[graph] some edge weight work, but unfinished and this doesn't compile!

parent 1a54188e
Pipeline #5995 failed with stages
in 7 minutes and 40 seconds
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ workspace:
- d3: "*"
- data-default: "*"
- datetime: ">=6.1.0 <7.0.0"
- debounce
- debug: ">=6.0.2 <7.0.0"
- dom-filereader: ">=7.0.0 <8.0.0"
- dom-simple: ">=0.4.0 <0.5.0"
......@@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ workspace:
- d3
- data-default
- datetime
- debounce
- debug
- distributive
- dom-filereader
......@@ -728,6 +730,8 @@ workspace:
git: https://github.com/garganscript/purescript-data-default.git
ref: v0.4.0
path: /data/git-work/github/PURESCRIPT/purescript-debounce
git: https://github.com/garganscript/purescript-graphql-client.git
ref: spago-next-9.3.2
......@@ -1050,6 +1054,13 @@ packages:
- partial
- prelude
- tuples
type: local
path: /data/git-work/github/PURESCRIPT/purescript-debounce
- effect
- ffi-simple
- prelude
type: registry
version: 6.0.2
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ workspace:
git: https://github.com/garganscript/purescript-d3.git
ref: v0.11.0
path: /data/git-work/github/PURESCRIPT/purescript-debounce
git: https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/purescript-string-search.git
ref: spago-next
......@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ package:
- d3: "*"
- data-default: "*"
- datetime: ">=6.1.0 <7.0.0"
- debounce
- debug: ">=6.0.2 <7.0.0"
- dom-filereader: ">=7.0.0 <8.0.0"
- dom-simple: ">=0.4.0 <0.5.0"
......@@ -235,6 +235,8 @@ graphViewCpt = R.memo' $ here.component "graphView" cpt where
, sigmaRef
} _ = do
-- { edgeConfluence, edgeWeight } <- GraphStore.use
-- edgeConfluence' <- R2.useLive' edgeConfluence
-- edgeWeight' <- R2.useLive' edgeWeight
-- nodeSize' <- R2.useLive' nodeSize
......@@ -410,7 +412,11 @@ hooksTransformGraph = do
params <- transformGraphStoreParams
graph' <- R2.useLive' store.graph
R.useEffect' $ do
here.log2 "[hooksTransformGraph] hashed" $ hashLiveProps params
R.useEffect2' (hashLiveProps params) graph' $ do
here.log2 "[hooksTransformGraph] transformed" $ transformGraph graph' params
T.write_ (transformGraph graph' params) store.transformedGraph
transformGraph :: SigmaxT.SGraph -> Record LiveProps -> SigmaxT.SGraph
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ type Store =
, edgeConfluence :: T.Box Range.NumberRange
, edgeConfluenceRange :: T.Box Range.NumberRange
, edgeWeight :: T.Box Range.NumberRange
, edgeWeightRange :: T.Box Range.NumberRange
, forceAtlasState :: T.Box SigmaxT.ForceAtlasState
, noverlapState :: T.Box SigmaxT.NoverlapState
, graphStage :: T.Box GET.Stage
......@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ type State =
, edgeConfluence :: Range.NumberRange
, edgeConfluenceRange :: Range.NumberRange
, edgeWeight :: Range.NumberRange
, edgeWeightRange :: Range.NumberRange
, forceAtlasState :: SigmaxT.ForceAtlasState
, noverlapState :: SigmaxT.NoverlapState
, graphStage :: GET.Stage
......@@ -109,6 +111,7 @@ options ::
, mouseSelectorSize :: Number
, multiSelectEnabled :: Boolean
, edgeConfluence :: Range.NumberRange
, edgeWeight :: Range.NumberRange
, graphStage :: GET.Stage
, nodeSize :: Range.NumberRange
--, showLouvain :: Boolean
......@@ -131,6 +134,7 @@ options =
, labelRenderedSizeThreshold : 2.0
, mouseSelectorSize : 15.0
, edgeConfluence : Range.Closed { min: 0.0, max: 1.0 }
, edgeWeight : Range.Closed { min: 0.0, max: 1.0 }
, graphStage : GET.Init
, nodeSize : Range.Closed { min: 0.0, max: 100.0 }
--, showLouvain : false
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ controlsCpt = R.memo' $ here.component "controls" cpt where
{ edgeConfluence
, edgeConfluenceRange
, edgeWeight
, edgeWeightRange
, forceAtlasState
, noverlapState
, graph
......@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ controlsCpt = R.memo' $ here.component "controls" cpt where
selectedNodeIds' <- R2.useLive' selectedNodeIds
showSidebar' <- R2.useLive' showSidebar
edgeConfluenceRange' <- R2.useLive' edgeConfluenceRange
edgeWeight' <- R2.useLive' edgeWeight
edgeWeightRange' <- R2.useLive' edgeWeightRange
nodeSizeRange' <- R2.useLive' nodeSizeRange
-- session <- useSession
......@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ controlsCpt = R.memo' $ here.component "controls" cpt where
gap, gap
, edgeWeightControl
{ forceAtlasState
, range: edgeWeight'
, range: edgeWeightRange'
, state: edgeWeight }
......@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ module Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Toolbar.RangeControl
, nodeSizeControl
) where
import Data.Tuple.Nested((/\))
import Debug (spy)
import Effect.Debounce as Debounce
import Prelude
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
......@@ -54,9 +57,39 @@ edgeConfluenceControlCpt :: R.Component EdgeConfluenceControlProps
edgeConfluenceControlCpt = here.component "edgeConfluenceControl" cpt
cpt { forceAtlasState
, range
, state
} _ = do
let onChange' rng = do
-- here.log2 "[edgeWeightControl] debounce rng" rng
let _ = spy "debounce rng" rng
T.write_ rng state
onChange = Debounce.debounce onChange' 1000
pure $ edgeConfluenceControlInternal { forceAtlasState
, onChange
, range
, state }
type EdgeConfluenceControlInternalProps =
( forceAtlasState :: T.Box SigmaxTypes.ForceAtlasState
, onChange :: Debounce.Debounce
, range :: Range.NumberRange
, state :: T.Box Range.NumberRange
edgeConfluenceControlInternal :: R2.Leaf EdgeConfluenceControlInternalProps
edgeConfluenceControlInternal = R2.leaf edgeConfluenceControlInternalCpt
edgeConfluenceControlInternalCpt :: R.Component EdgeConfluenceControlInternalProps
edgeConfluenceControlInternalCpt = here.component "edgeConfluenceControlInternal" cpt
cpt { forceAtlasState
, onChange
, range: Range.Closed { min, max }
, state
} _ = do
forceAtlasState' <- R2.useLive' forceAtlasState
state' <- T.useLive T.unequal state
......@@ -67,7 +100,7 @@ edgeConfluenceControlCpt = here.component "edgeConfluenceControl" cpt
, epsilon: 0.01
, height: 5.0
, initialValue: state'
, onChange: \rng -> T.write_ rng state
, onChange: \rng -> Debounce.call onChange rng
, status: SigmaxTypes.forceAtlasComponentStatus forceAtlasState'
, step: 1.0
, width: 10.0
......@@ -88,11 +121,63 @@ edgeWeightControlCpt :: R.Component EdgeWeightControlProps
edgeWeightControlCpt = here.component "edgeWeightControl" cpt
cpt { forceAtlasState
, range: range@(Range.Closed { min, max })
, state
} _ = do
let onChange' rng = do
-- here.log2 "[edgeWeightControl] debounce rng" rng
let _ = spy "debounce rng" rng
let _ = spy "debounce state" state
T.write_ rng state
onChange = Debounce.debounce onChange' 1000
forceAtlasState' <- R2.useLive' forceAtlasState
state' <- T.useLive T.unequal state
let _ = spy "[edgeWeightControlInteral] onChange" onChange
pure $ rangeControl {
caption: "Edge Weight"
, sliderProps: {
bounds: range
, initialValue: state'
, epsilon: (max - min) / 100.0
, height: 5.0
, onChange: \rng -> Debounce.call onChange rng
, status: SigmaxTypes.forceAtlasComponentStatus forceAtlasState'
, step: 1.0
, width: 10.0
-- pure $ edgeWeightControlInternal { forceAtlasState
-- , onChange
-- , range
-- , state }
type EdgeWeightControlInternalProps =
( forceAtlasState :: T.Box SigmaxTypes.ForceAtlasState
, onChange :: Debounce.Debounce
, range :: Range.NumberRange
, state :: T.Box Range.NumberRange
edgeWeightControlInternal :: R2.Leaf EdgeWeightControlInternalProps
edgeWeightControlInternal = R2.leaf edgeWeightControlInternalCpt
edgeWeightControlInternalCpt :: R.Component EdgeWeightControlInternalProps
edgeWeightControlInternalCpt = here.component "edgeWeightControlInternal" cpt
cpt { forceAtlasState
, onChange
, range: Range.Closed { min, max }
, state
} _ = do
forceAtlasState' <- R2.useLive' forceAtlasState
state' <- T.useLive T.unequal state
let _ = spy "[edgeWeightControlInteral] onChange" onChange
pure $ rangeControl {
caption: "Edge Weight"
......@@ -101,7 +186,7 @@ edgeWeightControlCpt = here.component "edgeWeightControl" cpt
, initialValue: state'
, epsilon: (max - min) / 100.0
, height: 5.0
, onChange: \rng -> T.write_ rng state
, onChange: \rng -> Debounce.call onChange rng
, status: SigmaxTypes.forceAtlasComponentStatus forceAtlasState'
, step: 1.0
, width: 10.0
......@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Graph
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Foldable (minimum, maximum)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isJust, fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isJust, maybe)
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import DOM.Simple (document, querySelector)
......@@ -165,6 +164,11 @@ hydrateStoreCpt = here.component "hydrateStore" cpt where
-- | Precompute some values
-- |
let edgesWeightSorted = A.sortWith (_.weight) $ Seq.toUnfoldable $ SigmaxT.graphEdges graph
let edgeWeightMin = maybe 0.0 _.weight $ A.head edgesWeightSorted
let edgeWeightMax = maybe 100.0 _.weight $ A.last edgesWeightSorted
let edgeWeightRange = Range.Closed { min: edgeWeightMin, max: edgeWeightMax }
let edgesConfluenceSorted = A.sortWith (_.confluence) $ Seq.toUnfoldable $ SigmaxT.graphEdges graph
let edgeConfluenceMin = maybe 0.0 _.confluence $ A.head edgesConfluenceSorted
let edgeConfluenceMax = maybe 100.0 _.confluence $ A.last edgesConfluenceSorted
......@@ -188,13 +192,13 @@ hydrateStoreCpt = here.component "hydrateStore" cpt where
-- { min: 0.0
-- , max: I.toNumber $ Seq.length $ SigmaxT.graphEdges graph
-- }
let weightsSeq = Seq.map _.weight $ SigmaxT.graphEdges graph
let edgeWeight = Range.Closed
{ min: fromMaybe 0.0 $ minimum weightsSeq
, max: fromMaybe 1.0 $ maximum weightsSeq } :: Range.Closed Number
-- let weightsSeq = Seq.map _.weight $ SigmaxT.graphEdges graph
-- let edgeWeight = Range.Closed
-- { min: fromMaybe 0.0 $ minimum weightsSeq
-- , max: fromMaybe 1.0 $ maximum weightsSeq } :: Range.Closed Number
let transformedGraph = transformGraph graph { edgeConfluence': GraphStore.options.edgeConfluence
, edgeWeight': edgeWeight
, edgeWeight': GraphStore.options.edgeWeight
, nodeSize': GraphStore.options.nodeSize
, removedNodeIds': GraphStore.options.removedNodeIds
, selectedNodeIds': GraphStore.options.selectedNodeIds
......@@ -212,7 +216,8 @@ hydrateStoreCpt = here.component "hydrateStore" cpt where
, startForceAtlas
, forceAtlasState
, noverlapState: SigmaxT.NoverlapPaused
, edgeWeight
-- , edgeWeight
, edgeWeightRange
, edgeConfluenceRange
, nodeSizeRange
-- (cache options)
'use strict';
import { useTransition } from 'react';
export function _addRootElement(rootElem) {
......@@ -62,3 +64,5 @@ export function _scrollIntoView(el) {
export const useTransition;
......@@ -648,3 +648,8 @@ setInputValue elNullableRef val = case toMaybe (R.readRef elNullableRef) of
_ <- pure $ (el .= "value") val
triggerEvent el "change"
triggerEvent el "input"
-- TODO useTransition?
foreign import data Transition :: Type
foreign import useTransitionImpl ::
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