module Gargantext.Config.REST where import Affjax.Web (Error(..), defaultRequest, request) import Affjax as Affjax import Affjax.RequestBody (formData, formURLEncoded, string) import Affjax.RequestHeader as ARH import Affjax.ResponseFormat as ResponseFormat import Data.Argonaut.Core as AC import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Foldable (foldMap) import Data.FormURLEncoded as FormURLEncoded import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic) import Data.HTTP.Method (Method(..)) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.MediaType.Common (applicationFormURLEncoded, applicationJSON, multipartFormData) import Data.Tuple (Tuple) import Effect (Effect) import Effect.Aff (Aff) import Effect.Class (liftEffect) import Foreign as Foreign import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2 import Simple.JSON as JSON import Web.XHR.FormData as XHRFormData type Token = String data RESTError = SendResponseError Affjax.Error | ReadJSONError Foreign.MultipleErrors | CustomError String derive instance Generic RESTError _ instance Show RESTError where show (SendResponseError e) = "SendResponseError " <> showError e where showError (RequestContentError e') = "(RequestContentError " <> show e' <> ")" showError (ResponseBodyError fe _) = "(ResponseBodyError " <> show fe <> " (rf)" -- <> show rf <> ")" showError (TimeoutError) = "(TimeoutError)" showError (RequestFailedError) = "(RequestFailedError)" showError (XHROtherError e') = "(XHROtherError " <> show e' <> ")" show (ReadJSONError e) = "ReadJSONError " <> show e show (CustomError s) = "CustomError " <> s instance Eq RESTError where -- this is crude but we need it only because of useLoader eq _ _ = false logRESTError :: R2.Here -> String -> RESTError -> Effect Unit logRESTError here prefix (SendResponseError e) = here.warn2 (prefix <> " SendResponseError ") e -- TODO: No show logRESTError here prefix (ReadJSONError e) = here.warn2 (prefix <> " ReadJSONError ") $ show e logRESTError here prefix (CustomError e) = here.warn2 (prefix <> " CustomError ") $ e type AffRESTError a = Aff (Either RESTError a) readJSON :: forall a b. JSON.ReadForeign a => Either Affjax.Error { body :: AC.Json | b } -> Either RESTError a readJSON affResp = case affResp of Left err -> do -- _ <- liftEffect $ log $ printError err --throwError $ error $ printError err Left $ SendResponseError err Right resp -> do --_ <- liftEffect $ log json.status --_ <- liftEffect $ log json.headers --_ <- liftEffect $ log json.body case (JSON.readJSON $ AC.stringify resp.body) of Left err -> Left $ ReadJSONError err Right r -> Right r -- TODO too much duplicate code in `postWwwUrlencoded` send :: forall body res. JSON.WriteForeign body => JSON.ReadForeign res => Method -> Maybe Token -> String -> Maybe body -> AffRESTError res send m mtoken url reqbody = do let req = defaultRequest { url = url , responseFormat = ResponseFormat.json , method = Left m , headers = [ ARH.ContentType applicationJSON , ARH.Accept applicationJSON ] <> foldMap (\token -> [ARH.RequestHeader "Authorization" $ "Bearer " <> token] ) mtoken , content = Just $ string $ JSON.writeJSON reqbody } case mtoken of Nothing -> pure unit Just token -> liftEffect $ do let cookie = "JWT-Cookie=" <> token <> "; Path=/;" --" HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Lax" R2.setCookie cookie affResp <- request req pure $ readJSON affResp noReqBody :: Maybe String noReqBody = Just "" --noReqBody = Nothing get :: forall a. JSON.ReadForeign a => Maybe Token -> String -> AffRESTError a get mtoken url = send GET mtoken url noReqBody put :: forall a b. JSON.WriteForeign a => JSON.ReadForeign b => Maybe Token -> String -> a -> AffRESTError b put mtoken url = send PUT mtoken url <<< Just put_ :: forall a. JSON.ReadForeign a => Maybe Token -> String -> AffRESTError a put_ mtoken url = send PUT mtoken url noReqBody delete :: forall a. JSON.ReadForeign a => Maybe Token -> String -> AffRESTError a delete mtoken url = send DELETE mtoken url noReqBody -- This might not be a good idea: -- deleteWithBody :: forall a b. JSON.WriteForeign a => JSON.ReadForeign b => Maybe Token -> String -> a -> AffRESTError b deleteWithBody mtoken url = send DELETE mtoken url <<< Just post :: forall a b. JSON.WriteForeign a => JSON.ReadForeign b => Maybe Token -> String -> a -> AffRESTError b post mtoken url = send POST mtoken url <<< Just type FormDataParams = Array (Tuple String (Maybe String)) -- TODO too much duplicate code with `send` postWwwUrlencoded :: forall b. JSON.ReadForeign b => Maybe Token -> String -> FormDataParams -> AffRESTError b postWwwUrlencoded mtoken url bodyParams = do affResp <- request $ defaultRequest { url = url , responseFormat = ResponseFormat.json , method = Left POST , headers = [ ARH.ContentType applicationFormURLEncoded , ARH.Accept applicationJSON ] <> foldMap (\token -> [ARH.RequestHeader "Authorization" $ "Bearer " <> token] ) mtoken , content = Just $ formURLEncoded urlEncodedBody } pure $ readJSON affResp where urlEncodedBody = FormURLEncoded.fromArray bodyParams postMultipartFormData :: forall b. JSON.ReadForeign b => Maybe Token -> String -> String -> AffRESTError b postMultipartFormData mtoken url body = do fd <- liftEffect $ _ <- liftEffect $ XHRFormData.append (XHRFormData.EntryName "body") body fd affResp <- request $ defaultRequest { url = url , responseFormat = ResponseFormat.json , method = Left POST , headers = [ ARH.ContentType multipartFormData , ARH.Accept applicationJSON ] <> foldMap (\token -> [ ARH.RequestHeader "Authorization" $ " " <> token ] ) mtoken , content = Just $ formData fd } pure $ readJSON affResp