Commit b92a2778 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

missing file

parent 9ea52f11
Pipeline #4170 passed with stages
in 92 minutes and 5 seconds
let Rule : Type = { match : Text, print : Text }
let Config : Type = { rules : List Rule }
let rule = \(match: Text) -> \(replace: Text) ->
{ match = match, print = replace } : Rule
in {
rules =
rule "(>>[ICS]>)|(<[ICS]<<)|(>[ICS]>)|(<[ICS]<)" ""
, rule "Couldn't match type" "Couldn't match"
, rule " with" " with"
, rule "Expected type:" "Expected:"
, rule " Actual type:" " Got:"
, rule "Couldn't match expected type ‘(.*?)’" "Expected: $1"
, rule " with actual type ‘(.*?)’" " Got: $1"
, rule "Couldn't match expected type ‘(.*)’ with actual type ‘(.*)’"
Expected: $1
Got: $2
-- , rule "(?s)>>C>.*?<C<<" ""
, rule "(?s)In a stmt of a 'do' block:.*?<(C|S)<<" "<$1<<"
, rule "(?s)In the \\w+ argument of.*?<(C|S)<<" "<$1<<"
, rule "(?s)In the expression.*?<(C|S)<<" "<$1<<"
, rule "\\(bound at ([^)]*)\\)" " -- $1"
, rule
"Ambiguous type variable (‘\\w+’) arising from a use of (‘\\w+’)"
"Type variable $1 is ambiguous in $2."
, rule
"prevents the constraint (‘.+’) from being solved.*"
"Can't pick an instance for $1."
, rule
"(Probable|Possible) fix:"
, rule
"use a type annotation to specify what.*"
"add type annotations to disambiguate."
, rule
"No instance for (.*?) arising from (a|the)( use of)? (.*)"
"Need a $1 instance for usage of $4"
, rule
"(?s)the type signature for:\n "
, rule
"(?s)These potential instances .*? -fprint-potential-instances to see them all\\)"
"More info: compile with -fprint-potential-instances."
, rule
"Relevant bindings include"
"Known types:\n"
] : List Rule
} : Config
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