[DOCS] Some fixes for favorites and deletes

parent ce5135f4
......@@ -51,5 +51,10 @@ put url = send PUT url <<< Just
delete :: forall a. DecodeJson a => String -> Aff a
delete url = send DELETE url noReqBody
-- This might not be a good idea:
-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14323716/restful-alternatives-to-delete-request-body
deleteWithBody :: forall a b. EncodeJson a => DecodeJson b => String -> a -> Aff b
deleteWithBody url = send DELETE url <<< Just
post :: forall a b. EncodeJson a => DecodeJson b => String -> a -> Aff b
post url = send POST url <<< Just
......@@ -9,38 +9,36 @@ import Affjax.ResponseFormat (printResponseFormatError)
import Affjax.ResponseFormat as ResponseFormat
import Control.Monad.Cont.Trans (lift)
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, class EncodeJson, decodeJson, encodeJson, jsonEmptyObject, (.?), (:=), (~>))
import Data.Array (cons, drop, take, (:))
import Data.Array (drop, take, (:))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.HTTP.Method (Method(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import React as React
import React (ReactClass, ReactElement, Children)
import React.DOM (a, br', div, input, p, text)
import React.DOM.Props (_type, className, href, style, placeholder, name)
import Thermite (Render, Spec, defaultPerformAction, simpleSpec)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config (NodeType(..), TabType(..), toUrl, End(..), OrderBy(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get, post)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get, put, post, deleteWithBody)
import Gargantext.Utils.DecodeMaybe ((.|))
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.ECharts (chart)
import Gargantext.Components.Loader as Loader
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Components.Node (NodePoly(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Config (NodeType(..), TabType(..), toUrl, End(..), OrderBy(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get, post)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Dashboard (globalPublis)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Types (CorpusInfo(..), Props)
import Gargantext.Utils.DecodeMaybe ((.|))
import React.DOM (a, br', button, div, i, input, p, text)
import React.DOM.Props (_type, className, href, name, onClick, placeholder, style, value)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, defaultPerformAction, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, defaultPerformAction, modifyState_, simpleSpec)
-- TODO: Pagination Details are not available from the BackEnd
-- TODO: Search is pending
......@@ -49,51 +47,15 @@ import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, defaultPerformAction, modifyState,
-- TODO: Filter is Pending
-- TODO: When a pagination link is clicked, reload data.
type State =
{ documents :: DocumentsView
, deleteRows :: Boolean
, deleteRowId :: Array Int
, delete :: Array DeleteRow
newtype DeleteRow = DeleteRow
deleteRowId :: Int
, deleteRows :: Boolean
type State =
{ documentIdsToDelete :: Set Int
data Action
= SendFavorites Int
| DeleteDocuments Int
= MarkFavorites (Array Int)
| ToggleDocumentToDelete Int
| Trash
performAction :: PerformAction State Props Action
performAction (SendFavorites nid) {path : nodeId} _ = void $ do
s' <- lift $ favorites nid (FavoriteQuery {favorites : [nid]})
case s' of
Left err -> do
logs err
modifyState identity
Right d -> modifyState identity
--TODO add array of delete rows here
performAction (DeleteDocuments nid) _ s = void $ do
logs $ show nid
modifyState \state -> state {deleteRowId = ( cons nid s.deleteRowId), deleteRows = true}
performAction Trash {path:nodeId} state = void $ do
s' <- lift $ deleteDocuments nodeId (DeleteDocumentQuery {documents : state.deleteRowId})
case s' of
Left err -> do
logs err
modifyState identity
Right d -> modifyState identity
-- modifyState \state -> state {deleteRowId = ( cons nid s.deleteRowId), deleteRows = true} for referrence
newtype DocumentsView
= DocumentsView
{ _id :: Int
......@@ -176,6 +138,22 @@ filterSpec = simpleSpec defaultPerformAction render
layoutDocview :: Spec State Props Action
layoutDocview = simpleSpec performAction render
performAction :: PerformAction State Props Action
performAction (MarkFavorites nids) {path : nodeId} _ =
void $ lift $ putFavorites nodeId (FavoriteQuery {favorites: nids})
--TODO add array of delete rows here
performAction (ToggleDocumentToDelete nid) _ _ =
modifyState_ \state -> state {documentIdsToDelete = toggleSet nid state.documentIdsToDelete}
performAction Trash {path: nodeId} {documentIdsToDelete} =
void $ lift $ deleteDocuments nodeId (DeleteDocumentQuery {documents: Set.toUnfoldable documentIdsToDelete})
-- TODO: what to do now that the documents are deleted
-- * should we reload?
-- * should we locally update our data?
-- * should we reset documentIdsToDelete?
-- * if so, how to un-check the checkboxes since the inputs are uncontrolled?
-- (maybe there is no need to uncheck them if they disapear because we
-- either reload or local update our data)
render :: Render State Props Action
render dispatch {path: nodeId, loaded: corpusInfo} _ _ =
[ p [] []
......@@ -188,17 +166,16 @@ layoutDocview = simpleSpec performAction render
[ pageLoader
{ path: initialPageParams nodeId
, corpusInfo
, dispatch
, div [className "col-md-12"]
[ button [style {backgroundColor: "peru", padding : "9px", color : "white", border : "white", float: "right"}
, onClick $ (\_ -> dispatch $ Trash )
[ button [ style {backgroundColor: "peru", padding : "9px", color : "white", border : "white", float: "right"}
, onClick $ (\_ -> dispatch Trash)
[ i [className "glyphitem glyphicon glyphicon-trash", style {marginRight : "9px"}] []
, text "Trash it !"
......@@ -242,20 +219,25 @@ loadPage {nodeId, params: {limit, offset, orderBy}} = do
convOrderBy _ = DateAsc -- TODO
type PageLoaderProps =
type PageLoaderProps ext =
{ path :: PageParams
, corpusInfo :: Maybe (NodePoly CorpusInfo)
, dispatch :: Action -> Effect Unit
| ext
renderPage :: forall props path.
Render (Loader.State {nodeId :: Int | path} (Array DocumentsView))
{corpusInfo :: Maybe (NodePoly CorpusInfo) | props}
{ corpusInfo :: Maybe (NodePoly CorpusInfo)
, dispatch :: Action -> Effect Unit
| props
(Loader.Action PageParams)
renderPage _ _ {loaded: Nothing} _ = [] -- TODO loading spinner
renderPage dispatch {corpusInfo} {currentPath: {nodeId}, loaded: Just res} _ =
renderPage loaderDispatch {corpusInfo, dispatch} {currentPath: {nodeId}, loaded: Just res} _ =
[ T.tableElt
{ rows
, setParams: \params -> liftEffect $ dispatch (Loader.SetPath {nodeId, params})
, setParams: \params -> liftEffect $ loaderDispatch (Loader.SetPath {nodeId, params})
, container: T.defaultContainer { title: "Documents" }
, colNames:
T.ColumnName <$>
......@@ -274,13 +256,13 @@ renderPage dispatch {corpusInfo} {currentPath: {nodeId}, loaded: Just res} _ =
dispatch2 _ = logs "TODO dispatch2"
fa true = "fas "
fa false = "far "
rows = (\(DocumentsView r) ->
{ row:
[ div []
[ a [className $ fa r.fav <> "fa-star" ,onClick $ (\_-> dispatch2 $ (SendFavorites r._id))] []
[ a [className $ fa r.fav <> "fa-star" ,onClick $ (\_->
dispatch $ MarkFavorites [r._id])] []
-- TODO show date: Year-Month-Day only
, if (r.delete) then
......@@ -295,15 +277,15 @@ renderPage dispatch {corpusInfo} {currentPath: {nodeId}, loaded: Just res} _ =
div [style {textDecoration : "line-through"}] [ text r.source]
div [] [ text r.source]
, input [ _type "checkbox", onClick $ (\_ -> dispatch2 $ (DeleteDocuments r._id))]
, input [ _type "checkbox", onClick $ (\_ -> dispatch $ ToggleDocumentToDelete r._id)]
, delete: true
}) <$> res
pageLoaderClass :: ReactClass { path :: PageParams, corpusInfo :: Maybe (NodePoly CorpusInfo), children :: Children }
pageLoaderClass :: ReactClass (PageLoaderProps (children :: Children))
pageLoaderClass = Loader.createLoaderClass' "PageLoader" loadPage renderPage
pageLoader :: PageLoaderProps -> ReactElement
pageLoader :: PageLoaderProps () -> ReactElement
pageLoader props = React.createElement pageLoaderClass props []
......@@ -358,58 +340,17 @@ instance encodeJsonDDQuery :: EncodeJson DeleteDocumentQuery where
= "documents" := post.documents
~> jsonEmptyObject
putFavorites :: Int -> FavoriteQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
putFavorites nodeId = put (toUrl Back Node nodeId <> "/favorites")
deleteFavorites :: Int -> FavoriteQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
deleteFavorites nodeId = deleteWithBody (toUrl Back Node nodeId <> "/favorites")
deleteDocuments :: Int -> DeleteDocumentQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
deleteDocuments nodeId = deleteWithBody (toUrl Back Node nodeId <> "/documents")
favorites :: Int -> FavoriteQuery -> Aff (Either String (Array Int))
favorites nodeId reqbody= do
res <- request $ defaultRequest
{ url = "http://localhost:8008/api/v1.0/node/"<>show nodeId <>"/favorites"
, responseFormat = ResponseFormat.json
, method = Left PUT
, headers = []
, content = Just $ Json $ encodeJson reqbody
case res.body of
Left err -> do
logs $ printResponseFormatError err
pure $ Left $ printResponseFormatError err
Right json -> do
let obj = decodeJson json
pure obj
deleteFavorites :: Int -> FavoriteQuery -> Aff (Either String (Array Int))
deleteFavorites nodeId reqbody = do
-- TODO use Config.REST.delete
res <- request $ defaultRequest
{ url = "http://localhost:8008/api/v1.0/node/"<>show nodeId<>"/favorites"
, responseFormat = ResponseFormat.json
, method = Left DELETE
, headers = []
, content = Just $ Json $ encodeJson reqbody
case res.body of
Left err -> do
logs $ printResponseFormatError err
pure $ Left $ printResponseFormatError err
Right json -> do
let obj = decodeJson json
pure obj
deleteDocuments :: Int -> DeleteDocumentQuery -> Aff (Either String Unit)
deleteDocuments nodeId reqbody= do
-- TODO use Config.REST.delete
res <- request $ defaultRequest
{ url = "http://localhost:8008/api/v1.0/annuaire/"<>show nodeId <>"/documents"
, responseFormat = ResponseFormat.json
, method = Left DELETE
, headers = []
, content = Just $ Json $ encodeJson reqbody
case res.body of
Left err -> do
logs $ printResponseFormatError err
pure $ Left $ printResponseFormatError err
Right json -> do
-- let obj = decodeJson json
pure $ Right unit
-- TODO: not optimal but Data.Set lacks some function (Set.alter)
toggleSet :: forall a. Ord a => a -> Set a -> Set a
toggleSet a s
| Set.member a s = Set.delete a s
| otherwise = Set.insert a s
module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.States where
import Data.Lens (Lens', lens)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Documents as D
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Ngrams.NgramsTable as N
import Gargantext.Components.Tab as Tab
......@@ -15,10 +16,7 @@ type State =
initialState :: {} -> State
initialState _ =
{ docsView :
{ documents : D.sampleData'
, deleteRows : false
, deleteRowId : []
, delete : []
{ documentIdsToDelete : mempty
, ngramsView : {} -- N.initialState
, activeTab : 0
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