Commit 51513857 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

Merge branch 'dev' into dev-getting-started-readme

parents 7826213e 6d58acdd
Pipeline #729 failed with stage
...@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ CREATE INDEX ON public.nodes_nodes USING btree (node1_id, node2_id, cate ...@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ CREATE INDEX ON public.nodes_nodes USING btree (node1_id, node2_id, cate
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON public.node_node_ngrams USING btree (node1_id, node2_id, ngrams_id, ngrams_type); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON public.node_node_ngrams USING btree (node1_id, node2_id, ngrams_id, ngrams_type);
CREATE INDEX ON public.node_node_ngrams USING btree (node1_id, node2_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.node_node_ngrams USING btree (node1_id, node2_id);
CREATE INDEX ON public.node_node_ngrams USING btree (ngrams_id, node2_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.node_node_ngrams USING btree (ngrams_id, node2_id);
CREATE INDEX ON public.node_node_ngrams USING btree (ngrams_type);
CREATE INDEX ON public.node_nodengrams_nodengrams USING btree (node_id, node_ngrams1_id, node_ngrams2_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.node_nodengrams_nodengrams USING btree (node_id, node_ngrams1_id, node_ngrams2_id);
CREATE INDEX ON public.node_nodengrams_nodengrams USING btree (node_ngrams1_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.node_nodengrams_nodengrams USING btree (node_ngrams1_id);
CREATE INDEX ON public.node_nodengrams_nodengrams USING btree (node_ngrams2_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.node_nodengrams_nodengrams USING btree (node_ngrams2_id);
...@@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ This API is indeed typed in order to be able to derive both the server ...@@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ This API is indeed typed in order to be able to derive both the server
and the client sides. and the client sides.
The Garg-API-Monad enables: The Garg-API-Monad enables:
- Features - Security (WIP)
- Features (WIP)
- Database connection (long term) - Database connection (long term)
- In Memory stack management (short term) - In Memory stack management (short term)
- Logs - Logs (WIP)
Thanks to @yannEsposito (at the start) and @np (after). Thanks to Yann Esposito for our discussions at the start and to Nicolas
Pouillard (who mainly made it).
-} -}
...@@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (HasRepo(..), HasRepoSaver(..), saveRepo, TableNgra ...@@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (HasRepo(..), HasRepoSaver(..), saveRepo, TableNgra
import Gargantext.API.Node import Gargantext.API.Node
import Gargantext.API.Search (SearchPairsAPI, searchPairs) import Gargantext.API.Search (SearchPairsAPI, searchPairs)
import Gargantext.API.Types import Gargantext.API.Types
import qualified Gargantext.API.Export as Export
import qualified Gargantext.API.Corpus.New as New import qualified Gargantext.API.Corpus.New as New
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node (NodeId, CorpusId, AnnuaireId) import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node (NodeId, CorpusId, AnnuaireId)
...@@ -260,6 +263,9 @@ type GargPrivateAPI' = ...@@ -260,6 +263,9 @@ type GargPrivateAPI' =
:> Capture "node2_id" NodeId :> Capture "node2_id" NodeId
:> NodeNodeAPI HyperdataAny :> NodeNodeAPI HyperdataAny
:<|> "corpus" :> Capture "node_id" CorpusId
:> Export.API
-- Annuaire endpoint -- Annuaire endpoint
:<|> "annuaire":> Summary "Annuaire endpoint" :<|> "annuaire":> Summary "Annuaire endpoint"
:> Capture "annuaire_id" AnnuaireId :> Capture "annuaire_id" AnnuaireId
...@@ -310,9 +316,11 @@ type GargPrivateAPI' = ...@@ -310,9 +316,11 @@ type GargPrivateAPI' =
-- :<|> "ngrams" :> Capture "node_id" Int :> NodeAPI -- :<|> "ngrams" :> Capture "node_id" Int :> NodeAPI
-- :<|> "auth" :> Capture "node_id" Int :> NodeAPI -- :<|> "auth" :> Capture "node_id" Int :> NodeAPI
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
type SwaggerFrontAPI = SwaggerAPI :<|> FrontEndAPI
type API = SwaggerFrontAPI :<|> GargAPI :<|> Get '[HTML] Html type API = SwaggerAPI
:<|> FrontEndAPI
:<|> GargAPI
:<|> Get '[HTML] Html
-- This is the concrete monad. It needs to be used as little as possible, -- This is the concrete monad. It needs to be used as little as possible,
-- instead, prefer GargServer, GargServerT, GargServerC. -- instead, prefer GargServer, GargServerT, GargServerC.
...@@ -331,7 +339,8 @@ type EnvC env = ...@@ -331,7 +339,8 @@ type EnvC env =
server :: forall env. EnvC env => env -> IO (Server API) server :: forall env. EnvC env => env -> IO (Server API)
server env = do server env = do
-- orchestrator <- scrapyOrchestrator env -- orchestrator <- scrapyOrchestrator env
pure $ swaggerFront pure $ schemaUiServer swaggerDoc
:<|> frontEndServer
:<|> hoistServerWithContext (Proxy :: Proxy GargAPI) (Proxy :: Proxy AuthContext) transform serverGargAPI :<|> hoistServerWithContext (Proxy :: Proxy GargAPI) (Proxy :: Proxy AuthContext) transform serverGargAPI
:<|> serverStatic :<|> serverStatic
where where
...@@ -361,6 +370,7 @@ serverPrivateGargAPI' (AuthenticatedUser (NodeId uid)) ...@@ -361,6 +370,7 @@ serverPrivateGargAPI' (AuthenticatedUser (NodeId uid))
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAny) uid :<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAny) uid
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataCorpus) uid :<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataCorpus) uid
:<|> nodeNodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAny) uid :<|> nodeNodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAny) uid
:<|> Export.getCorpus -- uid
:<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAnnuaire) uid :<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAnnuaire) uid
:<|> nodeNodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataContact) uid :<|> nodeNodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataContact) uid
...@@ -414,13 +424,8 @@ serverStatic = $(do ...@@ -414,13 +424,8 @@ serverStatic = $(do
) )
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
swaggerFront :: Server SwaggerFrontAPI
swaggerFront = schemaUiServer swaggerDoc
:<|> frontEndServer
--gargMock :: Server GargAPI --gargMock :: Server GargAPI
--gargMock = mock apiGarg Proxy --gargMock = mock apiGarg Proxy
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
makeApp :: EnvC env => env -> IO Application makeApp :: EnvC env => env -> IO Application
makeApp env = serveWithContext api cfg <$> server env makeApp env = serveWithContext api cfg <$> server env
...@@ -433,7 +438,6 @@ makeApp env = serveWithContext api cfg <$> server env ...@@ -433,7 +438,6 @@ makeApp env = serveWithContext api cfg <$> server env
--appMock :: Application --appMock :: Application
--appMock = serve api (swaggerFront :<|> gargMock :<|> serverStatic) --appMock = serve api (swaggerFront :<|> gargMock :<|> serverStatic)
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
api :: Proxy API api :: Proxy API
api = Proxy api = Proxy
...@@ -441,12 +445,10 @@ api = Proxy ...@@ -441,12 +445,10 @@ api = Proxy
apiGarg :: Proxy GargAPI apiGarg :: Proxy GargAPI
apiGarg = Proxy apiGarg = Proxy
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
schemaUiServer :: (Server api ~ Handler Swagger) schemaUiServer :: (Server api ~ Handler Swagger)
=> Swagger -> Server (SwaggerSchemaUI' dir api) => Swagger -> Server (SwaggerSchemaUI' dir api)
schemaUiServer = swaggerSchemaUIServer schemaUiServer = swaggerSchemaUIServer
-- Type Family for the Documentation -- Type Family for the Documentation
type family TypeName (x :: *) :: Symbol where type family TypeName (x :: *) :: Symbol where
TypeName Int = "Int" TypeName Int = "Int"
Module : Gargantext.API.Export
Description : Get Metrics from Storage (Database like)
Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
Main exports of Gargantext:
- corpus
- document and ngrams
- lists
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Gargantext.API.Export
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Swagger
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Tools (filterListWithRoot, mapTermListRoot, getRepo)
import Gargantext.API.Types (GargNoServer)
import Gargantext.Core.Types --
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix, unPrefixSwagger)
import Gargantext.Database.Config (userMaster)
import Gargantext.Database.Metrics.NgramsByNode (getNgramsByNodeOnlyUser)
import Gargantext.Database.Node.Select (selectNodesWithUsername)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams (NgramsType(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (defaultList, HasNodeError)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeNode (selectDocNodes)
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node (Node, HyperdataDocument(..), NodeId, ListId, CorpusId)
import Gargantext.Database.Utils (Cmd)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Prelude.Utils (sha)
import Servant
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.List as List
-- Corpus Export
data Corpus =
Corpus { _c_corpus :: [Document]
, _c_hash :: Hash
} deriving (Generic)
-- | Document Export
data Document =
Document { _d_document :: Node HyperdataDocument
, _d_ngrams :: Ngrams
, _d_hash :: Hash
} deriving (Generic)
data Ngrams =
Ngrams { _ng_ngrams :: [Text]
, _ng_hash :: Hash
} deriving (Generic)
type Hash = Text
instance ToSchema Corpus where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_c_")
instance ToSchema Document where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_d_")
instance ToSchema Ngrams where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_ng_")
instance ToParamSchema Corpus where
toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy TODO)
instance ToParamSchema Document where
toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy TODO)
instance ToParamSchema Ngrams where
toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy TODO)
type API = Summary "Corpus Export"
:> "export"
:> QueryParam "listId" ListId
:> QueryParam "ngramsType" NgramsType
:> Get '[JSON] Corpus
getCorpus :: CorpusId
-> Maybe ListId
-> Maybe NgramsType
-> GargNoServer Corpus
getCorpus cId lId nt' = do
nt = case nt' of
Nothing -> NgramsTerms
Just t -> t
ns <- Map.fromList
<$> map (\n -> (_node_id n, n))
<$> selectDocNodes cId
repo <- getRepo
ngs <- getNodeNgrams cId lId nt repo
let -- uniqId is hash computed already for each document imported in database
r = Map.intersectionWith (\a b -> Document a (Ngrams (Set.toList b) (ng_hash b)) (d_hash a b)
) ns ngs
ng_hash b = sha $ List.foldl (\x y -> x<>y) "" $ List.sort $ Set.toList b
d_hash a b = sha $ (fromMaybe "" (_hyperdataDocument_uniqId $ _node_hyperdata a))
<> (ng_hash b)
pure $ Corpus (Map.elems r) (sha $ List.foldl (\a b -> a<>b) ""
$ _d_hash $ Map.elems r
getNodeNgrams :: HasNodeError err
=> CorpusId
-> Maybe ListId
-> NgramsType
-> NgramsRepo
-> Cmd err (Map NodeId (Set Text))
getNodeNgrams cId lId' nt repo = do
lId <- case lId' of
Nothing -> defaultList cId
Just l -> pure l
lIds <- selectNodesWithUsername NodeList userMaster
let ngs = filterListWithRoot GraphTerm $ mapTermListRoot [lId] nt repo
r <- getNgramsByNodeOnlyUser cId (lIds <> [lId]) nt (Map.keys ngs)
pure r
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_c_") ''Corpus)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_d_") ''Document)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_ng_") ''Ngrams)
-- Exports List
-- Version number of the list
...@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ module Gargantext.API.Ngrams ...@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ module Gargantext.API.Ngrams
, HasRepo(..) , HasRepo(..)
, RepoCmdM , RepoCmdM
, QueryParamR , QueryParamR
, TODO(..) , TODO
-- Internals -- Internals
, getNgramsTableMap , getNgramsTableMap
...@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField (FromField, fromField) ...@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField (FromField, fromField)
import qualified Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams as Ngrams import qualified Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams as Ngrams
-- import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeNgram hiding (Action) -- import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeNgram hiding (Action)
import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Prelude
-- import Gargantext.Core.Types (ListTypeId, listTypeId) import Gargantext.Core.Types (TODO)
import Gargantext.Core.Types (ListType(..), NodeId, ListId, DocId, Limit, Offset, HasInvalidError, assertValid) import Gargantext.Core.Types (ListType(..), NodeId, ListId, DocId, Limit, Offset, HasInvalidError, assertValid)
import Servant hiding (Patch) import Servant hiding (Patch)
import System.Clock (getTime, TimeSpec, Clock(..)) import System.Clock (getTime, TimeSpec, Clock(..))
...@@ -152,12 +152,6 @@ import System.IO (stderr) ...@@ -152,12 +152,6 @@ import System.IO (stderr)
import Test.QuickCheck (elements) import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary) import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
data TODO = TODO
deriving (Generic)
instance ToSchema TODO where
instance ToParamSchema TODO where
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--data FacetFormat = Table | Chart --data FacetFormat = Table | Chart
data TabType = Docs | Trash | MoreFav | MoreTrash data TabType = Docs | Trash | MoreFav | MoreTrash
...@@ -1044,14 +1038,14 @@ getTableNgrams _nType nId tabType listId limit_ offset ...@@ -1044,14 +1038,14 @@ getTableNgrams _nType nId tabType listId limit_ offset
-- trace (show lists) $ -- trace (show lists) $
-- getNgramsTableMap ({-lists <>-} listIds) ngramsType -- getNgramsTableMap ({-lists <>-} listIds) ngramsType
let nSco = needsScores orderBy let scoresNeeded = needsScores orderBy
tableMap1 <- getNgramsTableMap listId ngramsType tableMap1 <- getNgramsTableMap listId ngramsType
t1 <- getTime' t1 <- getTime'
tableMap2 <- tableMap1 & v_data %%~ setScores nSco tableMap2 <- tableMap1 & v_data %%~ setScores scoresNeeded
. Map.mapWithKey ngramsElementFromRepo . Map.mapWithKey ngramsElementFromRepo
t2 <- getTime' t2 <- getTime'
tableMap3 <- tableMap2 & v_data %%~ fmap NgramsTable tableMap3 <- tableMap2 & v_data %%~ fmap NgramsTable
. setScores (not nSco) . setScores (not scoresNeeded)
. selectAndPaginate . selectAndPaginate
t3 <- getTime' t3 <- getTime'
liftIO $ hprint stderr liftIO $ hprint stderr
...@@ -1059,7 +1053,7 @@ getTableNgrams _nType nId tabType listId limit_ offset ...@@ -1059,7 +1053,7 @@ getTableNgrams _nType nId tabType listId limit_ offset
% " map1=" % timeSpecs % " map1=" % timeSpecs
% " map2=" % timeSpecs % " map2=" % timeSpecs
% " map3=" % timeSpecs % " map3=" % timeSpecs
% " sql=" % (if nSco then "map2" else "map3") % " sql=" % (if scoresNeeded then "map2" else "map3")
% "\n" % "\n"
) t0 t3 t0 t1 t1 t2 t2 t3 ) t0 t3 t0 t1 t1 t2 t2 t3
pure tableMap3 pure tableMap3
...@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ Portability : POSIX ...@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ Portability : POSIX
-- TODO-ACCESS: CanGetNode -- TODO-ACCESS: CanGetNode
-- TODO-EVENTS: No events as this is a read only query. -- TODO-EVENTS: No events as this is a read only query.
Node API Node API
------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO-ACCESS: access by admin only. -- TODO-ACCESS: access by admin only.
-- At first let's just have an isAdmin check. -- At first let's just have an isAdmin check.
...@@ -51,16 +50,17 @@ import Gargantext.API.Auth (withAccess, PathId(..)) ...@@ -51,16 +50,17 @@ import Gargantext.API.Auth (withAccess, PathId(..))
import Gargantext.API.Metrics import Gargantext.API.Metrics
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (TabType(..), TableNgramsApi, apiNgramsTableCorpus, QueryParamR) import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (TabType(..), TableNgramsApi, apiNgramsTableCorpus, QueryParamR)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.NTree (MyTree) import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.NTree (MyTree)
import Gargantext.API.Search (SearchDocsAPI, searchDocs) import Gargantext.API.Search (SearchDocsAPI, searchDocs, SearchPairsAPI, searchPairs)
import Gargantext.API.Table import Gargantext.API.Table
import Gargantext.API.Types import Gargantext.API.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Types (NodeTableResult) import Gargantext.Core.Types (NodeTableResult)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main (Tree, NodeTree, ListType) import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main (Tree, NodeTree, ListType)
import Gargantext.Database.Config (nodeTypeId) import Gargantext.Database.Config (nodeTypeId)
import Gargantext.Database.Flow.Pairing (pairing)
import Gargantext.Database.Facet (FacetDoc, OrderBy(..)) import Gargantext.Database.Facet (FacetDoc, OrderBy(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Node.Children (getChildren) import Gargantext.Database.Node.Children (getChildren)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node ( getNodesWithParentId, getNodeWith, getNode, deleteNode, deleteNodes, mkNodeWithParent, JSONB, HasNodeError(..)) import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node ( getNodesWithParentId, getNodeWith, getNode, deleteNode, deleteNodes, mkNodeWithParent, JSONB, HasNodeError(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeNode (nodeNodesCategory) import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeNode -- (nodeNodesCategory, insertNodeNode, NodeNode(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Node.UpdateOpaleye (updateHyperdata) import Gargantext.Database.Node.UpdateOpaleye (updateHyperdata)
import Gargantext.Database.Tree (treeDB) import Gargantext.Database.Tree (treeDB)
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node
...@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ import qualified Gargantext.Text.List.Learn as Learn ...@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ import qualified Gargantext.Text.List.Learn as Learn
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
--} --}
type NodesAPI = Delete '[JSON] Int type NodesAPI = Delete '[JSON] Int
-- | Delete Nodes -- | Delete Nodes
...@@ -128,11 +127,16 @@ type NodeAPI a = Get '[JSON] (Node a) ...@@ -128,11 +127,16 @@ type NodeAPI a = Get '[JSON] (Node a)
-- TODO gather it -- TODO gather it
:<|> "table" :> TableApi :<|> "table" :> TableApi
:<|> "ngrams" :> TableNgramsApi :<|> "ngrams" :> TableNgramsApi
-- :<|> "pairing" :> PairingApi
:<|> "category" :> CatApi :<|> "category" :> CatApi
:<|> "search" :> SearchDocsAPI :<|> "search" :> SearchDocsAPI
-- Pairing utilities
:<|> "pairwith" :> PairWith
:<|> "pairs" :> Pairs
:<|> "pairing" :> PairingApi
:<|> "searchPair" :> SearchPairsAPI
-- VIZ -- VIZ
:<|> "metrics" :> ScatterAPI :<|> "metrics" :> ScatterAPI
:<|> "chart" :> ChartApi :<|> "chart" :> ChartApi
...@@ -188,12 +192,15 @@ nodeAPI p uId id = withAccess (Proxy :: Proxy (NodeAPI a)) Proxy uId (PathNode i ...@@ -188,12 +192,15 @@ nodeAPI p uId id = withAccess (Proxy :: Proxy (NodeAPI a)) Proxy uId (PathNode i
-- TODO gather it -- TODO gather it
:<|> tableApi id :<|> tableApi id
:<|> apiNgramsTableCorpus id :<|> apiNgramsTableCorpus id
-- :<|> getPairing id
-- :<|> getTableNgramsDoc id
:<|> catApi id :<|> catApi id
:<|> searchDocs id :<|> searchDocs id
-- Pairing Tools
:<|> pairWith id
:<|> pairs id
:<|> getPair id
:<|> searchPairs id
:<|> getScatter id :<|> getScatter id
:<|> getChart id :<|> getChart id
...@@ -254,6 +261,7 @@ catApi = putCat ...@@ -254,6 +261,7 @@ catApi = putCat
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO adapt FacetDoc -> ListDoc (and add type of document as column) -- TODO adapt FacetDoc -> ListDoc (and add type of document as column)
-- Pairing utilities to move elsewhere
type PairingApi = Summary " Pairing API" type PairingApi = Summary " Pairing API"
:> QueryParam "view" TabType :> QueryParam "view" TabType
-- TODO change TabType -> DocType (CorpusId for pairing) -- TODO change TabType -> DocType (CorpusId for pairing)
...@@ -262,6 +270,25 @@ type PairingApi = Summary " Pairing API" ...@@ -262,6 +270,25 @@ type PairingApi = Summary " Pairing API"
:> QueryParam "order" OrderBy :> QueryParam "order" OrderBy
:> Get '[JSON] [FacetDoc] :> Get '[JSON] [FacetDoc]
type Pairs = Summary "List of Pairs"
:> Get '[JSON] [AnnuaireId]
pairs :: CorpusId -> GargServer Pairs
pairs cId = do
ns <- getNodeNode cId
pure $ map _nn_node2_id ns
type PairWith = Summary "Pair a Corpus with an Annuaire"
:> "annuaire" :> Capture "annuaire_id" AnnuaireId
:> "list" :> Capture "list_id" ListId
:> Post '[JSON] Int
pairWith :: CorpusId -> GargServer PairWith
pairWith cId aId lId = do
r <- pairing cId aId lId
_ <- insertNodeNode [ NodeNode cId aId Nothing Nothing]
pure r
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
type ChartApi = Summary " Chart API" type ChartApi = Summary " Chart API"
:> QueryParam "from" UTCTime :> QueryParam "from" UTCTime
...@@ -343,3 +370,4 @@ putNode :: forall err a. (HasNodeError err, JSONB a, ToJSON a) ...@@ -343,3 +370,4 @@ putNode :: forall err a. (HasNodeError err, JSONB a, ToJSON a)
-> Cmd err Int -> Cmd err Int
putNode n h = fromIntegral <$> updateHyperdata n h putNode n h = fromIntegral <$> updateHyperdata n h
------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
...@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Servant.Job.Types ...@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Servant.Job.Types
import Servant.Job.Utils (jsonOptions) import Servant.Job.Utils (jsonOptions)
import Test.QuickCheck (elements) import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (TODO(..)) import Gargantext.Core.Types (TODO(..))
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (JobStatus 'Safe a) where instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (JobStatus 'Safe a) where
arbitrary = panic "TODO" arbitrary = panic "TODO"
...@@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ instance ToSchema SearchPairedResults where ...@@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ instance ToSchema SearchPairedResults where
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO-ACCESS: CanSearch? or is it part of CanGetNode -- TODO-ACCESS: CanSearch? or is it part of CanGetNode
-- TODO-EVENTS: No event, this is a read-only query. -- TODO-EVENTS: No event, this is a read-only query.
type SearchAPI results type SearchAPI results = Summary "Search endpoint"
= Summary "Search endpoint"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] SearchQuery :> ReqBody '[JSON] SearchQuery
:> QueryParam "offset" Int :> QueryParam "offset" Int
:> QueryParam "limit" Int :> QueryParam "limit" Int
...@@ -88,18 +87,20 @@ type SearchAPI results ...@@ -88,18 +87,20 @@ type SearchAPI results
:> Post '[JSON] results :> Post '[JSON] results
type SearchDocsAPI = SearchAPI SearchDocResults type SearchDocsAPI = SearchAPI SearchDocResults
type SearchPairsAPI =
Summary "" :> "list" :> Capture "list" ListId
:> SearchAPI SearchPairedResults
searchPairs :: NodeId -> GargServer SearchPairsAPI
searchPairs pId lId (SearchQuery q) o l order =
SearchPairedResults <$> searchInCorpusWithContacts pId lId q o l order
searchDocs :: NodeId -> GargServer SearchDocsAPI searchDocs :: NodeId -> GargServer SearchDocsAPI
searchDocs nId (SearchQuery q) o l order = searchDocs nId (SearchQuery q) o l order =
SearchDocResults <$> searchInCorpus nId False q o l order SearchDocResults <$> searchInCorpus nId False q o l order
--SearchResults <$> searchInCorpusWithContacts nId q o l order --SearchResults <$> searchInCorpusWithContacts nId q o l order
type SearchPairsAPI = Summary ""
:> "list"
:> Capture "list" ListId
:> SearchAPI SearchPairedResults
searchPairs :: NodeId -> GargServer SearchPairsAPI
searchPairs pId lId (SearchQuery q) o l order =
SearchPairedResults <$> searchInCorpusWithContacts pId lId q o l order
...@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic) ...@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (TabType(..)) import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (TabType(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Types (Offset, Limit, TableResult(..)) import Gargantext.Core.Types (Offset, Limit, TableResult(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix, unPrefixSwagger) import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix, unPrefixSwagger)
import Gargantext.Database.Facet (FacetDoc , runViewDocuments, OrderBy(..)) import Gargantext.Database.Facet (FacetDoc , runViewDocuments, OrderBy(..), runViewAuthorsDoc)
import Gargantext.Database.Learn (FavOrTrash(..), moreLike) import Gargantext.Database.Learn (FavOrTrash(..), moreLike)
import Gargantext.Database.TextSearch import Gargantext.Database.TextSearch
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node
...@@ -121,14 +121,13 @@ getTable' cId ft o l order = ...@@ -121,14 +121,13 @@ getTable' cId ft o l order =
(Just MoreTrash) -> moreLike cId o l order IsTrash (Just MoreTrash) -> moreLike cId o l order IsTrash
x -> panic $ "not implemented in getTable: " <> (cs $ show x) x -> panic $ "not implemented in getTable: " <> (cs $ show x)
getPairing :: ContactId -> Maybe TabType getPair :: ContactId -> Maybe TabType
-> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit
-> Maybe OrderBy -> Cmd err [FacetDoc] -> Maybe OrderBy -> Cmd err [FacetDoc]
getPairing cId ft o l order = getPair cId ft o l order =
case ft of case ft of
(Just Docs) -> runViewAuthorsDoc cId False o l order (Just Docs) -> runViewAuthorsDoc cId False o l order
(Just Trash) -> runViewAuthorsDoc cId True o l order (Just Trash) -> runViewAuthorsDoc cId True o l order
_ -> panic $ "not implemented: get Pairing" <> (cs $ show ft) _ -> panic $ "not implemented: get Pairing" <> (cs $ show ft)
...@@ -94,6 +94,19 @@ type GargServerT env err m api = GargServerC env err m => ServerT api m ...@@ -94,6 +94,19 @@ type GargServerT env err m api = GargServerC env err m => ServerT api m
type GargServer api = type GargServer api =
forall env err m. GargServerT env err m api forall env err m. GargServerT env err m api
-- | This Type is needed to prepare the function before the GargServer
type GargNoServer' env err m =
( CmdM env err m
, HasRepo env
, HasSettings env
, HasNodeError err
type GargNoServer t =
forall env err m. GargNoServer' env err m => m t
data GargError data GargError
= GargNodeError NodeError = GargNodeError NodeError
| GargTreeError TreeError | GargTreeError TreeError
...@@ -25,32 +25,29 @@ module Gargantext.Core.Types ( module Gargantext.Core.Types.Main ...@@ -25,32 +25,29 @@ module Gargantext.Core.Types ( module Gargantext.Core.Types.Main
, Name , Name
, TableResult(..) , TableResult(..)
, NodeTableResult , NodeTableResult
, TODO(..)
) where ) where
--import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Lens (Prism', (#)) import Control.Lens (Prism', (#))
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError, throwError) import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError, throwError)
import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON) import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
import Data.Monoid import Data.Monoid
import Data.Semigroup import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Set (Set, empty) import Data.Set (Set, empty)
import Data.Swagger (ToParamSchema)
import Data.Swagger (ToSchema(..), genericDeclareNamedSchema) import Data.Swagger (ToSchema(..), genericDeclareNamedSchema)
--import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text, unpack) import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.Validity import Data.Validity
import GHC.Generics
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix, unPrefixSwagger) import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix, unPrefixSwagger)
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node
import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Prelude
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
import GHC.Generics
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
type Name = Text type Name = Text
type Term = Text type Term = Text
type Stems = Set Text type Stems = Set Text
...@@ -158,3 +155,13 @@ instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (TableResult a) where ...@@ -158,3 +155,13 @@ instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (TableResult a) where
arbitrary = TableResult <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary arbitrary = TableResult <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
type NodeTableResult a = TableResult (Node a) type NodeTableResult a = TableResult (Node a)
-- TO BE removed
data TODO = TODO
deriving (Generic)
instance ToSchema TODO where
instance ToParamSchema TODO where
...@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ instance ToSchema NodeTree where ...@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ instance ToSchema NodeTree where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_nt_") declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_nt_")
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--data Classification = Favorites | MyClassifcation --data Classification = Favorites | MyClassifcation
type HashId = Text type HashId = Text
...@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Portability : POSIX ...@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
module Gargantext.Database.Facet module Gargantext.Database.Facet
( -- runViewAuthorsDoc ( runViewAuthorsDoc
runViewDocuments , runViewDocuments
, filterWith , filterWith
, Pair(..) , Pair(..)
...@@ -57,9 +57,13 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Types ...@@ -57,9 +57,13 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix, unPrefixSwagger) import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix, unPrefixSwagger)
import Gargantext.Database.Config (nodeTypeId) import Gargantext.Database.Config (nodeTypeId)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Ngrams
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeNode import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeNode
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeNodeNgrams
-- import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeNodeNgrams2
import Gargantext.Database.Utils import Gargantext.Database.Utils
import Gargantext.Database.Queries.Filter import Gargantext.Database.Queries.Filter
import Gargantext.Database.Queries.Join (leftJoin5)
import Opaleye import Opaleye
import Prelude hiding (null, id, map, sum, not, read) import Prelude hiding (null, id, map, sum, not, read)
import Servant.API import Servant.API
...@@ -208,7 +212,7 @@ instance Arbitrary OrderBy ...@@ -208,7 +212,7 @@ instance Arbitrary OrderBy
{- --{-
runViewAuthorsDoc :: ContactId -> IsTrash -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe OrderBy -> Cmd err [FacetDoc] runViewAuthorsDoc :: ContactId -> IsTrash -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe OrderBy -> Cmd err [FacetDoc]
runViewAuthorsDoc cId t o l order = runOpaQuery $ filterWith o l order $ viewAuthorsDoc cId t ntId runViewAuthorsDoc cId t o l order = runOpaQuery $ filterWith o l order $ viewAuthorsDoc cId t ntId
where where
...@@ -227,26 +231,31 @@ viewAuthorsDoc cId _ nt = proc () -> do ...@@ -227,26 +231,31 @@ viewAuthorsDoc cId _ nt = proc () -> do
restrict -< _node_id contact .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId cId) restrict -< _node_id contact .== (toNullable $ pgNodeId cId)
restrict -< _node_typename doc .== (pgInt4 $ nodeTypeId nt) restrict -< _node_typename doc .== (pgInt4 $ nodeTypeId nt)
returnA -< FacetDoc (_node_id doc) (_node_date doc) (_node_name doc) (_node_hyperdata doc) (toNullable $ pgInt4 1) (toNullable $ pgDouble 1) returnA -< FacetDoc (_node_id doc)
(_node_date doc)
(_node_name doc)
(_node_hyperdata doc)
(toNullable $ pgInt4 1)
(toNullable $ pgDouble 1)
queryAuthorsDoc :: Query (NodeRead, (NodeNgramReadNull, (NgramsReadNull, (NodeNgramReadNull, NodeReadNull)))) queryAuthorsDoc :: Query (NodeRead, (NodeNodeNgramsReadNull, (NgramsReadNull, (NodeNodeNgramsReadNull, NodeReadNull))))
queryAuthorsDoc = leftJoin5 queryNodeTable queryNodeNgramTable queryNgramsTable queryNodeNgramTable queryNodeTable cond12 cond23 cond34 cond45 queryAuthorsDoc = leftJoin5 queryNodeTable queryNodeNodeNgramsTable queryNgramsTable queryNodeNodeNgramsTable queryNodeTable cond12 cond23 cond34 cond45
where where
cond12 :: (NodeNgramRead, NodeRead) -> Column PGBool cond12 :: (NodeNodeNgramsRead, NodeRead) -> Column PGBool
cond12 (nodeNgram, doc) = _node_id doc cond12 (nodeNgram, doc) = _node_id doc
.== nng_node_id nodeNgram .== _nnng_node1_id nodeNgram
cond23 :: (NgramsRead, (NodeNgramRead, NodeReadNull)) -> Column PGBool cond23 :: (NgramsRead, (NodeNodeNgramsRead, NodeReadNull)) -> Column PGBool
cond23 (ngrams, (nodeNgram, _)) = ngrams^.ngrams_id cond23 (ngrams, (nodeNgram, _)) = ngrams^.ngrams_id
.== nng_ngrams_id nodeNgram .== _nnng_ngrams_id nodeNgram
cond34 :: (NodeNgramRead, (NgramsRead, (NodeNgramReadNull, NodeReadNull))) -> Column PGBool cond34 :: (NodeNodeNgramsRead, (NgramsRead, (NodeNodeNgramsReadNull, NodeReadNull))) -> Column PGBool
cond34 (nodeNgram2, (ngrams, (_,_)))= ngrams^.ngrams_id .== nng_ngrams_id nodeNgram2 cond34 (nodeNgram2, (ngrams, (_,_)))= ngrams^.ngrams_id .== _nnng_ngrams_id nodeNgram2
cond45 :: (NodeRead, (NodeNgramRead, (NgramsReadNull, (NodeNgramReadNull, NodeReadNull)))) -> Column PGBool cond45 :: (NodeRead, (NodeNodeNgramsRead, (NgramsReadNull, (NodeNodeNgramsReadNull, NodeReadNull)))) -> Column PGBool
cond45 (contact, (nodeNgram2, (_, (_,_)))) = _node_id contact .== nng_node_id nodeNgram2 cond45 (contact, (nodeNgram2, (_, (_,_)))) = _node_id contact .== _nnng_node1_id nodeNgram2
-} --}
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
...@@ -265,8 +274,12 @@ viewDocuments cId t ntId = proc () -> do ...@@ -265,8 +274,12 @@ viewDocuments cId t ntId = proc () -> do
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 ntId) restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 ntId)
restrict -< if t then nn^.nn_category .== (pgInt4 0) restrict -< if t then nn^.nn_category .== (pgInt4 0)
else nn^.nn_category .>= (pgInt4 1) else nn^.nn_category .>= (pgInt4 1)
returnA -< FacetDoc (_node_id n) (_node_date n) (_node_name n) (_node_hyperdata n) (toNullable $ nn^.nn_category) (toNullable $ nn^.nn_score) returnA -< FacetDoc (_node_id n)
(_node_date n)
(_node_name n)
(_node_hyperdata n)
(toNullable $ nn^.nn_category)
(toNullable $ nn^.nn_score)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
filterWith :: (PGOrd date, PGOrd title, PGOrd score, hyperdata ~ Column SqlJsonb) => filterWith :: (PGOrd date, PGOrd title, PGOrd score, hyperdata ~ Column SqlJsonb) =>
...@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ pairing' = undefined ...@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ pairing' = undefined
-} -}
-- | TODO : add paring policy as parameter -- | TODO : add paring policy as parameter
pairing :: AnnuaireId pairing :: CorpusId -- (CorpusId, ListId) -- Pair (Either CorpusId AnnuaireId) ListId
-> CorpusId -> AnnuaireId -- (AnnuaireId, ListId) -- Pair (Either CorpusId AnnuaireId) ListId
-> ListId -> ListId
-> Cmd err Int -> Cmd err Int
pairing aId cId lId = do pairing cId aId lId = do
contacts' <- getAllContacts aId contacts' <- getAllContacts aId
let contactsMap = pairingPolicyToMap toLower let contactsMap = pairingPolicyToMap toLower
$ toMaps extractNgramsT (tr_docs contacts') $ toMaps extractNgramsT (tr_docs contacts')
...@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ getNgramsTindexed corpusId ngramsType' = fromList ...@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ getNgramsTindexed corpusId ngramsType' = fromList
where where
selectQuery = [sql| SELECT,n.terms,n.n from ngrams n selectQuery = [sql| SELECT,n.terms,n.n from ngrams n
JOIN node_node_ngrams occ ON occ.ngrams_id = JOIN node_node_ngrams occ ON occ.ngrams_id =
-- JOIN node_node_ngrams2 occ ON occ.ngrams_id =
JOIN nodes_nodes nn ON nn.node2_id = occ.node2_id JOIN nodes_nodes nn ON nn.node2_id = occ.node2_id
WHERE nn.node1_id = ? WHERE nn.node1_id = ?
...@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@ getOccByNgramsOnlyFast' cId lId nt tms = trace (show (cId, lId)) $ ...@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@ getOccByNgramsOnlyFast' cId lId nt tms = trace (show (cId, lId)) $
-> NgramsType -> NgramsType
-> [Text] -> [Text]
-> Cmd err [(Text, Double)] -> Cmd err [(Text, Double)]
run cId' lId' _nt' tms' = runPGSQuery query run cId' lId' nt' tms' = runPGSQuery query
( Values fields (DPS.Only <$> tms') ( Values fields (DPS.Only <$> tms')
, cId' , cId'
, lId' , lId'
-- , ngramsTypeId nt' , ngramsTypeId nt'
) )
query :: DPS.Query query :: DPS.Query
...@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ getOccByNgramsOnlyFast' cId lId nt tms = trace (show (cId, lId)) $ ...@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ getOccByNgramsOnlyFast' cId lId nt tms = trace (show (cId, lId)) $
JOIN ngrams ng ON nng.ngrams_id = JOIN ngrams ng ON nng.ngrams_id =
JOIN input_rows ir ON ir.terms = ng.terms JOIN input_rows ir ON ir.terms = ng.terms
WHERE nng.node1_id = ? -- CorpusId WHERE nng.node1_id = ? -- CorpusId
AND nng.node2_id = ? AND nng.node2_id = ? -- ListId
-- AND nng.ngrams_type = ? -- NgramsTypeId AND nng.ngrams_type = ? -- NgramsTypeId
-- AND nn.category > 0 -- AND nn.category > 0 -- TODO
GROUP BY ng.terms, nng.weight GROUP BY ng.terms, nng.weight
|] |]
...@@ -278,15 +278,32 @@ queryNgramsOccurrencesOnlyByNodeUser' = [sql| ...@@ -278,15 +278,32 @@ queryNgramsOccurrencesOnlyByNodeUser' = [sql|
GROUP BY nng.node2_id, ng.terms GROUP BY nng.node2_id, ng.terms
|] |]
getNodesByNgramsOnlyUser :: NodeId -> [ListId] -> NgramsType -> [Text] getNodesByNgramsOnlyUser :: NodeId -> [ListId] -> NgramsType -> [Text]
-> Cmd err (Map Text (Set NodeId)) -> Cmd err (Map Text (Set NodeId))
getNodesByNgramsOnlyUser cId ls nt ngs = getNodesByNgramsOnlyUser cId ls nt ngs =
Map.unionsWith (<>) Map.unionsWith (<>)
. map (fromListWith (<>) . map (second Set.singleton)) . map (fromListWith (<>)
. map (second Set.singleton))
<$> mapM (selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser cId ls nt)
(splitEvery 1000 ngs)
getNgramsByNodeOnlyUser :: NodeId
-> [ListId]
-> NgramsType
-> [Text]
-> Cmd err (Map NodeId (Set Text))
getNgramsByNodeOnlyUser cId ls nt ngs =
Map.unionsWith (<>)
. map (fromListWith (<>)
. map (second Set.singleton))
. map (map swap)
<$> mapM (selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser cId ls nt) <$> mapM (selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser cId ls nt)
(splitEvery 1000 ngs) (splitEvery 1000 ngs)
selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser :: CorpusId -> [ListId] -> NgramsType -> [Text] selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser :: CorpusId -> [ListId] -> NgramsType -> [Text]
-> Cmd err [(Text, NodeId)] -> Cmd err [(Text, NodeId)]
selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser cId ls nt tms = selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser cId ls nt tms =
...@@ -319,7 +336,6 @@ queryNgramsOnlyByNodeUser = [sql| ...@@ -319,7 +336,6 @@ queryNgramsOnlyByNodeUser = [sql|
selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser' :: CorpusId -> [ListId] -> NgramsType -> [Text] selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser' :: CorpusId -> [ListId] -> NgramsType -> [Text]
-> Cmd err [(Text, Int)] -> Cmd err [(Text, Int)]
selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser' cId ls nt tms = selectNgramsOnlyByNodeUser' cId ls nt tms =
...@@ -349,7 +365,6 @@ queryNgramsOnlyByNodeUser' = [sql| ...@@ -349,7 +365,6 @@ queryNgramsOnlyByNodeUser' = [sql|
getNgramsByDocOnlyUser :: NodeId -> [ListId] -> NgramsType -> [Text] getNgramsByDocOnlyUser :: NodeId -> [ListId] -> NgramsType -> [Text]
-> Cmd err (Map Text (Set NodeId)) -> Cmd err (Map Text (Set NodeId))
getNgramsByDocOnlyUser cId ls nt ngs = getNgramsByDocOnlyUser cId ls nt ngs =
...@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ prepare pId ns = map (\nId -> InputData pId nId) ns ...@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ prepare pId ns = map (\nId -> InputData pId nId) ns
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Main Types used -- * Main Types used
data InputData = InputData { inNode1_id :: NodeId data InputData = InputData { inNode1_id :: NodeId
, inNode2_id :: NodeId , inNode2_id :: NodeId
} deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable) } deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable)
...@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ instance InsertDb HyperdataContact ...@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ instance InsertDb HyperdataContact
, (toField . toJSON) h , (toField . toJSON) h
] ]
-- | Debug SQL function -- | Debug SQL function
-- --
-- to print rendered query (Debug purpose) use @formatQuery@ function. -- to print rendered query (Debug purpose) use @formatQuery@ function.
...@@ -41,8 +41,12 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow (toRow) ...@@ -41,8 +41,12 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow (toRow)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (Values(..), QualifiedIdentifier(..)) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (Values(..), QualifiedIdentifier(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.Database.Utils (Cmd, runPGSQuery, runOpaQuery, formatPGSQuery) import Gargantext.Database.Utils (Cmd, runPGSQuery, runOpaQuery, formatPGSQuery)
import Gargantext.Core.Types (TODO(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Prelude
import Opaleye hiding (FromField) import Opaleye hiding (FromField)
import Servant (FromHttpApiData, parseUrlPiece, Proxy(..))
import Text.Read (read)
import Data.Swagger (ToParamSchema, toParamSchema)
import Prelude (Enum, Bounded, minBound, maxBound, Functor) import Prelude (Enum, Bounded, minBound, maxBound, Functor)
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PGS import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PGS
...@@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ dbGetNgramsDb = runOpaQuery queryNgramsTable ...@@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ dbGetNgramsDb = runOpaQuery queryNgramsTable
-- ngrams in authors field of document has Authors Type -- ngrams in authors field of document has Authors Type
-- ngrams in text (title or abstract) of documents has Terms Type -- ngrams in text (title or abstract) of documents has Terms Type
data NgramsType = Authors | Institutes | Sources | NgramsTerms data NgramsType = Authors | Institutes | Sources | NgramsTerms
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic) deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
instance FromJSON NgramsType instance FromJSON NgramsType
instance FromJSONKey NgramsType where instance FromJSONKey NgramsType where
...@@ -115,6 +119,15 @@ instance FromField NgramsTypeId where ...@@ -115,6 +119,15 @@ instance FromField NgramsTypeId where
if (n :: Int) > 0 then return $ NgramsTypeId n if (n :: Int) > 0 then return $ NgramsTypeId n
else mzero else mzero
instance FromHttpApiData NgramsType where
parseUrlPiece n = pure $ (read . cs) n
instance ToParamSchema NgramsType where
toParamSchema _ = toParamSchema (Proxy :: Proxy TODO)
instance QueryRunnerColumnDefault (Nullable PGInt4) NgramsTypeId instance QueryRunnerColumnDefault (Nullable PGInt4) NgramsTypeId
where where
queryRunnerColumnDefault = fieldQueryRunnerColumn queryRunnerColumnDefault = fieldQueryRunnerColumn
...@@ -530,13 +530,20 @@ arbitraryDashboard = HyperdataDashboard (Just "Preferences") ...@@ -530,13 +530,20 @@ arbitraryDashboard = HyperdataDashboard (Just "Preferences")
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
node :: (ToJSON a, Hyperdata a) => NodeType -> Name -> a -> Maybe ParentId -> UserId -> NodeWrite node :: (ToJSON a, Hyperdata a) => NodeType -> Name -> a -> Maybe ParentId -> UserId -> NodeWrite
node nodeType name hyperData parentId userId = Node Nothing (pgInt4 typeId) (pgInt4 userId) (pgNodeId <$> parentId) (pgStrictText name) Nothing (pgJSONB $ cs $ encode hyperData) node nodeType name hyperData parentId userId =
Node Nothing
(pgInt4 typeId)
(pgInt4 userId)
(pgNodeId <$> parentId)
(pgStrictText name)
(pgJSONB $ cs $ encode hyperData)
where where
typeId = nodeTypeId nodeType typeId = nodeTypeId nodeType
------------------------------- -------------------------------
insertNodes :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err Int64 insertNodes :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err Int64
insertNodes ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsertMany conn nodeTable ns insertNodes ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsert_ conn $ Insert nodeTable ns rCount Nothing
insertNodesR :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err [NodeId] insertNodesR :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err [NodeId]
insertNodesR ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> insertNodesR ns = mkCmd $ \conn ->
...@@ -576,10 +583,10 @@ data Node' = Node' { _n_type :: NodeType ...@@ -576,10 +583,10 @@ data Node' = Node' { _n_type :: NodeType
} deriving (Show) } deriving (Show)
mkNodes :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err Int64 mkNodes :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err Int64
mkNodes ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsertMany conn nodeTable ns mkNodes ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsert_ conn $ Insert nodeTable ns rCount Nothing
mkNodeR :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err [NodeId] mkNodeR :: [NodeWrite] -> Cmd err [NodeId]
mkNodeR ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsertManyReturning conn nodeTable ns (_node_id) mkNodeR ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsert_ conn $ Insert nodeTable ns (rReturning _node_id) Nothing
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
...@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ type NodeNodeReadNull = NodeNodePoly (Column (Nullable PGInt4)) ...@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ type NodeNodeReadNull = NodeNodePoly (Column (Nullable PGInt4))
(Column (Nullable PGFloat8)) (Column (Nullable PGFloat8))
(Column (Nullable PGInt4)) (Column (Nullable PGInt4))
type NodeNode = NodeNodePoly Int Int (Maybe Double) (Maybe Int) type NodeNode = NodeNodePoly NodeId NodeId (Maybe Double) (Maybe Int)
$(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pNodeNode" ''NodeNodePoly) $(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pNodeNode" ''NodeNodePoly)
makeLenses ''NodeNodePoly makeLenses ''NodeNodePoly
...@@ -102,8 +102,30 @@ instance QueryRunnerColumnDefault PGFloat8 (Maybe Double) where ...@@ -102,8 +102,30 @@ instance QueryRunnerColumnDefault PGFloat8 (Maybe Double) where
instance QueryRunnerColumnDefault PGInt4 (Maybe Int) where instance QueryRunnerColumnDefault PGInt4 (Maybe Int) where
queryRunnerColumnDefault = fieldQueryRunnerColumn queryRunnerColumnDefault = fieldQueryRunnerColumn
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Basic NodeNode tools
getNodeNode :: NodeId -> Cmd err [NodeNode]
getNodeNode n = runOpaQuery (selectNodeNode $ pgNodeId n)
selectNodeNode :: Column PGInt4 -> Query NodeNodeRead
selectNodeNode n' = proc () -> do
ns <- queryNodeNodeTable -< ()
restrict -< _nn_node1_id ns .== n'
returnA -< ns
insertNodeNode :: [NodeNode] -> Cmd err Int64
insertNodeNode ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsert_ conn $ Insert nodeNodeTable ns' rCount Nothing
ns' :: [NodeNodeWrite]
ns' = map (\(NodeNode n1 n2 x y)
-> NodeNode (pgNodeId n1)
(pgNodeId n2)
(pgDouble <$> x)
(pgInt4 <$> y)
) ns
-- | Favorite management -- | Favorite management
nodeNodeCategory :: CorpusId -> DocId -> Int -> Cmd err [Int] nodeNodeCategory :: CorpusId -> DocId -> Int -> Cmd err [Int]
nodeNodeCategory cId dId c = map (\(PGS.Only a) -> a) <$> runPGSQuery favQuery (c,cId,dId) nodeNodeCategory cId dId c = map (\(PGS.Only a) -> a) <$> runPGSQuery favQuery (c,cId,dId)
...@@ -131,13 +153,11 @@ nodeNodesCategory inputData = map (\(PGS.Only a) -> a) ...@@ -131,13 +153,11 @@ nodeNodesCategory inputData = map (\(PGS.Only a) -> a)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | TODO use UTCTime fast -- | TODO use UTCTime fast
selectDocsDates :: CorpusId -> Cmd err [Text] selectDocsDates :: CorpusId -> Cmd err [Text]
selectDocsDates cId = selectDocsDates cId = map (head' "selectDocsDates" . splitOn "-")
map (head' "selectDocsDates" . splitOn "-")
<$> catMaybes <$> catMaybes
<$> map (view hyperdataDocument_publication_date) <$> map (view hyperdataDocument_publication_date)
<$> selectDocs cId <$> selectDocs cId
selectDocs :: CorpusId -> Cmd err [HyperdataDocument] selectDocs :: CorpusId -> Cmd err [HyperdataDocument]
selectDocs cId = runOpaQuery (queryDocs cId) selectDocs cId = runOpaQuery (queryDocs cId)
...@@ -149,7 +169,6 @@ queryDocs cId = proc () -> do ...@@ -149,7 +169,6 @@ queryDocs cId = proc () -> do
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ nodeTypeId NodeDocument) restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ nodeTypeId NodeDocument)
returnA -< view (node_hyperdata) n returnA -< view (node_hyperdata) n
selectDocNodes :: CorpusId -> Cmd err [Node HyperdataDocument] selectDocNodes :: CorpusId -> Cmd err [Node HyperdataDocument]
selectDocNodes cId = runOpaQuery (queryDocNodes cId) selectDocNodes cId = runOpaQuery (queryDocNodes cId)
...@@ -161,14 +180,12 @@ queryDocNodes cId = proc () -> do ...@@ -161,14 +180,12 @@ queryDocNodes cId = proc () -> do
restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ nodeTypeId NodeDocument) restrict -< n^.node_typename .== (pgInt4 $ nodeTypeId NodeDocument)
returnA -< n returnA -< n
joinInCorpus :: O.Query (NodeRead, NodeNodeReadNull) joinInCorpus :: O.Query (NodeRead, NodeNodeReadNull)
joinInCorpus = leftJoin queryNodeTable queryNodeNodeTable cond joinInCorpus = leftJoin queryNodeTable queryNodeNodeTable cond
where where
cond :: (NodeRead, NodeNodeRead) -> Column PGBool cond :: (NodeRead, NodeNodeRead) -> Column PGBool
cond (n, nn) = nn^.nn_node2_id .== (view node_id n) cond (n, nn) = nn^.nn_node2_id .== (view node_id n)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Trash management -- | Trash management
nodeToTrash :: CorpusId -> DocId -> Bool -> Cmd err [PGS.Only Int] nodeToTrash :: CorpusId -> DocId -> Bool -> Cmd err [PGS.Only Int]
...@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ nodeNodeNgramsTable = Table "node_node_ngrams" ...@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ nodeNodeNgramsTable = Table "node_node_ngrams"
} }
) )
queryNodeNodeNgramsTable :: Query NodeNodeNgramsRead queryNodeNodeNgramsTable :: Query NodeNodeNgramsRead
queryNodeNodeNgramsTable = queryTable nodeNodeNgramsTable queryNodeNodeNgramsTable = queryTable nodeNodeNgramsTable
...@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ selectPatches = proc () -> do ...@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ selectPatches = proc () -> do
insertRepos :: [NgramsStatePatch] -> Cmd err Int64 insertRepos :: [NgramsStatePatch] -> Cmd err Int64
insertRepos ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsertMany conn repoTable (toWrite ns) insertRepos ns = mkCmd $ \conn -> runInsert_ conn $ Insert repoTable (toWrite ns) rCount Nothing
where where
toWrite :: [NgramsStatePatch] -> [RepoDbWrite] toWrite :: [NgramsStatePatch] -> [RepoDbWrite]
toWrite = undefined toWrite = undefined
...@@ -115,7 +115,9 @@ userTable = Table "auth_user" (pUser User { user_id = optional "id" ...@@ -115,7 +115,9 @@ userTable = Table "auth_user" (pUser User { user_id = optional "id"
-- TODO: on conflict, nice message -- TODO: on conflict, nice message
insertUsers :: [UserWrite] -> Cmd err Int64 insertUsers :: [UserWrite] -> Cmd err Int64
insertUsers us = mkCmd $ \c -> runInsertMany c userTable us insertUsers us = mkCmd $ \c -> runInsert_ c insert
insert = Insert userTable us rCount Nothing
gargantextUser :: Username -> UserWrite gargantextUser :: Username -> UserWrite
...@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ dbTree rootId = map (\(nId, tId, pId, n) -> DbTreeNode nId tId pId n) ...@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ dbTree rootId = map (\(nId, tId, pId, n) -> DbTreeNode nId tId pId n)
FROM nodes AS c FROM nodes AS c
INNER JOIN tree AS s ON c.parent_id = INNER JOIN tree AS s ON c.parent_id =
WHERE c.typename IN (2,20,21,22,3,5,30,31,40,7,9,90) WHERE c.typename IN (2,20,21,22,3,5,30,31,40,7,9,90,71)
) )
SELECT * from tree; SELECT * from tree;
|] (Only rootId) |] (Only rootId)
...@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ type Node json = NodePoly NodeId NodeTypeId UserId (Maybe ParentId) NodeName U ...@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ type Node json = NodePoly NodeId NodeTypeId UserId (Maybe ParentId) NodeName U
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
instance FromHttpApiData NodeId where instance FromHttpApiData NodeId where
parseUrlPiece n = pure $ NodeId $ (read . cs) n parseUrlPiece n = pure $ NodeId $ (read . cs) n
...@@ -36,12 +36,11 @@ import Crypto.Argon2 as Crypto ...@@ -36,12 +36,11 @@ import Crypto.Argon2 as Crypto
import Data.Either import Data.Either
import Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as URL import Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as URL
shuffle :: MonadRandom m => [a] -> m [a] shuffle :: MonadRandom m => [a] -> m [a]
shuffle ns = SRS.shuffleM ns shuffle ns = SRS.shuffleM ns
type FolderPath = FilePath --------------------------------------------------------------------------
type FileName = FilePath
sha :: Text -> Text sha :: Text -> Text
sha = Text.pack sha = Text.pack
. SHA.showDigest . SHA.showDigest
...@@ -49,6 +48,7 @@ sha = Text.pack ...@@ -49,6 +48,7 @@ sha = Text.pack
. Char.pack . Char.pack
. Text.unpack . Text.unpack
data NodeToHash = NodeToHash { nodeType :: NodeType data NodeToHash = NodeToHash { nodeType :: NodeType
, nodeId :: NodeId , nodeId :: NodeId
} }
...@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ secret_key = "WRV5ymit8s~ge6%08dLR7Q!gBcpb1MY%7e67db2206" ...@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ secret_key = "WRV5ymit8s~ge6%08dLR7Q!gBcpb1MY%7e67db2206"
type SecretKey = ByteString type SecretKey = ByteString
type FolderPath = FilePath
type FileName = FilePath
hashNode :: SecretKey -> NodeToHash -> ByteString hashNode :: SecretKey -> NodeToHash -> ByteString
hashNode sk (NodeToHash nt ni) = case hashResult of hashNode sk (NodeToHash nt ni) = case hashResult of
Left e -> panic (cs $ show e) Left e -> panic (cs $ show e)
...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude ...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Main import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Main
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Example import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Example
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (TODO(..)) import Gargantext.Core.Types (TODO(..))
import Servant import Servant
import Test.QuickCheck (elements) import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary) import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
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