Commit 9e3eeab9 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/431-dev-lost-password-email' into dev-merge

parents 8dcbc1c4 6c842cd0
Pipeline #3202 canceled with stage
......@@ -33,46 +33,58 @@ forgotPasswordCpt = here.component "forgotPassword" cpt where
cpt { backend, sessions } _ = do
email <- T.useBox ""
message <- T.useBox ""
disabled <- T.useBox false
pure $ H.div { className: "row" }
[ H.form { className: "text-center col-md-12" }
[ H.h4 {} [ H.text "Forgot password" ]
, messageDisplay { message }
, formGroup
[ emailInput email ]
, submitButton { backend, email, sessions, message }
[ emailInput { email, disabled} ]
, submitButton { backend, email, sessions, message, disabled }
emailInput :: forall cell. T.ReadWrite cell Email => cell -> R.Element
emailInput value = F.bindInput { value
emailInput :: R2.Leaf (email :: T.Box Email, disabled :: T.Box Boolean)
emailInput = R2.leaf emailInputCpt
emailInputCpt :: R.Component (email :: T.Box Email, disabled :: T.Box Boolean)
emailInputCpt = here.component "emailInput" cpt where
cpt { email, disabled } _ = do
disabled' <- T.useLive T.unequal disabled
pure $ F.bindInput { value: email
, type: "email"
, className: "form-control"
, id: "id_email"
, placeholder: "email"
, name: "email"
, maxLength: "254" }
, maxLength: "254"
, disabled: disabled' }
type SubmitButtonProps =
( email :: T.Box Email
, message :: T.Box String
, disabled :: T.Box Boolean
| Props )
submitButton :: R2.Leaf SubmitButtonProps
submitButton = R2.leafComponent submitButtonCpt
submitButtonCpt :: R.Component SubmitButtonProps
submitButtonCpt = here.component "submitButton" cpt where
cpt { backend, email, sessions, message} _ = do
cpt { backend, email, sessions, message, disabled} _ = do
email' <- T.useLive T.unequal email
disabled' <- T.useLive T.unequal disabled
pure $ H.div {className: "form-group text-center"}
[ H.button { className: "btn btn-primary"
, disabled: disabled'
, on: { click: click email' }}
[ H.text "Submit" ]
click :: Email -> R.SyntheticEvent DE.MouseEvent -> Effect Unit
click email' e = do
liftEffect $ T.write_ true disabled
E.preventDefault e
here.log2 "email" email'
here.log2 "backend" backend
......@@ -81,7 +93,9 @@ submitButtonCpt = here.component "submitButton" cpt where
res <- postForgotPasswordRequest backend email'
liftEffect $ here.log2 "res" res
liftEffect $ case res of
Left s -> T.write_ s message
Left s -> do
T.write_ false disabled
T.write_ s message
Right _ -> T.write_ "Request sent!" message
messageDisplay :: R2.Leaf (message :: T.Box String)
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