Commit 4e9ab73a authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] Label issue (for tests)

parent f91cf59b
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Gargantext.Core.Methods.Matrix.Accelerate.Utils
import qualified Data.Foldable as P (foldl1)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
-- import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Data.Array.Accelerate
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Interpreter (run)
import qualified Gargantext.Prelude as P
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ sumRowMin n m = {-trace ( $ run m') $-} m'
$ (\z -> sumRowMin1 n (constant z) m) [0..n-1]
sumRowMin1 :: (Num a, Ord a) => Dim -> Exp Int -> Acc (Matrix a) -> Acc (Vector a)
sumRowMin1 n x m = trace ( (run m,run $ transpose m)) $ m''
sumRowMin1 n x m = {-trace ( (run m,run $ transpose m)) $-} m''
m'' = sum $ zipWith min (transpose m) m
_m' = zipWith (*) (zipWith (*) (nullOf n (MatCol x)) $ nullOfWithDiag n (MatRow x)) m
......@@ -182,14 +182,13 @@ computeGraph cId method d nt repo = do
<$> groupNodesByNgrams ngs
<$> getContextsByNgramsOnlyUser cId (lIds <> [lId]) nt (HashMap.keys ngs)
listNgrams <- getListNgrams [lId] nt
graph <- liftBase $ cooc2graphWith method d 0 myCooc
let graph' = mergeGraphNgrams graph (Just listNgrams)
-- listNgrams <- getListNgrams [lId] nt
--let graph' = mergeGraphNgrams graph (Just listNgrams)
-- saveAsFileDebug "/tmp/graphWithNodes" graph'
pure graph'
pure graph
defaultGraphMetadata :: HasNodeError err
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