Commit 83b4876a authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[ngramsTable] search: delay search on button/enter press

parent 83e84d51
Pipeline #3019 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ searchInputCpt = here.component "searchInput" cpt
pure $ R2.row
[ H.div { className: "col-12" }
[ H.div { className: "input-group" }
[ searchButton { inputRef, searchQuery } []
, searchFieldInput { inputRef, searchQuery } []
[ searchFieldInput { inputRef, searchQuery } []
, searchButton { inputRef, searchQuery } []
......@@ -53,31 +53,34 @@ searchButtonCpt = here.component "searchButton" cpt where
pure $
{ className: intercalate " "
[ "search-button-prepend"
, "input-group-prepend"
{ className: "search-button-append input-group-append" }
if searchQuery' /= ""
[ B.button
{ variant: ButtonVariant Light
, callback: \_ -> R2.setInputValue inputRef ""
-- T.write "" searchQuery
, className: "input-group-text"
, callback: \_ -> do
R2.setInputValue inputRef ""
T.write_ "" searchQuery
, className: "input-group-text" }
[ B.icon
{ name: "times"
, className: "text-danger"
, B.button { callback: \_ -> T.write_ (R2.getInputValue inputRef) searchQuery
, className: "input-group-text" }
[ B.icon { name: "search" }
{ name: "search"
, className: "input-group-text"
B.button { callback: \_ -> T.write_ (R2.getInputValue inputRef) searchQuery
, className: "input-group-text" }
[ B.icon
{ name: "search" }
type SearchFieldInputProps =
......@@ -90,13 +93,20 @@ searchFieldInput = R.createElement searchFieldInputCpt
searchFieldInputCpt :: R.Component SearchFieldInputProps
searchFieldInputCpt = here.component "searchFieldInput" cpt where
cpt { inputRef, searchQuery } _ = do
-- searchQuery' <- T.useLive T.unequal searchQuery
pure $ H.input { className: "form-control"
-- , defaultValue: searchQuery'
, name: "search"
, on: { input: \e -> T.write (R.unsafeEventValue e) searchQuery }
, on: { keyPress: onKeyPress }
, placeholder: "Search"
, ref: inputRef
, type: "value"
onKeyPress e = do
char <- R2.keyCode e
if char == 13 then
T.write_ (R2.getInputValue inputRef) searchQuery
pure unit
......@@ -608,6 +608,12 @@ foreign import _triggerEvent
triggerEvent :: forall el. el -> String -> Effect Unit
triggerEvent = runEffectFn2 _triggerEvent
getInputValue :: R.Ref (Nullable DOM.Element) -> String
getInputValue elNullableRef = case toMaybe (R.readRef elNullableRef) of
Nothing -> ""
Just el ->
el .. "value"
setInputValue :: R.Ref (Nullable DOM.Element) -> String -> Effect Unit
setInputValue elNullableRef val = case toMaybe (R.readRef elNullableRef) of
Nothing -> pure unit
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