Commit ecaeb913 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/adinapoli/issue-198' into dev

parents f2664236 862391be
......@@ -929,4 +929,5 @@ test-suite jobqueue-test
, servant-job
, stm
, text
, time
default-language: Haskell2010
......@@ -533,6 +533,7 @@ tests:
- http-client-tls
- servant-job
- stm
- time
# garg-doctest:
# main: Main.hs
# source-dirs: src-doctest
......@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ jobLog logvar = \w -> atomically $ modifyTVar' logvar (\old_w -> w <> old_w)
-- | Generating new 'JobEntry's.
:: Ord jid
=> jid
=> UTCTime
-> jid
-> a
-> (jid -> a -> Logger w -> IO r)
-> JobMap jid w r
-> IO (JobEntry jid w r)
addJobEntry jid input f (JobMap mvar) = do
now <- getCurrentTime
-> STM (JobEntry jid w r)
addJobEntry now jid input f (JobMap mvar) = do
let je = JobEntry
{ jID = jid
, jTask = QueuedJ (QueuedJob input (f jid))
......@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ addJobEntry jid input f (JobMap mvar) = do
, jStarted = Nothing
, jEnded = Nothing
atomically $ modifyTVar' mvar (Map.insert jid je)
return je
modifyTVar' mvar (Map.insert jid je)
pure je
deleteJob :: Ord jid => jid -> JobMap jid w a -> STM ()
deleteJob jid (JobMap mvar) = modifyTVar' mvar (Map.delete jid)
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.Queue where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
......@@ -94,9 +95,9 @@ newQueue prios = do
return $ Queue vars indices prios
-- | Add a new element to the queue, with the given kind.
addQueue :: Ord t => t -> a -> Queue t a -> IO ()
addQueue :: Ord t => t -> a -> Queue t a -> STM ()
addQueue jobkind a q = case Map.lookup jobkind (queueIndices q) of
Just i -> atomically $ modifyTVar (queueData q Vector.! i) (snocQ a)
Just i -> modifyTVar (queueData q Vector.! i) (snocQ a)
Nothing -> error "addQueue: couldn't find queue for given job kind"
deleteQueue :: (Eq a, Ord t) => t -> a -> Queue t a -> STM ()
......@@ -104,6 +105,13 @@ deleteQueue jobkind a q = case Map.lookup jobkind (queueIndices q) of
Just i -> modifyTVar (queueData q Vector.! i) (deleteQ a)
Nothing -> error "deleteQueue: queue type not found?!"
-- | Dump the contents of the queue, for debugging purposes.
debugDumpQueue :: (Enum t, Bounded t, Ord t) => Queue t a -> STM [(t, a)]
debugDumpQueue q = mconcat <$> (forM [minBound..maxBound] $ \t -> do
readTVar (queueData q Vector.! (i t)) >>= debugDumpQ t)
i t = fromJust $ Map.lookup t (queueIndices q)
debugDumpQ t (Q xs ys _) = return $ map (\x -> (t, x)) (xs ++ reverse ys)
type Picker a = [(a, STM ())] -> STM (a, STM ())
......@@ -125,7 +133,7 @@ popQueue picker q = atomically $ select prioLevels
mres <- selectLevel level
case mres of
Nothing -> select levels
Just res -> return (Just res)
Just res -> pure $ Just res
selectLevel :: [(t, Prio)] -> STM (Maybe a)
selectLevel xs = do
......@@ -29,11 +29,10 @@ data JobsState t w a = JobsState
, jsRunners :: [Async ()]
nextID :: JobSettings -> JobsState t w a -> IO (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe)
nextID js st = do
now <- getCurrentTime
n <- atomically $ stateTVar (jobsIdGen st) $ \i -> (i, i+1)
return $ SJ.newID (Proxy :: Proxy "job") (jsSecretKey js) now n
nextID :: UTCTime -> JobSettings -> JobsState t w a -> STM (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe)
nextID now js st = do
n <- stateTVar (jobsIdGen st) $ \i -> (i, i+1)
pure $ SJ.newID (Proxy :: Proxy "job") (jsSecretKey js) now n
:: forall t w a.
......@@ -72,6 +71,7 @@ newJobsState js prios = do
return (jid, popjid)
_3 (_, _, c) = c
:: Ord t
=> t
......@@ -80,8 +80,21 @@ pushJob
-> JobSettings
-> JobsState t w r
-> IO (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe)
pushJob jobkind input f js st@(JobsState jmap jqueue _idgen _ _) = do
jid <- nextID js st
_je <- addJobEntry jid input f jmap
pushJob jobkind input f js st = do
now <- getCurrentTime
atomically $ pushJobWithTime now jobkind input f js st
:: Ord t
=> UTCTime
-> t
-> a
-> (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe -> a -> Logger w -> IO r)
-> JobSettings
-> JobsState t w r
-> STM (SJ.JobID 'SJ.Safe)
pushJobWithTime now jobkind input f js st@(JobsState jmap jqueue _idgen _ _) = do
jid <- nextID now js st
_je <- addJobEntry now jid input f jmap
addQueue jobkind jid jqueue
return jid
pure jid
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>), fromList)
import Data.Time
import GHC.Stack
import Prelude
import System.IO.Unsafe
......@@ -92,28 +93,28 @@ testMaxRunners = do
testPrios :: IO ()
testPrios = do
k <- genSecret
let settings = defaultJobSettings 2 k
-- Use a single runner, so that we can check the order of execution
-- without worrying about the runners competing with each other.
let settings = defaultJobSettings 1 k
prios = [(B, 10), (C, 1), (D, 5)]
runningDelta job = fromMaybe 0 (lookup job prios) * 1000
st :: JobsState JobT [String] () <- newJobsState settings $
applyPrios prios defaultPrios -- B has the highest priority
pickedSchedule <- newMVar (JobSchedule mempty)
let j jobt _jHandle _inp _l = do
-- simulate the running time of a job, then add to the schedule.
-- The running time is proportional to the priority of the job,
-- to account for the fact that we are pushing jobs sequentially,
-- so we have to our account for the submission time.
threadDelay $ jobDuration - runningDelta jobt
addJobToSchedule jobt pickedSchedule
let j jobt _jHandle _inp _l = addJobToSchedule jobt pickedSchedule
jobs = [ (A, j A)
, (C, j C)
, (B, j B)
, (D, j D)
forM_ jobs $ \(t, f) -> void $ pushJob t () f settings st
-- Push all the jobs in the same STM transaction, so that they are all stored in the queue by
-- the time 'popQueue' gets called.
now <- getCurrentTime
atomically $ forM_ jobs $ \(t, f) -> void $ pushJobWithTime now t () f settings st
-- wait for the jobs to finish, waiting for more than the total duration,
-- so that we are sure that all jobs have finished, then check the schedule.
threadDelay (5 * jobDuration)
threadDelay jobDuration
finalSchedule <- readMVar pickedSchedule
finalSchedule `shouldBe` JobSchedule (fromList [B, D, C, A])
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