Commit cbe804f5 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë


parent 91a59bee
......@@ -60,12 +60,17 @@ blanks xs = [' '] <> xs <> [' ']
-- | Blocks increase the size of the word to ease computations
-- some border and unexepected effects can happen, need to be tested
blockOf :: Int -> String -> String
blockOf n st = DL.concat $ DL.take n $ DL.repeat st
blockOf n = DL.concat . DL.take n . DL.repeat
-- | Chunks is the same function as splitBy in Context but for Strings,
-- not Text (without pack and unpack operations that are not needed).
chunks :: Int -> Int -> String -> [String]
chunks n m = DL.take m . filter (not . all (== ' ')) . chunkAlong (n+1) 1 . DL.concat . DL.take 1000 . DL.repeat . blanks
chunks n m = DL.take m . filter (not . all (== ' '))
. chunkAlong (n+1) 1
. DL.concat
. DL.take 1000
. DL.repeat
. blanks
allChunks :: [Int] -> Int -> String -> [String]
allChunks ns m st = DL.concat $ map (\n -> chunks n m st) ns
......@@ -159,7 +164,6 @@ toPrior s el = prior $ pebLang s el
pebLang :: String -> EventLang -> [(Lang, (Freq,TotalFreq))]
pebLang st = map (\(l,eb) -> (l, peb' st eb)) . DM.toList
prior :: [(Lang, (Freq, TotalFreq))] -> [(Lang, Double)]
prior ps = zip ls $ zipWith (\x y -> x^(99::Int) * y) (map (\(a,_) -> part a (sum $ map fst ps')) ps')
......@@ -195,7 +199,6 @@ op f (EventBook ef1 en1)
(EventBook ef2 en2) = EventBook (DM.unionWith f ef1 ef2)
(DM.unionWith f en1 en2)
-- * Make the distributions
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