Commit 48e8772e authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Ngrams][DOC] Comments.

parent fc806c34
Pipeline #447 canceled with stage
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ module Gargantext.Text.Eleve where
import Debug.Trace (trace)
-- import Debug.SimpleReflect
import Data.Functor.Reverse
import Control.Lens (Lens', Getting, (^.), (^?), view, makeLenses, _Just, under, reversed)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Ord (Ord)
......@@ -223,8 +224,7 @@ instance IsTrie Trie where
buildTrie to n ts = entropyTrie isTerminal $ insertTries $ to n ts
nodeEntropy inE (Node _ e _) = e ^. inE
nodeEntropy _ (Leaf _) = -- trace "nodeEntropy of Leaf" $
nodeEntropy _ (Leaf _) = nan
nodeChild k (Node _ _ cs) = fromMaybe emptyTrie (Map.lookup k cs)
nodeChild _ (Leaf _) = emptyTrie
......@@ -291,6 +291,8 @@ instance IsTrie Tries where
-- ^^
-- TODO: here this is tempting to reverse but this is not always what we
-- want. See also nodeAutonomy.
-- AD: I also tried to reverse here and I confirm getting unexpected results (whereas VETODO is ok)
-- since recursivity of the function makes the reverse multiple times (I guess)
nodeChild k (Tries fwd bwd) = Tries (nodeChild k fwd) (nodeChild k bwd)
......@@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ testEleve debug n output checks = do
t' = findTrie ns nt
nsb = parseToken <$> (reverse $ T.words ngram)
tb' = findTrie nsb nt
-- TODO put this Variation Entropy at VETODO mark above
-- TODO put this Variation Entropy at VETODO mark above maybe in nodeEntropy ?
ev = (mean [(nodeEntropy info_entropy (_fwd t')), (nodeEntropy info_entropy (_bwd tb'))])
P.putStrLn $ " " <> T.unpack ngram <> ":"
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