<div align="center"><img height="180" src="https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/main/raw/master/images/logo.png"></div>

# Gargantext with Haskell (Backend instance)


#### Table of Contents
1. [About the project](#about)
2. [Installation](#install)
3. [Initialization](#init)
4. [Launch & develop GarganText](#launch)
5. [Uses cases](#use-cases)
6. [GraphQL](#graphql)
7. [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)

## About the project <a name="about"></a>

GarganText is a collaborative web-decentralized-based macro-service
platform for the exploration of unstructured texts. It combines tools
from natural language processing, text-data-mining bricks, complex
networks analysis algorithms and interactive data visualization tools
to pave the way toward new kinds of interactions with your textual and
digital corpora.

This software is free (as "Libre" in French) software, developed by the
CNRS Complex Systems Institute of Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) and its

GarganText Project: this repo builds the backend for the frontend server built by

## Installation <a name="install"></a>

Disclaimer: since this project is still in development, this document
remains in progress. Please report and improve this documentation if you
encounter any issues.

#### Prerequisite

Clone the project.
git clone https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-gargantext.git
cd haskell-gargantext
#### 1. Install Stack

Install [Stack (or Haskell Tool Stack)](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/):

curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh

Verify the installation is complete with
stack --version
Version 2.9.1

#### 2. Install Nix

Install [Nix](https://nixos.org/download.html):

$ sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --daemon

Verify the installation is complete with
$ nix-env --version
nix-env (Nix) 2.11.0

> **NOTE INFO (upgrade/downgrade if needed)**
> Gargantext works with Nix 2.11.0 (older version than current 2.13.2). To downgrade your Nix version:
> `nix-channel --update; nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nixVersions.nix_2_11 nixpkgs.cacert; systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl restart nix-daemon`
> Upgrading Nix: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/unstable/installation/upgrading.html
> **Then, don't forget to exit Terminal and reload to take into account the version change**

#### 3. Build Core Code

NOTE: Default build (with optimizations) requires large amounts of RAM
(16GB at least). To avoid heavy compilation times and swapping out your
machine, it is recommended to `stack build` with the `--fast` flag,

``` sh
stack --nix build --fast

If the build is finishing without error, you are ready to launch
GarganText! See next step.


## Initialization <a name="init"></a>

#### 1. Docker-compose will configure your database and some NLP bricks (such as CoreNLP):

``` sh
# If docker is not installed:
# curl -sSL https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-gargantext/raw/dev/devops/docker/docker-install | sh
cd devops/docker
docker compose up
Initialization schema should be loaded automatically (from `devops/postgres/schema.sql`).

#### 2. Then install:
``` sh
stack --nix install

#### 3. Copy the configuration file:
``` sh
cp gargantext.ini_toModify gargantext.ini
> Do not worry, `.gitignore` avoids adding this file to the repository by mistake, then you can change the passwords in gargantext.ini safely.

#### 4. A user have to be created first as instance:
``` sh
~/.local/bin/gargantext-init "gargantext.ini"
Now, `user1` is created with password `1resu`

#### 5. Clone FRONTEND repository:

From the Backend root folder (haskell-gargantext):

git clone ssh://git@gitlab.iscpif.fr:20022/gargantext/purescript-gargantext.git

## Launch & develop GarganText <a name="launch"></a>

From the Backend root folder (haskell-gargantext):

``` shell

> The start script runs following commands:
> `docker compose up` to run the Docker for postgresql from devops/docker folder
> `stack --nix exec gargantext-server -- --ini gargantext.ini --run Prod` to run other services

For frontend development and compilation, see the [Frontend Readme.md](https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/purescript-gargantext#dev)

## Use Cases <a name="use-cases"></a>

### Multi-User with Graphical User Interface (Server Mode)

``` sh
~/.local/bin/stack --docker exec gargantext-server -- --ini "gargantext.ini" --run Prod

Then you can log in with `user1` / `1resu`

### Command Line Mode tools

#### Simple cooccurrences computation and indexation from a list of Ngrams

``` sh
stack --docker exec gargantext-cli -- CorpusFromGarg.csv ListFromGarg.csv Ouput.json

### Analyzing the ngrams table repo

We store the repository in directory `repos` in the [CBOR](https://cbor.io/)
file format. To decode it to JSON and analyze, say, using
[jq](https://shapeshed.com/jq-json/), use the following command:

``` sh
cat repos/repo.cbor.v5 | stack --nix exec gargantext-cbor2json | jq .
### Documentation

To build documentation, run:

stack --nix build --haddock --no-haddock-deps --fast

(in `.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-nix/Cabal-`).

## GraphQL <a name="graphql"></a>

Some introspection information.

Playground is located at http://localhost:8008/gql

### List all GraphQL types in the Playground

  __schema {
    types {

### List details about a type in GraphQL

  __type(name:"User") {
  	fields {
      type {
## PostgreSQL <a name="pgsql"></a>

### Upgrading using Docker


To upgrade PostgreSQL in Docker containers, for example from 11.x to 14.x, simply run:
docker exec -it <container-id> pg_dumpall -U gargantua > 11-db.dump

Then, shut down the container, replace `image` section in
`devops/docker/docker-compose.yaml` with `postgres:14`. Also, it is a good practice to create a new volume, say `garg-pgdata14` and bind the new container to it. If you want to keep the same volume, remember about removing it like so:
docker-compose rm postgres
docker volume rm docker_garg-pgdata

Now, start the container and execute:
# need to drop the empty DB first, since schema will be created when restoring the dump
docker exec -i <new-container-id> dropdb -U gargantua gargandbV5
# recreate the db, but empty with no schema
docker exec -i <new-container-id> createdb -U gargantua gargandbV5
# now we can restore the dump
docker exec -i <new-container-id> psql -U gargantua -d gargandbV5 < 11-db.dump

### Upgrading using 

There is a solution using pgupgrade_cluster but you need to manage the
clusters version 14 and 13. Hence here is a simple solution to upgrade.

First save your data:
sudo su postgres
pg_dumpall > gargandb.dump

Upgrade postgresql:
sudo apt install postgresql-server-14 postgresql-client-14
sudo apt remove --purge postgresql-13
Restore your data:
sudo su postgres
psql < gargandb.dump

Maybe you need to restore the gargantua password
ALTER ROLE gargantua PASSWORD 'yourPasswordIn_gargantext.ini'
Maybe you need to change the port to 5433 for database connection in
your gargantext.ini file.