Commit 31ac4c9c authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT] Patch new / old implemented

parent 23b11d68
......@@ -24,14 +24,12 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict.Patch as PatchMap
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.List as List
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams (NgramsType(..))
-- (1,Nothing) & _2 %~ (<> (Just (-1)))
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types
import qualified Data.Patch.Class as Patch (Replace(..))
fromList [(NgramsTerms,fromList [(NodeId 189,
fromList [(NgramsTerm {unNgramsTerm = "journal"},NgramsReplace {_patch_old = Nothing, _patch_new = Just (NgramsRepoElement {_nre_size = 1, _nre_list = CandidateTerm, _nre_root = Nothing, _nre_parent = Nothing, _nre_children = MSet (fromList [])})})],f
[fromList [(NgramsTerm {unNgramsTerm = "approach"},NgramsPatch {_patch_children = PatchMSet (PatchMap (fromList [(NgramsTerm {unNgramsTerm = "order"},Replace {_old = Just (), _new = Nothing})])), _patch_list = Keep})]
......@@ -41,16 +39,38 @@ fromList [(NgramsTerm {unNgramsTerm = "journal"},NgramsReplace {_patch_old = Not
,fromList [(NgramsTerm {unNgramsTerm = "paper"},NgramsPatch {_patch_children = PatchMSet (PatchMap (fromList [])), _patch_list = Replace {_old = MapTerm, _new = StopTerm}})]])])]
addScorePatch :: Text {--> NgramsPatch-} -> FlowCont Text FlowListScores
addScorePatch t = fl & flc_scores . at t %~ score
addScorePatch :: (NgramsTerm , NgramsPatch)
-> FlowCont Text FlowListScores
-> FlowCont Text FlowListScores
addScorePatch (NgramsTerm t, (NgramsPatch children (Patch.Replace old_list new_list))) fl =
fl & with_old_list
& with_new_list
-- & addParent
fl = FlowCont mempty mempty
score m = (Just mempty <> m)
-- Old list get -1 score
-- New list get +1 score
-- Hence others lists lay around 0 score
with_old_list = flc_scores . at t %~ (score old_list (-1))
with_new_list = flc_scores . at t %~ (score new_list ( 1))
score list n m = (Just mempty <> m)
& _Just
. fls_listType
. at MapTerm
%~ (<> Just 1)
. at list
%~ (<> Just n)
addParent = flc_scores . at t %~ (score MapTerm 1)
parent term n m = (Just mempty <> m)
& _Just
. fls_listType
. at list
%~ (<> Just n)
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