Commit 5864e355 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Code Review] Morning Code Quentin and Alexandre.

parent e1167360
Pipeline #212 failed with stage
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ makeLenses ''Phylo
makeLenses ''PhyloParam
makeLenses ''PhyloExport
makeLenses ''Software
makeLenses ''PhyloGroup
-- | JSON instances
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_phylo_" ) ''Phylo )
......@@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ TODO:
module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Example where
import Control.Lens hiding (both)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Text (Text, unwords, toLower, words)
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
......@@ -68,6 +69,11 @@ type Occurrences = Int
data PhyloError = LevelDoesNotExist
| LevelUnassigned
deriving (Show)
data PhyloField = PhyloField {
phyloField_id :: Int
......@@ -123,35 +129,51 @@ corpusToFis f = (\d -> fisWithSizePolyMap (Segment 1 20) 1 (map f d))
-- | STEP 4 | -- Build level -1 and 0 of the Phylo
-- makePointer :: a -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup
-- makePointer field source target = source {field = _phylo_groupId target : field source}
addPointer :: Semigroup field
=> ASetter source target identity (field -> field)
-> field -> source -> target
addPointer field targetPointer source =
set field (<> targetPointer) source
alterLvl :: PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup
alterLvl g = g {_phylo_groupId = ((Tuple.fst $ Tuple.fst $ _phylo_groupId g, 0), Tuple.snd $ _phylo_groupId g)}
alterLvl' :: PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup
alterLvl' (PhyloGroup ((dates, _lvl), ix) gLabel gNgrams gPeriodParents gPeriodChilds gLevelParent gLevelChilds)
= PhyloGroup gId' gLabel gNgrams' gPeriodParents gPeriodChilds gLevelParent gLevelChilds
gId' = ((dates, 0), ix)
gNgrams' = gNgrams
-- | for the moment level 0 is just a copy of level -1
level0PhyloGroups :: [PhyloGroup]
level0PhyloGroups = map alterLvl initPhyloGroups
--level0PhyloGroups :: [PhyloGroup]
--level0PhyloGroups = map alterLvl initPhyloGroups
findIdx :: Ngrams -> Int
findIdx n = Maybe.fromJust $ Vector.elemIndex n phyloNgrams
findIdx n = case (Vector.elemIndex n phyloNgrams) of
Nothing -> panic "PhyloError"
Just i -> i
ngramsToGroup :: [Ngrams] -> Text -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> PhyloGroup
ngramsToGroup terms label idx lvl from to = PhyloGroup (((from, to), lvl), idx) label (map (\x -> findIdx x) terms) [] [] [] []
docsToGroups :: (Date, Date) -> [Document] -> [PhyloGroup]
docsToGroups :: (Date, Date) -> Corpus -> [PhyloGroup]
docsToGroups k v = map (\x ->
ngramsToGroup [Tuple.snd x] (Tuple.snd x) (Tuple.fst x) (-1) (Tuple.fst k) (Tuple.snd k)
) $ zip [1,2..] $ (List.nub . List.concat) $ map (words . text) v
) $ zip [1..] $ (List.nub . List.concat) $ map (words . text) v
data Levels = Level_m1 | Level_0 | Level_1 | Level_2 | Level_N
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
toPhyloGroups :: Levels -> Map (Date,Date) Corpus -> [PhyloGroup]
toPhyloGroups lvl corpus = case lvl of
Level_m1 -> List.concat $ Map.elems $ Map.mapWithKey docsToGroups corpus
_ -> panic ("error phylo to be defined")
toPhyloGroups :: a -> Int -> [PhyloGroup]
toPhyloGroups m lvl = case lvl of
(-1) -> List.concat $ Map.elems $ Map.mapWithKey docsToGroups phyloTerms
-- | aka: level -1
initPhyloGroups :: [PhyloGroup]
initPhyloGroups = toPhyloGroups phyloTerms (-1)
initPhyloGroups = toPhyloGroups Level_m1 phyloTerms
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