Commit 74ec0f73 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/adinapoli/issue-180-deps-audit' into dev

parents 2f5c0088 4f0d5e22
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --package shelly --package algebraic-graphs --package async
It's warmly recommended to compile this script as a binary, in order to exploit multicore
parallelism, e.g.:
stack exec ghc -- --make -O2 -threaded scripts/haskell/dependencies.hs
./dependencies +RTS -N
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Algebra.Graph
import Algebra.Graph.Export.Dot (Attribute (..), Style (..), export)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Shelly
import System.IO
import Text.Printf
import Text.Read
type PackageName = T.Text
data Version = V [Int] deriving (Eq, Ord)
type Package = (PackageName, Version)
type DAG = Graph Package
type DepMap = M.Map Package [Package]
type RevDepMap = M.Map Package [Package]
readVersionM :: Monad m => (String -> m Int) -> T.Text -> m Version
readVersionM f = fmap V . sequence . map (f . T.unpack) . T.splitOn "."
readVersionMaybe :: T.Text -> Maybe Version
readVersionMaybe = readVersionM readMaybe
readVersion :: T.Text -> Version
readVersion = runIdentity . readVersionM (liftM read . pure)
logScreen :: MVar () -> String -> IO ()
logScreen screenLock msg = do
() <- takeMVar screenLock
putStrLn msg
putMVar screenLock ()
mkPackage :: T.Text -> Package
mkPackage t = case T.splitOn " " (T.strip t) of
[name, ver] -> (name, readVersion ver)
_ -> case T.breakOnEnd "-" (T.strip t) of
("", _) -> error $ "mkPackage: " <> show t
(name, ver) -> (T.init name, readVersion ver)
blacklistedPackages :: [T.Text]
blacklistedPackages = []
-- Filter blacklisted packages if they cannot be found by `ghc-pkg`, for some reason.
getTotalPackages :: IO [Package]
getTotalPackages = do
rawList <- shelly $ silently $ run "stack" ["--nix", "ls", "dependencies", "--test", "--bench"]
return $ map mkPackage (filter (not . blacklisted) (T.lines rawList))
blacklisted x = or $ map (flip T.isInfixOf x) blacklistedPackages
directDependenciesFor :: MVar () -> Package -> IO [Package]
directDependenciesFor screenLock (name, ver) = do
res <- try $ shelly $ silently $ run "stack" ["--nix", "exec", "ghc-pkg", "field", name, "depends"]
case res of
Left (err :: SomeException) -> do
logScreen screenLock $ "Got: " <> show err
logScreen screenLock "Skipping package..."
pure mempty
Right rawOutput ->
case concatMap (T.words . T.replace "depends:" mempty . T.strip) (dropWhile (\l -> not ("depends:" `T.isInfixOf` l)) $ T.lines rawOutput) of
deps -> do
logScreen screenLock $ "Found " <> show (length deps) <> " deps for " <> show name
let !normalised = concatMap (map (mkPackage . normalisePackage) . T.splitOn " ") (takeWhile (/= "depends:") deps)
pure $! normalised
buildPackageMap :: forall m. Monad m => (Package -> m [Package]) -> [Package] -> m DepMap
buildPackageMap _ [] = return M.empty
buildPackageMap f pkgs = go pkgs M.empty
go :: [Package] -> DepMap -> m DepMap
go [] depMap = return depMap
go (pkg:xs) depMap = do
directDeps <- f pkg
let !newMap = M.insert pkg directDeps $! depMap
go xs newMap
buildDependencyMap :: [Package] -> IO DepMap
buildDependencyMap allDeps = do
screenLock <- newEmptyMVar
putMVar screenLock ()
mapAsList <- mapConcurrently (\pkg -> (pkg,) <$> directDependenciesFor screenLock pkg) allDeps
return $ M.fromList mapAsList
buildReverseDependencyMap :: [Package] -> DepMap -> RevDepMap
buildReverseDependencyMap allDeps depMap =
runIdentity $ buildPackageMap (Identity . reverseDependenciesFor allDeps depMap) allDeps
buildUniqueDependencyMap :: [Package] -> DepMap -> RevDepMap -> DepMap
buildUniqueDependencyMap allDeps depMap revMap =
runIdentity $ buildPackageMap (Identity . uniqueDependenciesFor depMap revMap) allDeps
buildDependencyDAG :: [Package] -> DepMap -> IO DAG
buildDependencyDAG allPkgs depMap = go allPkgs Set.empty
go :: [Package] -> Set.Set (Package, Package) -> IO DAG
go [] dagEdges = return . edges . Set.toList $ dagEdges
go (pkg:xs) dagEdges = do
let directDeps = M.findWithDefault mempty pkg depMap
let !newDag = dagEdges <> Set.fromList (map (pkg,) directDeps)
go xs newDag
-- | >>> normalisePackage "conduit-1.2.10-GgLn1U1QYcf9wsQecuZ1A4"
-- "conduit-1.2.10"
-- >>> normalisePackage "conduit-1.2.10"
-- "conduit-1.2.10"
normalisePackage :: T.Text -> T.Text
normalisePackage "rts" = "rts-"
normalisePackage txt = case T.breakOnEnd "-" txt of
(x, xs) -> case readVersionMaybe xs of
Just _ -> txt
Nothing -> if x == "" then error ("normalisePackage: " <> show txt) else T.init x
unavoidableDeps :: Package -> Package -> Bool
unavoidableDeps myself x = and [
x /= myself
, not ("gargantext" `T.isInfixOf` (fst x))
-- | Filter "unavoilable" dependencies like the ones of the gargantext family.
reverseDependenciesFor :: [Package] -> DepMap -> Package -> [Package]
reverseDependenciesFor allDeps directDeps pkg = go (filter (unavoidableDeps pkg) allDeps) mempty
go [] !revDeps = revDeps
go (x:xs) !revDeps = case reachableFrom x of
True -> go xs (x : revDeps)
False -> go xs revDeps
-- For each package x, check the graph to see if there is a path going
-- from x to `pkg`. If there is, we found a reverse dep.
reachableFrom :: Package -> Bool
reachableFrom directDep =
let depsForThis = M.findWithDefault mempty directDep directDeps
in case pkg `elem` depsForThis of
True -> True
False -> go depsForThis
go :: [Package] -> Bool
go [] = False
go xs = any reachableFrom xs
-- | Compute the "unique direct dependencies", which are the dependencies that
-- only this package introduces into the project.
-- In other terms, we need to count for each DIRECT dependency, the number of
-- REVERSE dependencies. If it's one, and it's the package in question, it
-- means that removing that dependency would also remove the associated package.
uniqueDependenciesFor :: DepMap -> RevDepMap -> Package -> [Package]
uniqueDependenciesFor directDeps revDeps pkg = go (M.findWithDefault mempty pkg directDeps) []
go [] !deps = deps
go (d:ds) !deps = case M.findWithDefault mempty d revDeps of
[x] | x == pkg -> go ds (d : deps)
_ -> go ds deps
style :: Style Package String
style = Style
{ graphName = ""
, preamble = mempty
, graphAttributes = ["label" := "Example", "labelloc" := "top"]
, defaultVertexAttributes = ["shape" := "circle"]
, defaultEdgeAttributes = mempty
, vertexName = \(name,_) -> T.unpack name
, vertexAttributes = \_ -> ["color" := "blue"]
, edgeAttributes = \_ _ -> ["style" := "dashed"]
dottify :: DAG -> IO ()
dottify dag = writeFile "dep_dot.graphviz" (export style dag)
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering System.IO.stdout NoBuffering
hSetBuffering System.IO.stderr NoBuffering
allDeps <- getTotalPackages
putStr "Building direct dependency map..."
directDepMap <- buildDependencyMap allDeps
putStrLn "ok."
let revDepMap = buildReverseDependencyMap allDeps directDepMap
let uniqueDepMap = buildUniqueDependencyMap allDeps directDepMap revDepMap
let tableHeader = printf "%-40s" ("Package" :: String)
<> printf "%-20s" ("Direct deps" :: String)
<> printf "%-20s" ("Unique deps" :: String)
<> printf "%-70s" ("Reverse deps" :: String)
let tableEntry pkg (totalDeps, uniqueDeps) revDeps =
printf "%-40s" (T.unpack pkg)
<> printf "%-20s" (show totalDeps)
<> printf "%-20s" (show uniqueDeps)
<> printf "%-70s\n" (T.unpack $ showRevDeps revDeps)
putStrLn tableHeader
let depsMap = length directDepMap
let sortedDepList = reverse (sortOn snd $ M.toList depsMap)
let mkTableEntry (pkg@(pkgName,_), deps) =
let revDeps = M.findWithDefault mempty pkg revDepMap
uniqueDeps = M.findWithDefault mempty pkg uniqueDepMap
in tableEntry pkgName (deps, length uniqueDeps) revDeps
forM_ sortedDepList (putStr . mkTableEntry)
-- Display the total deps
putStrLn $ "Total project deps: " <> (show $ length allDeps + length blacklistedPackages)
showRevDeps :: [Package] -> T.Text
showRevDeps [] = T.pack $ printf "%-4d%s" (0 :: Int) ("(possibly gargantext depends on it)" :: String)
showRevDeps [(pkgName,_)] = T.pack $ printf "%-4d%s" (1 :: Int) ("(" <> T.unpack pkgName <> ")")
showRevDeps xs
| length xs <= 5 = T.pack $ printf "%-4d%s" (length xs) (T.unpack $ "(" <> T.intercalate "," (map fst xs) <> ")")
| otherwise = T.pack $ printf "%-4d%s" (length xs) (T.unpack $ "(" <> T.intercalate "," (map fst (take 5 xs)) <> ",...)")
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ library
......@@ -234,7 +235,6 @@ library
......@@ -431,7 +431,6 @@ library
, matrix
, monad-control
, monad-logger
, monad-logger-aeson
, morpheus-graphql
, morpheus-graphql-app
, morpheus-graphql-core
......@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ library:
- Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Index
- Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Tools
- Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Tools.IGraph
- Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Types
- Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo
- Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.API
- Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.API.Tools
......@@ -215,7 +216,6 @@ library:
- matrix
- monad-control
- monad-logger
- monad-logger-aeson
- morpheus-graphql
- morpheus-graphql-app
- morpheus-graphql-core
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Graph.Clustering where
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types (NgramsTerm(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph (Graph(..), Strength(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Tools (doSimilarityMap)
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Tools.IGraph (spinglass)
import Gargantext.Prelude
......@@ -176,3 +176,4 @@ ghc-options:
hmatrix: -O2 -fsimpl-tick-factor=10000 -fdicts-cheap -fdicts-strict -flate-dmd-anal -fno-state-hack
sparse-linear: -O2 -fsimpl-tick-factor=10000 -fdicts-cheap -fdicts-strict -flate-dmd-anal -fno-state-hack
gargantext-graph: -O2 -fsimpl-tick-factor=10000 -fdicts-cheap -fdicts-strict -flate-dmd-anal -fno-state-hack
"$locals": -fwrite-ide-info -hiedir=".stack-work/hiedb"
{ roots = [ "^Main\\.main\$"
, "^Paths_.*"
], type-class-roots = True }
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