Commit c9512dee authored by Quentin Lobbé's avatar Quentin Lobbé


parent f6f6d304
......@@ -138,14 +138,28 @@ data PhyloBranch =
deriving (Generic, Show)
-- | PhyloPeriodId : A period of time framed by a starting Date and an ending Date
type PhyloPeriodId = (Start, End)
type PhyloLevelId = (PhyloPeriodId, Int)
type PhyloGroupId = (PhyloLevelId, Int)
-- | Level : A level of aggregation (-1 = Txt, 0 = Ngrams, 1 = Fis, [2..] = Cluster)
type Level = Int
-- | Index : A generic index of an element (PhyloGroup, PhyloBranch, etc) in a given List
type Index = Int
type PhyloLevelId = (PhyloPeriodId, Level)
type PhyloGroupId = (PhyloLevelId, Index)
type PhyloBranchId = (Level, Index)
type Pointer = (PhyloGroupId, Weight)
type Weight = Double
type PhyloBranchId = (Int, Int)
-- | Ngrams : a contiguous sequence of n terms
......@@ -159,24 +173,9 @@ type Clique = Set Ngrams
-- | Support : Number of Documents where a Clique occurs
type Support = Int
-- | Fis : Frequent Items Set (ie: the association between a Clique and a Support)
type Fis = Map Clique Support
data Direction = From | To
deriving (Show, Eq)
data LevelLabel = Level_m1 | Level_0 | Level_1 | Level_mN | Level_N | Level_pN
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
type Fis = (Clique,Support)
data Level =
Level { _levelLabel :: LevelLabel
, _levelValue :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data LevelLink =
LevelLink { _levelFrom :: Level
, _levelTo :: Level
} deriving (Show)
-- | Document : a piece of Text linked to a Date
data Document = Document
......@@ -184,6 +183,9 @@ data Document = Document
, text :: Text
} deriving (Show)
data PhyloError = LevelDoesNotExist
| LevelUnassigned
deriving (Show)
......@@ -209,8 +211,6 @@ makeLenses ''Software
makeLenses ''PhyloGroup
makeLenses ''PhyloLevel
makeLenses ''PhyloPeriod
makeLenses ''Level
makeLenses ''LevelLink
makeLenses ''PhyloBranch
-- | JSON instances
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ graphToClusters (clust,param) (nodes,edges) = case clust of
phyloToClusters :: Level -> (Proximity,[Double]) -> (Clustering,[Double]) -> Phylo -> Map (Date,Date) [[PhyloGroup]]
phyloToClusters lvl (prox,param) (clus,param') p = Map.fromList
$ zip (getPhyloPeriods p)
(map (\prd -> let graph = groupsToGraph (prox,param) (getGroupsWithFilters (getLevelValue lvl) prd p) p
(map (\prd -> let graph = groupsToGraph (prox,param) (getGroupsWithFilters lvl prd p) p
in if null (fst graph)
then []
else graphToClusters (clus,param') graph)
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ phyloToClusters lvl (prox,param) (clus,param') p = Map.fromList
-- | To transform a Cluster into a Phylogroup
clusterToGroup :: PhyloPeriodId -> Int -> Int -> Text -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloGroup
clusterToGroup :: PhyloPeriodId -> Level -> Int -> Text -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloGroup
clusterToGroup prd lvl idx lbl groups = PhyloGroup ((prd, lvl), idx)
((sort . nub . concat) $ map getGroupNgrams groups)
......@@ -103,14 +103,12 @@ clustersToPhyloLevel lvl m p = over (phylo_periods . traverse)
clusters = zip [1..] (m ! periodId)
in over (phylo_periodLevels)
(\levels ->
let groups = map (\cluster -> clusterToGroup periodId (getLevelValue lvl) (fst cluster) "" (snd cluster)) clusters
in levels ++ [PhyloLevel (periodId, (getLevelValue lvl)) groups]
let groups = map (\cluster -> clusterToGroup periodId lvl (fst cluster) "" (snd cluster)) clusters
in levels ++ [PhyloLevel (periodId, lvl) groups]
) period) p
phyloWithGroups2 = clustersToPhyloLevel (initLevel 2 Level_N)
(phyloToClusters (initLevel 1 Level_1) (WeightedLogJaccard,[0]) (RelatedComponents, []) phyloWithBranches_1)
phyloWithGroups2 = clustersToPhyloLevel 2 (phyloToClusters 1 (WeightedLogJaccard,[0]) (RelatedComponents, []) phyloWithBranches_1) phyloWithBranches_1
-- | STEP 12 | -- Find the Branches
......@@ -143,7 +141,7 @@ relatedComp idx curr (nodes,edges) next memo
-- | To transform a PhyloGraph into a list of PhyloBranches by using the relatedComp clustering
graphToBranches :: Int -> PhyloGraph -> Phylo -> [PhyloBranch]
graphToBranches :: Level -> PhyloGraph -> Phylo -> [PhyloBranch]
graphToBranches lvl (nodes,edges) p = map (\(idx,c) -> PhyloBranch (lvl,idx) "" (map getGroupId c)) $ zip [0..] clusters
......@@ -172,16 +170,10 @@ setPhyloBranches :: Level -> Phylo -> Phylo
setPhyloBranches lvl p = alterPhyloBranches
(\branches -> branches
(graphToBranches (getLevelValue lvl) (groupsToGraph (FromPairs,[]) groups p) p)
) p
groups :: [PhyloGroup]
groups = getGroupsWithLevel (getLevelValue lvl) p
(graphToBranches lvl (groupsToGraph (FromPairs,[]) (getGroupsWithLevel lvl p)p)p))p
phyloWithBranches_1 = setPhyloBranches (initLevel 1 Level_1) phyloWithPair_1_Childs
phyloWithBranches_1 = setPhyloBranches 1 phyloWithPair_1_Childs
......@@ -290,7 +282,7 @@ pairGroupsToGroups :: PairTo -> Level -> Double -> (Proximity,[Double]) -> Phylo
pairGroupsToGroups to lvl thr (prox,param) p = alterPhyloGroups
(\groups ->
map (\group ->
if (getGroupLevel group) == (getLevelValue lvl)
if (getGroupLevel group) == lvl
......@@ -304,53 +296,31 @@ pairGroupsToGroups to lvl thr (prox,param) p = alterPhyloGroups
phyloWithPair_1_Childs :: Phylo
phyloWithPair_1_Childs = pairGroupsToGroups Childs (initLevel 1 Level_1) 0.01 (WeightedLogJaccard,[0]) phyloWithPair_1_Parents
phyloWithPair_1_Childs = pairGroupsToGroups Childs 1 0.01 (WeightedLogJaccard,[0]) phyloWithPair_1_Parents
phyloWithPair_1_Parents :: Phylo
phyloWithPair_1_Parents = pairGroupsToGroups Parents (initLevel 1 Level_1) 0.01 (WeightedLogJaccard,[0]) phyloLinked_0_1
phyloWithPair_1_Parents = pairGroupsToGroups Parents 1 0.01 (WeightedLogJaccard,[0]) phyloLinked_0_1
-- | STEP 10 | -- Build the coocurency Matrix of the Phylo
-- | Are two PhyloGroups sharing at leats one Ngrams
shareNgrams :: PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup -> Bool
shareNgrams g g' = (not . null) $ intersect (getGroupNgrams g) (getGroupNgrams g')
-- | To get the good pair of keys (x,y) or (y,x) in a given Map (a,b) c
getKeyPair :: (Int,Int) -> Map (Int,Int) a -> (Int,Int)
getKeyPair (x,y) m = case findPair (x,y) m of
Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Example.getKeyPair] Nothing"
Just i -> i
findPair :: (Int,Int) -> Map (Int,Int) a -> Maybe (Int,Int)
findPair (x,y) m
| member (x,y) m = Just (x,y)
| member (y,x) m = Just (y,x)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | To transform the Fis into a coocurency Matrix in a Phylo
fisToCooc :: Map (Date, Date) Fis -> Phylo -> Map (Int, Int) Double
fisToCooc :: Map (Date, Date) [Fis] -> Phylo -> Map (Int, Int) Double
fisToCooc m p = map (/docs)
$ foldl (\mem x -> adjust (+1) (getKeyPair x mem) mem) cooc
$ concat
$ map (\x -> listToUnDirectedCombiWith (\x -> ngramsToIdx x p) $ (Set.toList . fst) x) fis
$ map (\x -> listToUnDirectedCombiWith (\x -> ngramsToIdx x p) $ (Set.toList . fst) x)
$ (concat . elems) m
fis :: [(Clique,Support)]
fis = concat $ map (\x -> Map.toList x) (elems m)
fisNgrams :: [Ngrams]
fisNgrams = foldl (\mem x -> union mem $ (Set.toList . fst) x) [] fis
fisNgrams = foldl (\mem x -> union mem $ (Set.toList . fst) x) [] $ (concat . elems) m
docs :: Double
docs = fromIntegral $ foldl (\mem x -> mem + (snd x)) 0 fis
docs = fromIntegral $ foldl (\mem x -> mem + (snd x)) 0 $ (concat . elems) m
cooc :: Map (Int, Int) (Double)
cooc = Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,0)) (listToUnDirectedCombiWith (\x -> ngramsToIdx x p) fisNgrams)
......@@ -366,13 +336,9 @@ phyloCooc = fisToCooc phyloFisFiltered phyloLinked_0_1
-- | To Cliques into Groups
cliqueToGroup :: PhyloPeriodId -> Int -> Int -> Ngrams -> (Clique,Support) -> Map (Date, Date) Fis -> Phylo -> PhyloGroup
cliqueToGroup period lvl idx label fis m p = PhyloGroup ((period, lvl), idx)
(singleton "support" (fromIntegral $ snd fis))
[] [] [] []
cliqueToGroup :: PhyloPeriodId -> Level -> Int -> Ngrams -> (Clique,Support) -> Map (Date, Date) [Fis] -> Phylo -> PhyloGroup
cliqueToGroup period lvl idx label fis m p =
PhyloGroup ((period, lvl), idx) label ngrams (singleton "support" (fromIntegral $ snd fis)) cooc [] [] [] []
ngrams :: [Int]
......@@ -387,36 +353,28 @@ cliqueToGroup period lvl idx label fis m p = PhyloGroup ((period, lvl), idx)
-- | To transform Fis into PhyloLevels
fisToPhyloLevel :: Map (Date, Date) Fis -> Phylo -> Phylo
fisToPhyloLevel :: Map (Date, Date) [Fis] -> Phylo -> Phylo
fisToPhyloLevel m p = over (phylo_periods . traverse)
(\period ->
let periodId = _phylo_periodId period
fisList = zip [1..] (Map.toList (m ! periodId))
fisList = zip [1..] (m ! periodId)
in over (phylo_periodLevels)
(\levels ->
(\phyloLevels ->
let groups = map (\fis -> cliqueToGroup periodId 1 (fst fis) "" (snd fis) m p) fisList
in levels ++ [PhyloLevel (periodId, 1) groups]
in phyloLevels ++ [PhyloLevel (periodId, 1) groups]
) period ) p
phyloLinked_0_1 :: Phylo
phyloLinked_0_1 = alterLevelLinks lvl_0_1 phyloLinked_1_0
lvl_0_1 :: LevelLink
lvl_0_1 = initLevelLink (initLevel 0 Level_0) (initLevel 1 Level_1)
phyloLinked_0_1 = alterLevelLinks (0,1) phyloLinked_1_0
phyloLinked_1_0 :: Phylo
phyloLinked_1_0 = alterLevelLinks lvl_1_0 phyloWithGroups1
lvl_1_0 :: LevelLink
lvl_1_0 = initLevelLink (initLevel 1 Level_1) (initLevel 0 Level_0)
phyloLinked_1_0 = alterLevelLinks (1,0) phyloWithGroups1
phyloWithGroups1 :: Phylo
phyloWithGroups1 = updatePhyloByLevel (initLevel 1 Level_1) phyloLinked_m1_0
phyloWithGroups1 = updatePhyloByLevel 1 phyloLinked_m1_0
......@@ -424,50 +382,34 @@ phyloWithGroups1 = updatePhyloByLevel (initLevel 1 Level_1) phyloLinked_m1_0
-- | To Filter Fis by support
filterFisBySupport :: Bool -> Int -> Map (Date, Date) Fis -> Map (Date, Date) Fis
filterFisBySupport :: Bool -> Int -> Map (Date, Date) [Fis] -> Map (Date, Date) [Fis]
filterFisBySupport empty min m = case empty of
True -> (\fis -> filterMinorFis min fis) m
False -> (\fis -> filterMinorFisNonEmpty min fis) m
True -> (\l -> filterMinorFis min l) m
False -> (\l -> keepFilled (filterMinorFis) min l) m
-- | To filter Fis with small Support, to preserve nonempty periods please use : filterFisBySupport False
filterMinorFis :: Int -> Fis -> Fis
filterMinorFis min fis = Map.filter (\s -> s > min) fis
-- | To filter Fis with small Support but by keeping non empty Periods
filterMinorFisNonEmpty :: Int -> Fis -> Fis
filterMinorFisNonEmpty min fis = if (Map.null fis') && (not $ Map.null fis)
then filterMinorFisNonEmpty (min - 1) fis
else fis'
fis' :: Fis
fis' = filterMinorFis min fis
filterMinorFis :: Int -> [Fis] -> [Fis]
filterMinorFis min l = filter (\fis -> snd fis > min) l
-- | To filter nested Fis
filterFisByNested :: Map (Date, Date) Fis -> Map (Date, Date) Fis
filterFisByNested = map (\fis -> restrictKeys fis
$ Set.fromList
$ filterNestedSets (head (keys fis)) (keys fis) []
filterFisByNested :: Map (Date, Date) [Fis] -> Map (Date, Date) [Fis]
filterFisByNested = map (\l -> let cliqueMax = filterNestedSets (head $ map fst l) (map fst l) []
in filter (\fis -> elem (fst fis) cliqueMax) l)
-- | To transform a list of Documents into a Frequent Items Set
docsToFis :: Map (Date, Date) [Document] -> Map (Date, Date) Fis
docsToFis docs = map (\d -> fisWithSizePolyMap
(Segment 1 20)
(map (words . text) d)) docs
docsToFis :: Map (Date, Date) [Document] -> Map (Date, Date) [Fis]
docsToFis docs = map (\d -> Map.toList
$ fisWithSizePolyMap (Segment 1 20) 1 (map (words . text) d)) docs
phyloFisFiltered :: Map (Date, Date) Fis
phyloFisFiltered :: Map (Date, Date) [Fis]
phyloFisFiltered = filterFisBySupport True 1 (filterFisByNested phyloFis)
phyloFis :: Map (Date, Date) Fis
phyloFis :: Map (Date, Date) [Fis]
phyloFis = docsToFis phyloPeriods
......@@ -476,11 +418,7 @@ phyloFis = docsToFis phyloPeriods
phyloLinked_m1_0 :: Phylo
phyloLinked_m1_0 = alterLevelLinks lvl_m1_0 phyloLinked_0_m1
lvl_m1_0 :: LevelLink
lvl_m1_0 = initLevelLink (initLevel (-1) Level_m1) (initLevel 0 Level_0)
phyloLinked_m1_0 = alterLevelLinks ((-1),0) phyloLinked_0_m1
......@@ -488,10 +426,10 @@ lvl_m1_0 = initLevelLink (initLevel (-1) Level_m1) (initLevel 0 Level_0)
-- | To set the LevelLinks between a given PhyloGroup and a list of childs/parents PhyloGroups
linkGroupToGroups :: LevelLink -> PhyloGroup -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloGroup
linkGroupToGroups lvl current targets
| getLevelLinkValue From lvl < getLevelLinkValue To lvl = setLevelParents current
| getLevelLinkValue From lvl > getLevelLinkValue To lvl = setLevelChilds current
linkGroupToGroups :: (Level,Level) -> PhyloGroup -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloGroup
linkGroupToGroups (lvl,lvl') current targets
| lvl < lvl' = setLevelParents current
| lvl > lvl' = setLevelChilds current
| otherwise = current
......@@ -503,7 +441,8 @@ linkGroupToGroups lvl current targets
addPointers :: [Pointer] -> [Pointer]
addPointers lp = lp ++ Maybe.mapMaybe (\target ->
if shouldLink lvl (_phylo_groupNgrams current)
if shouldLink (lvl,lvl')
(_phylo_groupNgrams current)
(_phylo_groupNgrams target )
then Just ((getGroupId target),1)
else Nothing) targets
......@@ -511,24 +450,20 @@ linkGroupToGroups lvl current targets
-- | To set the LevelLinks between two lists of PhyloGroups
linkGroupsByLevel :: LevelLink -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
linkGroupsByLevel lvl p groups = map (\group ->
if getGroupLevel group == getLevelLinkValue From lvl
then linkGroupToGroups lvl group (getGroupsWithFilters (getLevelLinkValue To lvl) (getGroupPeriod group) p)
else group ) groups
linkGroupsByLevel :: (Level,Level) -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
linkGroupsByLevel (lvl,lvl') p groups = map (\group ->
if getGroupLevel group == lvl
then linkGroupToGroups (lvl,lvl') group (getGroupsWithFilters lvl' (getGroupPeriod group) p)
else group) groups
-- | To set the LevelLink of all the PhyloGroups of a Phylo
alterLevelLinks :: LevelLink -> Phylo -> Phylo
alterLevelLinks lvl p = alterPhyloGroups (linkGroupsByLevel lvl p) p
alterLevelLinks :: (Level,Level) -> Phylo -> Phylo
alterLevelLinks (lvl,lvl') p = alterPhyloGroups (linkGroupsByLevel (lvl,lvl') p) p
phyloLinked_0_m1 :: Phylo
phyloLinked_0_m1 = alterLevelLinks lvl_0_m1 phyloWithGroups0
lvl_0_m1 :: LevelLink
lvl_0_m1 = initLevelLink (initLevel 0 Level_0) (initLevel (-1) Level_m1)
phyloLinked_0_m1 = alterLevelLinks (0,(-1)) phyloWithGroups0
......@@ -536,14 +471,12 @@ lvl_0_m1 = initLevelLink (initLevel 0 Level_0) (initLevel (-1) Level_m1)
-- | To clone the last PhyloLevel of each PhyloPeriod and update it with a new LevelValue
clonePhyloLevel :: Int -> Phylo -> Phylo
clonePhyloLevel lvl p = alterPhyloLevels (\l -> addPhyloLevel
(setPhyloLevelId lvl $ head l)
l) p
clonePhyloLevel :: Level -> Phylo -> Phylo
clonePhyloLevel lvl p = alterPhyloLevels (\l -> addPhyloLevel (setPhyloLevelId lvl $ head l) l) p
phyloWithGroups0 :: Phylo
phyloWithGroups0 = updatePhyloByLevel (initLevel 0 Level_0) phyloWithGroupsm1
phyloWithGroups0 = updatePhyloByLevel 0 phyloWithGroupsm1
......@@ -551,7 +484,7 @@ phyloWithGroups0 = updatePhyloByLevel (initLevel 0 Level_0) phyloWithGroupsm1
-- | To transform a list of Documents into a PhyloLevel
docsToPhyloLevel :: Int ->(Date, Date) -> [Document] -> Phylo -> PhyloLevel
docsToPhyloLevel :: Level -> (Date, Date) -> [Document] -> Phylo -> PhyloLevel
docsToPhyloLevel lvl (d, d') docs p = initPhyloLevel
((d, d'), lvl)
(map (\(f,s) -> initGroup [s] s f lvl d d' p)
......@@ -561,42 +494,24 @@ docsToPhyloLevel lvl (d, d') docs p = initPhyloLevel
-- | To transform a Map of Periods and Documents into a list of PhyloPeriods
docsToPhyloPeriods :: Int -> Map (Date,Date) [Document] -> Phylo -> [PhyloPeriod]
docsToPhyloPeriods :: Level -> Map (Date,Date) [Document] -> Phylo -> [PhyloPeriod]
docsToPhyloPeriods lvl docs p = map (\(id,l) -> initPhyloPeriod id l)
$ Map.toList levels
levels :: Map (Date,Date) [PhyloLevel]
levels = mapWithKey (\k v -> [docsToPhyloLevel lvl k v p]) docs
$ Map.toList
$ mapWithKey (\k v -> [docsToPhyloLevel lvl k v p]) docs
-- | To update a Phylo for a given Levels
updatePhyloByLevel :: Level -> Phylo -> Phylo
updatePhyloByLevel lvl p
= case getLevelLabel lvl of
Level_m1 -> appendPhyloPeriods (docsToPhyloPeriods (getLevelValue lvl) lvlData p) p
lvlData :: Map (Date,Date) [Document]
lvlData = phyloPeriods
Level_0 -> clonePhyloLevel (getLevelValue lvl) p
Level_1 -> fisToPhyloLevel lvlData p
lvlData :: Map (Date, Date) Fis
lvlData = phyloFisFiltered
_ -> panic ("[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Example.updatePhyloByLevel] Level not defined")
| lvl < 0 = appendPhyloPeriods (docsToPhyloPeriods lvl phyloPeriods p) p
| lvl == 0 = clonePhyloLevel lvl p
| lvl == 1 = fisToPhyloLevel phyloFisFiltered p
| lvl > 1 = undefined
| otherwise = panic ("[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Example.updatePhyloByLevel] Level not defined")
phyloWithGroupsm1 :: Phylo
phyloWithGroupsm1 = updatePhyloByLevel (initLevel (-1) Level_m1) phylo
phyloWithGroupsm1 = updatePhyloByLevel (-1) phylo
......@@ -624,15 +539,15 @@ docsToPeriods f g s es = Map.fromList $ zip hs $ map (inPeriode f es) hs
-- | To parse a list of Documents by filtering on a Vector of Ngrams
parseDocs :: PhyloNgrams -> [Document] -> [Document]
parseDocs l docs = map (\(Document d t) -> Document d (unwords
parseDocs l docs = map (\(Document d t)
-> Document d ( unwords
$ filter (\x -> Vector.elem x l)
$ monoTexts t)) docs
-- | To group a list of Documents by fixed periods
groupDocsByPeriod :: Grain -> Step -> [Document] -> Phylo -> Map (Date, Date) [Document]
groupDocsByPeriod g s docs p = docsToPeriods date g s
$ parseDocs (getPhyloNgrams p) docs
groupDocsByPeriod g s docs p = docsToPeriods date g s $ parseDocs (getPhyloNgrams p) docs
phyloPeriods :: Map (Date, Date) [Document]
......@@ -643,16 +558,6 @@ phyloPeriods = groupDocsByPeriod 5 3 phyloDocs phylo
-- | STEP 2 | -- Init an initial list of Ngrams and a Phylo
-- | To init a Phylomemy
initPhylo :: [Document] -> PhyloNgrams -> Phylo
initPhylo docs ngrams = Phylo (both date $ (last &&& head) docs) ngrams [] []
-- | To init a PhyloNgrams as a Vector of Ngrams
initNgrams :: [Ngrams] -> PhyloNgrams
initNgrams l = Vector.fromList $ map toLower l
phylo :: Phylo
phylo = initPhylo phyloDocs (initNgrams actants)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Control.Lens hiding (both, Level)
import Data.List (filter, intersect, (++), sort, null, head, tail, last, tails, delete, nub)
import Data.Map (Map, mapKeys, member)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text, toLower)
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Vector (Vector,elemIndex)
import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (head)
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
......@@ -201,30 +202,19 @@ getIdx x v = case (elemIndex x v) of
Just i -> i
-- | To get the label of a Level
getLevelLabel :: Level -> LevelLabel
getLevelLabel lvl = _levelLabel lvl
-- | To get the value of a Level
getLevelValue :: Level -> Int
getLevelValue lvl = _levelValue lvl
-- | To get the label of a LevelLink based on a Direction
getLevelLinkLabel :: Direction -> LevelLink -> LevelLabel
getLevelLinkLabel dir link = case dir of
From -> view (levelFrom . levelLabel) link
To -> view (levelTo . levelLabel) link
_ -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.getLevelLinkLabel] Wrong direction"
-- | To get the value of a LevelLink based on a Direction
getLevelLinkValue :: Direction -> LevelLink -> Int
getLevelLinkValue dir link = case dir of
From -> view (levelFrom . levelValue) link
To -> view (levelTo . levelValue) link
_ -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.getLevelLinkValue] Wrong direction"
-- | To get the good pair of keys (x,y) or (y,x) in a given Map (a,b) c
getKeyPair :: (Int,Int) -> Map (Int,Int) a -> (Int,Int)
getKeyPair (x,y) m = case findPair (x,y) m of
Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Example.getKeyPair] Nothing"
Just i -> i
findPair :: (Int,Int) -> Map (Int,Int) a -> Maybe (Int,Int)
findPair (x,y) m
| member (x,y) m = Just (x,y)
| member (y,x) m = Just (y,x)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | To get the neighbours (directed/undirected) of a PhyloGroup from a list of PhyloEdges
......@@ -268,14 +258,14 @@ initGroup ngrams lbl idx lvl from to p = PhyloGroup
[] [] [] []
-- | To create a Level
initLevel :: Int -> LevelLabel -> Level
initLevel lvl lbl = Level lbl lvl
-- | To init a PhyloNgrams as a Vector of Ngrams
initNgrams :: [Ngrams] -> PhyloNgrams
initNgrams l = Vector.fromList $ map toLower l
-- | To create a LevelLink
initLevelLink :: Level -> Level -> LevelLink
initLevelLink lvl lvl' = LevelLink lvl lvl'
-- | To init a Phylomemy
initPhylo :: [Document] -> PhyloNgrams -> Phylo
initPhylo docs ngrams = Phylo (both date $ (last &&& head) docs) ngrams [] []
-- | To create a PhyloLevel
......@@ -288,6 +278,13 @@ initPhyloPeriod :: PhyloPeriodId -> [PhyloLevel] -> PhyloPeriod
initPhyloPeriod id l = PhyloPeriod id l
-- | To filter Fis with small Support but by keeping non empty Periods
keepFilled :: (Int -> [a] -> [a]) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
keepFilled f thr l = if (null $ f thr l) && (not $ null l)
then keepFilled f (thr - 1) l
else f thr l
-- | To get all combinations of a list
listToDirectedCombi :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a,a)]
listToDirectedCombi l = [(x,y) | x <- l, y <- l, x /= y]
......@@ -322,16 +319,11 @@ setPhyloLevelId lvl' (PhyloLevel (id, lvl) groups)
-- | To choose a LevelLink strategy based an a given Level
shouldLink :: LevelLink -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
shouldLink lvl l l'
| from <= 1 = doesContainsOrd l l'
| from > 1 = undefined
shouldLink :: (Level,Level) -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
shouldLink (lvl,lvl') l l'
| lvl <= 1 = doesContainsOrd l l'
| lvl > 1 = undefined
| otherwise = panic ("[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.shouldLink] LevelLink not defined")
from :: Int
from = getLevelLinkValue From lvl
-- | To unify the keys (x,y) that Map 1 share with Map 2 such as: (x,y) <=> (y,x)
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