module Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.API ( get , UpdateData(..) , TimeUnit(..), ReflexiveTimeUnit(..), TimeUnitCriteria(..) , Clique(..), ReflexiveClique(..), CliqueFilter(..) , toReflexiveTimeUnit, fromReflexiveTimeUnit, extractCriteria , toReflexiveClique , update, updateProgress ) where import Gargantext.Prelude import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Newtype (class Newtype) import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow) import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..)) import Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.JSON (PhyloJSON) import Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.Types (PhyloSet, parseToPhyloSet) import Gargantext.Config.REST (AffRESTError) import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..)) import Gargantext.Routes as GR import Gargantext.Sessions (Session) import Gargantext.Sessions as S import Gargantext.Types (NodeID) import Gargantext.Types as GT import Record as Record import Simple.JSON as JSON import Simple.JSON.Generics as JSONG get :: S.Session -> NodeID -> AffRESTError (PhyloSet) get session nodeId = request >>= (_ <#> parseToPhyloSet) >>> pure where request :: AffRESTError (PhyloJSON) request = S.get session $ PhyloAPI nodeId ---------------------------------------------------------- newtype UpdateData = UpdateData { proximity :: Number , synchrony :: Number , quality :: Number , timeUnit :: TimeUnit , clique :: Clique , exportFilter :: Number } derive instance Generic UpdateData _ derive instance Eq UpdateData derive instance Newtype UpdateData _ instance Show UpdateData where show = genericShow derive newtype instance JSON.ReadForeign UpdateData instance JSON.WriteForeign UpdateData where writeImpl (UpdateData o) = (JSON.writeImpl <<< rename) o where rename = Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "proximity") (SProxy :: SProxy "_sc_phyloProximity") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "synchrony") (SProxy :: SProxy "_sc_phyloSynchrony") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "quality") (SProxy :: SProxy "_sc_phyloQuality") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "timeUnit") (SProxy :: SProxy "_sc_timeUnit") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "clique") (SProxy :: SProxy "_sc_clique") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "exportFilter") (SProxy :: SProxy "_sc_exportFilter") data TimeUnit = Epoch TimeUnitCriteria | Year TimeUnitCriteria | Month TimeUnitCriteria | Week TimeUnitCriteria | Day TimeUnitCriteria derive instance Generic TimeUnit _ derive instance Eq TimeUnit instance Show TimeUnit where show = genericShow instance JSON.ReadForeign TimeUnit where readImpl = JSONG.untaggedSumRep instance JSON.WriteForeign TimeUnit where writeImpl = case _ of Epoch (TimeUnitCriteria o) -> (JSON.writeImpl <<< parseEpoch) o Year (TimeUnitCriteria o) -> (JSON.writeImpl <<< parseYear) o Month (TimeUnitCriteria o) -> (JSON.writeImpl <<< parseMonth) o Week (TimeUnitCriteria o) -> (JSON.writeImpl <<< parseWeek) o Day (TimeUnitCriteria o) -> (JSON.writeImpl <<< parseDay) o where parseEpoch = Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "period") (SProxy :: SProxy "_epoch_period") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "step") (SProxy :: SProxy "_epoch_step") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "matchingFrame") (SProxy :: SProxy "_epoch_matchingFrame") >>> Record.insert (SProxy :: SProxy "tag") "Epoch" parseYear = Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "period") (SProxy :: SProxy "_year_period") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "step") (SProxy :: SProxy "_year_step") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "matchingFrame") (SProxy :: SProxy "_year_matchingFrame") >>> Record.insert (SProxy :: SProxy "tag") "Year" parseMonth = Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "period") (SProxy :: SProxy "_month_period") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "step") (SProxy :: SProxy "_month_step") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "matchingFrame") (SProxy :: SProxy "_month_matchingFrame") >>> Record.insert (SProxy :: SProxy "tag") "Month" parseWeek = Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "period") (SProxy :: SProxy "_week_period") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "step") (SProxy :: SProxy "_week_step") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "matchingFrame") (SProxy :: SProxy "_week_matchingFrame") >>> Record.insert (SProxy :: SProxy "tag") "Week" parseDay = Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "period") (SProxy :: SProxy "_day_period") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "step") (SProxy :: SProxy "_day_step") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "matchingFrame") (SProxy :: SProxy "_day_matchingFrame") >>> Record.insert (SProxy :: SProxy "tag") "Day" data ReflexiveTimeUnit = Epoch_ | Year_ | Month_ | Week_ | Day_ derive instance Generic ReflexiveTimeUnit _ derive instance Eq ReflexiveTimeUnit instance Show ReflexiveTimeUnit where show = genericShow instance Read ReflexiveTimeUnit where read :: String -> Maybe ReflexiveTimeUnit read = case _ of "Epoch_" -> Just Epoch_ "Year_" -> Just Year_ "Month_" -> Just Month_ "Week_" -> Just Week_ "Day_" -> Just Day_ _ -> Nothing newtype TimeUnitCriteria = TimeUnitCriteria { period :: Int , step :: Int , matchingFrame :: Int } derive instance Generic TimeUnitCriteria _ derive instance Eq TimeUnitCriteria derive instance Newtype TimeUnitCriteria _ instance Show TimeUnitCriteria where show = genericShow derive newtype instance JSON.ReadForeign TimeUnitCriteria data Clique = FIS { support :: Int , size :: Int } | MaxClique { size :: Int , threshold :: Number , filter :: CliqueFilter } derive instance Eq Clique derive instance Generic Clique _ instance Show Clique where show = genericShow instance JSON.ReadForeign Clique where readImpl = JSONG.untaggedSumRep instance JSON.WriteForeign Clique where writeImpl = case _ of FIS o -> (JSON.writeImpl <<< parseFIS) o MaxClique o -> (JSON.writeImpl <<< parseMaxClique) o where parseFIS = Record.insert (SProxy :: SProxy "tag") "Fis" >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "support") (SProxy :: SProxy "_fis_support") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "size") (SProxy :: SProxy "_fis_size") parseMaxClique = Record.insert (SProxy :: SProxy "tag") "MaxClique" >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "size") (SProxy :: SProxy "_mcl_size") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "threshold") (SProxy :: SProxy "_mcl_threshold") >>> Record.rename (SProxy :: SProxy "filter") (SProxy :: SProxy "_mcl_filter") data ReflexiveClique = FIS_ | MaxClique_ derive instance Generic ReflexiveClique _ derive instance Eq ReflexiveClique instance Show ReflexiveClique where show = genericShow instance Read ReflexiveClique where read :: String -> Maybe ReflexiveClique read = case _ of "FIS_" -> Just FIS_ "MaxClique_" -> Just MaxClique_ _ -> Nothing data CliqueFilter = ByThreshold | ByNeighbours derive instance Eq CliqueFilter derive instance Generic CliqueFilter _ instance Show CliqueFilter where show = genericShow instance JSON.ReadForeign CliqueFilter where readImpl = JSONG.enumSumRep instance JSON.WriteForeign CliqueFilter where writeImpl = JSON.writeImpl <<< show instance Read CliqueFilter where read :: String -> Maybe CliqueFilter read = case _ of "ByThreshold" -> Just ByThreshold "ByNeighbours" -> Just ByNeighbours _ -> Nothing toReflexiveTimeUnit :: TimeUnit -> ReflexiveTimeUnit toReflexiveTimeUnit (Epoch _) = Epoch_ toReflexiveTimeUnit (Year _) = Year_ toReflexiveTimeUnit (Month _) = Month_ toReflexiveTimeUnit (Week _) = Week_ toReflexiveTimeUnit (Day _) = Day_ fromReflexiveTimeUnit :: ReflexiveTimeUnit -> TimeUnitCriteria -> TimeUnit fromReflexiveTimeUnit Epoch_ c = Epoch c fromReflexiveTimeUnit Year_ c = Year c fromReflexiveTimeUnit Month_ c = Month c fromReflexiveTimeUnit Week_ c = Week c fromReflexiveTimeUnit Day_ c = Day c extractCriteria :: TimeUnit -> TimeUnitCriteria extractCriteria (Epoch (o :: TimeUnitCriteria)) = o extractCriteria (Year (o :: TimeUnitCriteria)) = o extractCriteria (Month (o :: TimeUnitCriteria)) = o extractCriteria (Week (o :: TimeUnitCriteria)) = o extractCriteria (Day (o :: TimeUnitCriteria)) = o toReflexiveClique :: Clique -> ReflexiveClique toReflexiveClique (FIS _) = FIS_ toReflexiveClique (MaxClique _) = MaxClique_ update :: Session -> NodeID -> Unit -> AffRESTError GT.AsyncTaskWithType update session nodeId _ = session request {} >>= case _ of Left err -> pure $ Left err Right task -> pure $ Right $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task , typ: GT.UpdateNode } where request = GR.NodeAPI GT.Node (Just nodeId) (GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.UpdateNode) updateProgress :: Session -> NodeID -> GT.AsyncTaskWithType -> AffRESTError GT.AsyncProgress updateProgress session nodeId (GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task: GT.AsyncTask { id } }) = S.get session request where request = GR.NodeAPI GT.Node (Just nodeId) (GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.UpdateNode <> pollParams) pollParams = "/" <> id <> "/poll?limit1"