{-| Module : Gargantext.API.Routes Description : Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present License : AGPL + CECILL v3 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX -} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} --------------------------------------------------------------------- module Gargantext.API.Routes where --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- import qualified Gargantext.API.Search as Search import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Lens (view) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Validity import Servant import Servant.Auth as SA import Servant.Auth.Swagger () import Servant.Job.Async import Servant.Swagger.UI import qualified Gargantext.API.Ngrams.List as List import qualified Gargantext.API.Node.Contact as Contact import qualified Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.Annuaire as Annuaire import qualified Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.Export as Export import qualified Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.Export.Types as Export import qualified Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.New as New import qualified Gargantext.API.Public as Public import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (AuthRequest, AuthResponse, AuthenticatedUser(..), PathId(..)) import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth (withAccess) import Gargantext.API.Admin.FrontEnd (FrontEndAPI) import Gargantext.API.Count (CountAPI, count, Query) import qualified Gargantext.API.GraphQL as GraphQL import Gargantext.API.Job (jobLogInit) import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (TableNgramsApi, apiNgramsTableDoc) import Gargantext.API.Node import Gargantext.API.Prelude import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu (User(..)) import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.API import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (HasConfig(..)) import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Prelude.Config (gc_max_docs_scrapers) type GargAPI = "api" :> Summary "API " :> GargAPIVersion -- | TODO :<|> Summary "Latest API" :> GargAPI' type GargAPIVersion = "v1.0" :> Summary "Garg API Version " :> GargAPI' type GargVersion = "version" :> Summary "Backend version" :> Get '[JSON] Text type GargAPI' = -- Auth endpoint "auth" :> Summary "AUTH API" :> ReqBody '[JSON] AuthRequest :> Post '[JSON] AuthResponse :<|> GargVersion -- TODO-ACCESS here we want to request a particular header for -- auth and capabilities. :<|> GargPrivateAPI :<|> "public" :> Public.API type GargPrivateAPI = SA.Auth '[SA.JWT, SA.Cookie] AuthenticatedUser :> GargPrivateAPI' type GargAdminAPI -- Roots endpoint = "user" :> Summary "First user endpoint" :> Roots :<|> "nodes" :> Summary "Nodes endpoint" :> ReqBody '[JSON] [NodeId] :> NodesAPI type GargPrivateAPI' = GargAdminAPI -- Node endpoint :<|> "node" :> Summary "Node endpoint" :> Capture "node_id" NodeId :> NodeAPI HyperdataAny -- Corpus endpoints :<|> "corpus" :> Summary "Corpus endpoint" :> Capture "corpus_id" CorpusId :> NodeAPI HyperdataCorpus :<|> "corpus" :> Summary "Corpus endpoint" :> Capture "node1_id" NodeId :> "document" :> Capture "node2_id" NodeId :> NodeNodeAPI HyperdataAny :<|> "corpus" :> Capture "node_id" CorpusId :> Export.API -- Annuaire endpoint {- :<|> "contact" :> Summary "Contact endpoint" :> Capture "contact_id" ContactId :> NodeAPI HyperdataContact --} :<|> "annuaire" :> Summary "Annuaire endpoint" :> Capture "annuaire_id" AnnuaireId :> NodeAPI HyperdataAnnuaire :<|> "annuaire" :> Summary "Contact endpoint" :> Capture "annuaire_id" NodeId :> Contact.API -- Document endpoint :<|> "document" :> Summary "Document endpoint" :> Capture "doc_id" DocId :> "ngrams" :> TableNgramsApi -- :<|> "counts" :> Stream GET NewLineFraming '[JSON] Count :> CountAPI -- TODO-SECURITY :<|> "count" :> Summary "Count endpoint" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Query :> CountAPI -- Corpus endpoint --> TODO rename s/search/filter/g -- :<|> "search" :> Capture "corpus" NodeId -- :> (Search.API Search.SearchResult) -- TODO move to NodeAPI? :<|> "graph" :> Summary "Graph endpoint" :> Capture "graph_id" NodeId :> GraphAPI -- TODO move to NodeAPI? -- Tree endpoint :<|> "tree" :> Summary "Tree endpoint" :> Capture "tree_id" NodeId :> TreeAPI -- :<|> New.Upload :<|> New.AddWithForm -- :<|> New.AddWithFile :<|> New.AddWithQuery -- :<|> "annuaire" :> Annuaire.AddWithForm -- :<|> New.AddWithFile -- :<|> "scraper" :> WithCallbacks ScraperAPI -- :<|> "new" :> New.Api -- TODO refactor the 3 routes below :<|> List.GETAPI :<|> List.JSONAPI :<|> List.CSVAPI {- :<|> "wait" :> Summary "Wait test" :> Capture "x" Int :> WaitAPI -- Get '[JSON] Int -} -- /mv/<id>/<id> -- /merge/<id>/<id> -- /rename/<id> -- :<|> "static" -- :<|> "list" :> Capture "node_id" Int :> NodeAPI -- :<|> "ngrams" :> Capture "node_id" Int :> NodeAPI -- :<|> "auth" :> Capture "node_id" Int :> NodeAPI --------------------------------------------------------------------- type API = SwaggerAPI :<|> GargAPI :<|> GraphQL.API :<|> FrontEndAPI -- | API for serving @swagger.json@ type SwaggerAPI = SwaggerSchemaUI "swagger-ui" "swagger.json" -- | API for serving main operational routes of @gargantext.org@ -- TODO -- /mv/<id>/<id> -- /merge/<id>/<id> -- /rename/<id> -- :<|> "static" -- :<|> "list" :> Capture "node_id" Int :> NodeAPI -- :<|> "ngrams" :> Capture "node_id" Int :> NodeAPI -- :<|> "auth" :> Capture "node_id" Int :> NodeAPI --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Server declarations -- TODO-SECURITY admin only: withAdmin -- Question: How do we mark admins? serverGargAdminAPI :: GargServer GargAdminAPI serverGargAdminAPI = roots :<|> nodesAPI serverPrivateGargAPI' :: AuthenticatedUser -> GargServer GargPrivateAPI' serverPrivateGargAPI' (AuthenticatedUser (NodeId uid)) = serverGargAdminAPI :<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAny) uid :<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataCorpus) uid :<|> nodeNodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAny) uid :<|> Export.getCorpus -- uid -- :<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataContact) uid :<|> nodeAPI (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAnnuaire) uid :<|> Contact.api uid :<|> withAccess (Proxy :: Proxy TableNgramsApi) Proxy uid <$> PathNode <*> apiNgramsTableDoc :<|> count -- TODO: undefined -- :<|> withAccess (Proxy :: Proxy (Search.API Search.SearchResult)) Proxy uid -- <$> PathNode <*> Search.api -- TODO: move elsewhere :<|> withAccess (Proxy :: Proxy GraphAPI) Proxy uid <$> PathNode <*> graphAPI uid -- TODO: mock :<|> withAccess (Proxy :: Proxy TreeAPI) Proxy uid <$> PathNode <*> treeAPI -- TODO access :<|> addCorpusWithForm (RootId (NodeId uid)) -- :<|> addCorpusWithFile (RootId (NodeId uid)) :<|> addCorpusWithQuery (RootId (NodeId uid)) -- :<|> addAnnuaireWithForm -- :<|> New.api uid -- TODO-SECURITY -- :<|> New.info uid -- TODO-SECURITY :<|> List.getApi :<|> List.jsonApi :<|> List.csvApi -- :<|> waitAPI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For Tests type WaitAPI = Get '[JSON] Text waitAPI :: Int -> GargServer WaitAPI waitAPI n = do let m = (10 :: Int) ^ (6 :: Int) _ <- liftBase $ threadDelay ( m * n) pure $ "Waited: " <> (cs $ show n) ---------------------------------------- addCorpusWithQuery :: User -> GargServer New.AddWithQuery addCorpusWithQuery user cid = serveJobsAPI $ JobFunction (\q log' -> do limit <- view $ hasConfig . gc_max_docs_scrapers New.addToCorpusWithQuery user cid q (Just limit) (liftBase . log') {- let log' x = do printDebug "addToCorpusWithQuery" x liftBase $ log x -} ) {- addWithFile :: GargServer New.AddWithFile addWithFile cid i f = serveJobsAPI $ JobFunction (\_i log -> New.addToCorpusWithFile cid i f (liftBase . log)) -} addCorpusWithForm :: User -> GargServer New.AddWithForm addCorpusWithForm user cid = serveJobsAPI $ JobFunction (\i log' -> let log'' x = do printDebug "[addToCorpusWithForm] " x liftBase $ log' x in New.addToCorpusWithForm user cid i log'' (jobLogInit 3)) addCorpusWithFile :: User -> GargServer New.AddWithFile addCorpusWithFile user cid = serveJobsAPI $ JobFunction (\i log' -> let log'' x = do printDebug "[addToCorpusWithFile]" x liftBase $ log' x in New.addToCorpusWithFile user cid i log'') addAnnuaireWithForm :: GargServer Annuaire.AddWithForm addAnnuaireWithForm cid = serveJobsAPI $ JobFunction (\i log' -> Annuaire.addToAnnuaireWithForm cid i (liftBase . log'))