Commit dbff4c96 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT/STEM] copying Porter lib.

parent 0c615cc4
module Language.Porter (stem, fixstem)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
isConsonant str i
| c `elem` "aeiou" = False
| c == 'y' = i == 0 || isVowel str (i - 1)
| otherwise = True
c = str !! i
isVowel = (not .) . isConsonant
byIndex fun str = fun str [0..length str - 1]
measure = length . filter not . init . (True:) . map head . group . byIndex (map . isConsonant)
containsVowel = byIndex (any . isVowel)
endsWithDouble = startsWithDouble . reverse
startsWithDouble l | length l < 2 = False
| otherwise = let (x:y:_) = l in x == y && x `notElem` "aeiou"
cvc word | length word < 3 = False
| otherwise = isConsonant word lastIndex &&
isVowel word (lastIndex - 1) &&
isConsonant word (lastIndex - 2) &&
last word `notElem` "wxy"
where lastIndex = length word - 1
statefulReplace predicate str end replacement
| end `isSuffixOf` str = Just replaced
| otherwise = Nothing
part = take (length str - length end) str
replaced | predicate part = Right (part ++ replacement)
| otherwise = Left str
replaceEnd predicate str end replacement = do
result <- statefulReplace predicate str end replacement
return (either id id result)
findStem f word pairs = msum $ map (uncurry (replaceEnd f word)) pairs
measureGT = flip ((>) . measure)
step1a word = fromMaybe word result
where result = findStem (const True) word [("sses", "ss"), ("ies", "i"), ("ss", "ss"), ("s", "")]
beforeStep1b word = fromMaybe (Left word) result
cond23 x = do { v <- x; either (const Nothing) (return . Right) v }
cond1 x = do { v <- x; return (Left v) }
result =
cond1 (replaceEnd (measureGT 0) word "eed" "ee") `mplus`
cond23 (statefulReplace containsVowel word "ed" "" ) `mplus`
cond23 (statefulReplace containsVowel word "ing" "" )
afterStep1b word = fromMaybe word result
double = endsWithDouble word && not (any ((`isSuffixOf` word) . return) "lsz")
mEq1AndCvc = measure word == 1 && cvc word
iif cond val = if cond then Just val else Nothing
result = findStem (const True) word [("at", "ate"), ("bl", "ble"), ("iz", "ize")]
`mplus` iif double (init word)
`mplus` iif mEq1AndCvc (word ++ "e")
step1b = either id afterStep1b . beforeStep1b
step1c word = fromMaybe word result
where result = replaceEnd containsVowel word "y" "i"
step1 = step1c . step1b . step1a
step2 word = fromMaybe word result
result = findStem (measureGT 0) word
[ ("ational", "ate" )
, ("tional", "tion")
, ("enci", "ence")
, ("anci", "ance")
, ("izer", "ize" )
, ("bli", "ble" )
, ("alli", "al" )
, ("entli", "ent" )
, ("eli", "e" )
, ("ousli", "ous" )
, ("ization", "ize" )
, ("ation", "ate" )
, ("ator", "ate" )
, ("alism", "al" )
, ("iveness", "ive" )
, ("fulness", "ful" )
, ("ousness", "ous" )
, ("aliti", "al" )
, ("iviti", "ive" )
, ("biliti", "ble" )
, ("logi", "log" ) ]
step3 word = fromMaybe word result
result = findStem (measureGT 0) word
[ ("icate", "ic")
, ("ative", "" )
, ("alize", "al")
, ("iciti", "ic")
, ("ical" , "ic")
, ("ful" , "" )
, ("ness" , "" ) ]
step4 word = fromMaybe word result
gt1andST str = (measureGT 1) str && any ((`isSuffixOf` str) . return) "st"
findGT1 = findStem (measureGT 1) word . map (flip (,) "")
result = (findGT1 ["al", "ance", "ence", "er", "ic", "able", "ible", "ant", "ement", "ment", "ent"]) `mplus`
(findStem gt1andST word [("ion","")]) `mplus`
(findGT1 ["ou", "ism", "ate", "iti", "ous", "ive", "ize"])
step5a word = fromMaybe word result
test str = (measureGT 1 str) || ((measure str == 1) && (not $ cvc str))
result = replaceEnd test word "e" ""
step5b word = fromMaybe word result
cond s = last s == 'l' && measureGT 1 s
result = replaceEnd cond word "l" ""
step5 = step5b . step5a
allSteps = step5 . step4 . step3 . step2 . step1
stem s | length s < 3 = s
| otherwise = allSteps s
fixpoint f x = let fx = f x in
if fx == x
then x
else fixpoint f fx
fixstem = fixpoint stem
main :: IO ()
main = do
content <- readFile "input.txt"
writeFile "output.txt" $ unlines $ map stem $ lines content
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