Commit bd247a02 authored by arturo's avatar arturo

>>> BEGIN 375 - rc1.x

parent 99c67182
Pipeline #2675 canceled with stage
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ type Props =
type Options =
( className :: String
, contentClassName :: String
options :: Record Options
options =
{ className: ""
{ className : ""
, contentClassName : ""
-- | Component simulating a native <fieldset>
......@@ -36,12 +38,21 @@ component = R.hooksComponent componentName cpt where
cpt props@{ titleSlot
} children = do
-- Computed
className <- pure $ intercalate " "
className = intercalate " "
-- provided custom className
[ props.className
-- BEM classNames
, componentName
contentClassName = intercalate " "
-- provided custom className
[ props.contentClassName
-- BEM classNames
, componentName <> "__content"
-- Render
pure $
......@@ -53,6 +64,6 @@ component = R.hooksComponent componentName cpt where
[ titleSlot ]
{ className: componentName <> "__content" }
{ className: contentClassName}
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Icon(icon) as Exports
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.IconButton(iconButton) as Exports
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.ProgressBar(progressBar) as Exports
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Spinner(spinner) as Exports
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Tabs(tabs) as Exports
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltip, tooltipBind, tooltipContainer) as Exports
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Shortcut(
module Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Tabs(tabs) where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Foldable (intercalate)
import Effect (Effect)
import Gargantext.Utils ((?))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
type Props a =
( value :: a
, callback :: a -> Effect Unit
, list :: Array a
| Options
type Options =
( className :: String
options :: Record Options
options =
{ className : ""
-- | Structural molecular component to the Bootstrap <nav-tabs> + <nav-item>
-- | simplifying a lot of the available UI/UX possibilites (type, disabled
-- | tabs, etc)
-- |
-- |
tabs :: forall r a.
Show a
=> Eq a
=> R2.OptLeaf Options (Props a) r
tabs = R2.optLeaf component options
componentName :: String
componentName = "b-tabs"
component :: forall a.
Show a
=> Eq a
=> R.Component (Props a)
component = R.hooksComponent componentName cpt where
cpt props@{ list, value, callback } _ = do
-- Computed
className = intercalate " "
-- provided custom className
[ props.className
-- BEM classNames
, componentName
-- Bootstrap specific classNames
, "nav nav-tabs"
-- Render
pure $
{ className } $
flip map list \item ->
{ className: "nav-item"
, on: { click: \_ -> callback item }
{ className: intercalate " "
[ "nav-link"
, value == item ? "active" $ ""
H.text $ show item
......@@ -132,9 +132,12 @@ graphCpt = here.component "graph" cpt where
Sigma.stopForceAtlas2 sig
case mCamera of
Nothing -> pure unit
Just (GET.Camera { ratio, x, y }) -> do
Sigma.updateCamera sig { ratio, x, y }
-- Default camera: slightly de-zoom the graph to avoid
-- nodes sticking to the container borders
Nothing ->
Sigma.updateCamera sig { ratio: 1.1, x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }
-- Reload Sigma on Theme changes
_ <- flip T.listen boxes.theme \{ old, new } ->
module Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Button
( Props, centerButton, simpleButton, cameraButton ) where
module Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Buttons
( Props
, centerButton
, simpleButton
, cameraButton
, edgesToggleButton
, louvainToggleButton
, pauseForceAtlasButton
, resetForceAtlasButton
, multiSelectEnabledButton
) where
import Prelude
import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Data.DateTime as DDT
import Data.DateTime.Instant as DDI
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Enum (fromEnum)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.DateTime as DDT
import Data.DateTime.Instant as DDI
import Data.String as DS
import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Now as EN
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap as B
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Types (ButtonVariant(..), ComponentStatus(..), Variant(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Upload (uploadArbitraryData)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Upload.Types (FileFormat(..))
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.API (cloneGraph)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Resources as Graph
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types as GET
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Utils as GEU
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax as Sigmax
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Sigma as Sigma
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Types as SigmaxTypes
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Utils ((?))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Button"
......@@ -36,9 +50,12 @@ type Props = (
, text :: String
-- @WIP
simpleButton :: Record Props -> R.Element
simpleButton props = R.createElement simpleButtonCpt props []
simpleButtonCpt :: R.Component Props
simpleButtonCpt = here.component "simpleButton" cpt
......@@ -48,14 +65,16 @@ simpleButtonCpt = here.component "simpleButton" cpt
} [ R2.small {} [ H.text text ] ]
centerButton :: R.Ref Sigmax.Sigma -> R.Element
centerButton sigmaRef = simpleButton {
onClick: \_ -> do
centerButton sigmaRef = B.button
{ variant: OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary
, callback: \_ -> do
let sigma = R.readRef sigmaRef
Sigmax.dependOnSigma sigma "[centerButton] sigma: Nothing" $ \s ->
Sigma.goToAllCameras s {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, ratio: 1.0, angle: 0.0}
, text: "Center"
[ H.text "Center" ]
type CameraButtonProps =
( id :: Int
......@@ -71,8 +90,10 @@ cameraButton { id
, hyperdataGraph: GET.HyperdataGraph { graph: GET.GraphData hyperdataGraph }
, session
, sigmaRef
, reloadForest } = simpleButton {
onClick: \_ -> do
, reloadForest } = B.button
{ variant: OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary
, callback: \_ -> do
let sigma = R.readRef sigmaRef
Sigmax.dependOnSigma sigma "[cameraButton] sigma: Nothing" $ \s -> do
screen <- Sigma.takeScreenshot s
......@@ -105,5 +126,171 @@ cameraButton { id
Left err -> liftEffect $ log2 "[cameraButton] RESTError" err
Right _ret -> do
liftEffect $ T2.reload reloadForest
, text: "Screenshot"
[ H.text "Screenshot" ]
type EdgesButtonProps =
( state :: T.Box SigmaxTypes.ShowEdgesState
, stateAtlas :: T.Box SigmaxTypes.ForceAtlasState
edgesToggleButton :: R2.Leaf EdgesButtonProps
edgesToggleButton = R2.leaf edgesToggleButtonCpt
edgesToggleButtonCpt :: R.Component EdgesButtonProps
edgesToggleButtonCpt = here.component "edgesToggleButton" cpt
cpt { state, stateAtlas } _ = do
-- States
state' <- R2.useLive' state
stateAtlas' <- R2.useLive' stateAtlas
-- Computed
cst SigmaxTypes.InitialRunning = Disabled
cst SigmaxTypes.Running = Disabled
cst _ = Enabled
-- Render
pure $
{ variant: state' == SigmaxTypes.EShow ?
ButtonVariant Secondary $
OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary
, status: cst stateAtlas'
-- TODO: Move this to Graph.purs to the R.useEffect handler which renders nodes/edges
, callback: \_ -> T.modify_ SigmaxTypes.toggleShowEdgesState state
[ H.text "Edges" ]
type LouvainToggleButtonProps =
( state :: T.Box Boolean
louvainToggleButton :: R2.Leaf LouvainToggleButtonProps
louvainToggleButton = R2.leaf louvainToggleButtonCpt
louvainToggleButtonCpt :: R.Component LouvainToggleButtonProps
louvainToggleButtonCpt = here.component "louvainToggleButton" cpt
cpt { state } _ = do
state' <- R2.useLive' state
pure $
{ variant: state' ?
ButtonVariant Secondary $
OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary
, callback: \_ -> T.modify_ (not) state
[ H.text "Louvain" ]
type ForceAtlasProps =
( state :: T.Box SigmaxTypes.ForceAtlasState
pauseForceAtlasButton :: R2.Leaf ForceAtlasProps
pauseForceAtlasButton = R2.leaf pauseForceAtlasButtonCpt
pauseForceAtlasButtonCpt :: R.Component ForceAtlasProps
pauseForceAtlasButtonCpt = here.component "forceAtlasToggleButton" cpt
cpt { state } _ = do
-- States
state' <- R2.useLive' state
-- Computed
cls SigmaxTypes.InitialRunning = "on-running-animation active"
cls SigmaxTypes.Running = "on-running-animation active"
cls _ = ""
vrt SigmaxTypes.InitialRunning = ButtonVariant Secondary
vrt SigmaxTypes.Running = ButtonVariant Secondary
vrt _ = OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary
icn SigmaxTypes.InitialRunning = "pause"
icn SigmaxTypes.InitialStopped = "play"
icn SigmaxTypes.Running = "pause"
icn SigmaxTypes.Paused = "play"
icn SigmaxTypes.Killed = "play"
-- Render
pure $
{ variant: vrt state'
, className: cls state'
, callback: \_ -> T.modify_ SigmaxTypes.toggleForceAtlasState state
{ name: icn state'}
type ResetForceAtlasProps =
( forceAtlasState :: T.Box SigmaxTypes.ForceAtlasState
, sigmaRef :: R.Ref Sigmax.Sigma
resetForceAtlasButton :: R2.Leaf ResetForceAtlasProps
resetForceAtlasButton = R2.leaf resetForceAtlasButtonCpt
resetForceAtlasButtonCpt :: R.Component ResetForceAtlasProps
resetForceAtlasButtonCpt = here.component "resetForceAtlasToggleButton" cpt
cpt { forceAtlasState, sigmaRef } _ = do
pure $ H.button { className: "btn btn-outline-secondary"
, on: { click: onClick forceAtlasState sigmaRef }
} [ R2.small {} [ H.text "Reset Force Atlas" ] ]
onClick forceAtlasState sigmaRef _ = do
-- TODO Sigma.killForceAtlas2 sigma
-- startForceAtlas2 sigma
Sigmax.dependOnSigma (R.readRef sigmaRef) "[resetForceAtlasButton] no sigma" $ \sigma -> do
Sigma.killForceAtlas2 sigma
Sigma.refreshForceAtlas sigma Graph.forceAtlas2Settings
T.write_ SigmaxTypes.Killed forceAtlasState
type MultiSelectEnabledButtonProps =
( state :: T.Box Boolean
multiSelectEnabledButton :: R2.Leaf MultiSelectEnabledButtonProps
multiSelectEnabledButton = R2.leaf multiSelectEnabledButtonCpt
multiSelectEnabledButtonCpt :: R.Component MultiSelectEnabledButtonProps
multiSelectEnabledButtonCpt = here.component "multiSelectEnabledButton" cpt
cpt { state } _ = do
state' <- R2.useLive' state
pure $
{ className: "btn-group"
, role: "group"
{ variant: state' ?
OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary $
ButtonVariant Secondary
, callback: \_ -> T.write_ false state
[ H.text "Single-node" ]
{ variant: state' ?
ButtonVariant Secondary $
OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary
, callback: \_ -> T.write_ true state
[ H.text "Multi-node" ]
module Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Legend
( Props, legend, legendCpt
( Props, legend
) where
import Prelude hiding (map)
......@@ -7,31 +7,39 @@ import Prelude hiding (map)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Traversable (foldMap)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as RH
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types (Legend(..), intColor)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Legend"
type Props = ( items :: Seq Legend )
legend :: Record Props -> R.Element
legend props = R.createElement legendCpt props []
legend :: R2.Leaf Props
legend = R2.leaf legendCpt
legendCpt :: R.Component Props
legendCpt = here.component "legend" cpt
cpt {items} _ = pure $ RH.div {} [foldMap entry items]
entry :: Legend -> R.Element
entry (Legend {id_, label}) =
RH.p {}
[ RH.span { style: { width : 10
, height: 10
, backgroundColor: intColor id_
, display: "inline-block"
legendCpt = here.component "legend" cpt where
cpt { items } _ = pure $
{ className: "graph-legend" }
flip foldMap items \(Legend { id_, label }) ->
{ className: "graph-legend__item" }
{ className: "graph-legend__code"
, style: { backgroundColor: intColor id_ }
} []
, RH.text $ " " <> label
{ className: "graph-legend__caption" }
[ H.text label ]
......@@ -18,37 +18,45 @@ import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.RangeControl"
type Props = (
caption :: String
type Props =
( caption :: String
, sliderProps :: Record RS.Props
rangeControl :: R2.Component Props
rangeControl = R.createElement rangeControlCpt
rangeControl :: R2.Leaf Props
rangeControl = R2.leaf rangeControlCpt
rangeControlCpt :: R.Component Props
rangeControlCpt = here.component "rangeButton" cpt
cpt {caption, sliderProps} _ = do
pure $
H.span {className: "range text-center"}
[ H.label {} [ R2.small {} [ H.text caption ] ]
, RS.rangeSlider sliderProps
cpt {caption, sliderProps} _ = pure $
{ className: "range-control" }
{ className: "range-control__label" }
[ H.text caption ]
RS.rangeSlider sliderProps
type EdgeConfluenceControlProps = (
range :: Range.NumberRange
type EdgeConfluenceControlProps =
( range :: Range.NumberRange
, state :: T.Box Range.NumberRange
edgeConfluenceControl :: R2.Component EdgeConfluenceControlProps
edgeConfluenceControl = R.createElement edgeConfluenceControlCpt
edgeConfluenceControl :: R2.Leaf EdgeConfluenceControlProps
edgeConfluenceControl = R2.leaf edgeConfluenceControlCpt
edgeConfluenceControlCpt :: R.Component EdgeConfluenceControlProps
edgeConfluenceControlCpt = here.component "edgeConfluenceControl" cpt
cpt { range: Range.Closed { min, max }
, state } _ = do
, state
} _ = do
state' <- T.useLive T.unequal state
pure $ rangeControl {
......@@ -62,21 +70,24 @@ edgeConfluenceControlCpt = here.component "edgeConfluenceControl" cpt
, height: 5.0
, onChange: \rng -> T.write_ rng state
} []
type EdgeWeightControlProps = (
range :: Range.NumberRange
type EdgeWeightControlProps =
( range :: Range.NumberRange
, state :: T.Box Range.NumberRange
edgeWeightControl :: R2.Component EdgeWeightControlProps
edgeWeightControl = R.createElement edgeWeightControlCpt
edgeWeightControl :: R2.Leaf EdgeWeightControlProps
edgeWeightControl = R2.leaf edgeWeightControlCpt
edgeWeightControlCpt :: R.Component EdgeWeightControlProps
edgeWeightControlCpt = here.component "edgeWeightControl" cpt
cpt { range: Range.Closed { min, max }
, state } _ = do
, state
} _ = do
state' <- T.useLive T.unequal state
pure $ rangeControl {
......@@ -90,21 +101,24 @@ edgeWeightControlCpt = here.component "edgeWeightControl" cpt
, height: 5.0
, onChange: \rng -> T.write_ rng state
} []
type NodeSideControlProps = (
range :: Range.NumberRange
type NodeSideControlProps =
( range :: Range.NumberRange
, state :: T.Box Range.NumberRange
nodeSizeControl :: R2.Component NodeSideControlProps
nodeSizeControl = R.createElement nodeSizeControlCpt
nodeSizeControl :: R2.Leaf NodeSideControlProps
nodeSizeControl = R2.leaf nodeSizeControlCpt
nodeSizeControlCpt :: R.Component NodeSideControlProps
nodeSizeControlCpt = here.component "nodeSizeControl" cpt
cpt { range: Range.Closed { min, max }
, state } _ = do
, state
} _ = do
state' <- T.useLive T.unequal state
pure $ rangeControl {
......@@ -118,4 +132,4 @@ nodeSizeControlCpt = here.component "nodeSizeControl" cpt
, height: 5.0
, onChange: \rng -> T.write_ rng state
} []
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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