Eleve: tweaks

parent 304c9011
Pipeline #406 canceled with stage
......@@ -28,16 +28,11 @@ example = map token
$ chunkAlong 3 1
$ T.words "New York and New York is a big apple"
data Token = NonTerminal Text | Fin
data Token = NonTerminal Text | Terminal
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
isFin :: Token -> Bool
isFin x = case x of
Fin -> True
_ -> False
token :: [Text] -> [Token]
token xs = (NonTerminal <$> xs) <> [Fin]
token xs = (NonTerminal <$> xs) <> [Terminal]
data Trie k e
= Node { _node_count :: Int
......@@ -87,10 +82,11 @@ normalizeEntropy (Node c e children) =
normalizeLevel :: Double -> Double -> Trie k Double -> Trie k Double
-- normalizeLevel _ _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
normalizeLevel m v (Node c e children) = Node c ((e - m) / v) children
-- normalizeLevel m v (Node c e children) = Node c ((e - m) / v) children
normalizeLevel m v n = n { _node_entropy = (_node_entropy n - m) / v }
buildTrie :: [[Token]] -> Trie Token Double
buildTrie = normalizeEntropy . entropyTrie isFin . insertTries
buildTrie = normalizeEntropy . entropyTrie (== Terminal) . insertTries
subForest :: Trie k e -> [Trie k e]
-- subForest (Leaf _) = []
......@@ -102,11 +98,17 @@ levels = L.takeWhile (not . L.null) . L.iterate (L.concatMap subForest) . pure
entropyLevels :: Trie k e -> [[e]]
entropyLevels = fmap (fmap _node_entropy) . levels
normalizeEntropy' :: [[Double]] -> Trie k Double -> Trie k Double
normalizeEntropy' [] _ = panic "normalizeEntropy' empty levels"
-- normalizeEntropy' _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
normalizeEntropy' (es : ess) (Node c e children) =
Node c e (normalizeLevel m v . normalizeEntropy' ess <$> children)
normalizeEntropy' :: Trie k Double -> Trie k Double
normalizeEntropy' t = go (entropyLevels t) t
go :: [[Double]] -> Trie k Double -> Trie k Double
go [] _ = panic "normalizeEntropy' empty levels"
-- go _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
go (es : ess) (Node c e children) =
Node c e (normalizeLevel m v . go ess <$> children)
m = mean es
v = variance es
buildTrie' :: [[Token]] -> Trie Token Double
buildTrie' = normalizeEntropy' . entropyTrie (== Terminal) . insertTries
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