Commit c429cbb1 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Restrict export of nodes to only a few types

parent c648699e
...@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ nodeErrorToFrontendError ne = case ne of ...@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ nodeErrorToFrontendError ne = case ne of
-> mkFrontendErrShow $ FE_node_is_read_only nodeId reason -> mkFrontendErrShow $ FE_node_is_read_only nodeId reason
MoveError sourceId targetId reason MoveError sourceId targetId reason
-> mkFrontendErrShow $ FE_node_move_error sourceId targetId reason -> mkFrontendErrShow $ FE_node_move_error sourceId targetId reason
NodeNotExportable nodeId reason
-> mkFrontendErrShow $ FE_node_export_error nodeId reason
-- backward-compatibility shims, to remove eventually. -- backward-compatibility shims, to remove eventually.
DoesNotExist nid DoesNotExist nid
...@@ -286,6 +286,10 @@ data instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__node_move_error = ...@@ -286,6 +286,10 @@ data instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__node_move_error =
FE_node_move_error { nme_source_id :: !NodeId, nme_target_id :: !NodeId, nme_reason :: !T.Text } FE_node_move_error { nme_source_id :: !NodeId, nme_target_id :: !NodeId, nme_reason :: !T.Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data instance ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__node_export_error =
FE_node_export_error { nee_node_id :: !NodeId, nee_reason :: !T.Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
-- --
-- validation errors -- validation errors
-- --
...@@ -522,6 +526,15 @@ instance FromJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__node_move_error) where ...@@ -522,6 +526,15 @@ instance FromJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__node_move_error) where
nme_reason <- o .: "reason" nme_reason <- o .: "reason"
pure FE_node_move_error{..} pure FE_node_move_error{..}
instance ToJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__node_export_error) where
toJSON FE_node_export_error{..} =
object [ "node_id" .= toJSON nee_node_id, "reason" .= toJSON nee_reason ]
instance FromJSON (ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__node_export_error) where
parseJSON = withObject "FE_node_move_error" $ \o -> do
nee_node_id <- o .: "node_id"
nee_reason <- o .: "reason"
pure FE_node_export_error{..}
-- --
-- validation errors -- validation errors
-- --
...@@ -736,6 +749,9 @@ instance FromJSON FrontendError where ...@@ -736,6 +749,9 @@ instance FromJSON FrontendError where
EC_403__node_move_error -> do EC_403__node_move_error -> do
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__node_move_error) <- o .: "data" (fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__node_move_error) <- o .: "data"
pure FrontendError{..} pure FrontendError{..}
EC_403__node_export_error -> do
(fe_data :: ToFrontendErrorData 'EC_403__node_export_error) <- o .: "data"
pure FrontendError{..}
-- validation error -- validation error
EC_400__validation_error -> do EC_400__validation_error -> do
...@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ data BackendErrorCode ...@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ data BackendErrorCode
| EC_400__node_needs_configuration | EC_400__node_needs_configuration
| EC_403__node_is_read_only | EC_403__node_is_read_only
| EC_403__node_move_error | EC_403__node_move_error
| EC_403__node_export_error
-- validation errors -- validation errors
| EC_400__validation_error | EC_400__validation_error
-- policy check errors -- policy check errors
...@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@ import Conduit ...@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@ import Conduit
import Control.Exception.Safe qualified as Safe import Control.Exception.Safe qualified as Safe
import Control.Exception (toException) import Control.Exception (toException)
import Control.Lens (view, (#)) import Control.Lens (view, (#))
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError) import Control.Monad.Except (throwError, MonadError)
import Data.Aeson qualified as JSON import Data.Aeson qualified as JSON
import Data.ByteString.Builder qualified as B import Data.ByteString.Builder qualified as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.Conduit.Combinators qualified as C import Data.Conduit.Combinators qualified as C
import Data.Conduit.List qualified as CL import Data.Conduit.List qualified as CL
import Data.Foldable (foldlM) import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (AuthenticatedUser(..)) import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (AuthenticatedUser(..))
import Gargantext.API.Auth.PolicyCheck (remoteExportChecks) import Gargantext.API.Auth.PolicyCheck (remoteExportChecks)
...@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Config ...@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Config
import Gargantext.Core (lookupDBid) import Gargantext.Core (lookupDBid)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (IsDBCmd) import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (IsDBCmd)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Error (HasNodeError) import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Error (HasNodeError, nodeError, NodeError (..))
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node (getNode, insertNodeWithHyperdata) import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node (getNode, insertNodeWithHyperdata)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (NodePoly(..)) import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (NodePoly(..))
import Gargantext.Orphans () import Gargantext.Orphans ()
...@@ -88,10 +89,24 @@ remoteExportHandler Named.RemoteExportRequest{..} = do ...@@ -88,10 +89,24 @@ remoteExportHandler Named.RemoteExportRequest{..} = do
mgr <- view gargHttpManager mgr <- view gargHttpManager
-- FIXME(adn) Here I should somehow need to get all the children of the -- FIXME(adn) Here I should somehow need to get all the children of the
-- node so that I can recostruct proper semantic context. -- node so that I can recostruct proper semantic context.
node <- (:[]) <$> getNode _rer_node_id node <- getNode _rer_node_id
liftIO (withClientM (remoteImportClient _rer_instance_auth (streamEncoder node)) (mkClientEnv mgr _rer_instance_url) streamDecode) checkNodeTypeAllowed node
liftIO (withClientM (remoteImportClient _rer_instance_auth (streamEncoder [node])) (mkClientEnv mgr _rer_instance_url) streamDecode)
`Safe.catch` \(e :: BackendInternalError) -> throwError $ _BackendInternalError # e `Safe.catch` \(e :: BackendInternalError) -> throwError $ _BackendInternalError # e
checkNodeTypeAllowed :: (MonadError e m, HasNodeError e) => Node a -> m ()
checkNodeTypeAllowed n
| Just nty <- lookupDBid (_node_typename n)
, nty `elem` exportableNodeTypes
= pure ()
| otherwise
= let msg = "It's possible to export only the following node of type: " <> T.intercalate "," (map (T.pack . show) exportableNodeTypes)
in nodeError $ NodeNotExportable (_node_id n) msg
-- | At the moment we support only export corpus nodes and their children (i.e. "Docs", "Terms", "Graph").
exportableNodeTypes :: [NodeType]
exportableNodeTypes = [ NodeCorpus, NodeCorpusV3, NodeTexts, NodeGraph, NodeList ]
streamEncoder :: (MonadIO m, Serialise a) => a -> ConduitT () Named.RemoteBinaryData m () streamEncoder :: (MonadIO m, Serialise a) => a -> ConduitT () Named.RemoteBinaryData m ()
streamEncoder = CL.sourceList . map Named.RemoteBinaryData . BL.toChunks . serialise streamEncoder = CL.sourceList . map Named.RemoteBinaryData . BL.toChunks . serialise
...@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ data NodeError = NoListFound ListId ...@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ data NodeError = NoListFound ListId
| DoesNotExist NodeId | DoesNotExist NodeId
| NodeIsReadOnly NodeId T.Text | NodeIsReadOnly NodeId T.Text
| MoveError NodeId NodeId T.Text | MoveError NodeId NodeId T.Text
| NodeNotExportable NodeId T.Text
instance Prelude.Show NodeError instance Prelude.Show NodeError
where where
...@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ instance Prelude.Show NodeError ...@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ instance Prelude.Show NodeError
show (DoesNotExist n) = "Node does not exist (" <> show n <> ")" show (DoesNotExist n) = "Node does not exist (" <> show n <> ")"
show (NodeIsReadOnly n reason) = "Node " <> show n <> " is read only, edits not allowed. Reason: " <> T.unpack reason show (NodeIsReadOnly n reason) = "Node " <> show n <> " is read only, edits not allowed. Reason: " <> T.unpack reason
show (MoveError s t reason) = "Moving " <> show s <> " to " <> show t <> " failed: " <> T.unpack reason show (MoveError s t reason) = "Moving " <> show s <> " to " <> show t <> " failed: " <> T.unpack reason
show (NodeNotExportable nid reason) = "Node " <> show nid <> " is not exportable: " <> show reason
instance ToJSON NodeError where instance ToJSON NodeError where
toJSON (DoesNotExist n) = toJSON (DoesNotExist n) =
...@@ -72,12 +72,26 @@ tests = sequential $ aroundAll withTwoServerInstances $ do ...@@ -72,12 +72,26 @@ tests = sequential $ aroundAll withTwoServerInstances $ do
it "supports trivial transfer between instances" $ \(SpecContext testEnv1 server1Port app1 (_testEnv2, _app2, server2Port)) -> do it "supports trivial transfer between instances" $ \(SpecContext testEnv1 server1Port app1 (_testEnv2, _app2, server2Port)) -> do
withApplication app1 $ do withApplication app1 $ do
withValidLogin server1Port "alice" (GargPassword "alice") $ \aliceClientEnv aliceToken -> do withValidLogin server1Port "alice" (GargPassword "alice") $ \aliceClientEnv aliceToken -> do
folderId <- liftIO $ getRootPublicFolderIdForUser testEnv1 (UserName "alice") corpusId <- liftIO $ newCorpusForUser testEnv1 "alice"
withValidLogin server2Port "bob" (GargPassword "bob") $ \_bobClientEnv bobToken -> do withValidLogin server2Port "bob" (GargPassword "bob") $ \_bobClientEnv bobToken -> do
liftIO $ do liftIO $ do
let rq = RemoteExportRequest { _rer_node_id = folderId let rq = RemoteExportRequest { _rer_node_id = corpusId
, _rer_instance_url = fromMaybe (panicTrace "impossible") $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:9008" , _rer_instance_url = fromMaybe (panicTrace "impossible") $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:9008"
, _rer_instance_auth = bobToken , _rer_instance_auth = bobToken
} }
res <- checkEither $ runClientM (remoteExportClient aliceToken rq) aliceClientEnv res <- checkEither $ runClientM (remoteExportClient aliceToken rq) aliceClientEnv
res `shouldBe` [ UnsafeMkNodeId 16 ] res `shouldBe` [ UnsafeMkNodeId 16 ]
-- Certain node types (like private, share, etc) shouldn't be transferred.
it "forbids transferring certain node types" $ \(SpecContext testEnv1 server1Port app1 (_testEnv2, _app2, server2Port)) -> do
withApplication app1 $ do
withValidLogin server1Port "alice" (GargPassword "alice") $ \aliceClientEnv aliceToken -> do
folderId <- liftIO $ newPrivateFolderForUser testEnv1 "alice"
withValidLogin server2Port "bob" (GargPassword "bob") $ \_bobClientEnv bobToken -> do
liftIO $ do
let rq = RemoteExportRequest { _rer_node_id = folderId
, _rer_instance_url = fromMaybe (panicTrace "impossible") $ parseBaseUrl "http://localhost:9008"
, _rer_instance_auth = bobToken
res <- runClientM (remoteExportClient aliceToken rq) aliceClientEnv
res `shouldFailWith` EC_403__node_export_error
...@@ -479,6 +479,9 @@ genFrontendErr be = do ...@@ -479,6 +479,9 @@ genFrontendErr be = do
-> do sId <- arbitrary -> do sId <- arbitrary
tId <- arbitrary tId <- arbitrary
pure $ Errors.mkFrontendErr' txt $ Errors.FE_node_move_error sId tId "generic reason" pure $ Errors.mkFrontendErr' txt $ Errors.FE_node_move_error sId tId "generic reason"
-> do nId <- arbitrary
pure $ Errors.mkFrontendErr' txt $ Errors.FE_node_export_error nId "generic reason"
-- validation error -- validation error
Errors.EC_400__validation_error Errors.EC_400__validation_error
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