Commit 360324bb authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[OPT] to activate or not the firewall/cors.

parent b8c4d008
......@@ -91,32 +91,33 @@ import Network.HTTP.Types hiding (Query)
-- import Gargantext.API.Settings
fireWall :: Applicative f => Request -> f Bool
fireWall req = do
data FireWall = FireWall { unFireWall :: Bool }
fireWall :: Applicative f => Request -> FireWall -> f Bool
fireWall req fw = do
let origin = lookup "Origin" (requestHeaders req)
let host = lookup "Host" (requestHeaders req)
let hostOk = Just (encodeUtf8 "localhost:3000")
let originOk = Just (encodeUtf8 "http://localhost:8008")
if origin == originOk && host == hostOk
if origin == originOk && host == hostOk || unFireWall fw
then pure True
else pure False
-- makeApp :: Env -> IO (Warp.Settings, Application)
makeApp :: IO Application
makeApp = do
makeApp :: FireWall -> IO Application
makeApp fw = do
let serverApp = appMock
-- logWare <- mkRequestLogger def { destination = RequestLogger.Logger $ env^.logger }
let checkOriginAndHost app req resp = do
blocking <- fireWall req
blocking <- fireWall req fw
case blocking of
True -> app req resp
False -> app req resp
-- False -> resp ( responseLBS status401 [] "Invalid Origin or Host header" )
False -> resp ( responseLBS status401 [] "Invalid Origin or Host header" )
let corsMiddleware = cors $ \_ -> Just CorsResourcePolicy
-- { corsOrigins = Just ([env^.settings.allowedOrigin], False)
......@@ -138,11 +139,6 @@ makeApp = do
type PortNumber = Int
......@@ -268,7 +264,7 @@ startGargantextMock :: PortNumber -> IO ()
startGargantextMock port = do
portRouteInfo port
application <-makeApp
application <- makeApp (FireWall False)
run port application
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