, filterDiago, reduceDiagos, toSimilarity)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
......@@ -78,6 +79,13 @@ toPhylo phylowithoutLink = trace ("# flatPhylo groups " <> show(length $ getGrou
-- create a square ladder
squareLadder :: [Double] -> [Double]
squareLadder ladder = (\x -> x * x) ladder
-- create an adaptative diachronic 'sea elevation' ladder
......@@ -107,7 +115,7 @@ constDiachronicLadder curr step ladder =
scanSimilarity :: Scale -> Phylo -> Phylo
scanSimilarity lvl phylo =
let proximity = phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo
let proximity = similarity $ getConfig phylo
scanning = foldlWithKey (\acc pId pds ->
-- 1) process period by period
let egos = map (\g -> (getGroupId g, g ^. phylo_groupNgrams))
......@@ -124,7 +132,7 @@ scanSimilarity lvl phylo =
map (\(id',ngrams') ->
let nbDocs = (sum . elems) $ filterDocs docs ([idToPrd id, idToPrd id'])
diago = reduceDiagos $ filterDiago diagos ([idToPrd id, idToPrd id'])
in ((id,id'),toProximity nbDocs diago proximity ngrams ngrams' ngrams')
in ((id,id'),toSimilarity nbDocs diago proximity ngrams ngrams' ngrams')
) $ filter (\(_,ngrams') -> (not . null) $ intersect ngrams ngrams') targets
) egos
pairs' = pairs `using` parList rdeepseq
......@@ -173,7 +181,7 @@ clusterToGroup fis pId pId' lvl idx coocs = PhyloGroup pId pId' lvl idx ""
addTemporalLinksToPhylo :: Phylo -> Phylo
addTemporalLinksToPhylo phylowithoutLink = case strategy of
Constante start gap -> temporalMatching (constDiachronicLadder start gap Set.empty) phylowithoutLink
Adaptative steps -> temporalMatching (adaptDiachronicLadder steps (phylowithoutLink ^. phylo_diaSimScan) Set.empty) phylowithoutLink
Adaptative steps -> temporalMatching (squareLadder $ adaptDiachronicLadder steps (phylowithoutLink ^. phylo_diaSimScan) Set.empty) phylowithoutLink
strategy :: SeaElevation
strategy = getSeaElevation phylowithoutLink
......@@ -330,16 +330,16 @@ getPeriodPointers fil g =
ToChildsMemory -> undefined
ToParentsMemory -> undefined
filterProximity :: Proximity -> Double -> Double -> Bool
filterProximity proximity thr local =
case proximity of
filterSimilarity :: Similarity -> Double -> Double -> Bool
filterSimilarity similarity thr local =
case similarity of
WeightedLogJaccard _ _ -> local >= thr
WeightedLogSim _ _ -> local >= thr
Hamming _ _ -> undefined
getProximityName :: Proximity -> String
getProximityName proximity =
case proximity of
getSimilarityName :: Similarity -> String
getSimilarityName similarity =
case similarity of
WeightedLogJaccard _ _ -> "WLJaccard"
WeightedLogSim _ _ -> "WeightedLogSim"
Hamming _ _ -> "Hamming"
......@@ -578,16 +578,16 @@ traceSynchronyStart phylo =
-- | Proximity | --
-- | Similarity | --
getSensibility :: Proximity -> Double
getSensibility :: Similarity -> Double
getSensibility proxi = case proxi of
WeightedLogJaccard s _ -> s
WeightedLogSim s _ -> s
Hamming _ _ -> undefined
getMinSharedNgrams :: Proximity -> Int
getMinSharedNgrams :: Similarity -> Int
getMinSharedNgrams proxi = case proxi of
WeightedLogJaccard _ m -> m
WeightedLogSim _ m -> m
......@@ -605,8 +605,8 @@ intersectInit acc lst lst' =
then intersectInit (acc ++ [head' "intersectInit" lst]) (tail lst) (tail lst')
else acc
branchIdsToProximity :: PhyloBranchId -> PhyloBranchId -> Double -> Double -> Double
branchIdsToProximity id id' thrInit thrStep = thrInit + thrStep * (fromIntegral $ length $ intersectInit [] (snd id) (snd id'))
branchIdsToSimilarity :: PhyloBranchId -> PhyloBranchId -> Double -> Double -> Double
branchIdsToSimilarity id id' thrInit thrStep = thrInit + thrStep * (fromIntegral $ length $ intersectInit [] (snd id) (snd id'))
ngramsInBranches :: [[PhyloGroup]] -> [Int]
ngramsInBranches branches = nub $ foldl (\acc g -> acc ++ (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)) [] $ concat branches
......@@ -662,4 +662,4 @@ traceTemporalMatching groups =
traceGroupsProxi :: [Double] -> [Double]
traceGroupsProxi l =
trace ( "\n" <> "-- | " <> show(List.length l) <> " computed pairs of groups proximity" <> "\n") l
trace ( "\n" <> "-- | " <> show(List.length l) <> " computed pairs of groups Similarity" <> "\n") l
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ toDiamonds groups = foldl' (\acc groups' ->
$ foldl' (\acc g -> acc ++ (map (\(id,_) -> (id,[g]) ) $ g ^. phylo_groupPeriodParents) ) [] groups
groupsToEdges :: Proximity -> Synchrony -> Double -> Map Int Double -> [PhyloGroup] -> [((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup),Double)]
groupsToEdges :: Similarity -> Synchrony -> Double -> Map Int Double -> [PhyloGroup] -> [((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup),Double)]
groupsToEdges prox sync nbDocs diago groups =
case sync of
ByProximityThreshold thr sens _ strat ->
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ toParentId :: PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroupId
toParentId child = ((child ^. phylo_groupPeriod, child ^. phylo_groupScale + 1), child ^. phylo_groupIndex)
reduceGroups :: Proximity -> Synchrony -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
reduceGroups :: Similarity -> Synchrony -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
reduceGroups prox sync docs diagos branch =
-- 1) reduce a branch as a set of periods & groups
let periods = fromListWith (++)
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ levelUpAncestors groups =
synchronicClustering :: Phylo -> Phylo
synchronicClustering phylo =
let prox = phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo
let prox = similarity $ getConfig phylo
sync = phyloSynchrony $ getConfig phylo
docs = phylo ^. phylo_timeDocs
diagos = map coocToDiago $ phylo ^. phylo_timeCooc
......@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ weightedLogSim' sens nbDocs diago ego_ngrams target_ngrams
-- perform a seamilarity measure between a given group and a pair of targeted groups
toProximity :: Double -> Map Int Double -> Proximity -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Double
toProximity nbDocs diago proximity egoNgrams targetNgrams targetNgrams' =
case proximity of
toSimilarity :: Double -> Map Int Double -> Similarity -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Double
toSimilarity nbDocs diago similarity egoNgrams targetNgrams targetNgrams' =
case similarity of
WeightedLogJaccard sens _ ->
let pairNgrams = if targetNgrams == targetNgrams'
then targetNgrams
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ findLastPeriod fil periods = case fil of
ToChildsMemory -> undefined
ToParentsMemory -> undefined
removeOldPointers :: [Pointer] -> Filiation -> Double -> Proximity -> Period
removeOldPointers :: [Pointer] -> Filiation -> Double -> Similarity -> Period
-> [((PhyloGroupId,[Int]),(PhyloGroupId,[Int]))]
-> [((PhyloGroupId,[Int]),(PhyloGroupId,[Int]))]
removeOldPointers oldPointers fil thr prox prd pairs
......@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ removeOldPointers oldPointers fil thr prox prd pairs
|| (((fst . fst . fst) id') > (fst lastMatchedPrd))) pairs
| otherwise = []
filterPointers :: Proximity -> Double -> [Pointer] -> [Pointer]
filterPointers proxi thr pts = filter (\(_,w) -> filterProximity proxi thr w) pts
filterPointers :: Similarity -> Double -> [Pointer] -> [Pointer]
filterPointers proxi thr pts = filter (\(_,w) -> filterSimilarity proxi thr w) pts
filterPointers' :: Proximity -> Double -> [(Pointer,[Int])] -> [(Pointer,[Int])]
filterPointers' proxi thr pts = filter (\((_,w),_) -> filterProximity proxi thr w) pts
filterPointers' :: Similarity -> Double -> [(Pointer,[Int])] -> [(Pointer,[Int])]
filterPointers' proxi thr pts = filter (\((_,w),_) -> filterSimilarity proxi thr w) pts
reduceDiagos :: Map Date Cooc -> Map Int Double
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ groupsToBranches groups =
-- find the best pair/singleton of parents/childs for a given group
makePairs :: (PhyloGroupId,[Int]) -> [(PhyloGroupId,[Int])] -> [Period] -> [Pointer] -> Filiation -> Double -> Proximity
makePairs :: (PhyloGroupId,[Int]) -> [(PhyloGroupId,[Int])] -> [Period] -> [Pointer] -> Filiation -> Double -> Similarity
-> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc -> [((PhyloGroupId,[Int]),(PhyloGroupId,[Int]))]
makePairs (egoId, egoNgrams) candidates periods oldPointers fil thr prox docs diagos =
if (null periods)
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ makePairs (egoId, egoNgrams) candidates periods oldPointers fil thr prox docs di
$ filter (\(id,ngrams) ->
let nbDocs = (sum . elems) $ filterDocs docs ([(fst . fst) egoId, (fst . fst) id])
diago = reduceDiagos $ filterDiago diagos ([(fst . fst) egoId, (fst . fst) id])
in (toProximity nbDocs diago prox egoNgrams egoNgrams ngrams) >= thr
in (toSimilarity nbDocs diago prox egoNgrams egoNgrams ngrams) >= thr
) candidates
lastPrd :: Period
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ makePairs (egoId, egoNgrams) candidates periods oldPointers fil thr prox docs di
-- find the best temporal links between a given group and its parents/childs
phyloGroupMatching :: [[(PhyloGroupId,[Int])]] -> Filiation -> Proximity -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc
phyloGroupMatching :: [[(PhyloGroupId,[Int])]] -> Filiation -> Similarity -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc
-> Double -> [Pointer] -> (PhyloGroupId,[Int]) -> [Pointer]
phyloGroupMatching candidates filiation proxi docs diagos thr oldPointers (id,ngrams) =
if (null $ filterPointers proxi thr oldPointers)
......@@ -266,10 +266,10 @@ phyloGroupMatching candidates filiation proxi docs diagos thr oldPointers (id,ng
then if null nextPointers
then []
else filterPointersByPeriod filiation
-- 2) keep only the best set of pointers grouped by proximity
-- 2) keep only the best set of pointers grouped by Similarity
$ head' "phyloGroupMatching"
$ groupBy (\pt pt' -> (snd . fst) pt == (snd . fst) pt')
-- 1) find the first time frame where at leats one pointer satisfies the proximity threshold
-- 1) find the first time frame where at leats one pointer satisfies the Similarity threshold
$ sortBy (comparing (Down . snd . fst)) $ head' "pointers" nextPointers
else oldPointers
......@@ -277,29 +277,29 @@ phyloGroupMatching candidates filiation proxi docs diagos thr oldPointers (id,ng
nextPointers = take 1
-- stop as soon as we find a time frame where at least one singleton / pair satisfies the threshold
$ dropWhile (null)
-- for each time frame, process the proximity on relevant pairs of targeted groups
-- for each time frame, process the Similarity on relevant pairs of targeted groups
$ scanl (\acc targets ->
let periods = nub $ map (fst . fst . fst) targets
lastPrd = findLastPeriod filiation periods
nbdocs = sum $ elems $ (filterDocs docs ([(fst . fst) id] ++ periods))
diago = reduceDiagos
$ filterDiago diagos ([(fst . fst) id] ++ periods)
singletons = processProximity nbdocs diago $ map (\g -> (g,g)) $ filter (\g -> (fst . fst . fst) g == lastPrd) targets
singletons = processSimilarity nbdocs diago $ map (\g -> (g,g)) $ filter (\g -> (fst . fst . fst) g == lastPrd) targets
pairs = makePairs (id,ngrams) targets periods oldPointers filiation thr proxi docs diagos
if (null singletons)
then acc ++ ( processProximity nbdocs diago pairs )
then acc ++ ( processSimilarity nbdocs diago pairs )
else acc ++ singletons
) [] $ map concat $ inits candidates -- groups from [[1900],[1900,1901],[1900,1901,1902],...]
processProximity :: Double -> Map Int Double -> [((PhyloGroupId,[Int]),(PhyloGroupId,[Int]))] -> [(Pointer,[Int])]
processProximity nbdocs diago targets = filterPointers' proxi thr
processSimilarity :: Double -> Map Int Double -> [((PhyloGroupId,[Int]),(PhyloGroupId,[Int]))] -> [(Pointer,[Int])]
processSimilarity nbdocs diago targets = filterPointers' proxi thr
$ concat
$ map (\(c,c') ->
let proximity = toProximity nbdocs diago proxi ngrams (snd c) (snd c')
let similarity = toSimilarity nbdocs diago proxi ngrams (snd c) (snd c')
in if ((c == c') || (snd c == snd c'))
then [((fst c,proximity),snd c)]
else [((fst c,proximity),snd c),((fst c',proximity),snd c')] ) targets
then [((fst c,similarity),snd c)]
else [((fst c,similarity),snd c),((fst c',similarity),snd c')] ) targets
......@@ -329,8 +329,8 @@ getCandidates minNgrams ego targets =
-- set up and start performing the upstream/downstream inter‐temporal matching period by period
reconstructTemporalLinks :: Int -> [Period] -> Proximity -> Double -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
reconstructTemporalLinks frame periods proximity thr docs coocs groups =
reconstructTemporalLinks :: Int -> [Period] -> Similarity -> Double -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
reconstructTemporalLinks frame periods similarity thr docs coocs groups =
let groups' = groupByField _phylo_groupPeriod groups
in foldl' (\acc prd ->
let -- 1) find the parents/childs matching periods
......@@ -347,9 +347,9 @@ reconstructTemporalLinks frame periods proximity thr docs coocs groups =
diagoChi = filterDiago (map coocToDiago coocs) ([prd] ++ periodsPar)
-- 5) match in parallel all the groups (egos) to their possible candidates
egos = map (\ego ->
let pointersPar = phyloGroupMatching (getCandidates (getMinSharedNgrams proximity) ego candidatesPar) ToParents proximity docsPar diagoPar
let pointersPar = phyloGroupMatching (getCandidates (getMinSharedNgrams similarity) ego candidatesPar) ToParents similarity docsPar diagoPar
thr (getPeriodPointers ToParents ego) (getGroupId ego, ego ^. phylo_groupNgrams)
pointersChi = phyloGroupMatching (getCandidates (getMinSharedNgrams proximity) ego candidatesChi) ToChilds proximity docsChi diagoChi
pointersChi = phyloGroupMatching (getCandidates (getMinSharedNgrams similarity) ego candidatesChi) ToChilds similarity docsChi diagoChi
thr (getPeriodPointers ToChilds ego) (getGroupId ego, ego ^. phylo_groupNgrams)
in addPointers ToChilds TemporalPointer pointersChi
$ addPointers ToParents TemporalPointer pointersPar
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ reconstructTemporalLinks frame periods proximity thr docs coocs groups =
-- reconstruct a phylomemetic network from a list of groups and from a given threshold
toPhylomemeticNetwork :: Int -> [Period] -> Proximity -> Double -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc -> [PhyloGroup] -> [Branch]
toPhylomemeticNetwork :: Int -> [Period] -> Similarity -> Double -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc -> [PhyloGroup] -> [Branch]
toPhylomemeticNetwork timescale periods similarity thr docs coocs groups =
groupsToBranches $ fromList $ map (\g -> (getGroupId g, g))
$ reconstructTemporalLinks timescale periods similarity thr docs coocs groups
......@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ thrToMeta thr branches =
-- done = all the already separated branches
-- rest = all the branches we still have to separate
separateBranches :: Double -> Proximity -> Double -> Map Int Double -> Int -> Double -> Double
separateBranches :: Double -> Similarity -> Double -> Map Int Double -> Int -> Double -> Double
-> Int -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc -> [Period]
-> [(Branch,ShouldTry)] -> (Branch,ShouldTry) -> [(Branch,ShouldTry)]
-> [(Branch,ShouldTry)]
......@@ -578,13 +578,13 @@ separateBranches fdt similarity lambda frequency minBranch thr rise timescale do
-- perform the sea-level rise algorithm, browse the similarity ladder and check that we can try out the next step
seaLevelRise :: Double -> Proximity -> Double -> Int -> Map Int Double
seaLevelRise :: Double -> Similarity -> Double -> Int -> Map Int Double
-> [Double] -> Double
-> Int -> [Period]
-> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc
-> [(Branch,ShouldTry)]
-> ([(Branch,ShouldTry)],FinalQuality)
seaLevelRise fdt proximity lambda minBranch frequency ladder rise frame periods docs coocs branches =
seaLevelRise fdt similarity lambda minBranch frequency ladder rise frame periods docs coocs branches =
-- if the ladder is empty or thr > 1 or there is no branch to break then stop
if (null ladder) || ((List.head ladder) > 1) || (stopRise branches)
then (branches, toPhyloQuality fdt lambda frequency (map fst branches))
......@@ -596,9 +596,9 @@ seaLevelRise fdt proximity lambda minBranch frequency ladder rise frame periods
<> " ξ = " <> printf "%.5f" (globalAccuracy frequency (map fst branches))
<> " ρ = " <> printf "%.5f" (globalRecall frequency (map fst branches))
<> " branches = " <> show(length branches))
$ separateBranches fdt proximity lambda frequency minBranch thr rise frame docs coocs periods
$ separateBranches fdt similarity lambda frequency minBranch thr rise frame docs coocs periods
[] (List.head branches) (List.tail branches)
in seaLevelRise fdt proximity lambda minBranch frequency (List.tail ladder) (rise + 1) frame periods docs coocs branches'
in seaLevelRise fdt similarity lambda minBranch frequency (List.tail ladder) (rise + 1) frame periods docs coocs branches'
stopRise :: [(Branch,ShouldTry)] -> Bool
......@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ temporalMatching ladder phylo = updatePhyloGroups 1
--- 2) process the temporal matching by elevating the similarity ladder
sea :: ([(Branch,ShouldTry)],FinalQuality)
sea = seaLevelRise (fromIntegral $ Vector.length $ getRoots phylo)
(phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo)
(similarity $ getConfig phylo)
(_qua_granularity $ phyloQuality $ getConfig phylo)
(_qua_minBranch $ phyloQuality $ getConfig phylo)
(phylo ^. phylo_termFreq)
......@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ temporalMatching ladder phylo = updatePhyloGroups 1
seabed = map (\b -> (b,(length $ nub $ map _phylo_groupPeriod b) >= (_qua_minBranch $ phyloQuality $ getConfig phylo)))
$ toPhylomemeticNetwork (getTimeFrame $ timeUnit $ getConfig phylo)
(getPeriodIds phylo)
(phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo)
(similarity $ getConfig phylo)
(List.head ladder)
(phylo ^. phylo_timeDocs)
(phylo ^. phylo_timeCooc)
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