module Gargantext.Utils.KarpRabin.Spec where import Prelude import Data.Array (index) import Data.Foldable (all) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isJust) import Data.String (drop, stripPrefix, Pattern(..)) import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..)) import Gargantext.Utils.KarpRabin (indicesOfAny) -- import Test.QuickCheck ((===), (/==), (), Result(..)) import Test.Spec (Spec, describe, it) import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual) import Test.Spec.QuickCheck (quickCheck') validIndices :: Array String -> String -> Boolean validIndices pats input = all validIndex (indicesOfAny pats input) where validIndex (Tuple i ps) = all validPat ps where input' = drop i input validPat p = case index pats p of Just pat -> isJust (stripPrefix (Pattern pat) input') -- (show input' <> " should start with " <> show pat) Nothing -> false -- Failed "out of bounds pattern" spec :: Spec Unit spec = describe "KarpRabin" do it "works on a single pattern matching two times" do let pats = ["ab"] let input = "abcbab" let output = [Tuple 0 [0], Tuple 4 [0]] indicesOfAny pats input `shouldEqual` output it "works on a many unmatching patterns" do let pats = ["abd","e","bac","abcbabe"] let input = "abcbab" let output = [] indicesOfAny pats input `shouldEqual` output it "works on a simple case" do let pats = ["ab","cb","bc","bca"] let input = "abcbab" let output = [Tuple 0 [0] ,Tuple 1 [2] ,Tuple 2 [1] ,Tuple 4 [0] ] indicesOfAny pats input `shouldEqual` output it "works with overlaps" do let pats = ["aba"] let input = "ababa" let output = [Tuple 0 [0] ,Tuple 2 [0] ] indicesOfAny pats input `shouldEqual` output it "returns valid indices" do validIndices ["a","ab","ba","abc","aba","abab","abcde"] "ababarbabacbbababcaccacabbababa" `shouldEqual` true it "returns valid indices 2000 random samples" do quickCheck' 2000 validIndices