Commit 687d73d4 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Make a start on using OpenAPI3

OpenAPI3 will allow us to properly pass the Bearer Auth to the servant
swagger UI.
parent a3879ca5
......@@ -467,6 +467,8 @@ library
......@@ -562,6 +564,7 @@ library
, opaleye ^>=
, opaleye-textsearch >=
, openalex
, openapi3 >= 3.2.3
, parallel ^>=
, parsec ^>=
, patches-class ^>=
......@@ -588,6 +591,7 @@ library
, servant-client-core >= 0.20 && < 0.21
, servant-ekg ^>= 0.3.1
, servant-routes < 0.2
, servant-openapi3 >=
, servant-server >= 0.18.3 && < 0.21
, servant-swagger ^>= 1.2
, servant-swagger-ui ^>=
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ import Servant (HasServer(..), ServerT)
import Servant.Server.Internal.Delayed (addParameterCheck)
import Servant.Server.Internal.DelayedIO (DelayedIO(..))
import Servant.Swagger qualified as Swagger
import Servant.OpenApi qualified as OpenAPI
-- Types
......@@ -299,6 +300,9 @@ instance AddSetCookies ('S n) old new => AddSetCookies ('S n) (AccessPolicyManag
instance Swagger.HasSwagger sub => Swagger.HasSwagger (PolicyChecked sub) where
toSwagger _ = Swagger.toSwagger (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance OpenAPI.HasOpenApi sub => OpenAPI.HasOpenApi (PolicyChecked sub) where
toOpenApi _ = OpenAPI.toOpenApi (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasEndpoint sub => HasEndpoint (PolicyChecked sub) where
getEndpoint _ = getEndpoint (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
enumerateEndpoints _ = enumerateEndpoints (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Gargantext.API.GraphQL as GraphQL
import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargM)
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named
import Gargantext.API.Server.Named.Public (serverPublicGargAPI)
import Gargantext.API.Swagger (swaggerDoc)
import Gargantext.API.Swagger (openApiDoc)
import Gargantext.API.ThrowAll (serverPrivateGargAPI)
import Gargantext.Core.Notifications.Dispatcher.WebSocket qualified as Dispatcher
import Gargantext.Core.Config (gc_frontend_config, hasConfig)
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ serverGargAPI env
server :: Env -> API AsServer
server env =
API $ \errScheme -> NamedAPI
{ swaggerAPI = swaggerSchemaUIServer swaggerDoc
{ swaggerAPI = swaggerSchemaUIServer openApiDoc
, backendAPI = hoistServerWithContext
(Proxy :: Proxy (NamedRoutes BackEndAPI))
(Proxy :: Proxy AuthContext)
......@@ -12,23 +12,37 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Gargantext.API.Swagger where
module Gargantext.API.Swagger (
, openApiDoc
) where
import Control.Lens ((?~))
import Data.OpenApi (OpenApi)
import Data.Swagger
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named qualified as Named
import Gargantext.Orphans () -- instance HasOpenApi
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Paths_gargantext qualified as PG -- cabal magic build module
import qualified Paths_gargantext as PG -- cabal magic build module
import Servant
import Servant.Swagger (toSwagger, subOperations)
import Servant.OpenApi (toOpenApi)
import Servant.Swagger
backendApiProxy :: Proxy (ToServantApi Named.BackEndAPI)
backendApiProxy = Proxy
-- | OpenAPI Specification. It supports programmatically adding the `Bearer` to the `Authorization`
-- header, which makes the Swagger UI actually useable, unlike the 'swaggerDoc' counterpart which
-- is stuck on version 2.x of the OpenAPI spec.
openApiDoc :: OpenApi
openApiDoc = toOpenApi backendApiProxy
-- | Swagger Specifications
swaggerDoc :: Swagger
swaggerDoc = toSwagger backendApiProxy
_swaggerDoc :: Swagger
_swaggerDoc = toSwagger backendApiProxy
& info.title .~ "GarganText"
& info.version .~ (cs $ showVersion PG.version)
-- & info.base_url ?~ (URL "")
module Gargantext.Orphans (
module Gargantext.Orphans.OpenAPI
) where
import Gargantext.Orphans.OpenAPI
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Gargantext.Orphans.OpenAPI where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Typeable
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as HM
import Data.OpenApi as OpenAPI hiding (Header, Server)
import Data.Swagger qualified as Swagger
import Data.Swagger.Internal.Schema qualified as Swagger
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Prelude
import Servant.API
import Servant.Auth
import Servant.OpenApi
-- Auth instances
instance (HasOpenApi api) => HasOpenApi (Servant.Auth.Auth '[] a :> api) where
toOpenApi Proxy = toOpenApi $ Proxy @api
instance (HasOpenApi (Servant.Auth.Auth auths a :> api)) => HasOpenApi (Servant.Auth.Auth (Servant.Auth.BasicAuth : auths) a :> api) where
toOpenApi Proxy = addSecurity $ toOpenApi $ Proxy @(Servant.Auth.Auth auths a :> api)
addSecurity = addSecurityRequirement identifier . addSecurityScheme identifier securityScheme
identifier :: T.Text = "BasicAuth"
securityScheme =
{ _securitySchemeType = SecuritySchemeHttp HttpSchemeBasic
, _securitySchemeDescription = Just "Basic Authentication"
instance (HasOpenApi (Servant.Auth.Auth auths a :> api)) => HasOpenApi (Servant.Auth.Auth (Servant.Auth.JWT : auths) a :> api) where
toOpenApi Proxy = addSecurity $ toOpenApi $ Proxy @(Servant.Auth.Auth auths a :> api)
addSecurity = addSecurityRequirement identifier . addSecurityScheme identifier securityScheme
identifier :: T.Text = "JWT"
securityScheme =
{ _securitySchemeType = SecuritySchemeHttp $ HttpSchemeBearer $ Just "JWT"
, _securitySchemeDescription = Just "Bearer Authentication"
instance (HasOpenApi (Servant.Auth.Auth auths a :> api)) => HasOpenApi (Servant.Auth.Auth (Servant.Auth.Cookie : auths) a :> api) where
toOpenApi Proxy = addSecurity $ toOpenApi $ Proxy @(Servant.Auth.Auth auths a :> api)
addSecurity = addSecurityRequirement identifier . addSecurityScheme identifier securityScheme
identifier :: T.Text = "Cookie"
securityScheme =
{ _securitySchemeType = SecuritySchemeHttp $ HttpSchemeBearer $ Just "JWT"
, _securitySchemeDescription = Just "Cookie Authentication"
addSecurityScheme :: T.Text -> SecurityScheme -> OpenApi -> OpenApi
addSecurityScheme securityIdentifier securityScheme openApi =
{ _openApiComponents =
(_openApiComponents openApi)
{ _componentsSecuritySchemes =
_componentsSecuritySchemes (_openApiComponents openApi)
<> SecurityDefinitions (HM.singleton securityIdentifier securityScheme)
addSecurityRequirement :: T.Text -> OpenApi -> OpenApi
addSecurityRequirement securityRequirement =
. security
%~ ((SecurityRequirement $ HM.singleton securityRequirement []) :)
fromParamSchema :: Swagger.ParamSchema t -> Schema
fromParamSchema ps = OpenAPI.Schema
{ OpenAPI._schemaTitle = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaDescription = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaDefault = Swagger._paramSchemaDefault ps
, OpenAPI._schemaExample = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaType = convertType <$> Swagger._paramSchemaType ps
, OpenAPI._schemaFormat = Swagger._paramSchemaFormat ps
, OpenAPI._schemaNullable = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaEnum = Swagger._paramSchemaEnum ps
, OpenAPI._schemaMaximum = Swagger._paramSchemaMaximum ps
, OpenAPI._schemaExclusiveMaximum = Swagger._paramSchemaExclusiveMaximum ps
, OpenAPI._schemaMinimum = Swagger._paramSchemaMinimum ps
, OpenAPI._schemaExclusiveMinimum = Swagger._paramSchemaExclusiveMinimum ps
, OpenAPI._schemaMaxLength = Swagger._paramSchemaMaxLength ps
, OpenAPI._schemaMinLength = Swagger._paramSchemaMinLength ps
, OpenAPI._schemaPattern = Swagger._paramSchemaPattern ps
, OpenAPI._schemaMaxItems = Swagger._paramSchemaMaxItems ps
, OpenAPI._schemaMinItems = Swagger._paramSchemaMinItems ps
, OpenAPI._schemaUniqueItems = Swagger._paramSchemaUniqueItems ps
, OpenAPI._schemaMaxProperties = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaMinProperties = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaAdditionalProperties = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaItems = convertItems <$> Swagger._paramSchemaItems ps
, OpenAPI._schemaProperties = mempty
, OpenAPI._schemaRequired = mempty
, OpenAPI._schemaAllOf = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaOneOf = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaNot = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaAnyOf = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaDiscriminator = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaReadOnly = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaWriteOnly = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaXml = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaExternalDocs = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaDeprecated = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaMultipleOf = Swagger._paramSchemaMultipleOf ps
convertType :: Swagger.SwaggerType t -> OpenAPI.OpenApiType
convertType Swagger.SwaggerString = OpenAPI.OpenApiString
convertType Swagger.SwaggerNumber = OpenAPI.OpenApiNumber
convertType Swagger.SwaggerInteger = OpenAPI.OpenApiInteger
convertType Swagger.SwaggerBoolean = OpenAPI.OpenApiBoolean
convertType Swagger.SwaggerArray = OpenAPI.OpenApiArray
convertType Swagger.SwaggerFile = OpenAPI.OpenApiString -- OpenAPI lacks file type, fallback to string
convertType Swagger.SwaggerNull = OpenAPI.OpenApiNull
convertType Swagger.SwaggerObject = OpenAPI.OpenApiObject
convertItems :: Swagger.SwaggerItems t -> OpenAPI.OpenApiItems
convertItems (Swagger.SwaggerItemsPrimitive _collectionFormat paramSchema) =
OpenAPI.OpenApiItemsObject $ OpenAPI.Inline $ fromParamSchema paramSchema
convertItems (Swagger.SwaggerItemsObject referencedSchema) =
OpenAPI.OpenApiItemsObject $ convertRef referencedSchema
convertItems (Swagger.SwaggerItemsArray referencedSchemas) =
OpenAPI.OpenApiItemsArray $ map convertRef referencedSchemas
convertRef :: Swagger.Referenced Swagger.Schema -> OpenAPI.Referenced OpenAPI.Schema
convertRef (Swagger.Ref ref) = OpenAPI.Ref $ OpenAPI.Reference (Swagger.getReference ref)
convertRef (Swagger.Inline s) = OpenAPI.Inline $ fromSwaggerSchema s
convertAdditionalProps :: Swagger.AdditionalProperties -> OpenAPI.AdditionalProperties
convertAdditionalProps (Swagger.AdditionalPropertiesAllowed allowed) =
OpenAPI.AdditionalPropertiesAllowed allowed
convertAdditionalProps (Swagger.AdditionalPropertiesSchema ref) =
OpenAPI.AdditionalPropertiesSchema (convertRef ref)
convertDocs :: Swagger.ExternalDocs -> OpenAPI.ExternalDocs
convertDocs Swagger.ExternalDocs { Swagger._externalDocsDescription = desc
, Swagger._externalDocsUrl = docurl } =
{ OpenAPI._externalDocsDescription = desc
, OpenAPI._externalDocsUrl = convertURL docurl
convertURL :: Swagger.URL -> OpenAPI.URL
convertURL = OpenAPI.URL . Swagger.getUrl
convertXml :: Swagger.Xml -> OpenAPI.Xml
convertXml Swagger.Xml { Swagger._xmlName = xname
, Swagger._xmlNamespace = xnamespace
, Swagger._xmlPrefix = xprefix
, Swagger._xmlAttribute = xattribute
, Swagger._xmlWrapped = xwrapped } =
{ OpenAPI._xmlName = xname
, OpenAPI._xmlNamespace = xnamespace
, OpenAPI._xmlPrefix = xprefix
, OpenAPI._xmlAttribute = xattribute
, OpenAPI._xmlWrapped = xwrapped
convertDiscriminator :: T.Text -> OpenAPI.Discriminator
convertDiscriminator t = OpenAPI.Discriminator t mempty
fromSwaggerSchema :: Swagger.Schema -> OpenAPI.Schema
fromSwaggerSchema swaggerSchema = OpenAPI.Schema
{ OpenAPI._schemaTitle = Swagger._schemaTitle swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaDescription = Swagger._schemaDescription swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaDefault = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaExample = Swagger._schemaExample swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaType = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaFormat = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaNullable = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaEnum = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaMaximum = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaExclusiveMaximum = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaMinimum = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaExclusiveMinimum = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaMaxLength = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaMinLength = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaPattern = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaMaxItems = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaMinItems = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaUniqueItems = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaMaxProperties = Swagger._schemaMaxProperties swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaMinProperties = Swagger._schemaMinProperties swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaAdditionalProperties = convertAdditionalProps <$> Swagger._schemaAdditionalProperties swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaItems = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaProperties = convertRef $ Swagger._schemaProperties swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaRequired = Swagger._schemaRequired swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaAllOf = map convertRef <$> Swagger._schemaAllOf swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaOneOf = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaNot = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaAnyOf = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaDiscriminator = convertDiscriminator <$> Swagger._schemaDiscriminator swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaReadOnly = Swagger._schemaReadOnly swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaWriteOnly = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaXml = convertXml <$> Swagger._schemaXml swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaExternalDocs = convertDocs <$> Swagger._schemaExternalDocs swaggerSchema
, OpenAPI._schemaDeprecated = Nothing
, OpenAPI._schemaMultipleOf = Nothing
-- little compat-shim to avoid re-implementing 'ToSchema' and 'ToParamSchema' for each
-- and every type, while we transition away from swagger.
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Swagger.ToParamSchema a => ToParamSchema a where
toParamSchema p = fromParamSchema $ Swagger.toParamSchema p
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Typeable a, Swagger.ToSchema a) => ToSchema a where
declareNamedSchema _ = pure $ OpenAPI.NamedSchema swaggerName openApiSchema
Swagger.NamedSchema swaggerName swaggerSchema = Swagger.toNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)
openApiSchema = fromSwaggerSchema swaggerSchema
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