Commit be0622a4 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[CLEAN] unused function now.

parent e8735597
Pipeline #467 failed with stage
...@@ -367,19 +367,6 @@ toToken' o n input = L.concat $ (filter (/= [Terminal Stop]) . chunkAlongEleve ( ...@@ -367,19 +367,6 @@ toToken' o n input = L.concat $ (filter (/= [Terminal Stop]) . chunkAlongEleve (
order Backward = reverse order Backward = reverse
set_entropy_vars :: Entropy e => Getting e i e -> (e -> i -> o) -> Tries Token i -> Trie Token o
set_entropy_vars inE modE tries@(Tries fwd _bwd) =
mapTree (\k -> modE $ nodeEntropy inE (findTrieR k tries)) [] fwd
mapTree :: ([Token] -> t -> e) -> [Token] -> Trie Token t -> Trie Token e
mapTree f k t = go f k t
go _ _ (Leaf c) = Leaf c
go f k (Node c i children) = Node c (f k i) (Map.mapWithKey (\k'-> go f (k <> [k'])) children)
--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
type Checks e = [(Text, Int, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e)] type Checks e = [(Text, Int, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e)]
...@@ -396,8 +383,6 @@ testEleve debug n output checks = do ...@@ -396,8 +383,6 @@ testEleve debug n output checks = do
] ]
] ]
-} -}
--res = map (map printToken) . split identity fwd <$> inp
--res = map (map printToken) . split info_norm_entropy' nt' <$> inp
res = map (map printToken) . split info_autonomy nt <$> inp res = map (map printToken) . split info_autonomy nt <$> inp
when debug $ do when debug $ do
P.putStrLn (show input) P.putStrLn (show input)
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