Commit f6f6d304 authored by Quentin Lobbé's avatar Quentin Lobbé

Add the clustering up to level 2 and more

parent c07e35b8
Pipeline #265 failed with stage
......@@ -189,7 +189,14 @@ data PhyloError = LevelDoesNotExist
deriving (Show)
data Proximity = WeightedLogJaccard | Other
type PhyloGraph = (PhyloNodes,PhyloEdges)
type PhyloNodes = [PhyloGroup]
type PhyloEdges = [(((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup)),Double)]
data Proximity = WeightedLogJaccard | Hamming | FromPairs
data Clustering = Louvain | RelatedComponents
data PairTo = Childs | Parents
......@@ -62,82 +62,117 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
-- | STEP 13 | -- Cluster the Fis
-- Il faudrait plutôt passer (Proximity,[Double]) où [Double] serait la liste des paramètres
groupsToGraph :: Proximity -> [PhyloGroup] -> [((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup),Double)]
groupsToGraph prox groups = case prox of
WeightedLogJaccard -> map (\(x,y) -> ((x,y), weightedLogJaccard 0 (getGroupCooc x) (unifySharedKeys (getGroupCooc x) (getGroupCooc y)))) edges
_ -> undefined
edges :: [(PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup)]
edges = listToDirectedCombi groups
phyloToGraphs :: Level -> Proximity -> Phylo -> Map (Date,Date) [((PhyloGroup,PhyloGroup),Double)]
phyloToGraphs lvl prox p = Map.fromList
$ zip periods
(map (\prd -> groupsToGraph prox
$ getGroupsWithFilters (getLevelValue lvl) prd p) periods)
periods :: [PhyloPeriodId]
periods = getPhyloPeriods p
-- | To do : ajouter de nouveaux clusters / proxi
-- gérer les cooc à level 2 et +, idem pour les quality
-- réfléchir aux formats de sortie
-- | To apply a Clustering method to a PhyloGraph
graphToClusters :: (Clustering,[Double]) -> PhyloGraph -> [[PhyloGroup]]
graphToClusters (clust,param) (nodes,edges) = case clust of
Louvain -> undefined
RelatedComponents -> relatedComp 0 (head nodes) (tail nodes,edges) [] []
-- | To transform a Phylo into Clusters of PhyloGroups at a given level
phyloToClusters :: Level -> (Proximity,[Double]) -> (Clustering,[Double]) -> Phylo -> Map (Date,Date) [[PhyloGroup]]
phyloToClusters lvl (prox,param) (clus,param') p = Map.fromList
$ zip (getPhyloPeriods p)
(map (\prd -> let graph = groupsToGraph (prox,param) (getGroupsWithFilters (getLevelValue lvl) prd p) p
in if null (fst graph)
then []
else graphToClusters (clus,param') graph)
(getPhyloPeriods p))
-- | To transform a Cluster into a Phylogroup
clusterToGroup :: PhyloPeriodId -> Int -> Int -> Text -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloGroup
clusterToGroup prd lvl idx lbl groups = PhyloGroup ((prd, lvl), idx)
((sort . nub . concat) $ map getGroupNgrams groups)
[] [] []
(map (\g -> (getGroupId g, 1)) groups)
-- | To transform a list of Clusters into a new Phylolevel
clustersToPhyloLevel :: Level -> Map (Date,Date) [[PhyloGroup]] -> Phylo -> Phylo
clustersToPhyloLevel lvl m p = over (phylo_periods . traverse)
(\period ->
let periodId = _phylo_periodId period
clusters = zip [1..] (m ! periodId)
in over (phylo_periodLevels)
(\levels ->
let groups = map (\cluster -> clusterToGroup periodId (getLevelValue lvl) (fst cluster) "" (snd cluster)) clusters
in levels ++ [PhyloLevel (periodId, (getLevelValue lvl)) groups]
) period) p
phyloWithGroups2 = clustersToPhyloLevel (initLevel 2 Level_N)
(phyloToClusters (initLevel 1 Level_1) (WeightedLogJaccard,[0]) (RelatedComponents, []) phyloWithBranches_1)
-- | STEP 12 | -- Find the Branches
-- | To add a PhyloGroupId to list of Branches with conditions
addToBranches :: (Int,Int) -> PhyloGroupId -> [PhyloBranch] -> [PhyloBranch]
addToBranches (lvl,idx) id branches
| null branches = [newBranch]
| idx == lastIdx = (init branches) ++ [addGroupIdToBranch id (last branches)]
| otherwise = branches ++ [newBranch]
-- | To apply the related components method to a PhyloGraph
-- curr = the current PhyloGroup
-- (nodes,edges) = the initial PhyloGraph minus the current PhyloGroup
-- next = the next PhyloGroups to be added in the cluster
-- memo = the memory of the allready created clusters
relatedComp :: Int -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloGraph -> [PhyloGroup] -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> [[PhyloGroup]]
relatedComp idx curr (nodes,edges) next memo
| null nodes' && null next' = memo'
| (not . null) next' = relatedComp idx (head next') (nodes',edges) (tail next') memo'
| otherwise = relatedComp (idx + 1) (head nodes') (tail nodes',edges) [] memo'
newBranch :: PhyloBranch
newBranch = PhyloBranch (lvl,idx) "" [id]
memo' :: [[PhyloGroup]]
| null memo = [[curr]]
| idx == ((length memo) - 1) = (init memo) ++ [(last memo) ++ [curr]]
| otherwise = memo ++ [[curr]]
next' :: [PhyloGroup]
next' = filter (\x -> not $ elem x $ concat memo) $ nub $ next ++ (getNeighbours False curr edges)
lastIdx :: Int
lastIdx = (snd . _phylo_branchId . last) branches
nodes' :: [PhyloGroup]
nodes' = filter (\x -> not $ elem x next') nodes
-- | To transform a list of PhyloGroups into a list of PhyloBranches where :
-- curr = the current PhyloGroup
-- rest = the rest of the initial list of PhyloGroups
-- next = the next PhyloGroups to be added in the current Branch
-- memo = the memory of the allready created Branches, the last one is the current one
groupsToBranches :: (Int,Int) -> PhyloGroup -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloBranch] -> Phylo -> [PhyloBranch]
groupsToBranches (lvl,idx) curr rest next memo p
| null rest' && null next' = memo'
| (not . null) next' = groupsToBranches (lvl,idx) (head next') rest' (tail next') memo' p
| otherwise = groupsToBranches (lvl,idx + 1) (head rest') (tail rest') [] memo' p
done :: [PhyloGroup]
done = getGroupsFromIds (concat $ map (_phylo_branchGroups) memo) p
memo' :: [PhyloBranch]
memo' = addToBranches (lvl,idx) (getGroupId curr) memo
next' :: [PhyloGroup]
next' = filter (\x -> not $ elem x done) $ nub $ next ++ (getGroupPairs curr p)
rest' :: [PhyloGroup]
rest' = filter (\x -> not $ elem x next') rest
-- | To transform a PhyloGraph into a list of PhyloBranches by using the relatedComp clustering
graphToBranches :: Int -> PhyloGraph -> Phylo -> [PhyloBranch]
graphToBranches lvl (nodes,edges) p = map (\(idx,c) -> PhyloBranch (lvl,idx) "" (map getGroupId c)) $ zip [0..] clusters
clusters :: [[PhyloGroup]]
clusters = relatedComp 0 (head nodes) (tail nodes,edges) [] []
-- | To transform a list of PhyloGroups into a PhyloGraph by using a given Proximity mesure
groupsToGraph :: (Proximity,[Double]) -> [PhyloGroup] -> Phylo -> PhyloGraph
groupsToGraph (prox,param) groups p = (groups,edges)
edges :: PhyloEdges
edges = case prox of
FromPairs -> (nub . concat) $ map (\g -> (map (\g' -> ((g',g),1)) $ getGroupParents g p)
(map (\g' -> ((g,g'),1)) $ getGroupChilds g p)) groups
WeightedLogJaccard -> map (\(x,y) -> ((x,y), weightedLogJaccard
(param !! 0) (getGroupCooc x)
(unifySharedKeys (getGroupCooc x) (getGroupCooc y)))) $ listToDirectedCombi groups
_ -> undefined
-- | To set all the PhyloBranches for a given Level in a Phylo
setPhyloBranches :: Level -> Phylo -> Phylo
setPhyloBranches lvl p = alterPhyloBranches
(\branches -> branches ++ (groupsToBranches
(getLevelValue lvl, 0)
(head groups)
(tail groups)
[] [] p)
(\branches -> branches
(graphToBranches (getLevelValue lvl) (groupsToGraph (FromPairs,[]) groups p) p)
) p
......@@ -178,10 +213,9 @@ weightedLogJaccard s f1 f2
-- | To apply the corresponding proximity function based on a given Proximity
getProximity :: Proximity -> Double -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup -> (PhyloGroupId, Double)
getProximity prox s g1 g2 = case prox of
WeightedLogJaccard -> ((getGroupId g2),weightedLogJaccard s (getGroupCooc g1) (unifySharedKeys (getGroupCooc g2) (getGroupCooc g1)))
Other -> undefined
getProximity :: (Proximity,[Double]) -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup -> (PhyloGroupId, Double)
getProximity (prox,param) g1 g2 = case prox of
WeightedLogJaccard -> ((getGroupId g2),weightedLogJaccard (param !! 0) (getGroupCooc g1) (unifySharedKeys (getGroupCooc g2) (getGroupCooc g1)))
_ -> panic ("[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Example.getProximity] Proximity function not defined")
......@@ -215,11 +249,11 @@ getNextPeriods to id l = case to of
-- | To find the best set (max = 2) of Childs/Parents candidates based on a given Proximity mesure until a maximum depth (max = Period + 5 units )
findBestCandidates :: PairTo -> Int -> Int -> Double -> Double -> PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [(PhyloGroupId, Double)]
findBestCandidates to depth max thr s group p
findBestCandidates :: PairTo -> Int -> Int -> Double -> (Proximity,[Double]) -> PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [(PhyloGroupId, Double)]
findBestCandidates to depth max thr (prox,param) group p
| depth > max || null next = []
| (not . null) best = take 2 best
| otherwise = findBestCandidates to (depth + 1) max thr s group p
| otherwise = findBestCandidates to (depth + 1) max thr (prox,param) group p
next :: [PhyloPeriodId]
......@@ -229,7 +263,7 @@ findBestCandidates to depth max thr s group p
candidates = getGroupsWithFilters (getGroupLevel group) (head next) p
scores :: [(PhyloGroupId, Double)]
scores = map (\group' -> getProximity WeightedLogJaccard s group group') candidates
scores = map (\group' -> getProximity (prox,param) group group') candidates
best :: [(PhyloGroupId, Double)]
best = reverse
......@@ -252,8 +286,8 @@ makePair to group ids = case to of
-- | To pair all the Phylogroups of given PhyloLevel to their best Parents or Childs
pairGroupsToGroups :: PairTo -> Level -> Double -> Double -> Phylo -> Phylo
pairGroupsToGroups to lvl thr s p = alterPhyloGroups
pairGroupsToGroups :: PairTo -> Level -> Double -> (Proximity,[Double]) -> Phylo -> Phylo
pairGroupsToGroups to lvl thr (prox,param) p = alterPhyloGroups
(\groups ->
map (\group ->
if (getGroupLevel group) == (getLevelValue lvl)
......@@ -261,7 +295,7 @@ pairGroupsToGroups to lvl thr s p = alterPhyloGroups
candidates :: [(PhyloGroupId, Double)]
candidates = findBestCandidates to 1 5 thr s group p
candidates = findBestCandidates to 1 5 thr (prox,param) group p
makePair to group candidates
......@@ -270,11 +304,11 @@ pairGroupsToGroups to lvl thr s p = alterPhyloGroups
phyloWithPair_1_Childs :: Phylo
phyloWithPair_1_Childs = pairGroupsToGroups Childs (initLevel 1 Level_1) 0.01 0 phyloWithPair_1_Parents
phyloWithPair_1_Childs = pairGroupsToGroups Childs (initLevel 1 Level_1) 0.01 (WeightedLogJaccard,[0]) phyloWithPair_1_Parents
phyloWithPair_1_Parents :: Phylo
phyloWithPair_1_Parents = pairGroupsToGroups Parents (initLevel 1 Level_1) 0.01 0 phyloLinked_0_1
phyloWithPair_1_Parents = pairGroupsToGroups Parents (initLevel 1 Level_1) 0.01 (WeightedLogJaccard,[0]) phyloLinked_0_1
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Tools
import Control.Lens hiding (both, Level)
import Data.List (filter, intersect, (++), sort, null, head, tail, last, tails)
import Data.List (filter, intersect, (++), sort, null, head, tail, last, tails, delete, nub)
import Data.Map (Map, mapKeys, member)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
......@@ -117,6 +117,11 @@ filterNestedSets h l l'
| otherwise = filterNestedSets (head l) (tail l) (h : l')
-- | To filter some PhyloEdges with a given threshold
filterPhyloEdges :: Double -> PhyloEdges -> PhyloEdges
filterPhyloEdges thr edges = filter (\((s,t),w) -> w > thr) edges
-- | To get the PhyloGroups Childs of a PhyloGroup
getGroupChilds :: PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
getGroupChilds g p = getGroupsFromIds (map fst $ _phylo_groupPeriodChilds g) p
......@@ -222,6 +227,15 @@ getLevelLinkValue dir link = case dir of
_ -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.getLevelLinkValue] Wrong direction"
-- | To get the neighbours (directed/undirected) of a PhyloGroup from a list of PhyloEdges
getNeighbours :: Bool -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloEdges -> [PhyloGroup]
getNeighbours directed g e = case directed of
True -> map (\((s,t),w) -> t)
$ filter (\((s,t),w) -> s == g) e
False -> map (\((s,t),w) -> head $ delete g $ nub [s,t,g])
$ filter (\((s,t),w) -> s == g || t == g) e
-- | To get the Branches of a Phylo
getPhyloBranches :: Phylo -> [PhyloBranch]
getPhyloBranches = _phylo_branches
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