Commit ff6a991f authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Scores] Inclusion/Exclusion and Specificity/Genericity ok with my tests.

parent 2efbab70
......@@ -54,13 +54,22 @@ metrics_sentences :: [Text]
metrics_sentences = [ "There is a table with a glass of wine and a spoon."
, "I can see the glass on the table."
, "There was only a spoon on that table."
, "The glass just fall from the table, pouring wine on the floor."
, "The glass just fall from the table, pouring wine elsewhere."
, "I wish the glass did not contain wine."
metrics_sentences_Test = metrics_sentences == metrics_sentences'
-- | Terms reordered to visually check occurrences
-- >>>
{- [ [["table"],["glass"],["wine"],["spoon"]]
, [["glass"],["table"]]
, [["spoon"],["table"]]
, [["glass"],["table"],["wine"]]
, [["glass"],["wine"]]
metrics_terms :: IO [[Terms]]
metrics_terms = mapM (terms MonoMulti EN) $ splitBy (Sentences 0) metrics_text
......@@ -134,6 +134,19 @@ type SymetricMatrix = Matrix
type NonSymetricMatrix = Matrix
-- | Compute genericity/specificity:
--p_ :: (Elt e, P.Fractional (Exp e)) => Acc (Array DIM2 e) -> Acc (Array DIM2 e)
--p_ m = zipWith (/) m (n_jj m)
-- where
-- n_jj :: Elt e => Acc (SymetricMatrix e) -> Acc (Matrix e)
-- n_jj m = backpermute (shape m)
-- (lift1 ( \(Z :. (i :: Exp Int) :. (j:: Exp Int))
-- -> ifThenElse (i < j) (Z :. j :. j) (Z :. i :. i)
-- )
-- ) m
---- | P(i|j) = N(ij) / N(jj)
p_ij :: (Elt e, P.Fractional (Exp e)) => Acc (Array DIM2 e) -> Acc (Array DIM2 e)
p_ij m = zipWith (/) m (n_jj m)
......@@ -141,22 +154,27 @@ p_ij m = zipWith (/) m (n_jj m)
n_jj :: Elt e => Acc (SymetricMatrix e) -> Acc (Matrix e)
n_jj m = backpermute (shape m)
(lift1 ( \(Z :. (i :: Exp Int) :. (j:: Exp Int))
-> ifThenElse (i < j) (Z :. j :. j) (Z :. i :. i)
-> (Z :. j :. j)
) m
-- P(j|i) = N(ij) / N(ii)
-- to test
p_ji' :: (Elt e, P.Fractional (Exp e)) => Acc (Array DIM2 e) -> Acc (Array DIM2 e)
p_ji' = transpose . p_ij
p_ji :: (Elt e, P.Fractional (Exp e)) => Acc (Array DIM2 e) -> Acc (Array DIM2 e)
p_ji m = zipWith (/) m (n_ii m)
p_ji m = zipWith (/) m (n_jj m)
n_ii :: Elt e => Acc (SymetricMatrix e) -> Acc (Matrix e)
n_ii m = backpermute (shape m)
n_jj :: Elt e => Acc (SymetricMatrix e) -> Acc (Matrix e)
n_jj m = backpermute (shape m)
(lift1 ( \(Z :. (i :: Exp Int) :. (j:: Exp Int))
-> (Z :. i :. i)
) m
type Matrix' a = Acc (Matrix a)
type InclusionExclusion = Double
type SpecificityGenericity = Double
......@@ -220,16 +238,16 @@ distributional m = run $ miniMax $ ri (map fromIntegral $ use m)
int2double :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Double
int2double m = run (map fromIntegral $ use m)
incExcSpeGen' :: Matrix Int -> (Vector Double, Vector Double)
incExcSpeGen' :: Matrix Int -> (Vector InclusionExclusion, Vector SpecificityGenericity)
incExcSpeGen' m = (run' ie m, run' sg m)
run' fun mat = run $ fun $ map fromIntegral $ use mat
ie :: Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Vector Double)
ie mat = zipWith (-) (pV mat) (pH mat)
ie mat = zipWith (+) (pV mat) (pH mat)
sg :: Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Vector Double)
sg mat = zipWith (+) (pV mat) (pH mat)
sg mat = zipWith (-) (pV mat) (pH mat)
n :: Exp Double
n = constant (P.fromIntegral (dim m) :: Double)
......@@ -238,7 +256,7 @@ incExcSpeGen' m = (run' ie m, run' sg m)
pV mat = map (\x -> (x-1)/(n-1)) $ sum $ p_ij mat
pH :: Acc (Matrix Double) -> Acc (Vector Double)
pH mat = map (\x -> (x-1)/(n-1)) $ sum $ p_ji mat
pH mat = map (\x -> (x-1)/(n-1)) $ sum $ transpose $ p_ij mat
incExcSpeGen_proba :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Double
......@@ -246,4 +264,4 @@ incExcSpeGen_proba m = run' pro m
run' fun mat = run $ fun $ map fromIntegral $ use mat
pro mat = p_ij mat
pro mat = p_ji mat
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