Commit 424681d5 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[graph] remove the Data.Sequence quickfix

We are back to using original "sequences" package, it seems to work
OK (except the recursion error is still thrown, but that was also with
parent a5758914
Pipeline #3436 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ to generate this file without the comments in this block.
, "record"
, "record-extra"
, "routing"
, "sequences"
, "simple-json"
, "simple-json-generics"
, "simplecrypto"
module Data.Sequence where
module Data.SequenceArr where
import Prelude
import Data.Array as A
......@@ -27,4 +27,3 @@ singleton = A.singleton
splitAt idx seq = Tuple s.before s.after
s = A.splitAt idx seq
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