Commit cce2004f authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Graph Search] FacetPaired.

parent d53349b4
Pipeline #62 canceled with stage
...@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ import Gargantext.API.Node ( Roots , roots ...@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ import Gargantext.API.Node ( Roots , roots
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node () import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node ()
import Gargantext.API.Count ( CountAPI, count, Query) import Gargantext.API.Count ( CountAPI, count, Query)
import Gargantext.API.Search ( SearchAPI, search, SearchQuery) import Gargantext.API.Search ( SearchAPI, search, SearchQuery)
import Gargantext.Database.Facet
--import Gargantext.API.Orchestrator --import Gargantext.API.Orchestrator
--import Gargantext.API.Orchestrator.Types --import Gargantext.API.Orchestrator.Types
...@@ -243,7 +244,11 @@ type GargAPI' = ...@@ -243,7 +244,11 @@ type GargAPI' =
-- Corpus endpoint -- Corpus endpoint
:<|> "search":> Summary "Search endpoint" :<|> "search":> Summary "Search endpoint"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] SearchQuery :> SearchAPI :> ReqBody '[JSON] SearchQuery
:> QueryParam "offset" Int
:> QueryParam "limit" Int
:> QueryParam "order" OrderBy
:> SearchAPI
:<|> "graph" :> Summary "Graph endpoint" :<|> "graph" :> Summary "Graph endpoint"
:> Capture "id" Int :> GraphAPI :> Capture "id" Int :> GraphAPI
...@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ module Gargantext.API.Search ...@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ module Gargantext.API.Search
where where
import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson hiding (Error, fieldLabelModifier)
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON) import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
import Data.Swagger import Data.Swagger
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
...@@ -36,11 +36,14 @@ import Test.QuickCheck (elements) ...@@ -36,11 +36,14 @@ import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
-- import Control.Applicative ((<*>)) -- import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix) import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main (Offset, Limit)
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node
import Gargantext.Database.TextSearch import Gargantext.Database.TextSearch
import Gargantext.Database.Facet
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data SearchQuery = SearchQuery { sq_query :: [Text] data SearchQuery = SearchQuery { sq_query :: [Text]
, sq_parent_id :: Int , sq_corpus_id :: Int
} deriving (Generic) } deriving (Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "sq_") ''SearchQuery) $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "sq_") ''SearchQuery)
instance ToSchema SearchQuery where instance ToSchema SearchQuery where
...@@ -52,39 +55,8 @@ instance Arbitrary SearchQuery where ...@@ -52,39 +55,8 @@ instance Arbitrary SearchQuery where
arbitrary = elements [SearchQuery ["electrodes"] 472764] arbitrary = elements [SearchQuery ["electrodes"] 472764]
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
data Author = Author { _a_name :: Text
, _a_id :: Int
} deriving (Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_a_") ''Author)
instance ToSchema Author where
declareNamedSchema =
defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 3 fieldLabel}
arbitraryAuthor :: Author
arbitraryAuthor = Author "Jezequel" 1011669
instance Arbitrary Author where
arbitrary = elements [arbitraryAuthor]
data SearchResult = SearchResult { sr_id :: Int
, sr_title :: Text
, sr_authors :: [Author]
} deriving (Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "sr_") ''SearchResult)
instance Arbitrary SearchResult where
arbitrary = elements [SearchResult 1 "Title" [arbitraryAuthor]]
instance ToSchema SearchResult where data SearchResults = SearchResults { srs_results :: [FacetPaired Int UTCTime HyperdataDocument Int [Pair Int Text]]}
declareNamedSchema =
defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 3 fieldLabel}
data SearchResults = SearchResults { srs_results :: [SearchResult]}
deriving (Generic) deriving (Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "srs_") ''SearchResults) $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "srs_") ''SearchResults)
...@@ -96,14 +68,10 @@ instance ToSchema SearchResults where ...@@ -96,14 +68,10 @@ instance ToSchema SearchResults where
genericDeclareNamedSchema genericDeclareNamedSchema
defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 4 fieldLabel} defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 4 fieldLabel}
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
type SearchAPI = Post '[JSON] SearchResults type SearchAPI = Post '[JSON] SearchResults
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
search :: Connection -> SearchQuery -> Handler SearchResults search :: Connection -> SearchQuery -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe OrderBy -> Handler SearchResults
search c (SearchQuery q pId) = search c (SearchQuery q pId) o l order =
liftIO $ SearchResults <$> map (\(i, _, t, _, _, _) -> SearchResult i (cs $ encode t) [arbitraryAuthor]) liftIO $ SearchResults <$> searchInCorpusWithContacts c pId q o l order
<$> textSearch c (toTSQuery q) pId 5 0 Desc
...@@ -89,8 +89,61 @@ data Facet id date hyperdata score = ...@@ -89,8 +89,61 @@ data Facet id date hyperdata score =
, facetDoc_score :: score , facetDoc_score :: score
} deriving (Show, Generic) } deriving (Show, Generic)
-} -}
-- | JSON instance
type PairLabel = Text
instance ToJSON PairLabel
instance ToSchema PairLabel
instance Arbitrary PairLabel where
arbitrary = elements (["Label 1", "Label 2"] :: [PairLabel])
data Pair i l = Pair {_p_id :: i
,_p_label :: l
} deriving (Show, Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_p_") ''Pair)
$(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pPair" ''Pair)
instance (ToSchema i, ToSchema l) => ToSchema (Pair i l) where
declareNamedSchema =
defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 3 fieldLabel}
instance (Arbitrary i, Arbitrary l) => Arbitrary (Pair i l) where
arbitrary = Pair <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
data FacetPaired id date hyperdata score pairs =
FacetPaired {_fp_id :: id
,_fp_date :: date
,_fp_hyperdata :: hyperdata
,_fp_score :: score
,_fp_pairs :: pairs
} deriving (Show, Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "_fp_") ''FacetPaired)
$(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pFacetPaired" ''FacetPaired)
instance (ToSchema id, ToSchema date, ToSchema hyperdata, ToSchema pairs, ToSchema score) => ToSchema (FacetPaired id date hyperdata score pairs) where
declareNamedSchema =
defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 4 fieldLabel}
instance ( Arbitrary id
, Arbitrary date
, Arbitrary hyperdata
, Arbitrary score
, Arbitrary pairs
) => Arbitrary (FacetPaired id date hyperdata score pairs) where
arbitrary = FacetPaired <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
type FacetPairedRead = FacetPaired (Column PGInt4 )
(Column PGTimestamptz)
(Column PGJsonb )
(Column PGInt4 )
(Pair (Column (Nullable PGInt4)) (Column (Nullable PGText)))
-- | JSON instance
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "facetDoc_") ''Facet) $(deriveJSON (unPrefix "facetDoc_") ''Facet)
-- | Documentation instance -- | Documentation instance
...@@ -74,11 +74,18 @@ joinInCorpus = leftJoin queryNodeSearchTable queryNodeNodeTable cond ...@@ -74,11 +74,18 @@ joinInCorpus = leftJoin queryNodeSearchTable queryNodeNodeTable cond
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
type AuthorName = Text type AuthorName = Text
searchInCorpusWithContacts :: Connection -> CorpusId -> Text -> IO [((Int, HyperdataDocument),(ContactId, Maybe AuthorName))] searchInCorpusWithContacts :: Connection -> CorpusId -> [Text] -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe OrderBy -> IO [FacetPaired Int UTCTime HyperdataDocument Int [Pair Int Text]]
searchInCorpusWithContacts c cId q = runQuery c $ queryInCorpusWithContacts cId q searchInCorpusWithContacts = undefined
queryInCorpusWithContacts :: CorpusId -> Text -> O.Query ((Column PGInt4, Column PGJsonb), (Column (PGInt4), Column (Nullable PGText))) searchInCorpusWithContacts' :: Connection -> CorpusId -> [Text] -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe OrderBy -> IO [(FacetPaired Int UTCTime HyperdataDocument Int (Pair (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text)))]
queryInCorpusWithContacts cId q = proc () -> do searchInCorpusWithContacts' c cId q o l order = runQuery c $ queryInCorpusWithContacts cId q' o l order
q' = intercalate " || " $ map stemIt q
queryInCorpusWithContacts :: CorpusId -> Text -> Maybe Offset -> Maybe Limit -> Maybe OrderBy -> O.Query FacetPairedRead
queryInCorpusWithContacts cId q _ _ _ = proc () -> do
(docs, (corpusDoc, (docNgrams, (ngrams', (_, contacts))))) <- joinInCorpusWithContacts -< () (docs, (corpusDoc, (docNgrams, (ngrams', (_, contacts))))) <- joinInCorpusWithContacts -< ()
restrict -< (_ns_search docs) @@ (pgTSQuery $ unpack q ) restrict -< (_ns_search docs) @@ (pgTSQuery $ unpack q )
restrict -< (_ns_typename docs) .== (pgInt4 $ nodeTypeId NodeDocument) restrict -< (_ns_typename docs) .== (pgInt4 $ nodeTypeId NodeDocument)
...@@ -86,7 +93,7 @@ queryInCorpusWithContacts cId q = proc () -> do ...@@ -86,7 +93,7 @@ queryInCorpusWithContacts cId q = proc () -> do
restrict -< (nodeNgram_type docNgrams) .== (toNullable $ pgInt4 $ ngramsTypeId Authors) restrict -< (nodeNgram_type docNgrams) .== (toNullable $ pgInt4 $ ngramsTypeId Authors)
restrict -< (_node_typename contacts) .== (toNullable $ pgInt4 $ nodeTypeId NodeContact) restrict -< (_node_typename contacts) .== (toNullable $ pgInt4 $ nodeTypeId NodeContact)
-- let contact_id = ifThenElse (isNull $ _node_id contacts) (toNullable $ pgInt4 0) (_node_id contacts) -- let contact_id = ifThenElse (isNull $ _node_id contacts) (toNullable $ pgInt4 0) (_node_id contacts)
returnA -< ((_ns_id docs, _ns_hyperdata docs),(fromNullable (pgInt4 0) (_node_id contacts), ngrams_terms ngrams')) returnA -< FacetPaired (_ns_id docs) (_ns_date docs) (_ns_hyperdata docs) (pgInt4 0) (Pair (_node_id contacts) (ngrams_terms ngrams'))
joinInCorpusWithContacts :: O.Query (NodeSearchRead, (NodeNodeReadNull, (NodeNgramReadNull, (NgramsReadNull, (NodeNgramReadNull, NodeReadNull))))) joinInCorpusWithContacts :: O.Query (NodeSearchRead, (NodeNodeReadNull, (NodeNgramReadNull, (NgramsReadNull, (NodeNgramReadNull, NodeReadNull)))))
joinInCorpusWithContacts = leftJoin6 queryNodeTable queryNodeNgramTable queryNgramsTable queryNodeNgramTable queryNodeNodeTable queryNodeSearchTable cond12 cond23 cond34 cond45 cond56 joinInCorpusWithContacts = leftJoin6 queryNodeTable queryNodeNgramTable queryNgramsTable queryNodeNgramTable queryNodeNodeTable queryNodeSearchTable cond12 cond23 cond34 cond45 cond56
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