
parent 151e8522
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......@@ -209,8 +209,9 @@ class IsTrie trie where
=> Getting e i e -> ModEntropy i o e
-> trie k i -> trie k o
nodeAutonomy :: (Ord k, Entropy e) => Getting e i e -> trie k i -> [k] -> e
nodeAutonomy inE t ks = nodeEntropy inE $ findTrie ks t
--nodeAutonomy :: (Ord k, Entropy e) => Getting e i e -> trie k i -> [k] -> e
--nodeAutonomy inE t ks = nodeEntropy inE $ findTrie ks t
instance IsTrie Trie where
buildTrie = entropyTrie isTerminal . insertTries
......@@ -275,7 +276,10 @@ instance IsTrie Tries where
nodeEntropy inE (Tries fwd bwd) =
mean $ noNaNs [nodeEntropy inE fwd, nodeEntropy inE bwd]
findTrie ks (Tries fwd bwd) = Tries (findTrie ks fwd) (findTrie (reverse ks) bwd)
findTrie ks (Tries fwd bwd) = Tries (findTrie ks fwd) (findTrie ks bwd)
-- ^^
-- TODO: here this is tempting to reverse but this is not always what we
-- want. See also nodeAutonomy.
nodeChild k (Tries fwd bwd) = Tries (nodeChild k fwd) (nodeChild k bwd)
......@@ -389,7 +393,7 @@ testEleve debug n output checks = do
check sim "entropy" entropy (nodeEntropy info_entropy t')
check sim "autonomy" autonomy (nodeEntropy info_autonomy t')
check sim "fwd_entropy" fwd_entropy (nodeEntropy info_entropy (_fwd t'))
check sim "bwd_entropy" bwd_entropy (nodeEntropy info_entropy (findTrie ns (_bwd nt)))
check sim "bwd_entropy" bwd_entropy (nodeEntropy info_entropy (_bwd t'))
printTrie =
P.putStrLn . Tree.drawTree
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