module Gargantext.Types where import Gargantext.Prelude import Data.Array as A import Data.Eq.Generic (genericEq) import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic) import Data.Int (toNumber) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe) import Data.Newtype (class Newtype) import Data.Ord.Generic (genericCompare) import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow) import Data.String as S import Effect.Aff (Aff) import Foreign as F import Gargantext.Components.Lang (class Translate, Lang(..)) import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError, AffRESTError) import Gargantext.Utils.Glyphicon (classNamePrefix, glyphiconToCharCode) import GraphQL.Client.Args (class ArgGql) import GraphQL.Client.Variables.TypeName (class VarTypeName) import Prim.Row (class Union) import Reactix as R import Simple.JSON as JSON import Simple.JSON.Generics as JSONG import URI.Query (Query) data Handed = LeftHanded | RightHanded switchHanded :: forall a. a -> a -> Handed -> a switchHanded l _ LeftHanded = l switchHanded _ r RightHanded = r reverseHanded :: forall a. Handed -> Array a -> Array a reverseHanded LeftHanded a = A.reverse a reverseHanded RightHanded a = a flipHanded :: R.Element -> R.Element -> Handed -> R.Element flipHanded l r LeftHanded = R.fragment [r, l] flipHanded l r RightHanded = R.fragment [l, r] derive instance Generic Handed _ instance Eq Handed where eq = genericEq type ID = Int type Name = String newtype SessionId = SessionId String type NodeID = Int derive instance Generic SessionId _ instance Eq SessionId where eq = genericEq instance Show SessionId where show (SessionId s) = s data TermSize = MonoTerm | MultiTerm data Term = Term String TermList derive instance Generic TermSize _ instance Eq TermSize where eq = genericEq -- | Converts a data structure to a query string class ToQuery a where toQuery :: a -> Query instance Show TermSize where show MonoTerm = "MonoTerm" show MultiTerm = "MultiTerm" instance Read TermSize where read :: String -> Maybe TermSize read "MonoTerm" = Just MonoTerm read "MultiTerm" = Just MultiTerm read _ = Nothing termSizes :: Array { desc :: String, mval :: Maybe TermSize } termSizes = [ { desc: "All types", mval: Nothing } , { desc: "One-word terms", mval: Just MonoTerm } , { desc: "Multi-word terms", mval: Just MultiTerm } ] data TermList = MapTerm | StopTerm | CandidateTerm -- TODO use generic JSON instance derive instance Generic TermList _ instance Eq TermList where eq = genericEq instance Ord TermList where compare = genericCompare instance JSON.WriteForeign TermList where writeImpl = JSON.writeImpl <<< show instance JSON.ReadForeign TermList where readImpl = JSONG.enumSumRep instance Show TermList where show = genericShow -- TODO: Can we replace the show instance above with this? termListName :: TermList -> String termListName MapTerm = "Map List" termListName StopTerm = "Stop List" termListName CandidateTerm = "Candidate List" instance Read TermList where read :: String -> Maybe TermList read "MapTerm" = Just MapTerm read "StopTerm" = Just StopTerm read "CandidateTerm" = Just CandidateTerm read _ = Nothing termLists :: Array { desc :: String, mval :: Maybe TermList } termLists = [ { desc: "All terms", mval: Nothing } , { desc: "Map terms", mval: Just MapTerm } , { desc: "Stop terms", mval: Just StopTerm } , { desc: "Candidate terms", mval: Just CandidateTerm } ] -- | Proof that row `r` is a subset of row `s` class Optional (r :: Row Type) (s :: Row Type) instance Union r t s => Optional r s showTabType' :: TabType -> String showTabType' (TabCorpus t) = show t showTabType' (TabDocument t) = show t showTabType' (TabPairing t) = show t newtype TabPostQuery = TabPostQuery { offset :: Int , limit :: Int , orderBy :: OrderBy , tabType :: TabType , query :: String } derive instance Generic TabPostQuery _ derive instance Newtype TabPostQuery _ derive newtype instance JSON.WriteForeign TabPostQuery data NodeType = Annuaire | Corpus | Dashboard | Error | Folder | FolderPrivate | FolderPublic | FolderShared | Graph | Individu | Node | Context | NodeContact | NodeList | NodeUser | Nodes | Phylo | Team | NodeTexts | Tree | Url_Document -- TODO Optional Nodes | NodeFile | NodeFrameCalc | NodeFrameNotebook | NodeFrameWrite | NodeFrameVisio | NodePublic NodeType derive instance Generic NodeType _ derive instance Eq NodeType instance JSON.ReadForeign NodeType where readImpl f = do s <- F.readString f case read s of Nothing -> $ F.ErrorAtProperty s $ F.ForeignError "unknown property" Just nt -> pure nt instance JSON.WriteForeign NodeType where writeImpl = JSON.writeImpl <<< show instance ArgGql NodeType NodeType instance VarTypeName NodeType where varTypeName _ = "NodeType!" instance Show NodeType where show NodeUser = "NodeUser" show Folder = "NodeFolder" show FolderPrivate = "NodeFolderPrivate" -- Node Private Worktop show FolderShared = "NodeFolderShared" -- Node Share Worktop show FolderPublic = "NodeFolderPublic" -- Node Public Worktop show Annuaire = "NodeAnnuaire" show NodeContact = "NodeContact" show Corpus = "NodeCorpus" show Dashboard = "NodeDashboard" show Url_Document = "NodeDocument" show Error = "NodeError" show Graph = "NodeGraph" show Phylo = "NodePhylo" show Individu = "NodeIndividu" show Node = "Node" show Nodes = "Nodes" show Context = "Context" show Tree = "NodeTree" show Team = "NodeTeam" show NodeList = "NodeList" show NodeTexts = "NodeTexts" show NodeFrameWrite = "NodeFrameWrite" show NodeFrameCalc = "NodeFrameCalc" show NodeFrameNotebook = "NodeFrameNotebook" show NodeFrameVisio = "NodeFrameVisio" show (NodePublic nt) = "NodePublic" <> show nt show NodeFile = "NodeFile" instance Read NodeType where read "NodeUser" = Just NodeUser read "NodeFolder" = Just Folder read "NodeFolderPrivate" = Just FolderPrivate read "NodeFolderShared" = Just FolderShared read "NodeFolderPublic" = Just FolderPublic read "NodeAnnuaire" = Just Annuaire read "NodeDashboard" = Just Dashboard read "Document" = Just Url_Document read "NodeGraph" = Just Graph read "NodePhylo" = Just Phylo read "Individu" = Just Individu read "Node" = Just Node read "Nodes" = Just Nodes read "Context" = Just Context read "NodeCorpus" = Just Corpus read "NodeContact" = Just NodeContact read "Tree" = Just Tree read "NodeTeam" = Just Team read "NodeList" = Just NodeList read "NodeTexts" = Just NodeTexts read "Annuaire" = Just Annuaire read "NodeFrameWrite" = Just NodeFrameWrite read "NodeFrameCalc" = Just NodeFrameCalc read "NodeFrameNotebook" = Just NodeFrameNotebook read "NodeFrameVisio" = Just NodeFrameVisio read "NodeFile" = Just NodeFile -- TODO NodePublic read ? read _ = Nothing ------------------------------------------------------ instance translateNodeType :: Translate NodeType where translate l n = case l of FR -> translateFR n _ -> translateEN n translateFR :: NodeType -> String translateFR = case _ of Annuaire -> "Annuaire" Corpus -> "Corpus" Dashboard -> "Dashboard" Error -> "Erreur" Folder -> "Dossier" FolderPrivate -> "Dossier privé" FolderPublic -> "Dossier public" FolderShared -> "Dossier partagé" Graph -> "Graphe" Individu -> "Individu" Node -> "Nœud" Context -> "ConTexte" NodeContact -> "Contact" NodeList -> "Liste" NodeUser -> "Utilisateur" Nodes -> "Nœuds" Phylo -> "Phylo" Team -> "Équipe" NodeTexts -> "Docs" Tree -> "Arbre" Url_Document -> "Document URL" -- NodeFile -> "Fichier" NodeFrameCalc -> "Feuilles de calcul" NodeFrameNotebook -> "Carnet de notes" NodeFrameWrite -> "Éditeur de texte" NodeFrameVisio -> "Visio" NodePublic n -> translateFR n translateEN :: NodeType -> String translateEN = case _ of Annuaire -> "Annuaire" Corpus -> "Corpus" Dashboard -> "Dashboard" Error -> "Error" Folder -> "Folder" FolderPrivate -> "Private folder" FolderPublic -> "Public folder" FolderShared -> "Shared folder" Graph -> "Graph" Individu -> "Person" Node -> "Node" Context -> "Context" NodeContact -> "Contact" NodeList -> "List" NodeUser -> "User" Nodes -> "Nodes" Phylo -> "Phylo" Team -> "Team" NodeTexts -> "Docs" Tree -> "Tree" Url_Document -> "URL document" -- NodeFile -> "File" NodeFrameCalc -> "Calc" NodeFrameNotebook -> "Notebook" NodeFrameWrite -> "Write" NodeFrameVisio -> "Visio" NodePublic n -> translateEN n ------------------------------------------------------ -- @NOTE: #379 deprecate the idea of circle/non-circle icons getIcon :: NodeType -> Boolean -> String getIcon NodeUser false = "user-circle" getIcon NodeUser true = "user" ------------------------------------------------------ getIcon Folder false = "folder" getIcon Folder true = "folder-open-o" ------------------------------------------------------ getIcon FolderPrivate true = "lock" getIcon FolderPrivate false = "lock-circle" getIcon FolderShared true = "share-alt" getIcon FolderShared false = "share-circle" getIcon Team true = "users" getIcon Team false = "users-closed" getIcon FolderPublic true = "globe-circle" getIcon FolderPublic false = "globe" ------------------------------------------------------ getIcon Corpus true = "book" getIcon Corpus false = "book-circle" getIcon Phylo _ = "code-fork" getIcon Graph _ = "hubzilla" getIcon NodeTexts _ = "newspaper-o" getIcon Dashboard _ = "signal" getIcon NodeList _ = "list" getIcon NodeFile _ = "file" -- TODO depending on mime type we can use fa-file-image etc getIcon Annuaire true = "address-card-o" getIcon Annuaire false = "address-card" getIcon NodeContact true = "address-card-o" getIcon NodeContact false = "address-card" getIcon NodeFrameWrite true = "file-text-o" getIcon NodeFrameWrite false = "file-text" getIcon NodeFrameCalc true = "calculator" getIcon NodeFrameCalc false = "calculator" getIcon NodeFrameNotebook true = "file-code-o" getIcon NodeFrameNotebook false = "code" getIcon NodeFrameVisio true = "video-camera" getIcon NodeFrameVisio false = "video-camera" getIcon (NodePublic nt) b = getIcon nt b getIcon _ true = "folder-open" getIcon _ false = "folder-o" ------------------------------------------------------ fldr :: NodeType -> Boolean -> String fldr nt flag = classNamePrefix <> getIcon nt flag charCodeIcon :: NodeType -> Boolean -> String charCodeIcon nt flag = glyphiconToCharCode $ getIcon nt flag publicize :: NodeType -> NodeType publicize (NodePublic nt) = NodePublic nt publicize nt = NodePublic nt isPublic :: NodeType -> Boolean isPublic (NodePublic _) = true isPublic FolderPublic = true isPublic _ = false {- ------------------------------------------------------------ instance Ord NodeType where compare n1 n2 = compare (show n1) (show n2) instance Eq NodeType where eq n1 n2 = eq (show n1) (show n2) -} ------------------------------------------------------------ nodeTypePath :: NodeType -> String nodeTypePath Folder = "folder" nodeTypePath FolderPrivate = "folderPrivate" nodeTypePath FolderShared = "folderShared" nodeTypePath FolderPublic = "folderPublic" nodeTypePath Annuaire = "annuaire" nodeTypePath Corpus = "corpus" nodeTypePath Dashboard = "dashboard" nodeTypePath Url_Document = "document" nodeTypePath Error = "ErrorNodeType" nodeTypePath Graph = "graph" nodeTypePath Phylo = "phylo" nodeTypePath Individu = "individu" nodeTypePath Node = "node" nodeTypePath Nodes = "nodes" nodeTypePath Context = "context" nodeTypePath NodeUser = "user" nodeTypePath NodeContact = "contact" nodeTypePath Tree = "tree" nodeTypePath NodeList = "lists" nodeTypePath NodeTexts = "texts" nodeTypePath Team = "team" nodeTypePath NodeFrameWrite = "write" nodeTypePath NodeFrameCalc = "calc" nodeTypePath NodeFrameNotebook = "code" nodeTypePath NodeFrameVisio = "visio" nodeTypePath (NodePublic nt) = nodeTypePath nt nodeTypePath NodeFile = "file" ------------------------------------------------------------ type CorpusId = Int type DocId = Int type ListId = Int type AnnuaireId = Int type ContactId = Int data ScoreType = Occurrences derive instance Generic ScoreType _ instance Eq ScoreType where eq = genericEq instance Show ScoreType where show = genericShow type SearchQuery = String type NgramsGetOpts = { limit :: Limit , listIds :: Array ListId , offset :: Maybe Offset , orderBy :: Maybe OrderBy , searchQuery :: SearchQuery , tabType :: TabType , termListFilter :: Maybe TermList , termSizeFilter :: Maybe TermSize } type NgramsGetTableAllOpts = { listIds :: Array ListId , tabType :: TabType } type SearchOpts = { {-id :: Int , query :: Array String ,-} listId :: Int , limit :: Limit , offset :: Offset , orderBy :: Maybe OrderBy } type CorpusMetricOpts = { tabType :: TabType , listId :: ListId , limit :: Maybe Limit } type ChartOpts = { chartType :: ChartType , limit :: Maybe Limit , listId :: Maybe ListId , tabType :: TabType } data NodePath = NodePath SessionId NodeType (Maybe Id) nodePath :: NodePath -> String nodePath (NodePath s t i) = nodeTypePath t <> "/" <> show s <> id where id = maybe "" (\j -> "/" <> show j) i data ChartType = Histo | Scatter | ChartPie | ChartBar | ChartTree instance Show ChartType where show Histo = "chart" show Scatter = "scatter" show ChartBar = "bar" show ChartPie = "pie" show ChartTree = "tree" chartTypeFromString :: String -> Maybe ChartType chartTypeFromString "bar" = Just ChartBar chartTypeFromString "chart" = Just Histo chartTypeFromString "pie" = Just ChartPie chartTypeFromString "scatter" = Just Scatter chartTypeFromString "tree" = Just ChartTree chartTypeFromString _ = Nothing type Id = Int type Limit = Int type Offset = Int data OrderBy = DateAsc | DateDesc | TitleAsc | TitleDesc | ScoreAsc | ScoreDesc | TermAsc | TermDesc | SourceAsc | SourceDesc derive instance Generic OrderBy _ instance Show OrderBy where show = genericShow instance JSON.ReadForeign OrderBy where readImpl = JSONG.enumSumRep instance JSON.WriteForeign OrderBy where writeImpl = JSON.writeImpl <<< show ------------------------------------------------------------ -- V0 is the dummy case (impossible) data ApiVersion = V0 | V10 | V11 derive instance Generic ApiVersion _ instance JSON.ReadForeign ApiVersion where readImpl f = do s <- JSON.readImpl f case s of "v0" -> pure V0 "v1.0" -> pure V10 "v1.1" -> pure V11 x -> $ F.ErrorAtProperty x $ F.ForeignError "unknown API value" instance JSON.WriteForeign ApiVersion where writeImpl v = F.unsafeToForeign $ JSON.writeImpl $ show v instance Show ApiVersion where show V0 = "v0" show V10 = "v1.0" show V11 = "v1.1" instance Eq ApiVersion where eq V10 V10 = true eq V11 V11 = true eq _ _ = false ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Types of ngrams. Used to display user-selectable tabs and is sent via API, -- wrapped in `TabNgramType a :: TabSubType` data CTabNgramType = CTabTerms | CTabSources | CTabAuthors | CTabInstitutes derive instance Generic CTabNgramType _ derive instance Eq CTabNgramType derive instance Ord CTabNgramType instance Show CTabNgramType where show CTabTerms = "Terms" show CTabSources = "Sources" show CTabAuthors = "Authors" show CTabInstitutes = "Institutes" instance Read CTabNgramType where read "Terms" = Just CTabTerms read "Sources" = Just CTabSources read "Authors" = Just CTabAuthors read "Institutes" = Just CTabInstitutes read _ = Nothing instance JSON.ReadForeign CTabNgramType where readImpl = JSONG.enumSumRep instance JSON.WriteForeign CTabNgramType where writeImpl = JSON.writeImpl <<< show data PTabNgramType = PTabPatents | PTabBooks | PTabCommunication derive instance Generic PTabNgramType _ instance Eq PTabNgramType where eq = genericEq instance Ord PTabNgramType where compare = genericCompare instance Show PTabNgramType where show PTabPatents = "Patents" show PTabBooks = "Books" show PTabCommunication = "Communication" instance JSON.WriteForeign PTabNgramType where writeImpl = JSON.writeImpl <<< show data TabSubType a = TabDocs | TabNgramType a | TabTrash | TabMoreLikeFav | TabMoreLikeTrash derive instance Generic (TabSubType a) _ instance Eq a => Eq (TabSubType a) where eq = genericEq instance Ord a => Ord (TabSubType a) where compare = genericCompare instance JSON.WriteForeign a => JSON.WriteForeign (TabSubType a) where writeImpl TabDocs = JSON.writeImpl { type: "TabDocs" , data: (Nothing :: Maybe String) } writeImpl (TabNgramType a) = JSON.writeImpl { type: "TabNgramType" , data: a } writeImpl TabTrash = JSON.writeImpl { type: "TabTrash" , data: (Nothing :: Maybe String) } writeImpl TabMoreLikeFav = JSON.writeImpl { type: "TabMoreLikeFav" , data: (Nothing :: Maybe String) } writeImpl TabMoreLikeTrash = JSON.writeImpl { type: "TabMoreLikeTrash" , data: (Nothing :: Maybe String) } {- instance DecodeJson a => DecodeJson (TabSubType a) where decodeJson j = do obj <- decodeJson j typ <- obj .: "type" dat <- obj .: "data" case typ of "TabDocs" -> TabDocs "TabNgramType" -> TabNgramType dat "TabTrash" -> TabTrash "TabMoreLikeFav" -> TabMoreLikeFav "TabMoreLikeTrash" -> TabMoreLikeTrash _ -> Left ("Unknown type '" <> typ <> "'") -} instance Show a => Show (TabSubType a) where show TabDocs = "Docs" show (TabNgramType a) = show a show TabTrash = "Trash" show TabMoreLikeFav = "MoreFav" show TabMoreLikeTrash = "MoreTrash" data TabType = TabCorpus (TabSubType CTabNgramType) | TabPairing (TabSubType PTabNgramType) | TabDocument (TabSubType CTabNgramType) derive instance Generic TabType _ derive instance Eq TabType derive instance Ord TabType instance Show TabType where show = genericShow instance JSON.WriteForeign TabType where writeImpl (TabCorpus TabDocs) = JSON.writeImpl "Docs" writeImpl (TabCorpus (TabNgramType CTabAuthors)) = JSON.writeImpl "Authors" writeImpl (TabCorpus (TabNgramType CTabInstitutes)) = JSON.writeImpl "Institutes" writeImpl (TabCorpus (TabNgramType CTabSources)) = JSON.writeImpl "Sources" writeImpl (TabCorpus (TabNgramType CTabTerms)) = JSON.writeImpl "Terms" writeImpl (TabCorpus TabMoreLikeFav) = JSON.writeImpl "MoreFav" writeImpl (TabCorpus TabMoreLikeTrash) = JSON.writeImpl "MoreTrash" writeImpl (TabCorpus TabTrash) = JSON.writeImpl "Trash" writeImpl (TabDocument TabDocs) = JSON.writeImpl "Docs" writeImpl (TabDocument (TabNgramType CTabAuthors)) = JSON.writeImpl "Authors" writeImpl (TabDocument (TabNgramType CTabInstitutes)) = JSON.writeImpl "Institutes" writeImpl (TabDocument (TabNgramType CTabSources)) = JSON.writeImpl "Sources" writeImpl (TabDocument (TabNgramType CTabTerms)) = JSON.writeImpl "Terms" writeImpl (TabDocument TabMoreLikeFav) = JSON.writeImpl "MoreFav" writeImpl (TabDocument TabMoreLikeTrash) = JSON.writeImpl "MoreTrash" writeImpl (TabDocument TabTrash) = JSON.writeImpl "Trash" writeImpl (TabPairing _d) = JSON.writeImpl "TabPairing" -- TODO -- ["Docs","Trash","MoreFav","MoreTrash","Terms","Sources","Authors","Institutes","Contacts"] {- instance DecodeJson TabType where decodeJson j = do obj <- decodeJson j typ <- obj .: "type" dat <- obj .: "data" case typ of "TabCorpus" -> TabCorpus dat "TabDocument" -> TabDocument dat "TabPairing" -> TabPairing dat _ -> Left ("Unknown type '" <> typ <> "'") -} type TableResult a = {count :: Int, docs :: Array a} type AffTableResult a = Aff (TableResult a) type AffETableResult a = AffRESTError (TableResult a) data Mode = Authors | Sources | Institutes | Terms derive instance Generic Mode _ instance Show Mode where show = genericShow instance Eq Mode where eq = genericEq instance Ord Mode where compare = genericCompare instance JSON.WriteForeign Mode where writeImpl = JSON.writeImpl <<< show modeTabType :: Mode -> CTabNgramType modeTabType Authors = CTabAuthors modeTabType Institutes = CTabInstitutes modeTabType Sources = CTabSources modeTabType Terms = CTabTerms modeFromString :: String -> Maybe Mode modeFromString "Authors" = Just Authors modeFromString "Institutes" = Just Institutes modeFromString "Sources" = Just Sources modeFromString "Terms" = Just Terms modeFromString _ = Nothing -- Async tasks -- corresponds to /add/form/async or /add/query/async data AsyncTaskType = AddNode | CorpusFormUpload -- this is file upload too | GraphRecompute | ListUpload | ListCSVUpload -- legacy v3 CSV upload for lists | NodeDocument | Query | UpdateNgramsCharts | UpdateNode | UploadFile | UploadFrameCalc derive instance Generic AsyncTaskType _ instance JSON.ReadForeign AsyncTaskType where readImpl = JSONG.enumSumRep instance Eq AsyncTaskType where eq = genericEq instance Show AsyncTaskType where show = genericShow asyncTaskTypePath :: AsyncTaskType -> String asyncTaskTypePath AddNode = "async/nobody/" asyncTaskTypePath CorpusFormUpload = "add/form/async/" asyncTaskTypePath GraphRecompute = "async/recompute/" asyncTaskTypePath ListUpload = "add/form/async/" asyncTaskTypePath ListCSVUpload = "csv/add/form/async/" asyncTaskTypePath NodeDocument = "document/upload/async" asyncTaskTypePath Query = "query/" asyncTaskTypePath UpdateNgramsCharts = "ngrams/async/charts/update/" asyncTaskTypePath UpdateNode = "update/" asyncTaskTypePath UploadFile = "async/file/add/" asyncTaskTypePath UploadFrameCalc = "add/framecalc/async/" type AsyncTaskID = String data AsyncTaskStatus = IsRunning | IsPending | IsReceived | IsStarted | IsFailure | IsFinished | IsKilled derive instance Generic AsyncTaskStatus _ instance JSON.ReadForeign AsyncTaskStatus where readImpl = JSONG.enumSumRep instance Show AsyncTaskStatus where show = genericShow derive instance Eq AsyncTaskStatus -- instance Read AsyncTaskStatus where -- read "IsFailure" = Just Failed -- read "IsFinished" = Just Finished -- read "IsKilled" = Just Killed -- read "IsPending" = Just Pending -- read "IsReceived" = Just Received -- read "IsRunning" = Just Running -- read "IsStarted" = Just Started -- read _ = Nothing newtype AsyncTask = AsyncTask { id :: AsyncTaskID , status :: AsyncTaskStatus } derive instance Generic AsyncTask _ derive instance Newtype AsyncTask _ derive newtype instance JSON.ReadForeign AsyncTask instance Eq AsyncTask where eq = genericEq newtype AsyncTaskWithType = AsyncTaskWithType { task :: AsyncTask , typ :: AsyncTaskType } derive instance Generic AsyncTaskWithType _ derive instance Newtype AsyncTaskWithType _ derive newtype instance JSON.ReadForeign AsyncTaskWithType instance Eq AsyncTaskWithType where eq = genericEq newtype AsyncProgress = AsyncProgress { id :: AsyncTaskID , error :: Maybe String , log :: Array AsyncTaskLog , status :: AsyncTaskStatus } derive instance Generic AsyncProgress _ derive instance Newtype AsyncProgress _ derive newtype instance JSON.ReadForeign AsyncProgress newtype AsyncEvent = AsyncEvent { level :: String , message :: String } derive instance Generic AsyncEvent _ derive instance Newtype AsyncEvent _ derive newtype instance JSON.ReadForeign AsyncEvent newtype AsyncTaskLog = AsyncTaskLog { events :: Array AsyncEvent , failed :: Int , remaining :: Int , succeeded :: Int } derive instance Generic AsyncTaskLog _ derive instance Newtype AsyncTaskLog _ derive newtype instance JSON.ReadForeign AsyncTaskLog progressPercent :: AsyncProgress -> Number progressPercent (AsyncProgress { log }) = perc where perc = case A.head log of Nothing -> 0.0 Just (AsyncTaskLog {failed, remaining, succeeded}) -> 100.0*nom/denom where nom = toNumber $ failed + succeeded denom = toNumber $ failed + succeeded + remaining --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | GarganText Internal Sugar prettyNodeType :: NodeType -> String prettyNodeType nt = S.replace (S.Pattern "Node") (S.Replacement " ") $ S.replace (S.Pattern "Folder") (S.Replacement " ") $ show nt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- data SidePanelState = InitialClosed | Opened | Closed derive instance Generic SidePanelState _ instance Eq SidePanelState where eq = genericEq toggleSidePanelState :: SidePanelState -> SidePanelState toggleSidePanelState InitialClosed = Opened toggleSidePanelState Closed = Opened toggleSidePanelState Opened = Closed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- data FrontendError = FStringError { error :: String } | FRESTError { error :: RESTError } | FOtherError { error :: String } derive instance Generic FrontendError _ instance Eq FrontendError where eq = genericEq ----------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype CacheParams = CacheParams { expandTableEdition :: Boolean } derive instance Newtype CacheParams _ derive instance Generic CacheParams _ derive instance Eq CacheParams instance Show CacheParams where show = genericShow derive newtype instance JSON.ReadForeign CacheParams derive newtype instance JSON.WriteForeign CacheParams -- (!) in case cache storage (ie. JavaScript Local Storage) returns an invalid -- objects (eg. possible data migration), this will safely set new default -- values defaultCacheParams :: CacheParams defaultCacheParams = CacheParams { expandTableEdition : false }